We Have No Business in Syria

Talking about buying cocaine is not a crime. So talking about buying cocaine with a Russian is not a crime.


(21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a) and 846)

The defendant is charged in [Count _____ of] the indictment with conspiracy to [[distribute] [manufacture]] [specify controlled substance] in violation of Section 841(a) and Section 846 of Title 21 of the United States Code. In order for the defendant to be found guilty of that charge, the government must prove each of the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

First, beginning on or about [date] and ending on or about [date], there was an agreement between two or more persons to [[distribute] [manufacture]] [specify controlled substance]; and

Second , the defendant joined in the agreement knowing of its purpose and intending to help accomplish that purpose.

["To distribute" means to deliver or transfer possession of [specify controlled substance] to another person, with or without any financial interest in that transaction.]

A conspiracy is a kind of criminal partnership—an agreement of two or more persons to commit one or more crimes. The crime of conspiracy is the agreement to do something unlawful; it does not matter whether the crime agreed upon was committed.

For a conspiracy to have existed, it is not necessary that the conspirators made a formal agreement or that they agreed on every detail of the conspiracy.

One becomes a member of a conspiracy by willfully participating in the unlawful plan with the intent to advance or further some object or purpose of the conspiracy, even though the person does not have full knowledge of all the details of the conspiracy. Furthermore, one who willfully joins an existing conspiracy is as responsible for it as the originators.
The sources offered no proof, but they got fools to watch and read which was their purpose.

That is how I would characterize the Seymour Hirsch piece that claimed Secretary Clinton knew of a secret CIA operation to move sarin from Libya to Syria. So when you said, 'the source offered no proof' that was the point I was originally making.

See below:

Seymour Hersh says Hillary gave Sarin to the Rebels, imagine that.
Talking about buying cocaine is not a crime. So talking about buying cocaine with a Russian is not a crime.


(21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a) and 846)

The defendant is charged in [Count _____ of] the indictment with conspiracy to [[distribute] [manufacture]] [specify controlled substance] in violation of Section 841(a) and Section 846 of Title 21 of the United States Code. In order for the defendant to be found guilty of that charge, the government must prove each of the following elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

First, beginning on or about [date] and ending on or about [date], there was an agreement between two or more persons to [[distribute] [manufacture]] [specify controlled substance]; and

Second , the defendant joined in the agreement knowing of its purpose and intending to help accomplish that purpose.

["To distribute" means to deliver or transfer possession of [specify controlled substance] to another person, with or without any financial interest in that transaction.]

A conspiracy is a kind of criminal partnership—an agreement of two or more persons to commit one or more crimes. The crime of conspiracy is the agreement to do something unlawful; it does not matter whether the crime agreed upon was committed.

For a conspiracy to have existed, it is not necessary that the conspirators made a formal agreement or that they agreed on every detail of the conspiracy.

One becomes a member of a conspiracy by willfully participating in the unlawful plan with the intent to advance or further some object or purpose of the conspiracy, even though the person does not have full knowledge of all the details of the conspiracy. Furthermore, one who willfully joins an existing conspiracy is as responsible for it as the originators.

Look moron talking about cocaine is not conspiracy, the first amendment allows people to talk about anything they want.

God you are stupid

PS. Are you aware that you are having a conversation about cocaine?

Go flush what's left of your brain
The sources offered no proof, but they got fools to watch and read which was their purpose.

That is how I would characterize the Seymour Hirsch piece that claimed Secretary Clinton knew of a secret CIA operation to move sarin from Libya to Syria. So when you said, 'the source offered no proof' that was the point I was originally making.

See below:

Seymour Hersh says Hillary gave Sarin to the Rebels, imagine that.
OK where is the fucking Stolichnaya Vodka I need about two liters at the moment.

So am I a Russian spy?
Talking about buying cocaine is not a crime. So talking about buying cocaine with a Russian is not a crime.
Look moron talking about cocaine is not conspiracy, the first amendment allows people to talk about anything they want.

God you are stupid

First, make up your mind if you're just talking about cocaine, or as in the original point, talking about buying cocaine.

Are you now talking about talking, or talking about buying? Talk is cheap, but buying is highly illegal.
OK where is the fucking Stolichnaya Vodka I need about two liters at the moment.

So am I a Russian spy?

If you think that talking to russians about buying cocaine doesn't violation united states federal law, I would say you didn't have the knowledge of american culture to be a russian spy.
Read the first amendment, talking about cocaine is not intent to sell or buy. I could go to my local police station right now and ask questions about cocaine and not violate any law. You are clueless
If sending $5 to the Red Cross helps erase the memory of those children, then I would suggest you have no humanity at all......
I see. I quote you the Constitution and you reply with insults. Okay, fine. Lie, bitch and moan all you like. Call me a fucking **** it you like. I can't stop you. What I can do is present logical arguments backed by facts. You can just keep doing what you are doing, sir.
If you think that talking to russians about buying cocaine doesn't violation united states federal law

Talking to anybody about buying cocaine constitutes a conspiracy to distribute. And the crime of conspiracy doesn't require the actual crime of distribution of a controlled substance to have occurred. The conspiracy is completed with any part of the act. Other more familiar examples would be talking to someone about killing your wife, or talking to someone about burning down your business so you could collect the insurance.
What a sick world I live on...Please can someone build me a space ship and send me to one of the habitable worlds.
The Heaven's Gate group didn't need a space ship. Check it out.


Read the first amendment, talking about cocaine is not intent to sell or buy. I could go to my local police station right now and ask questions about cocaine and not violate any law. You are clueless

Why do you change the point by dropping the part about the conversation being about buying cocaine?

You're right the 1st amendment allows you to talk about most anything, but a line is crossed when the subject of your conversation includes a conspiracy to commit.
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Chemical, biological and nuclear weapons actually threaten the World, not just the place that they are used. The gas used in Syria is already stockpiled here in the USA hidden from view, they can use it anytime, So they must know that if they do their home country vanishes within an hour.

Until they face the people, with their weapons. We ain't playing that, btw.
If AQ is in Syria then it's our business.

AQ and ISIS are a large part of the "rebels" we are purporting to "support".
It's a three to four way fight. Not the first time that has happened in history.

That raises interesting legal questions when it comes to the presidents use of the military without an authorization from congress. Obama used the Authorization to use Military Force that George W. Bush got following 9-11, allowing the president to go after terrorists involved or affiliated with those responsible for 9-11, and or countries that give safe haven to such terrorists.

That would also support Trump if he decided to go after ISIS in syria.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
As mixed up as the Syrian crisis is, America didn't create that. The Arab spring, that awakening to governmental alternatives, was purely independent of American meddling, That was the issue. So a Arab dictator pisses off both liberal or extremists Muslims, THAT is an purely internal Muslim thing. But gassing innocent non combatants is forbidden by the Geneva convention.
As mixed up as the Syrian crisis is, America didn't create that. The Arab spring, that awakening to governmental alternatives, was purely independent of American meddling, That was the issue. So a Arab dictator pisses off both liberal or extremists Muslims, THAT is an purely internal Muslim thing. But gassing innocent non combatants is forbidden by the Geneva convention.

America did some serious meddling when it came to the middle east. The first gulf war had no impact as far as rebel hopes for overthrowing existing governments. But the second war in Iraq was all about regime change, although it was supposed to be about WMD's. It was an example of how rebel forces could stand up to a tyrant, and it's what lead to the overthrow in Egypt, Libya, and the current one in progress in Syria.

Look up Bush 43's 'domino of democracy' and his hopes to bring democracy to all the nations of the middle east.
Arabs spring, was that American inspired? Were did that come from? Muslims aspiring to freedom. Asad wants to stop that, hell, he doesn't want to end up like Murbarak, after all. So he gasses anyone that gets in his way. So if we try to stop that we are meddling, We are damned if we DO, damned if we don't. I feel sorry for Trump, this is a no win situation here.

You should be hunted down and executed for spreading propaganda.

If anyone messed those children up, it was AL-Nusra, ISIS, or Syrian rebels. Shit like this pisses me off.

It's not like I've never shot a Banty in the neck @ 100 yards. Your post is bullshit, and I'm calling it the bullshit that it is.

The Syrian rebels do not have jets fuckface

They likely will soon. 'Regime Change' was always the US/West-Saudi Arabia goal. This False Flag operation will lead to further funding & arming of Syrian 'Rebels.' I'm sure Al Nusra and ISIS will get their hands on even more weapons. It's a bloody disaster. Just like Iraq.

The rebels would need a country with an airbase to have jets dude, will Assad let this happen in Syria?


Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan. But the Rebels don't need their own Air Force. They have US/NATO and several other Sunni Nations' Air Forces at their disposal.

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