We do not want a transcript of the call, we want the Whistleblower's

Acting Director of National Intelligence Maguire has refused to share the whistleblower complaint with Congress as required by law, and the White House Office of Legal Counsel has been involved in efforts to keep it from Congress.

The President of the United States once again asked a foreign power to interfere in our Presidential election on his behalf, and he withheld military aid to Ukraine to provide an inducement.

Ordinarily, Trump gets someone else to do his dirty work, and there is no tape, no documentation of his involvement. This time he blabbed, and he did so to the American people.

Trump used the power of his office to tell the acting DNI to break the law, and he just admitted it. "We’ll make a determination about how to release it."

Of course, we all know there is no "we" about it. He will decide whether or not to release it.

Essentially, Trump told the American people he broke the law.

NBC reports, "Trump said Tuesday he had authorized the release of the "complete, fully declassified and unredacted" transcript of a July phone call he had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the center of questions stemming from reports that Trump pressured him to investigate the family of former Vice President Joe Biden."

Too easy. As of Aug. 5, his 928th day in office, Trump had made 12,019 false or misleading claims, according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement the President has uttered. We have gotten to the point where Americans can't believe anything Trump says.

So, we will get the transcript of a phone call and, according to Trump, it will be unredacted.

"You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo!" Trump tweeted.

I am sure that will be true.

The Post writes, "The staffer wasn’t privy to Trump’s call with Zelensky directly. But Trump’s conversation with Zelensky fit with other actions that the staffer had observed. It was part of a pattern, in other words, prompting the staffer to file a whistleblower complaint with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence."

The release of the transcript by the White House isn't likely to appease anyone. Democrats have been demanded that the administration provide the whistleblower complaint to Congress.
As of Aug. 5, his 928th day in office, Trump had made 12,019 false or misleading claims, according to the Fact Checker’s database that analyzes, categorizes and tracks every suspect statement the President has uttered. We have gotten to the point where Americans can't believe anything Trump says.

“The final key to the way I promote is bravado, Trump said, explaining truthful hyperbole. "I play to people’s fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That’s why a little hyperbole never hurts. People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole. It’s an innocent form of exaggeration—and a very effective form of promotion.”
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.

There is no name.

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Don't want it. It sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and give the whistleblower complaint to the gang of eight...as the law prescribes.

It sets a bad precedent? For criminal behavior? Funny...
Releasing transcripts of presidential conversations sets a bad precedent. Just follow the law and forward the full whistleblower complaint that the Trump appointed IG said was urgent.

You think Trump and Barr will voluntarily release the whistleblower complaint?

No, but a judge can compel them...or we get another Snowden/Manning. I prefer that the information is not leaked to the public by the whistleblower. It should be given only to the gang of 8 for now.
A whistleblower with second or third hand info....whoever heard of a whistleblower WITHOUT DIRECT CONFIRMATION... but I forget you people make it up as you go along!...ROTFLMFAO

Moron number 4 with no link.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
bwaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaa ! the so called whistle blower has admitted that he didnt actually overhear the call ,but that he or she or it heard about from someone who heard about it from someone else !!!its all bullshit and Trump is loving it !

You’re the third moron I’ve seen claim that...without a link.
They all drink the koolaid from the same fountain.
a link to what ??? we dont even know what the actual transcript says yet ?? but to your disappointed once again we will see tomorrow !

A link to your claim that the whistleblower got his information 2nd or 3rd hand.

Trump has claimed Biden called for the removal of a notoriously corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014 to impede an investigation into Ukrainian gas company, where Hunter Biden was a member of its board of directors at the time. But Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing.

There’s no evidence Biden, as vice president, withheld aid to Ukraine to advance his own interest, as Trump has claimed. BUT, several House committees are now investigating whether Trump delayed more than $250 million in aid to Ukraine as he allegedly pressed Zelensky to advance his own interests.

“The one who’s got the problem is Biden,” Trump said Monday. “What Biden did is a disgrace. What his son did is a disgrace.”

No Trump. You are the one with the problem. You did what you falsely accused Biden of doing. And when the Ukraine told you Biden didn't do anything wrong, you withheld money to get them to lie for you. And now you got busted god bless the whistle blower.
You idiots are the liars, you prove it constantly.

No, just like this story Trump has proven to be a liar on a daily basis. And even when caught he never stops lying

Rump has claimed Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014 to impede an investigation into his son. Now I know you won't believe anyone but Trump, but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing.

But now Trump has done the exact thing he falsely accused Biden of doing.

And Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Remember he said Alabama was in the storms path and when the weather people corrected him he drew in Alabama with a sharpie? Are you fucking kidding me?


I mean are you kidding me?

"but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing."

You mean the puppet regime of Washington, the neo-nazis that were put in power AFTER Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014! Those are the folks that cleared Biden? C'mon, wake the fuck up dude. Now you are siding with Nazis? :auiqs.jpg:

There were a total of 39 candidates for the election on the ballot. The 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia and the occupation of parts of Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast prevented around 12% of eligible voters from participating in the election.
2019 Ukrainian presidential election - Wikipedia

What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did
What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did

". . . America’s criminal ‘news’ media never even reported the coup, nor that in 2011 the Obama regime began planning for a coup in Ukraine. And that by 1 March 2013 they started organizing it inside the U.S. Embassy there. And that they hired members of Ukraine’s two racist-fascist, or nazi, political parties, Right Sector and Svoboda (which latter had been called the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine until the CIA advised them to change it to Freedom Party, or “Svoboda” instead). And that in February 2014 they did it (and here’s the 4 February 2014 phone call instructing the U.S. Ambassador whom to place in charge of the new regime when the coup will be completed), under the cover of authentic anti-corruption demonstrations that the Embassy organized on the Maidan Square in Kiev, demonstrations that the criminal U.S. ‘news’ media misrepresented as ‘democracy demonstrations,’ though Ukraine already had democracy (but still lots of corruption, even more than today’s U.S. does, and the pontificating Obama said he was trying to end Ukraine’s corruption — which instead actually soared after his coup there).

The head of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor said it was “the most blatant coup in history” but he couldn’t say that to Americans, because he knows that our press is just a mouthpiece for the regime (just like it was during the lead-up to George W. Bush’s equally unprovoked invasion of Iraq — for which America’s ‘news’ media suffered likewise no penalties).
When subsequently accused by neocons for his having said this, his response was “I told the business journal Kommersant that if the US were behind a coup in Kiev, it would have been the most blatant coup in history,” but he was lying to say this, because, as I pointed out when writing about that rejoinder of his, he had, in fact, made quite clear in his Kommersant interview, that it was, in his view “the most blatant coup in history,” no conditionals on that.

Everybody knows what Obama, and Clinton, and Sarkozy, did to Libya — in their zeal to eliminate yet another nation’s leader who was friendly toward Russia (Muammar Gaddafi), they turned one of the highest-living-standard nations in Africa into a failed state and huge source of refugees (as well as of weapons that the Clinton State Department transferred to the jihadists in Syria to bring down Bashar al-Assad, another ally of Russia) — but the ‘news’ media have continued to hide what Obama (assisted by America’s European allies, especially Poland and Netherlands, and also by America’s apartheid Middle Eastern ally, Israel) did to Ukraine.. . . "

Trump is Washington, Biden isn't. If the Ukrainian government is a puppet administration to Washington, that speaks to Trump, not Biden. That makes their statements about Biden being clean even stronger.

D.C. is the Deep State, the folks eaves dropping and trying to set a coup on Trump.

But then. . . you know that.

Nobody can know that. It’s insane
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.

Penny-lope. Kinda like cantaloupe only cheaper.

You idiots are the liars, you prove it constantly.

No, just like this story Trump has proven to be a liar on a daily basis. And even when caught he never stops lying

Rump has claimed Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014 to impede an investigation into his son. Now I know you won't believe anyone but Trump, but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing.

But now Trump has done the exact thing he falsely accused Biden of doing.

And Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Remember he said Alabama was in the storms path and when the weather people corrected him he drew in Alabama with a sharpie? Are you fucking kidding me?


I mean are you kidding me?

"but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing."

You mean the puppet regime of Washington, the neo-nazis that were put in power AFTER Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014! Those are the folks that cleared Biden? C'mon, wake the fuck up dude. Now you are siding with Nazis? :auiqs.jpg:

There were a total of 39 candidates for the election on the ballot. The 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia and the occupation of parts of Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast prevented around 12% of eligible voters from participating in the election.
2019 Ukrainian presidential election - Wikipedia

What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did
What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did

". . . America’s criminal ‘news’ media never even reported the coup, nor that in 2011 the Obama regime began planning for a coup in Ukraine. And that by 1 March 2013 they started organizing it inside the U.S. Embassy there. And that they hired members of Ukraine’s two racist-fascist, or nazi, political parties, Right Sector and Svoboda (which latter had been called the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine until the CIA advised them to change it to Freedom Party, or “Svoboda” instead). And that in February 2014 they did it (and here’s the 4 February 2014 phone call instructing the U.S. Ambassador whom to place in charge of the new regime when the coup will be completed), under the cover of authentic anti-corruption demonstrations that the Embassy organized on the Maidan Square in Kiev, demonstrations that the criminal U.S. ‘news’ media misrepresented as ‘democracy demonstrations,’ though Ukraine already had democracy (but still lots of corruption, even more than today’s U.S. does, and the pontificating Obama said he was trying to end Ukraine’s corruption — which instead actually soared after his coup there).

The head of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor said it was “the most blatant coup in history” but he couldn’t say that to Americans, because he knows that our press is just a mouthpiece for the regime (just like it was during the lead-up to George W. Bush’s equally unprovoked invasion of Iraq — for which America’s ‘news’ media suffered likewise no penalties).
When subsequently accused by neocons for his having said this, his response was “I told the business journal Kommersant that if the US were behind a coup in Kiev, it would have been the most blatant coup in history,” but he was lying to say this, because, as I pointed out when writing about that rejoinder of his, he had, in fact, made quite clear in his Kommersant interview, that it was, in his view “the most blatant coup in history,” no conditionals on that.

Everybody knows what Obama, and Clinton, and Sarkozy, did to Libya — in their zeal to eliminate yet another nation’s leader who was friendly toward Russia (Muammar Gaddafi), they turned one of the highest-living-standard nations in Africa into a failed state and huge source of refugees (as well as of weapons that the Clinton State Department transferred to the jihadists in Syria to bring down Bashar al-Assad, another ally of Russia) — but the ‘news’ media have continued to hide what Obama (assisted by America’s European allies, especially Poland and Netherlands, and also by America’s apartheid Middle Eastern ally, Israel) did to Ukraine.. . . "

Trump is Washington, Biden isn't. If the Ukrainian government is a puppet administration to Washington, that speaks to Trump, not Biden. That makes their statements about Biden being clean even stronger.

D.C. is the Deep State, the folks eaves dropping and trying to set a coup on Trump.

But then. . . you know that.

Nobody can know that. It’s insane


So why was sealybobo claiming that Biden or his son were clean? Because the Ukrainian puppet regime said so? :dunno:

We can't really know one way or the other, can we now?

Not if we are honest.
Your video is a lie.

There was no open investigation into Burisma Holdings as they falsely claim.


Dumbfuck, nothing in that video contradicts what I said ... There was no open investigation into Burisma Holdings as your video falsely claims.


Then why did Jojo say he was going to hold back the money?...Hmmmmm:dig:

Because he wanted a corrupt prosecutor fired.

That you still don't know that after all this discussion; doesn't bode well for you.

How do we know that prosecutor wasn't honest and Biden isn't corrupt? All indications are that Biden is a corrupt piece of shit. :71:

Several nations, not just the U.S., and the U.N., AnTAC all wanted him out for corrupting the prosecutor general's office and not going after the elite. Even many in Ukraine's government wanted him out but couldn't achieve that because the president at the time refused to take their side. That was until Biden forced his hand 6 months later. And when Poroshenko finally agreed to initiate firing him, it passed overwhelmingly in their parliament.

I found this article which makes the case for removing him from office. This was published 6 months before he was finally fired...

Obstruction Of Justice: The case for firing Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin

In the first one, prosecutors, all is not well. More than 110 lawmakers led by Yegor Sobolev are calling on President Petro Poroshenko to fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin. Not only has Shokin failed to prosecute high-level crime in Ukraine, but critics call him the chief obstructionist to justice and accuse him of tolerating corruption within his ranks. “They want to spearhead corruption, not fight it,” Sobolev said of Shokin’s team. The top prosecutor has never agreed to be interviewed by the Kyiv Post.


In July, Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin announced with great fanfare that a court had authorized the trial in absentia for disgraced ex-President Viktor Yanukovych. But, almost two years after the EuroMaidan Revolution began, not a single indictment in corruption cases against the former president or his allies has been sent to court. Yegor Sobolev, a lawmaker from the Samopomich party and chairman of the Verkhovna Rada’s anti-corruption committee, believes that Shokin is stalling all high-profile investigations and covering up corrupt prosecutors. The only way out is to replace Shokin, a loyalist of President Petro Poroshenko, with a truly independent prosecutor able to deliver impartial justice, Sobolev says. Andriy Demartino, a spokesman for the Prosecutor General’s Office, declined to comment. Inefficiency and sabotage at the Prosecutor General’s Office has gotten out of hand to such an extent that even diplomats are using tough language.
What? Try English next time.
Yep, don't want to answer the question do you?
How can I answer a question that doesn't have English words in it? I suggested you repeat your question in English but it appears you don't really want an answer.
You're too stupid to know that was a simple question. Stupid libtards.
Containing non-English language. I don't speak conservative gibberish.
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.
bwaaa haaaaa haaaa haaaaa ! the so called whistle blower has admitted that he didnt actually overhear the call ,but that he or she or it heard about from someone who heard about it from someone else !!!its all bullshit and Trump is loving it !

You’re the third moron I’ve seen claim that...without a link.
They all drink the koolaid from the same fountain.
a link to what ??? we dont even know what the actual transcript says yet ?? but to your disappointed once again we will see tomorrow !

A link to your claim that the whistleblower got his information 2nd or 3rd hand.
its all over the news !!
No, just like this story Trump has proven to be a liar on a daily basis. And even when caught he never stops lying

Rump has claimed Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014 to impede an investigation into his son. Now I know you won't believe anyone but Trump, but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing.

But now Trump has done the exact thing he falsely accused Biden of doing.

And Trump lies about EVERYTHING. Remember he said Alabama was in the storms path and when the weather people corrected him he drew in Alabama with a sharpie? Are you fucking kidding me?


I mean are you kidding me?

"but Ukrainian authorities have cleared Biden of any wrongdoing."

You mean the puppet regime of Washington, the neo-nazis that were put in power AFTER Biden called for the removal of a prosecutor in Ukraine in 2014! Those are the folks that cleared Biden? C'mon, wake the fuck up dude. Now you are siding with Nazis? :auiqs.jpg:

There were a total of 39 candidates for the election on the ballot. The 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia and the occupation of parts of Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast prevented around 12% of eligible voters from participating in the election.
2019 Ukrainian presidential election - Wikipedia

What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did
What America’s Coup in Ukraine Did

". . . America’s criminal ‘news’ media never even reported the coup, nor that in 2011 the Obama regime began planning for a coup in Ukraine. And that by 1 March 2013 they started organizing it inside the U.S. Embassy there. And that they hired members of Ukraine’s two racist-fascist, or nazi, political parties, Right Sector and Svoboda (which latter had been called the Social Nationalist Party of Ukraine until the CIA advised them to change it to Freedom Party, or “Svoboda” instead). And that in February 2014 they did it (and here’s the 4 February 2014 phone call instructing the U.S. Ambassador whom to place in charge of the new regime when the coup will be completed), under the cover of authentic anti-corruption demonstrations that the Embassy organized on the Maidan Square in Kiev, demonstrations that the criminal U.S. ‘news’ media misrepresented as ‘democracy demonstrations,’ though Ukraine already had democracy (but still lots of corruption, even more than today’s U.S. does, and the pontificating Obama said he was trying to end Ukraine’s corruption — which instead actually soared after his coup there).

The head of the ‘private CIA’ firm Stratfor said it was “the most blatant coup in history” but he couldn’t say that to Americans, because he knows that our press is just a mouthpiece for the regime (just like it was during the lead-up to George W. Bush’s equally unprovoked invasion of Iraq — for which America’s ‘news’ media suffered likewise no penalties).
When subsequently accused by neocons for his having said this, his response was “I told the business journal Kommersant that if the US were behind a coup in Kiev, it would have been the most blatant coup in history,” but he was lying to say this, because, as I pointed out when writing about that rejoinder of his, he had, in fact, made quite clear in his Kommersant interview, that it was, in his view “the most blatant coup in history,” no conditionals on that.

Everybody knows what Obama, and Clinton, and Sarkozy, did to Libya — in their zeal to eliminate yet another nation’s leader who was friendly toward Russia (Muammar Gaddafi), they turned one of the highest-living-standard nations in Africa into a failed state and huge source of refugees (as well as of weapons that the Clinton State Department transferred to the jihadists in Syria to bring down Bashar al-Assad, another ally of Russia) — but the ‘news’ media have continued to hide what Obama (assisted by America’s European allies, especially Poland and Netherlands, and also by America’s apartheid Middle Eastern ally, Israel) did to Ukraine.. . . "

Trump is Washington, Biden isn't. If the Ukrainian government is a puppet administration to Washington, that speaks to Trump, not Biden. That makes their statements about Biden being clean even stronger.

D.C. is the Deep State, the folks eaves dropping and trying to set a coup on Trump.

But then. . . you know that.

Nobody can know that. It’s insane


So why was sealybobo claiming that Biden or his son were clean? Because the Ukrainian puppet regime said so? :dunno:

We can't really know one way or the other, can we now?

Not if we are honest.

That's not at all what I meant but since you're insane, I guess that's how you perceive it....
How could insisting on the truth about Biden's possibly illegal actions in Ukraine be construed as malfeasance? The Democrats seem to be saying that since Biden may be the Dem candidate he should have immunity for past crimes, just as they argued with Hillary.

To me it is all dependent on what, if anything, Trump offered up in exchange for information.
It's like there would be nothing wrong for CNN or Fox News asking Ukraine's leader about that conversation. However, if we later found out that the cable network gave the guy a chunk of cash, I'd be very suspect about his story.
The Democrat filth has nothing for America except an agenda to make this country a Socialist shithole so they can raid the Treasury to satisfy their greed.

Trump is standing in the way of them doing that and they can't stand it. He is also standing in the way of the Liberal assholes taking away our Liberty and Constitutional rights.

When the transcript comes out tomorrow once again these Democrat Butt Pirates will be made to look like fools.

They know they can't win an election based on their agenda of greed so they are trying to win with dirty tricks. That Russia shit didn't work out and nobody is buying the racist bullshit

Trump will cram this up their ass just like he has everything else.

So instead of talking about Trump breaking the law, you are so pathetically falling back on the socialism bs? Pathetic bro.

Raid the treasury? Have you seen the debt and deficits since Trump took office?

You also said Bush was standing in our way and that's why we didn't like him. Then he caused a great recession and Trump even admitted Bush lied us into Iraq. So your judgement is obviously flawed. You will defend a corrupt Republican no matter what, until it doesn't matter anymore then you will throw them under the bus like you did Bush.

You said Clinton and Obama were going to take away your liberty and constitutional rights. They didn't.

Trump did collude with Russia. Just not enough evidence to convict him. But we knew that wasn't the only place he was doing wrong and this story is just another one of the times where Trump has broken the law.

No, Moon Bat, Trump did not collude with Russia. You are confused. Go read the Muller report.

The filthy greedy Democrats are all running on a platform to give away a ton of free stuff. They are going to get the money out the Treasury and they don't give a shit if they run up another ten trillion in debt like that worthless asshole Neggra Musim Obama did.

They have nothing for this country except socialist destruction and that is not a winning platform except in the ghetto shitholes of this country. That is why they are making up crap about Trump.

The real culprit here is that Biden turd. Covering up for the corruption of his son getting a $50K a month job from a foreign country selling influence. John Kerry has been doing the same damn thing.

You stupid Moon Bats think you are on to something just like you thought a dozen other times. It is comical.

The good thing that will come out of this is that the voters in the swing districts that went for Democrats last time will see that the candidates that ran as "moderates" were really nothing more than run of the mill asshole Moon Bats that sides with the extreme TDS Left.

Trump will cram this all up their asses.
Complete miscalculation on your sides part I believe. You've gone too far.
How could insisting on the truth about Biden's possibly illegal actions in Ukraine be construed as malfeasance? The Democrats seem to be saying that since Biden may be the Dem candidate he should have immunity for past crimes, just as they argued with Hillary.

To me it is all dependent on what, if anything, Trump offered up in exchange for information.
It's like there would be nothing wrong for CNN or Fox News asking Ukraine's leader about that conversation. However, if we later found out that the cable network gave the guy a chunk of cash, I'd be very suspect about his story.

Here is the declassified transcript of the conversation. There is no evidence of threats or bribes, just a request that Ukeraine cooperate with the US Justice Department in its investigation into whether Biden used threats to withhold US aid in order to protect his son from being indicted.

Last edited:
report. They can make up a transcript of the call, so lets see the report that was sent to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) who determined it was creditable and urgent for the security of the US.

Also the name of the whistleblower should be given under classified info to the House Intelligence Committee.

Na, not just the Intel committee, but to the public.

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