We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

And nowhere in it does he say anything about a bribery. I even posted the transcript along with the video.
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.
In other words, you know what you posted is stupid.

I've explained it a dozen times. You think I haven't because no one involved used the term "bribe."

That's how fucking stupid you are.
No, fucking moron, what you explained were the voices you hear in your head; not in reality.

There was no active investigation into Burisma Holdings when Biden let Ukraine have that billion dollar guaranteed loan.

And more saliently, there was never an investigation into Biden Hunter by the Ukraine.

Are you ever not a fucking moron, fucking moron?



ā€˜Son of b***h got firedā€™: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ā€˜in six hoursā€™

The incident that Biden referred to dates back to late March 2016. At that time, the then-US vice president met Ukrainian government officials to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as US financial assistance to Kiev. Biden apparently used US guarantees of a third loan worth $1 billion as a means of applying pressure on Kiev. ā€œI said, ā€˜Iā€™m telling you, youā€™re not getting the billion dollars,ā€™ā€ he said at the meeting on Tuesday, recalling on the incident.

The then-Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was indeed removed from his post by the Ukrainian parliament on March 29, 2016. Two days later, Kiev announced that Biden had met with Poroshenko and ā€œinformed him about the US decision to provide [an] additional $335 million for reforms of the security sector of Ukraine.ā€ It also said that ā€œpossibilities for providing the third loan guarantee of $1 billionā€ were ā€œopen.ā€ Poroshenko officially dismissed Shokin on April 3, 2016.
You stepped on a rake and smacked yourself in the balls once again.
Fucking moron ... what in there disagrees with what I said? What in there indicates Hunter or Burisma were being investigated?
The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.




He admitted to strong-arming a corrupt government to clean up its act if they wanted the money we were prepared to give them. I'm still waiting for someone to explain what was wrong with that. Another poster just posted a video of trump saying exactly that....

"Why would you give money to a country you think is corrupt?" ~ Donald Trump

You idiot, that wasn't the corrupt government.

The NAZIS that Obama, Biden, Nuland and the CIA put into power after them are the corrupt ones.

You like NAZIS do ya? :dunno:

Sounds like you want to wrestle the title of USMB fucking moron from bripat9643. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, it wasn't just Biden who wanted him gone; nor was this process contained to just 6 hours...
  • Thereā€™s little question that the Bidensā€™ paths in Ukraine held the potential for conflict, and in a tweet last week, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said the U.S. should investigate the matter. But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

    ā€œThere was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,ā€ Kasko said in an interview last week. ā€œIt was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.ā€

    Kaskoā€™s assessment adds a wrinkle to one of the first political intrigues of the 2020 election season. It undercuts the idea that Biden, now a top Democratic presidential candidate, was seeking to sideline a prosecutor who was actively threatening a company tied to his son. Instead, it appears more consistent with Bidenā€™s previous statements that he was pressing for the removal of a prosecutor who was failing to tackle rampant corruption: According to public reports and internal documents from the Ukrainian prosecutorā€™s office, U.S. officials had expressed concern for more than a year about Ukrainian prosecutorsā€™ failure to assist an international investigation of Zlochevsky

    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
  • The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.


Biden wanted the guy out who was accussed of NOT investigating Burisma Holdings or its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

You people are dumber than shit, I tell ya.

No one really takes the current government of Ukraine seriously, it is a puppet regime that wasn't democratically elected. That nation is in turmoil. It is in a low level civil war, a third of it doesn't vote.

On top of that, no one takes the spook littered corporate media that is associated with the CFR, from which you post stories concerning the current puppet regime in Ukraine, seriously either.

I can tell you either never viewed the video I posted of Nuland admitting they created a coop, or you ignored it. Nice.

Do you get your bullshit talking points directly from the Kremlin?
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
Biden's son.

I swear, you are purposely playing dumb at this point.
It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid.

Naw, I don't think he is stupid at all.

I'm pretty sure he knows precisely what he is doing.

I believe he is in someway associated with those in power, or the Intel or private Intel agencies. It is his job to push disinfo or reinforce the ruling paradigm.

And nowhere in it does he say anything about a bribery. I even posted the transcript along with the video.
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
Biden's son.

I swear, you are purposely playing dumb at this point.
His son had nothing to lose, fucking moron -- he wasn't under investigation. Neither was Burisma or it's owner.

I can't believe you're so retarded that you still can't grasp that even after I posted two news articles on the subject. :cuckoo:
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.
In other words, you know what you posted is stupid.

I've explained it a dozen times. You think I haven't because no one involved used the term "bribe."

That's how fucking stupid you are.
No, fucking moron, what you explained were the voices you hear in your head; not in reality.

There was no active investigation into Burisma Holdings when Biden let Ukraine have that billion dollar guaranteed loan.

And more saliently, there was never an investigation into Biden Hunter by the Ukraine.

Are you ever not a fucking moron, fucking moron?



ā€˜Son of b***h got firedā€™: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ā€˜in six hoursā€™

The incident that Biden referred to dates back to late March 2016. At that time, the then-US vice president met Ukrainian government officials to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as US financial assistance to Kiev. Biden apparently used US guarantees of a third loan worth $1 billion as a means of applying pressure on Kiev. ā€œI said, ā€˜Iā€™m telling you, youā€™re not getting the billion dollars,ā€™ā€ he said at the meeting on Tuesday, recalling on the incident.

The then-Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was indeed removed from his post by the Ukrainian parliament on March 29, 2016. Two days later, Kiev announced that Biden had met with Poroshenko and ā€œinformed him about the US decision to provide [an] additional $335 million for reforms of the security sector of Ukraine.ā€ It also said that ā€œpossibilities for providing the third loan guarantee of $1 billionā€ were ā€œopen.ā€ Poroshenko officially dismissed Shokin on April 3, 2016.
You stepped on a rake and smacked yourself in the balls once again.
Fucking moron ... what in there disagrees with what I said? What in there indicates Hunter or Burisma were being investigated?
The prosecutor announced that he intended to investigate the company. Whether he proceeded or not is beside the point.
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
Biden's son.

I swear, you are purposely playing dumb at this point.
It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid.
You are, fucking moron. And it really isn't hard to believe. Not even close. Even after being shown Hunter was in no danger of losing his job, not being investigated, and his company not being investigated -- you still think Joe Biden somehow saved his job.
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
Biden's son.

I swear, you are purposely playing dumb at this point.
His son had nothing to lose, fucking moron -- he wasn't under investigation. Neither was Burisma or it's owner.

I can't believe you're so retarded that you still can't grasp that even after I posted two news articles on the subject. :cuckoo:
He was about to be investigated, according to the prosecutor who was fired at Biden's request.

ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
Biden's son.

I swear, you are purposely playing dumb at this point.
His son had nothing to lose, fucking moron -- he wasn't under investigation. Neither was Burisma or it's owner.

I can't believe you're so retarded that you still can't grasp that even after I posted two news articles on the subject. :cuckoo:
I would say that becoming the subject of a huge corruption scandal is a pretty big loss, especially for his father.
The whistleblower report was found to be credible and urgent.

You republicans and trampers are deplorable.




He admitted to strong-arming a corrupt government to clean up its act if they wanted the money we were prepared to give them. I'm still waiting for someone to explain what was wrong with that. Another poster just posted a video of trump saying exactly that....

"Why would you give money to a country you think is corrupt?" ~ Donald Trump

You idiot, that wasn't the corrupt government.

The NAZIS that Obama, Biden, Nuland and the CIA put into power after them are the corrupt ones.

You like NAZIS do ya? :dunno:

Sounds like you want to wrestle the title of USMB fucking moron from bripat9643. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, it wasn't just Biden who wanted him gone; nor was this process contained to just 6 hours...
  • Thereā€™s little question that the Bidensā€™ paths in Ukraine held the potential for conflict, and in a tweet last week, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said the U.S. should investigate the matter. But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

    ā€œThere was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,ā€ Kasko said in an interview last week. ā€œIt was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.ā€

    Kaskoā€™s assessment adds a wrinkle to one of the first political intrigues of the 2020 election season. It undercuts the idea that Biden, now a top Democratic presidential candidate, was seeking to sideline a prosecutor who was actively threatening a company tied to his son. Instead, it appears more consistent with Bidenā€™s previous statements that he was pressing for the removal of a prosecutor who was failing to tackle rampant corruption: According to public reports and internal documents from the Ukrainian prosecutorā€™s office, U.S. officials had expressed concern for more than a year about Ukrainian prosecutorsā€™ failure to assist an international investigation of Zlochevsky

    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
  • The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.


Biden wanted the guy out who was accussed of NOT investigating Burisma Holdings or its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

You people are dumber than shit, I tell ya.

No one really takes the current government of Ukraine seriously, it is a puppet regime that wasn't democratically elected. That nation is in turmoil. It is in a low level civil war, a third of it doesn't vote.

On top of that, no one takes the spook littered corporate media that is associated with the CFR, from which you post stories concerning the current puppet regime in Ukraine, seriously either.

I can tell you either never viewed the video I posted of Nuland admitting they created a coop, or you ignored it. Nice.

Great, now what does any of that have to do with the reality you're avoiding that Shokin wasn't looking into purported corruption by Burisma or its owner?



He admitted to strong-arming a corrupt government to clean up its act if they wanted the money we were prepared to give them. I'm still waiting for someone to explain what was wrong with that. Another poster just posted a video of trump saying exactly that....

"Why would you give money to a country you think is corrupt?" ~ Donald Trump

You idiot, that wasn't the corrupt government.

The NAZIS that Obama, Biden, Nuland and the CIA put into power after them are the corrupt ones.

You like NAZIS do ya? :dunno:

Sounds like you want to wrestle the title of USMB fucking moron from bripat9643. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, it wasn't just Biden who wanted him gone; nor was this process contained to just 6 hours...
  • Thereā€™s little question that the Bidensā€™ paths in Ukraine held the potential for conflict, and in a tweet last week, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said the U.S. should investigate the matter. But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

    ā€œThere was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against Zlochevsky,ā€ Kasko said in an interview last week. ā€œIt was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015.ā€

    Kaskoā€™s assessment adds a wrinkle to one of the first political intrigues of the 2020 election season. It undercuts the idea that Biden, now a top Democratic presidential candidate, was seeking to sideline a prosecutor who was actively threatening a company tied to his son. Instead, it appears more consistent with Bidenā€™s previous statements that he was pressing for the removal of a prosecutor who was failing to tackle rampant corruption: According to public reports and internal documents from the Ukrainian prosecutorā€™s office, U.S. officials had expressed concern for more than a year about Ukrainian prosecutorsā€™ failure to assist an international investigation of Zlochevsky

    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
  • The United States and other Western nations had for months called for the ousting of Mr. Shokin, who was widely criticized for turning a blind eye to corrupt practices and for defending the interests of a venal and entrenched elite. He was one of several political figures in Kiev whom reformers and Western diplomats saw as a worrying indicator of a return to past corrupt practices, two years after a revolution that was supposed to put a stop to self-dealing by those in power.


Biden wanted the guy out who was accussed of NOT investigating Burisma Holdings or its owner, Mykola Zlochevsky.

You people are dumber than shit, I tell ya.

No one really takes the current government of Ukraine seriously, it is a puppet regime that wasn't democratically elected. That nation is in turmoil. It is in a low level civil war, a third of it doesn't vote.

On top of that, no one takes the spook littered corporate media that is associated with the CFR, from which you post stories concerning the current puppet regime in Ukraine, seriously either.

I can tell you either never viewed the video I posted of Nuland admitting they created a coop, or you ignored it. Nice.

Great, now what does any of that have to do with the reality you're avoiding that Shokin wasn't looking into purported corruption by Burisma or its owner?
Someone must have beaten you over the head until your brains spilled out.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
Biden's son.

I swear, you are purposely playing dumb at this point.
It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid.

Naw, I don't think he is stupid at all.

I'm pretty sure he knows precisely what he is doing.

I believe he is in someway associated with those in power, or the Intel or private Intel agencies. It is his job to push disinfo or reinforce the ruling paradigm.


And by "pushing disinformation," you mean citing and sourcing news articles which back my position. While from your side, all I see is stupidity and now memes.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.
In other words, you know what you posted is stupid.

I've explained it a dozen times. You think I haven't because no one involved used the term "bribe."

That's how fucking stupid you are.
No, fucking moron, what you explained were the voices you hear in your head; not in reality.

There was no active investigation into Burisma Holdings when Biden let Ukraine have that billion dollar guaranteed loan.

And more saliently, there was never an investigation into Biden Hunter by the Ukraine.

Are you ever not a fucking moron, fucking moron?



ā€˜Son of b***h got firedā€™: Joe Biden forced Ukraine to sack prosecutor general ā€˜in six hoursā€™

The incident that Biden referred to dates back to late March 2016. At that time, the then-US vice president met Ukrainian government officials to discuss the situation in Ukraine as well as US financial assistance to Kiev. Biden apparently used US guarantees of a third loan worth $1 billion as a means of applying pressure on Kiev. ā€œI said, ā€˜Iā€™m telling you, youā€™re not getting the billion dollars,ā€™ā€ he said at the meeting on Tuesday, recalling on the incident.

The then-Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin was indeed removed from his post by the Ukrainian parliament on March 29, 2016. Two days later, Kiev announced that Biden had met with Poroshenko and ā€œinformed him about the US decision to provide [an] additional $335 million for reforms of the security sector of Ukraine.ā€ It also said that ā€œpossibilities for providing the third loan guarantee of $1 billionā€ were ā€œopen.ā€ Poroshenko officially dismissed Shokin on April 3, 2016.
You stepped on a rake and smacked yourself in the balls once again.
Fucking moron ... what in there disagrees with what I said? What in there indicates Hunter or Burisma were being investigated?
The prosecutor announced that he intended to investigate the company. Whether he proceeded or not is beside the point.

He said that AFTER he was fired for not looking into company.


Dayum, you're one gigantic fucking moron. :lmao:

And fucking moron, here's the next part you're too rightarded to comprehend ---- by him saying he was planning to look into the matter when he was fired .....

...... are ya sitting down ..... ? .....

..... means what I said was spot on accurate -- he wasn't looking into it before he got fired.


Thanks for the assist ... wasn't necessary, but thanks just the same.
Oh my...look at all the reflexive, cultish whataboutism....
Using the term "whataboutism" is how hypocrites announce their presence to the herd.
Yes, that is what reflexive, cultish whatabouters have to tell themselves. How embarrassing that you are all so intellectually incapable and cowardly, that you have to change every topic to one easier for your brains to handle....
Give a link for your accusation , as its not true.
You replied to a thread that has a link to the video, dumbass.
And nowhere in it does he say anything about a bribery. I even posted the transcript along with the video.
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.
In other words, you know what you posted is stupid.

I've explained it a dozen times. You think I haven't because no one involved used the term "bribe."

That's how fucking stupid you are.
What we know is if trump did it you wouldnā€™t care.
And nowhere in it does he say anything about a bribery. I even posted the transcript along with the video.
ROFL! It takes a real genius to believe that you can't be bribing someone if you don't use the word "bribe."

You are so fucking stupid it must hurt.

Slobbers the USMB fucking moron who still can't explain the bribe he thinks took place.

You are too stupid to understand that leveraging that loan guarantee equates to the same thing as a bribe, as Biden's son still made out like a bandit.

It was quid pro quo, start to finish.
How the fuck is it a bribe when Biden had nothing to gain? :cuckoo:
So his son getting 85K a year from a no-show job is "nothing to gain?"

You are so mother fucking dumb it's a wonder you have enough brain power to make your lungs work.

If someone gave your children thousands of dollars in exchange for a favor from you, would you say you had "nothing to gain?"
If trumps kids do it thatā€™s okay?

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