We Have No Business in Syria

normally, yes, non- intervention is the int;l norm as espoused by Immanual Kant :cool-45: BUT that would not apply in this instance as Assad is poisoning civilians. That makes it a war crime.
normally, yes, non- intervention is the int;l norm as espoused by Immanual Kant :cool-45: BUT that would not apply in this instance as Assad is poisoning civilians. That makes it a war crime.

There are many war crimes we take no notice of. Myanmar leader says no ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims - BBC

That news story was posted on Friday. Ethnic Cleansing is too strong to describe what is going on according to Aung San Suu Kyi. Sure the Army raped and murdered the people in the region but it wasn't ethnic cleansing.

Wiping out an entire people isn't a war crime that is worthy of our humanitarian bombs I guess.

The more that the supporters of this bullshit try to excuse it the more asinine the action appears.
Dead kids.

Nope, they were trying to change the way they bought and sold oil. The REALLY bad news is this, so are China, Russia and N. Korea.
No dead kids? That's interesting ...

China, Russia, and N Korea are trying too?

And, we have those who propose that to involve ourselves in that process is NOT in the interest of our general welfare? Seriously? Reality has fled the building, cloaked in selfishness and inhumanity.

"Dead Kids" weren't the reason, they never are. They are nothing more than a pretext. You are operating under a paradigm that unfortunately isn't real. I don't blame you though, I really don't. Very few people ever wake up to the truth.
Got some news for you ... I WALKED in that fuckin' truth. Don't even pretend I don't understand it.

Sure you did kid. If that were true you wouldn't be whining like a little bitch about what happened and why we responded the way we did. If you did you'd know the why and the how and the fact that neither of us can do anything about it. Now quit whining.

Kid? Seriously? LOL ....

You sit comfortably in your warm little home, hot food on the table, confident in your privacy and secure in the arms of your government, and you wish to deny this to the Syrian people.

"Let them decide for themselves!" you say. They did - and we abandoned them. We left them to the mongrels and the tyrants.

Freedom is for everybody - when we fail to protect it for others, we can only wonder if our freedom is at risk next.
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy? Yep, that's the word - you are being hypocritical.

You demand that we ensure that any action by the government be done in American interests. Yet, when that is used to define our actions, you want to use that very differentiator as a cudgel to try to remove that very same difference.
If sending $5 to the Red Cross helps erase the memory of those children, then I would suggest you have no humanity at all......
I see. I quote you the Constitution and you reply with insults. Okay, fine. Lie, bitch and moan all you like. Call me a fucking **** it you like. I can't stop you. What I can do is present logical arguments backed by facts. You can just keep doing what you are doing, sir.

You, in fact, haven't made a logical argument yet - you have offered emotional whining and self-interest motivated screeds.

I called you no names ... I merely pointed out your shortcomings ... of which there are legion.
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Hypocrisy? Yep, that's the word - you are being hypocritical.

You demand that we ensure that any action by the government be done in American interests. Yet, when that is used to define our actions, you want to use that very differentiator as a cudgel to try to remove that very same difference.

We have no interest in Syria.
Look its a Reboot ....Saddam WMD 2.0
If sending $5 to the Red Cross helps erase the memory of those children, then I would suggest you have no humanity at all......
I see. I quote you the Constitution and you reply with insults. Okay, fine. Lie, bitch and moan all you like. Call me a fucking **** it you like. I can't stop you. What I can do is present logical arguments backed by facts. You can just keep doing what you are doing, sir.

You, in fact, haven't made a logical argument yet - you have offered emotional whining and self-interest motivated screeds.

I called you no names ... I merely pointed out your shortcomings ... of which there are legion.
Disagreed on all points. People can decide for themselves who has "offered emotional whining and self-interest motivated screeds."
OTOH, the Constitution of the United States of America clearly delineates the powers of our government. Being the "World Police" or the "World Charity" isn't among those powers. If it is, please quote me where: Constitution of the United States - We the People
Promoting the General Welfare of who? Let me help you:

Section. 8.
The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States

Now tell me how taking in 60,000 refugees (that's not a limit, that's a start!) provides for the General Welfare of Americans?

Agreed. If the Rwandans were the center of a major export essential to national security such as oil or titanium or if they straddled a major trade route where war would seriously damage the US economy, then it would have been in the interests of the United States to stabilize the situation.

We don't have to wait for enemies to be on our beaches before we act. In fact, foreign terrorists have been attacking us for years, even before 9/11. Bringing the war to them is better than waiting for them to bring the war to us.

A Constitutional Basis for Defense
....Ever since the end of World War II, American power has been the chief deterrent to aggression: the shield under which the tools of diplomacy, trade, and engagement have produced unprecedented progress toward freedom and democracy. But the shield is cracking. America’s global influence is being checked and rolled back, and even the homeland is no longer safe from attack.

The situation can still be recovered, but only if our leaders understand their duty, regain their confidence, and reenergize the defense of freedom here and abroad. Otherwise, the developments that we are witnessing almost daily in Korea, Iran, Russia, China, the Persian Gulf, Afghanistan, Africa, and Eastern Europe will be only the leading edge of a terrible storm—the “first foretaste,” as Churchill said after Munich in 1938, “of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year, unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.”
Nope, they were trying to change the way they bought and sold oil. The REALLY bad news is this, so are China, Russia and N. Korea.
No dead kids? That's interesting ...

China, Russia, and N Korea are trying too?

And, we have those who propose that to involve ourselves in that process is NOT in the interest of our general welfare? Seriously? Reality has fled the building, cloaked in selfishness and inhumanity.

"Dead Kids" weren't the reason, they never are. They are nothing more than a pretext. You are operating under a paradigm that unfortunately isn't real. I don't blame you though, I really don't. Very few people ever wake up to the truth.
Got some news for you ... I WALKED in that fuckin' truth. Don't even pretend I don't understand it.

Sure you did kid. If that were true you wouldn't be whining like a little bitch about what happened and why we responded the way we did. If you did you'd know the why and the how and the fact that neither of us can do anything about it. Now quit whining.

Kid? Seriously? LOL ....

You sit comfortably in your warm little home, hot food on the table, confident in your privacy and secure in the arms of your government, and you wish to deny this to the Syrian people.

"Let them decide for themselves!" you say. They did - and we abandoned them. We left them to the mongrels and the tyrants.

Freedom is for everybody - when we fail to protect it for others, we can only wonder if our freedom is at risk next.

Mind your own business. The US needs to stop meddling in sovereign nations' affairs. It's time to stop behaving like an Imperialist Empire. All Empires collapse. That's why our Founding Fathers warned against 'Empire-Building.' We're $20 Trillion in Debt and spread too thin. It's time to change course and adopt a humble foreign policy. We should leave all lands in the Middle East. We don't belong there. We never did.
normally, yes, non- intervention is the int;l norm as espoused by Immanual Kant :cool-45:...........

Non Intervention is the International Norm ? are you Fucking Kidding Me....

Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:

While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse.

Well, our "unhelpful" presence there for the past 70+ years is very much why so many in the Middle Eastern part of the Muslim world are so pissed off at the U.S. I'm not so sure backing out now is going to do us any good. Seventy plus years of ill will doesn't disappear in four or eight years.
normally, yes, non- intervention is the int;l norm as espoused by Immanual Kant :cool-45:...........

Non Intervention is the International Norm ? are you Fucking Kidding Me....

Since the end of World War 2, the United States has:

Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries. William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower, chapter 18

Wow! You actually cited the one book that Osama Bin Laden recommended all Americans read. That's really precious.
Wow! You actually cited the one book that Osama Bin Laden recommended all Americans read. That's really precious.
so the Fuck what...is William Blum telling the truth giving the facts ...He is :cool-45: you just do not like the Truth...we have spent the last sixty years commiting crimes against Humanity
Wow! You actually cited the one book that Osama Bin Laden recommended all Americans read. That's really precious.

"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." George Orwell

"We Americans are the ultimate innocents. We are forever desperate to believe that this time the government is telling us the truth."
Sydney Schanberg

"If you think any American official is going to tell you the truth, then you're stupid."

Arthur Sylvester, assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, to American journalists, 1965

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