We Have No Business in Syria

Remember, they all use the same bank. All of them are on the same system.

The biggest wild card in all of this is the bankers. It is the Keynesian vs. Austrian perspective.

Not a lot of people really comprehend, because it is obfuscated in GDP statistics, national growth reports and the like, that less than one percent of the US economy is farming, but nearly forty percent of our real income is earned through agriculture.

Now, the thing is, the world's elites don't want a global war with the US, they know damn well what it will mean for both the US population, and the world's population. The US will suffer a drastic drop in living standards, which, by all rights, we probably should. It will probably even mean chaos and martial law, even civil war? Who knows. Things could get out of control, maybe even leading to a collapse of that critical farming sector.

Most of the nation doesn't actually produce shit. We are a nation of doctors, lawyers, programmers, politicians, policeman, teachers, hairdressers, baristas, big box clerks, etc. We don't actually MAKE anything anymore. All of the farming is taking care of by machines and illegal immigrants, but it is the most lucrative and most important sector of the economy, feeding a HUGE portion of the world. The world's elites depend on it to keep their respective populations from rioting.

The caveat here is that the whole system is built upon an economic system that is, in the final analysis, fraudulent. It relies on phantom allocations of price signals. The price signals are made up, they are created by elites in government, they aren't real. This is why those in power get rich, and those that work can't get ahead. It doesn't matter if it is the so called democratic west, authoritarian Russia, or Communist China, they all subscribe to the same international banking system. That system is corrupt and rotten through with fraud. It is only a matter of time. . .

But I cannot say, nor, am I a sure, that anyone say, what will be the trigger, what will be the straw, that destabilizes the system next. Those MBS are still held on the FEDS balance sheets, and there is only so many tools they have left to manipulate the economy. It is anyone's guess. . .
Bankers.....Fiat money.....Gimmick.....Creating money from nothing....Feds lending our own fiat money to our government and then charge interest on it....
JFK paid the ultimate price for trying to expose the fraud and those who perpetuate it.

For those who are interested in the Austrian School of Economics and Freedom Philosophy here is a good source: Home

The only problem I have with them that they mostly stopped selling hard copies anymore and I like to read a book holding it in my hands
Mr. Holmes and I were discussing education.

I told him about John Gatto. I have for some time read Gatto's Magnum Opus, it is available on-line for free, here is the link. If you have children, or know close friends or relatives with kids, it is a MUST read about the truth of education.

Anyway, my kid just entered High School, and with this tool that just got elected, I thought it would be prudent to get this work in hard copy, you know, just in case. I went to Amazon, and for a New Copy, as you say, in order to, . . . "I like to read a book holding it in my hands," the cost was over 400 bones! So yeah, a used copy for me. Definitely a work every parent needs. Still, 50 bucks for a used book? That you can read on-line for free!?

I downloaded it. Thank you!
My mistake, it's only selling for $177 now. I guess after the Christmas rush the price dropped. lol

Amazon.com: Buying Choices: The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling

Knowledge is power buddy. :beer:
I just got off Amazon...why is it so expensive??? I wonder what the original publishing price was.

Yes, knowledge is power.:beer:

Actually, the original publishing price was. . . free! I remember when he was writing it, he was willing to send out copies to folks that would donate to his project to make a documentary on his research.

Unfortunately, it never came to fruition. Now he is in his eighties, and he is getting too old.

The reason the cost is so high, is mostly because of supply and demand. No major publisher is willing to make a run of the book, yet lots of folks want it, they see the writing on the wall. You are a fool if you don't believe, that in the end, the government controls the internet. China does, Russia does, there is no reason to believe that the US can't shut down the TOR's overnight if it didn't have a compelling need to. That said, the black/dark economy is currently essential to the operation of the legitimate economy. Hell, look at our POTUS and the Russian president, they are both intertwined with organized crime, as are all the "too big to fail" banks.

But are the people you meet, your average every day folk?

Not generally. Most people are good folk, they aren't corrupt, nor do they have the power to make such decisions.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.

Not to mention the Assad gassing civilians story is probably made up monkey shit.

It is the only way these dumb ass Americans would tolerate the military assault.

Each one of those missiles costs more than the construction of a new elementary school.

He is absolutely right!

"...after the dissolution of the Soviet Union... instead of demobilizing its armed forces, the US accelerated its reliance on military solutions to problems both economic and political. The result of this militarism (as distinct from actual domestic defense) is more terrorism against the U.S. and its allies, the loss of core democratic values at home, and an eventual disaster for the American economy."
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
What makes your excellent post even a little worse is the fact that, had a Democrat President done the same thing, Trump supporters would be agreeing with you.
Well, since there hasn't been a Democratic president with the balls to do it since LBJ, we'll never know.
It may well turn out that they were right not to do so.

All bombs in the Middle East have done to date is make things worse.

Not to mention $4 Trillion plus of our money, and let's not forget the thousands who have given up their lives, limbs and minds for this madness.

Still don't get why most 'Small Government/Lower Taxes Conservatives' support this Endless War agenda. American Taxpayers are forced to pay to rebuild these decimated foreign countries. I read a report today that said American Taxpayers can expect to be billed several $Billions to rebuild a decimated Mosul. It is madness. We need to adopt a disengagement policy in the Middle East. It's time.
What we need is a larger more powerful government in response to wars and government spying on Americans.

Once folks calm down and begin using common sense, they'll quickly realize this is a False Flag ruse. Why would Assad order a Chemical Weapons attack now?

Simple. He wanted his citizens to know that he COULD and no one would do a darn thing to help them.

He was well aware there would be adverse consequences. It's way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' crowd. It's a set up.
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Yea, I'm not a leftist too.
Weeee Neither.....

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Why do you enjoy paying $Trillions to rebuild foreign countries? I read a report today that said Mosul alone, is gonna cost American Taxpayers several $Billions to rebuild. I mean, who do you 'Small Government/Less Taxes Conservatives' think pays to rebuild all these decimated foreign countries?
And all that money is going into the pockets of connected contractors.

Need I say more?
Who are going to get loans from the banks financing the stepped up production in supporting the war efforts...Follow the money. That's what this perpetual war scheme is about. More money = more power. For the fat cats it is not about just the money anymore than it is about power.
What we need is a bigger more powerful government.

Nah, it's too big and powerful right now. It's why we're $20 Trillion in Debt and mired in endless bloody quagmire wars.
While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
Which means Syrians have no business here. ?
What happened to Hamlet was tragic, but what is happening in Syria is an offense to any sense of decency we may have. And what is happening in Syria does directly effect the US and its allies. Because of the wars in Syria and Iraq Europe is being flooded with refugees who are already threatening to bring down the EU, and if this fighting spreads to the Gulf oil states it will negatively effect the global economy and that will negatively effect the US economy. What will our options be then? Much worse than they are now.

even if there was a good reason to get involved in Syria's five way civil war, (there isn't), I wouldn't trust Cheeto Jesus to lead that effort.

That's just asking for kids to come home in body bags for no good reason.
I find it amusing that people who did nothing but bitch about Obama getting us involved in Libya and Syria now want Cheeto Jesus to get us involved in Syria.

Perhaps soon, someone will take the time to explain it to you.
I'm not bothered about Assad

So you actively support the use of chemical weapons, the particularly barbaric Sarin Gas, in warfare. You welcome a return to the horrors of WW-I. Do you think that would end all wars?

Encouraging the use of such heinous weapons gives every other brutal dictator the go ahead to use it to control their own citizens. Do you think this is only about Syria?

Why do you believe that is a grand idea?

Perhaps soon, someone will take the time to explain it to you.

No, there's no point. I wasn't in favor of getting involved in Syria when Obama was president, and Obama knew what he was doing...

Cheeto Jesus clearly doesn't. He checked a poll that showed people were upset about the gas attack and he pissed away 100 million in ordnance for... well, no good reason, really.

Maybe this will tick off Putin enough to release the Pissing Hookers video.
We don't belong there and Assad didn't do it. Trump was backing off taking Assad out and the "rebels" did it to get us committed again. Well that and the Banksters want war.
We don't belong there and Assad didn't do it. Trump was backing off taking Assad out and the "rebels" did it to get us committed again. Well that and the Banksters want war.
It was a munition depot what was bombed. Somebody on the banksters' payroll planted the gas bombs in it, then gave the intel to Assad's forces about the ammunition storage building. It was clearly a setup and morons are falling for it.
We don't belong there and Assad didn't do it. Trump was backing off taking Assad out and the "rebels" did it to get us committed again. Well that and the Banksters want war.


The military has satellite and local radar coverage showing the flight path of the planes that delivered the Sarin Gas. They show the takeoff from the targeted airbase. It shows in detail their precise flight path to the target, where they flew away from the target then circled back to deliver a second load of bombs onto the victims, the rescue workers and the hospital where victims were taken. They have coordinating data showing the precise times the bombs hit the ground and witnesses testifying that the bombs were delivered by fixed wing aircraft.

Far too early for the panicked Progressives to whine about the ultimate goals of the mission.
What happened to Hamlet was tragic, but what is happening in Syria is an offense to any sense of decency we may have. And what is happening in Syria does directly effect the US and its allies. Because of the wars in Syria and Iraq Europe is being flooded with refugees who are already threatening to bring down the EU, and if this fighting spreads to the Gulf oil states it will negatively effect the global economy and that will negatively effect the US economy. What will our options be then? Much worse than they are now.

even if there was a good reason to get involved in Syria's five way civil war, (there isn't), I wouldn't trust Cheeto Jesus to lead that effort.

That's just asking for kids to come home in body bags for no good reason.
In other words when you tried to think about Syria all you came up with is that you don't like President Trump. Perhaps thinking just isn't your thing.

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