We Have No Business in Syria

OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

Promoting the general welfare covers a great many things not specifically enumerated, and subject to change over time. Example eradicating smallpox worldwide promotes the general welfare of every american.

It does not cover bombing another nation that poses no threat to us.
How provincial. How narrow minded. How disingenuous.

You seriously don't believe that what happens in Syria impacts us?

Thinking that this will end through diplomacy is the ranting of an idiot. The decision to hit the Assad military was in direct response to the use of chemical weapons which are banned in the international community. Nothing more and nothing less.

A message to Assad..........don't fing do it again.............Gunboat diplomacy.........to avoid more use of a nerve agent that causes those exposed a horrible death.

You are assuming that proven liars are telling you the truth.
OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People

Promoting the general welfare covers a great many things not specifically enumerated, and subject to change over time. Example eradicating smallpox worldwide promotes the general welfare of every american.

It does not cover bombing another nation that poses no threat to us.
How provincial. How narrow minded. How disingenuous.

You seriously don't believe that what happens in Syria impacts us?
I think we should cede the 'disingenuous' part there...

Thinking that this will end through diplomacy is the ranting of an idiot. The decision to hit the Assad military was in direct response to the use of chemical weapons which are banned in the international community. Nothing more and nothing less.

A message to Assad..........don't fing do it again.............Gunboat diplomacy.........to avoid more use of a nerve agent that causes those exposed a horrible death.

You are assuming that proven liars are telling you the truth.

so you are denying that Assad used Chemical Weapons..............I'm not so inclined.
Tell me, what did Saddam and Gaddafi have in common?
Dead kids.

Nope, they were trying to change the way they bought and sold oil. The REALLY bad news is this, so are China, Russia and N. Korea.
No dead kids? That's interesting ...

China, Russia, and N Korea are trying too?

And, we have those who propose that to involve ourselves in that process is NOT in the interest of our general welfare? Seriously? Reality has fled the building, cloaked in selfishness and inhumanity.

"Dead Kids" weren't the reason, they never are. They are nothing more than a pretext. You are operating under a paradigm that unfortunately isn't real. I don't blame you though, I really don't. Very few people ever wake up to the truth.
Got some news for you ... I WALKED in that fuckin' truth. Don't even pretend I don't understand it.

Sure you did kid. If that were true you wouldn't be whining like a little bitch about what happened and why we responded the way we did. If you did you'd know the why and the how and the fact that neither of us can do anything about it. Now quit whining.
Putin to his fucking face on camera if he condemns this act and what will he do to stop this from happening again

Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen. There have been journalists who have wound up dead after writing articles critical of the Putin government.

Thinking that this will end through diplomacy is the ranting of an idiot. The decision to hit the Assad military was in direct response to the use of chemical weapons which are banned in the international community. Nothing more and nothing less.

A message to Assad..........don't fing do it again.............Gunboat diplomacy.........to avoid more use of a nerve agent that causes those exposed a horrible death.

You are assuming that proven liars are telling you the truth.

so you are denying that Assad used Chemical Weapons..............I'm not so inclined.

Who benefits? That is probably who did it.

Thinking that this will end through diplomacy is the ranting of an idiot. The decision to hit the Assad military was in direct response to the use of chemical weapons which are banned in the international community. Nothing more and nothing less.

A message to Assad..........don't fing do it again.............Gunboat diplomacy.........to avoid more use of a nerve agent that causes those exposed a horrible death.

You are assuming that proven liars are telling you the truth.

so you are denying that Assad used Chemical Weapons..............I'm not so inclined.

Who benefits? That is probably who did it.

Assad killed 1400 people with the gas before............so what has changed the equation........I have no doubt they used the gas and that the reports are true................survivors always show the truth about who did it to them.......and this will play out like the 60 minutes video of the sarin attack in 2013.............

Thinking that this will end through diplomacy is the ranting of an idiot. The decision to hit the Assad military was in direct response to the use of chemical weapons which are banned in the international community. Nothing more and nothing less.

A message to Assad..........don't fing do it again.............Gunboat diplomacy.........to avoid more use of a nerve agent that causes those exposed a horrible death.

You are assuming that proven liars are telling you the truth.

so you are denying that Assad used Chemical Weapons..............I'm not so inclined.

Who benefits? That is probably who did it.

Assad killed 1400 people with the gas before............so what has changed the equation........I have no doubt they used the gas and that the reports are true................survivors always show the truth about who did it to them.......and this will play out like the 60 minutes video of the sarin attack in 2013.............

That was a false flag too.
We have the largest military spending by many times over than anybody else on the planet.

Cute try.

Taking China for instance. They have the second largest container ship company in the world. It is not considered part of their military budget but comes under the defense department. They are turning out dozens of submarines and have an underground submarine base which is entered under water. The control, with long-term leases, thanks to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton on the ports at both ends of the greatly enlarged Panama Canal. They also control the Long Beach Sea Port and are enlarging a port in the Bahamas which adjoins a 13,000 ft. runway. Capable of handling their largest aircraft. Do you think you can make $100 go further in labor here in the US or with slave labor in China?

As we all know well and is mentioned often, our defense has to be right 100% of the time, a Terrorist has only to be right once.
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

You should be hunted down and executed for spreading propaganda.

If anyone messed those children up, it was AL-Nusra, ISIS, or Syrian rebels. Shit like this pisses me off.

It's not like I've never shot a Banty in the neck @ 100 yards. Your post is bullshit, and I'm calling it the bullshit that it is.

The Syrian rebels do not have jets fuckface
Aries, buddy, you have to do better than that. I see you're kind of new here. Have you read a Snouter or SJ thread yet? Visited the Race Relations forum? You call THAT dark, you're in for some learning.
No I am not quite sure how to use all this cite has to offer. I stick to the active topic page and jump around:2up:

It's "site" dumbass, as in "website"

You're going to be fun to have around to poke at. :blowup::poke:

I've never known you to play grammar police, Marion. Showing off for the new lady?

Showing off for that one? No, I think not.
Because she's not a racist? Or are you a Libra? (Not a good combo.)

You should be hunted down and executed for spreading propaganda.

If anyone messed those children up, it was AL-Nusra, ISIS, or Syrian rebels. Shit like this pisses me off.

It's not like I've never shot a Banty in the neck @ 100 yards. Your post is bullshit, and I'm calling it the bullshit that it is.

The Syrian rebels do not have jets fuckface

But they do have chemical weapons, go figure. :dunno:

You should be hunted down and executed for spreading propaganda.

If anyone messed those children up, it was AL-Nusra, ISIS, or Syrian rebels. Shit like this pisses me off.

It's not like I've never shot a Banty in the neck @ 100 yards. Your post is bullshit, and I'm calling it the bullshit that it is.

The Syrian rebels do not have jets fuckface

They likely will soon. 'Regime Change' was always the US/West-Saudi Arabia goal. This False Flag operation will lead to further funding & arming of Syrian 'Rebels.' I'm sure Al Nusra and ISIS will get their hands on even more weapons. It's a bloody disaster. Just like Iraq.

You should be hunted down and executed for spreading propaganda.

If anyone messed those children up, it was AL-Nusra, ISIS, or Syrian rebels. Shit like this pisses me off.

It's not like I've never shot a Banty in the neck @ 100 yards. Your post is bullshit, and I'm calling it the bullshit that it is.

The Syrian rebels do not have jets fuckface

They likely will soon. 'Regime Change' was always the US/West-Saudi Arabia goal. This False Flag operation will lead to further funding & arming of Syrian 'Rebels.' I'm sure Al Nusra and ISIS will get their hands on even more weapons. It's a bloody disaster. Just like Iraq.

The rebels would need a country with an airbase to have jets dude, will Assad let this happen in Syria?

Putin to his fucking face on camera if he condemns this act and what will he do to stop this from happening again

Yeah, I doubt that's going to happen. There have been journalists who have wound up dead after writing articles critical of the Putin government.
They should do it at the UN, let them explain themselves, if they fail we destroy Syria in one hour. They can't do shit, all it takes is a man to say go.
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Thinking that this will end through diplomacy is the ranting of an idiot. The decision to hit the Assad military was in direct response to the use of chemical weapons which are banned in the international community. Nothing more and nothing less.

A message to Assad..........don't fing do it again.............Gunboat diplomacy.........to avoid more use of a nerve agent that causes those exposed a horrible death.

You are assuming that proven liars are telling you the truth.

so you are denying that Assad used Chemical Weapons..............I'm not so inclined.

Who benefits? That is probably who did it.

Who benefits is actually a great question, that I can not answer....................
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Chemical, biological and nuclear weapons actually threaten the World, not just the place that they are used. The gas used in Syria is already stockpiled here in the USA hidden from view, they can use it anytime, So they must know that if they do their home country vanishes within an hour.

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