We Have No Business in Syria

Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.

Follow the money.
"Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels"

Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

Thanks for giving the citation, but next time tell us you're quoting an opinion piece saying the Ambassador was in the middle of a CIA operation.

OPNINION — In an interview with Alternet.org, the independent investigative reporter Seymour Hersh was asked about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Benghazi Libya consulate’s operation to collect sarin from Libyan stockpiles and send it through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as it had invaded Libya.

That ambassador who was killed, ... he was meeting with the CIA base chief and the shipping company. He was certainly involved, aware and witting of everything that was going on.
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"Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels"

Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

Thanks for giving the citation, but next time tell us you're quoting an opinion piece.

OPNINION — In an interview with Alternet.org, the independent investigative reporter Seymour Hersh was asked about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Benghazi Libya consulate’s operation to collect sarin from Libyan stockpiles and send it through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as it had invaded Libya.

You're welcome, but he's got a Pulitzer and you don't. Advantage Seymour. Oh yes, it's not my job to tell you anything, if you don't like a source don't read it ;)
You're welcome, but he's got a Pulitzer and you don't. Advantage Seymour. Oh yes, it's not my job to tell you anything, if you don't like a source don't read it ;)

He also doesn't say he has any proof that Secretary Clinton knew of the secret CIA operation. And we certainly didn't see proof of it in any of the hundreds of thoussands of e-mails that wikileaks posted about Clinton. So there is nothing but speculation of 'well, I think she should have known about it.'
"Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels"

Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels

Thanks for giving the citation, but next time tell us you're quoting an opinion piece.

OPNINION — In an interview with Alternet.org, the independent investigative reporter Seymour Hersh was asked about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Benghazi Libya consulate’s operation to collect sarin from Libyan stockpiles and send it through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as it had invaded Libya.

You're welcome, but he's got a Pulitzer and you don't. Advantage Seymour. Oh yes, it's not my job to tell you anything, if you don't like a source don't read it ;)
For one Hillary did not have sarin gas to give to the rebels, and for 2 just refer back to number 1

Do you believe everything you read
"Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels"

Seymour Hersh: Hillary Approved Sending Libya’s Sarin to Syrian Rebels
maybe true.
but why hillary?
hillary is puppet

They're all puppets.
George Soros is hillary master

Oh yes, it's not my job to tell you anything, if you don't like a source don't read it ;)

Would you accept pulitzer prize winning Woodward saying that Trump should have known Flynn was talking to the Russians, therefore Trump approved Flynns conversation. Is that sort of speculation proof if you have a pulitzer?
Oh yes, it's not my job to tell you anything, if you don't like a source don't read it ;)

Would you accept pulitzer prize winning Woodward saying that Trump should have known Flynn was talking to the Russians, therefore Trump approved Flynns conversation. Is that sort of speculation proof if you have a pulitzer?
Is talking to a Russian a crime? Yes or No are the choices
Tell me again about this dedication to humanity. I need a good laugh.

Why do you demand that every other brutal dictator is given the go-ahead to develop and use Sarin Gas, or any other poison chemical or biological weapon on their citizens or other countries?

Come on, I need a good laugh too!

Where are the missiles when ethnic cleansing is going on in Africa? Where is this outrage when Christians are slaughtered in the Middle East? Where are the Drone Strikes when the Cartels massacre families in the mountains of Columbia to make an example of them so they will grow Coca plants?

Suddenly the humanitarian excuse is oddly missing. More than 60 people have been murdered in Mali in the last month of religious driven violence. What no humanitarian concern?

Ethiopia and Somalia are lawless war zones. Hundreds are murdered every month. What is wrong with those people? Why don't they deserve some of this humanitarian concern?

Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, and so many more. What makes the dead in Syria somehow more outrageous than the tens of thousands of murdered peoples around the world? If the Islamic Jihadis in Mali use chemical weapons will we suddenly give a shit?

The list is nearly endless. It has been for decades. Now this humanitarian excuse which is obviously bullshit. Why does Syria warrant so much concern but dead kids in Myanmar never seems to make the news while they fought a civil war for twenty years.

Spare me the hypocrisy.
Death is meaningful when it underscores an issue pertinent to those in power... Always has, is, and will be the case...
Do you believe everything you read

There is a very low bar when it comes to proof in politics. Of course, if it were about Trump, the bar has the requirement of posting classified information on an open forum before they will believe it.
Proof is proof no matter where it is...........................

Hillary would not give away sarin to anyone because there is no way to guarantee that it would not be used in the USA......................
Is talking to a Russian a crime? Yes or No are the choices

There is no yes or no answer, it depends on what you talk to them about. If you talk to the russians about buying cocaine, it would definitely be a crime. If you talked to them about buying Votka it would not be.
Talking about buying cocaine is not a crime. So talking about buying cocaine with a Russian is not a crime.

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