We Finally Know the Case Against Trump, and It Is Strong

If Cohen made a too large contribution, that's a crime by Cohen, not Trump.


The next step is, if Trump falsified business records in order to aid and/or conceal the crimes committed by Cohen, that is a crime by Trump under the New York State Penal Code.

(Again, it's not the NDA or the money being paid to Daniels that is the legal problem. It was the money laundering through Cohen (he paid up front, hence the campaign violations) and was later reimbursed by Trump and business documents were falsified to make that happen.)

It really comes down to the concept of “aiding and abetting ”

If you are guilty of aiding and abetting… you are not charged with the crime you aided.

Do you understand that?
It really comes down to the concept of “aiding and abetting ”

If you are guilty of aiding and abetting… you are not charged with the crime you aided.

Do you understand that?
That’s actually not true.
So given all that, how was it that the DOJ prosecuted Cohen ?
Well, Cohen is not Trump.

They prosecuted him for tax evasion and falsifying mortgage documents. As part of that deal he had to plead guilty to the campaign finance thing, and include the language that he was directed by Trump, and he did it to "influence the election".

It was a coerced confession, and obviously written by Weissmann, but that doesn't bother dems. Now you guys are trying to convict Trump based on Cohen's confession. It will never end. Or I should say, it can only end one way.

I'm old- I remember when things were not like this. I despise the democrats for weaponizing the Federal agencies against their political enemies. The damage is irreparable. The Hatch Act used to mean something to Federal employees. That was a long time ago...
"Falsification of business records is a misdemeanor."

And when shown that it is a felony......we see a covering up, like below:

BACKTRACK: "Yeah, we know what the trumped up felony charge is"

So, we can only say, God bless, poster World Watcher for:
1. His patience
2. His desire to educate.
3. His ability to marshal argument.
4. His patience (again).....he is, after all, debating with Q, or maybe John F. Kennedy Jr., or a confirmed anti-Lizard People vigilante....clearly, he has reserves of patience and tolerance that is refreshing to see. Encouraging to see.

We wish him luck and fortitude.....but.....but he is up against a cult. He is trying to discourage the Branch Trumpidians from burning us all down. So yeah, we wish him luck.
How is hiding a too large campaign contribution that wasn't a contribution a crime?


When you falsify business records to hide the crime.


Yeah, I know.
I'm a blusher too.
Makes it near impossible to fib.
Despite frequent attempts.
When did the FEC rule the “hidden” action was a crime, and who was found guilty of it?

#1 The "F" in FEC stands for Federal. The FEC doesn't make such ruling regarding New York Penal Code (which is State law).

#2 No such ruling by the FEC is needed because the crime was charged and a conviction obtained in Federal District Court and the individual pled "guilty" based on the evidence against him.

#1 The "F" in FEC stands for Federal. The FEC doesn't make such ruling regarding New York Penal Code (which is State law).

#2 No such ruling by the FEC is needed because the crime was charged and a conviction obtained in Federal District Court and the individual pled "guilty" based on the evidence against him.

Exactly! The underlying “crime,” which was never prosecuted against Trump due to lack of evidence, is the one the DA is claiming in order to turn this into a felony. As part of his witch-hunt, he is looking for a way to try the underlying crime he insists existed.

There is a lot of pretzel-twisting going on to “get Trump,” as the DA promised his Trump-hating voters.

In the meantime, anyone notice that Biden’s theft of classified documents, found in a box in his garage, has fallen off the news? “Look….a squirrel!”

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