We Have No Business in Syria

While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.

We are a nation of less than 350 Million on a planet with a population of four billion. We can't make the others play nice.
WRONG: The "numbers disparity" holds no water... We can, have, do and will continue to - "make others play nice"... Kind of naive or pie in the sky to think otherwise... Mid 1770's to present should leave no doubt in your mind!

Not surprised... this 'One World Order' 'Globalism' .... United Utopia of Mediocrity crap is being trumpeted in Universities, MSM, establishment Dems & Repubs., NATO and the UN (to mention a few)....

Good. Now how do you defeat Russia? You could invade them for three thousand miles and have another three thousand miles to go. How do you defeat them when we can't even defeat Terrorists in Afghanistan?

Our history is what I am talking about. We never defeated North Korea. It is a cease fire that has allowed them to rearm and upgrade. How do we defeat China?

Only a fool would beat his chest and cry we have the baddest military in the world. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of fools would ignore the reality of the disparity.

We can't win in Afghanistan. We arrogantly ignored history. The Persians, British, and Russians all lost there. But we have stealth portapotties and that will give us the edge.

The French lost in Vietnam and we laughed and stormed in to show them who was boss. Well we saw who was boss. We saw a nation that would not be defeated.

Cuba? How did the fight for freedom go there?

Grenada? It took 8,000 troops to remove 750 Cubans 200 of which were actually soldiers. The Army Rangers learned an important lesson. Keep your fucking helmet on.

Invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia

We won. It took weeks. But we finally rounded up the last of the buggers. It was sort of the Special Olympics for the Military after the defeat in Beirut. Or did you forget how we lost there under Reagan?

Or we could talk about the fantastic bombing of Libya under Reagan. You remember when we hit the French Embassy? Our intel was really spot on there.

Our history when you look at the facts is not nearly as glorious as you imagine.

The #SyriaStrikes: An Open Source Investigation
The #SyriaStrikes: An Open Source Investigation : The Corbett Report
Most worryingly, Russia has suspended the flight data sharing agreement with the US that coordinates the two powers’ activity over Syrian airspace and prevents missiles or sorties being shot down by accident. This was the same communication hotline that the Pentagon used to notify Russia about the strike before it happened. The scrapping of the agreement can only be read as Russia’s signal that future attempts by the US to breach Syrian airspace will be treated as a hostile action and dealt with militarily.

Now Russia is announcing new measures to bolster Syria’s air defense system and expand its own military presence in the country.

However frayed US/Russian relations have become in this age of “Cold War 2.0,” they just got a hell of a lot worse.

In fact, it was only one week ago that everything seemed to be going in the exact opposite direction. John McCain was furious with Rex Tillerson for daring to suggest that the Syrian people should decide what happens with Assad. ISIS was on the run and the “rebels” (read: terrorist insurgency) seemed all but broken. Peace talks were about to put the final nail in the coffin of the six year-long quest to topple the Syrian government…

…and now this. So what happened? Well, we have two stories to choose from.

The warmongers’ story is that Assad, being the most insane and suicidal leader in the history of the world, decided to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and gas some of his own citizens just as the world was contemplating leaving him alone.

The alternative story is that a Syrian government airstrike on Idlib hit a chemical weapons stockpile that the terrorists had stored there, thus releasing the material on their own population.

Points in favor of the alternative story are numerous. They include:

  • The fact that the previous chemical weapons “red line” incident turned out to be a rebel attack, not a Syrian government attack.
  • The fact that the Syrian government’s chemical weapons stockpile was confirmed destroyed in 2014.
  • The fact that Seymour Hersh has confirmed that Hillary Clinton had approved sending sarin gas to the Libyan “rebels.”
  • And the fact that all of the information about the latest attack has come from The White Helmets, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and other organizations that are funded by and in the interest of the US, UK and other belligerent governments.

So we arrive back at the key question about this series of events: cui bono?
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
You have abdicated your responsibility to humanity.

I hope that makes you ever so proud.

We won't feed the poor in our own nation but we can afford $110 million to fire 59 Tomahawk Missiles at an airport? Tomahawk (missile) - Wikipedia

Each Missile cost $1.85 million.

Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.
OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

Promoting the general welfare covers a great many things not specifically enumerated, and subject to change over time. Example eradicating smallpox worldwide promotes the general welfare of every american.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.

We are a nation of less than 350 Million on a planet with a population of four billion. We can't make the others play nice.
WRONG: The "numbers disparity" holds no water... We can, have, do and will continue to - "make others play nice"... Kind of naive or pie in the sky to think otherwise... Mid 1770's to present should leave no doubt in your mind!

Not surprised... this 'One World Order' 'Globalism' .... United Utopia of Mediocrity crap is being trumpeted in Universities, MSM, establishment Dems & Repubs., NATO and the UN (to mention a few)....

Good. Now how do you defeat Russia? You could invade them for three thousand miles and have another three thousand miles to go. How do you defeat them when we can't even defeat Terrorists in Afghanistan?

Our history is what I am talking about. We never defeated North Korea. It is a cease fire that has allowed them to rearm and upgrade. How do we defeat China?

Only a fool would beat his chest and cry we have the baddest military in the world. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of fools would ignore the reality of the disparity.

We can't win in Afghanistan. We arrogantly ignored history. The Persians, British, and Russians all lost there. But we have stealth portapotties and that will give us the edge.

The French lost in Vietnam and we laughed and stormed in to show them who was boss. Well we saw who was boss. We saw a nation that would not be defeated.

Cuba? How did the fight for freedom go there?

Grenada? It took 8,000 troops to remove 750 Cubans 200 of which were actually soldiers. The Army Rangers learned an important lesson. Keep your fucking helmet on.

Invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia

We won. It took weeks. But we finally rounded up the last of the buggers. It was sort of the Special Olympics for the Military after the defeat in Beirut. Or did you forget how we lost there under Reagan?

Or we could talk about the fantastic bombing of Libya under Reagan. You remember when we hit the French Embassy? Our intel was really spot on there.

Our history when you look at the facts is not nearly as glorious as you imagine.
Flip that around. How does Russia defeat the United States? China?

Russia and China are playing good poker and we have too many idiots in the United States who are playing "Go Fish" and do not realize when they are being bluffed.
OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

Promoting the general welfare covers a great many things not specifically enumerated, and subject to change over time. Example eradicating smallpox worldwide promotes the general welfare of every american.
Promoting the General Welfare of who? Let me help you:

Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States

Now tell me how taking in 60,000 refugees (that's not a limit, that's a start!) provides for the General Welfare of Americans?
We are a nation of less than 350 Million on a planet with a population of four billion. We can't make the others play nice.
We have the largest military spending by many times over than anybody else on the planet.

Rank Country Spending ($ Bn.)
1 United States 596.0
2 China 215.0
3 Saudi Arabia 87.2
4 Russia 66.4
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.

We are a nation of less than 350 Million on a planet with a population of four billion. We can't make the others play nice.
WRONG: The "numbers disparity" holds no water... We can, have, do and will continue to - "make others play nice"... Kind of naive or pie in the sky to think otherwise... Mid 1770's to present should leave no doubt in your mind!

Not surprised... this 'One World Order' 'Globalism' .... United Utopia of Mediocrity crap is being trumpeted in Universities, MSM, establishment Dems & Repubs., NATO and the UN (to mention a few)....

Good. Now how do you defeat Russia? You could invade them for three thousand miles and have another three thousand miles to go. How do you defeat them when we can't even defeat Terrorists in Afghanistan?

Our history is what I am talking about. We never defeated North Korea. It is a cease fire that has allowed them to rearm and upgrade. How do we defeat China?

Only a fool would beat his chest and cry we have the baddest military in the world. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of fools would ignore the reality of the disparity.

We can't win in Afghanistan. We arrogantly ignored history. The Persians, British, and Russians all lost there. But we have stealth portapotties and that will give us the edge.

The French lost in Vietnam and we laughed and stormed in to show them who was boss. Well we saw who was boss. We saw a nation that would not be defeated.

Cuba? How did the fight for freedom go there?

Grenada? It took 8,000 troops to remove 750 Cubans 200 of which were actually soldiers. The Army Rangers learned an important lesson. Keep your fucking helmet on.

Invasion of Grenada - Wikipedia

We won. It took weeks. But we finally rounded up the last of the buggers. It was sort of the Special Olympics for the Military after the defeat in Beirut. Or did you forget how we lost there under Reagan?

Or we could talk about the fantastic bombing of Libya under Reagan. You remember when we hit the French Embassy? Our intel was really spot on there.

Our history when you look at the facts is not nearly as glorious as you imagine.
Are you talking about a war like go in there and triumphantly plant the US flag??? we're not talking about the same thing here... declaration of war by congress would let us send a couple Tomahawks into the toilet bowl that Kim is sitting on... end of story... or something to that effect.... not exactly Afghanistan or the beaches of Normandy.....
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
That depends on whether you believe that morality is restricted to those who immediately effect you. I do understand your point though. I am conflicted.

We are a nation of less than 350 Million on a planet with a population of four billion. We can't make the others play nice.

Bull! We have the arms to make them all play nice. True story.

Armaments go a long way, baby.
There you go again, you try to think about Syria all you come up with is that you don't like Trump. Maybe thinking just isn't for you. You might try hockey.

Trump is the guy who just pissed away $100,000,000.00 in hardware for no good reason...

I think you are the one who is confused. A couple of weeks ago, Trump and Tillerson were saying Assad was going to get to stay... now they are saying he has to go, but they haven't explained to us how that's going to happen, exactly, given the Russians and Iranians are insisting he stays.
The Iranians are inconsequential. Assad is in power only because of Russian bombing and Russian will agree to allow him to be forced out in negotiations with the US. The talks will begin next week when Tillerson in in Moscow.

It is important to remember that if Obama had not been just a blowhard and had backed up his demand that Assad must go with action, Russia would not be in Syria now. But when Obama did nothing, Putin understood he faced no risk from the US if he moved into Syria. The Syrian chemical attack, probably with Russia's approval, showed that Assad and Putin believed they could cross any red line with impunity, but they learned Thursday they couldn't. The Russians are humiliated by the US attack, and they understand they will face more humiliations if they continue to back Assad. Next week when Tillerson goes to Moscow he will begin talks on how Putin can end his support of Assad without losing face.

Were going to fight the Iranians too, they are pushing to sell their oil for Gold and not the petro-dollar. It's coming.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
You have abdicated your responsibility to humanity.

I hope that makes you ever so proud.
Disagreed since there is nothing to stop you from personally participating in programs to help refugees, including sitting on your ass and just sending the Red Cross money.

OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

If sending $5 to the Red Cross helps erase the memory of those children, then I would suggest you have no humanity at all.

If you believe that helping refugees or donating money to the Red Cross will stop the horrific attacks, then I would suggest you have no historical sense at all.

As for your nonsensical "it ain't in the Constitution" argument, it is apparent you have no useful education at all.

Your self aggrandizement, provincialism, and self-inflicted elitism sicken me. Do you seriously believe that, by some divine right, you are the rightful heir of freedom and others are not? Do you honestly think that you have no moral responsibility to assist your fellow man to gain what you have been gifted by the blood of others? By what measure do you believe you have the right to self determination and self fulfillment while actively denying it to others? What level of humanity allows you to look at the atrocities of the world and say "It's not my problem."? Why do you believe you were gifted with special privileges that others shouldn't be?

Oh, yes - the Constitution! I see in Article 1, Section 8, that the government shall "... provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States ...".

Are you so naive as to believe that an uprising focused on the overthrow, and elimination, of the United States does NOT require a focused governmental reaction? Do you seriously believe that allowing radical Islam to take over the rest of the world would NOT constitute a threat to our general welfare? Do you seriously believe that the United States can isolate itself from all world activities? Do you seriously believe that the United States should NOT attempt to influence world evolution so as to place the United States in a safer and most advantageous position? Do you seriously believe ensuring that you have one more latte grande a week justifies the deaths of women and children at the hands of monsters and tyrants?
There you go again, you try to think about Syria all you come up with is that you don't like Trump. Maybe thinking just isn't for you. You might try hockey.

Trump is the guy who just pissed away $100,000,000.00 in hardware for no good reason...

I think you are the one who is confused. A couple of weeks ago, Trump and Tillerson were saying Assad was going to get to stay... now they are saying he has to go, but they haven't explained to us how that's going to happen, exactly, given the Russians and Iranians are insisting he stays.
The Iranians are inconsequential. Assad is in power only because of Russian bombing and Russian will agree to allow him to be forced out in negotiations with the US. The talks will begin next week when Tillerson in in Moscow.

It is important to remember that if Obama had not been just a blowhard and had backed up his demand that Assad must go with action, Russia would not be in Syria now. But when Obama did nothing, Putin understood he faced no risk from the US if he moved into Syria. The Syrian chemical attack, probably with Russia's approval, showed that Assad and Putin believed they could cross any red line with impunity, but they learned Thursday they couldn't. The Russians are humiliated by the US attack, and they understand they will face more humiliations if they continue to back Assad. Next week when Tillerson goes to Moscow he will begin talks on how Putin can end his support of Assad without losing face.

Were going to fight the Iranians too, they are pushing to sell their oil for Gold and not the petro-dollar. It's coming.
We've entered into "Wars of Opportunity" for less.... Lets hope not, now that the Hillda-beast isn't in a position of power...
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
You have abdicated your responsibility to humanity.

I hope that makes you ever so proud.
Disagreed since there is nothing to stop you from personally participating in programs to help refugees, including sitting on your ass and just sending the Red Cross money.

OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

If sending $5 to the Red Cross helps erase the memory of those children, then I would suggest you have no humanity at all.

If you believe that helping refugees or donating money to the Red Cross will stop the horrific attacks, then I would suggest you have no historical sense at all.

As for your nonsensical "it ain't in the Constitution" argument, it is apparent you have no useful education at all.

Your self aggrandizement, provincialism, and self-inflicted elitism sicken me. Do you seriously believe that, by some divine right, you are the rightful heir of freedom and others are not? Do you honestly think that you have no moral responsibility to assist your fellow man to gain what you have been gifted by the blood of others? By what measure do you believe you have the right to self determination and self fulfillment while actively denying it to others? What level of humanity allows you to look at the atrocities of the world and say "It's not my problem."? Why do you believe you were gifted with special privileges that others shouldn't be?

Oh, yes - the Constitution! I see in Article 1, Section 8, that the government shall "... provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States ...".

Are you so naive as to believe that an uprising focused on the overthrow, and elimination, of the United States does NOT require a focused governmental reaction? Do you seriously believe that allowing radical Islam to take over the rest of the world would NOT constitute a threat to our general welfare? Do you seriously believe that the United States can isolate itself from all world activities? Do you seriously believe that the United States should NOT attempt to influence world evolution so as to place the United States in a safer and most advantageous position? Do you seriously believe ensuring that you have one more latte grande a week justifies the deaths of women and children at the hands of monsters and tyrants?

You are so inebriated off of the fumes of entitlement, welfare state, utopian ideology that I don't even want to wade in to sober you up at this point.... Quick tips though "donations" are a lot different that taxes and equating buying a latte with overtly condemning another to die for lack of $4.75 worth of medicine is a little far fetched... sleep off that stupor of sanctimony....
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
You have abdicated your responsibility to humanity.

I hope that makes you ever so proud.

We won't feed the poor in our own nation but we can afford $110 million to fire 59 Tomahawk Missiles at an airport? Tomahawk (missile) - Wikipedia

Each Missile cost $1.85 million.

Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

What self-serving bullshit. You want to degrade the value of those children to dollars and cents? Seriously?

You dare to compare the plight of our poor (with all the concordant social programs available to them) with being gassed to death? You compare a single mother having to work three jobs to feed her kids to watching the baby in your arms die an agonizing and horrific death?

"Congress allocated almost $717 billion in federal funds in 2010 plus $210 billion was allocated in state funds ($927 billion total) for means tested welfare programs in the United States, of which half was for medical care and roughly 40% for cash, food and housing assistance. " Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia

That's $1 trillion for our kids, and you begrudge 1% of that for Syrian children? Does it get any more inhumane than that?

At what point is it too expensive to feed our poor? At what point is it too expensive to protect them? Why are those Syrian children less deserving than ours?
There you go again, you try to think about Syria all you come up with is that you don't like Trump. Maybe thinking just isn't for you. You might try hockey.

Trump is the guy who just pissed away $100,000,000.00 in hardware for no good reason...

I think you are the one who is confused. A couple of weeks ago, Trump and Tillerson were saying Assad was going to get to stay... now they are saying he has to go, but they haven't explained to us how that's going to happen, exactly, given the Russians and Iranians are insisting he stays.
The Iranians are inconsequential. Assad is in power only because of Russian bombing and Russian will agree to allow him to be forced out in negotiations with the US. The talks will begin next week when Tillerson in in Moscow.

It is important to remember that if Obama had not been just a blowhard and had backed up his demand that Assad must go with action, Russia would not be in Syria now. But when Obama did nothing, Putin understood he faced no risk from the US if he moved into Syria. The Syrian chemical attack, probably with Russia's approval, showed that Assad and Putin believed they could cross any red line with impunity, but they learned Thursday they couldn't. The Russians are humiliated by the US attack, and they understand they will face more humiliations if they continue to back Assad. Next week when Tillerson goes to Moscow he will begin talks on how Putin can end his support of Assad without losing face.

Were going to fight the Iranians too, they are pushing to sell their oil for Gold and not the petro-dollar. It's coming.
Without the Russian air force to cover them, I don't think the Iranians will survive too long in Syria.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
You have abdicated your responsibility to humanity.

I hope that makes you ever so proud.
Disagreed since there is nothing to stop you from personally participating in programs to help refugees, including sitting on your ass and just sending the Red Cross money.

OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

If sending $5 to the Red Cross helps erase the memory of those children, then I would suggest you have no humanity at all.

If you believe that helping refugees or donating money to the Red Cross will stop the horrific attacks, then I would suggest you have no historical sense at all.

As for your nonsensical "it ain't in the Constitution" argument, it is apparent you have no useful education at all.

Your self aggrandizement, provincialism, and self-inflicted elitism sicken me. Do you seriously believe that, by some divine right, you are the rightful heir of freedom and others are not? Do you honestly think that you have no moral responsibility to assist your fellow man to gain what you have been gifted by the blood of others? By what measure do you believe you have the right to self determination and self fulfillment while actively denying it to others? What level of humanity allows you to look at the atrocities of the world and say "It's not my problem."? Why do you believe you were gifted with special privileges that others shouldn't be?

Oh, yes - the Constitution! I see in Article 1, Section 8, that the government shall "... provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States ...".

Are you so naive as to believe that an uprising focused on the overthrow, and elimination, of the United States does NOT require a focused governmental reaction? Do you seriously believe that allowing radical Islam to take over the rest of the world would NOT constitute a threat to our general welfare? Do you seriously believe that the United States can isolate itself from all world activities? Do you seriously believe that the United States should NOT attempt to influence world evolution so as to place the United States in a safer and most advantageous position? Do you seriously believe ensuring that you have one more latte grande a week justifies the deaths of women and children at the hands of monsters and tyrants?

You are so inebriated off of the fumes of entitlement, welfare state, utopian ideology that I don't even want to wade in to sober you up at this point.... Quick tips though "donations" are a lot different that taxes and equating buying a latte with overtly condemning another to die for lack of $4.75 worth of medicine is a little far fetched... sleep off that stupor of sanctimony....

Struggling with that moral dilemma, huh? A kid's life or a latte grande.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
You have abdicated your responsibility to humanity.

I hope that makes you ever so proud.

We won't feed the poor in our own nation but we can afford $110 million to fire 59 Tomahawk Missiles at an airport? Tomahawk (missile) - Wikipedia

Each Missile cost $1.85 million.

Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

What self-serving bullshit. You want to degrade the value of those children to dollars and cents? Seriously?

You dare to compare the plight of our poor (with all the concordant social programs available to them) with being gassed to death? You compare a single mother having to work three jobs to feed her kids to watching the baby in your arms die an agonizing and horrific death?

"Congress allocated almost $717 billion in federal funds in 2010 plus $210 billion was allocated in state funds ($927 billion total) for means tested welfare programs in the United States, of which half was for medical care and roughly 40% for cash, food and housing assistance. " Social programs in the United States - Wikipedia

That's $1 trillion for our kids, and you begrudge 1% of that for Syrian children? Does it get any more inhumane than that?

At what point is it too expensive to feed our poor? At what point is it too expensive to protect them? Why are those Syrian children less deserving than ours?
I see you brought God into this... Mark 14:7 and Mathew 26:11 etc. etc. There always has been, is, and will be poor and suffering among us... It is out of the goodness of God's grace in OUR lives that He leads us to reach out to those in need for His name sake... This means on an individual level NOT by mandating that your friends, family, countrymen or other nations do likewise... The only Biblical mandate above and beyond this is that we are to "render onto Cesar what is Caesar's" meaning pay your damn taxes... Orchestrating how others use their resources is none of your business unless they specifically ask you to do so...

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