We Have No Business in Syria

While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.

Yes, I agree, but it was just one strike. What's more preplexing is that there is no evidence... no reason... no nothing.

I hope the neo-liberals haven't gotten to Trump... he wasn't elected to prove the idiots he has nothing to do with Putin. Those idiots are going to believe insane shit anyway.
In other words when you tried to think about Syria all you came up with is that you don't like President Trump. Perhaps thinking just isn't your thing.

no, I did think about it. There's nothing there that is worth one American life.

and Trump doesn't know what he's doing even if there were.
There you go again, you try to think about Syria all you come up with is that you don't like Trump. Maybe thinking just isn't for you. You might try hockey.
There you go again, you try to think about Syria all you come up with is that you don't like Trump. Maybe thinking just isn't for you. You might try hockey.

Trump is the guy who just pissed away $100,000,000.00 in hardware for no good reason...

I think you are the one who is confused. A couple of weeks ago, Trump and Tillerson were saying Assad was going to get to stay... now they are saying he has to go, but they haven't explained to us how that's going to happen, exactly, given the Russians and Iranians are insisting he stays.
We don't belong there and Assad didn't do it. Trump was backing off taking Assad out and the "rebels" did it to get us committed again. Well that and the Banksters want war.


The military has satellite and local radar coverage showing the flight path of the planes that delivered the Sarin Gas. They show the takeoff from the targeted airbase. It shows in detail their precise flight path to the target, where they flew away from the target then circled back to deliver a second load of bombs onto the victims, the rescue workers and the hospital where victims were taken. They have coordinating data showing the precise times the bombs hit the ground and witnesses testifying that the bombs were delivered by fixed wing aircraft.

Far too early for the panicked Progressives to whine about the ultimate goals of the mission.

Nope, False Flag and we are going to war.
I agree with op, we have no business in Syria. Is this going to end up like the other wars in ME? Unending? Taking the lives of our children and grandchildren that are currently in our military?
Funny how Obama bombed 6 nations that were no threat to America in his 8 years and the left applauded him for it.

Just one more example that the left stand for nothing. Just a bunch of airhead sheep willing to be used as useful idiots.
Why did trump spend $100 million but not hit anything of value?
Wanna bet Assad will now buy some brand new planes?
Why didn't he go for hitting the sarin?
Why did he tell Poooting first?

This was pure theater, designed to make us think he and Poooting are not the BFFs we all know they are, while leaving Assad happily torturing his people.
There you go again, you try to think about Syria all you come up with is that you don't like Trump. Maybe thinking just isn't for you. You might try hockey.

Trump is the guy who just pissed away $100,000,000.00 in hardware for no good reason...

I think you are the one who is confused. A couple of weeks ago, Trump and Tillerson were saying Assad was going to get to stay... now they are saying he has to go, but they haven't explained to us how that's going to happen, exactly, given the Russians and Iranians are insisting he stays.
The Iranians are inconsequential. Assad is in power only because of Russian bombing and Russian will agree to allow him to be forced out in negotiations with the US. The talks will begin next week when Tillerson in in Moscow.

It is important to remember that if Obama had not been just a blowhard and had backed up his demand that Assad must go with action, Russia would not be in Syria now. But when Obama did nothing, Putin understood he faced no risk from the US if he moved into Syria. The Syrian chemical attack, probably with Russia's approval, showed that Assad and Putin believed they could cross any red line with impunity, but they learned Thursday they couldn't. The Russians are humiliated by the US attack, and they understand they will face more humiliations if they continue to back Assad. Next week when Tillerson goes to Moscow he will begin talks on how Putin can end his support of Assad without losing face.
The Iranians are inconsequential. Assad is in power only because of Russian bombing and Russian will agree to allow him to be forced out in negotiations with the US. The talks will begin next week when Tillerson in in Moscow.

Awwww.. you think Tillerson is actually consequential...


Keep in mind that this is the same Tillerson who said a couple of weeks ago that we accept that Assad is going to stay. Until Jared reminded him who was really in charge.

It is important to remember that if Obama had not been just a blowhard and had backed up his demand that Assad must go with action, Russia would not be in Syria now. But when Obama did nothing, Putin understood he faced no risk from the US if he moved into Syria. The Syrian chemical attack, probably with Russia's approval, showed that Assad and Putin believed they could cross any red line with impunity, but they learned Thursday they couldn't.

Not sure how that proved they couldn't cross a red line. Firing 59 Cruise missiles and only killing 7 guys is kind of inconsequential. the thing is, we couldn't send in fighters because we'd probably lose some of them, due to the fact that Assad has state of the art air defenses thanks to the Russians.

The Russians are humiliated by the US attack, and they understand they will face more humiliations if they continue to back Assad. Next week when Tillerson goes to Moscow he will begin talks on how Putin can end his support of Assad without losing face.

More likely, Putin will show Tillerson pictures he has of hookers peeing on Trump, and that'll shut him up pretty fast!
The Iranians are inconsequential. Assad is in power only because of Russian bombing and Russian will agree to allow him to be forced out in negotiations with the US. The talks will begin next week when Tillerson in in Moscow.

Awwww.. you think Tillerson is actually consequential...


Keep in mind that this is the same Tillerson who said a couple of weeks ago that we accept that Assad is going to stay. Until Jared reminded him who was really in charge.

It is important to remember that if Obama had not been just a blowhard and had backed up his demand that Assad must go with action, Russia would not be in Syria now. But when Obama did nothing, Putin understood he faced no risk from the US if he moved into Syria. The Syrian chemical attack, probably with Russia's approval, showed that Assad and Putin believed they could cross any red line with impunity, but they learned Thursday they couldn't.

Not sure how that proved they couldn't cross a red line. Firing 59 Cruise missiles and only killing 7 guys is kind of inconsequential. the thing is, we couldn't send in fighters because we'd probably lose some of them, due to the fact that Assad has state of the art air defenses thanks to the Russians.

The Russians are humiliated by the US attack, and they understand they will face more humiliations if they continue to back Assad. Next week when Tillerson goes to Moscow he will begin talks on how Putin can end his support of Assad without losing face.

More likely, Putin will show Tillerson pictures he has of hookers peeing on Trump, and that'll shut him up pretty fast!
lol You see, once again, you try to think about Syria but all you can come up with is how much you dislike President Trump. Seriously, consider hockey.
lol You see, once again, you try to think about Syria but all you can come up with is how much you dislike President Trump. Seriously, consider hockey.

I have thought about Syria. I thought it was a terrible idea to get involved when Obama was involved, and it's a worse idea with Cheeto Jesus in charge, because he's fucking incompetent.

But if Trump wants to get spanked over Syria, you can enjoy the pain
lol You see, once again, you try to think about Syria but all you can come up with is how much you dislike President Trump. Seriously, consider hockey.

I have thought about Syria. I thought it was a terrible idea to get involved when Obama was involved, and it's a worse idea with Cheeto Jesus in charge, because he's fucking incompetent.

But if Trump wants to get spanked over Syria, you can enjoy the pain
Really, hockey. It's clearly the sport for you because you don't have to be afraid of brain damage.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.
The American attack against Syria was an act of political desperation on the part of a failing administration – reckless, unwarranted, and likely illegal, having nothing to do with 'morality.'
even if there was a good reason to get involved in Syria's five way civil war, (there isn't), I wouldn't trust Cheeto Jesus to lead that effort.


Insofar as biological weapons are being used, maintained or propagated in Syria... than yes we do have the "reason" to get involved, especially given our history a few short years ago with Assad's promises to that effect and celebration by the O admin. / Susan Rice to that effect. The distinguishing aspect of biological warfare is that it is extremely mobile, surreptitiously spreading it to any / every corner of this globe relatively easy... The fostering of biological / chemical capacity by Syria or Syria/Russia is a justifiable threat to OUR national security on the 'home front'...

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