We Have No Business in Syria

I'm not a 'Leftist.' You poor misguided Warmongers really don't understand the costs of your Permanent War agenda. It's estimated that US Taxpayers are gonna have to pay several $Billions to rebuild a decimated Mosul and eventually Syrian areas too.

I really don't get you 'Small Government/Lower Taxes Conservatives.' Who do you think is gonna pay to rebuild all these decimated places? Seriously, y'all Warmongers are completely lost.


Yea, I'm not a leftist too.
Weeee Neither.....

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Why do you enjoy paying $Trillions to rebuild foreign countries? I read a report today that said Mosul alone, is gonna cost American Taxpayers several $Billions to rebuild. I mean, who do you 'Small Government/Less Taxes Conservatives' think pays to rebuild all these decimated foreign countries?
And all that money is going into the pockets of connected contractors.

Need I say more?
Who are going to get loans from the banks financing the stepped up production in supporting the war efforts...Follow the money. That's what this perpetual war scheme is about. More money = more power. For the fat cats it is not about just the money anymore than it is about power.
I can't recall Syria ever doing anything to us. :confused-84::confused-84:
You want to know WHY Syria was targeted? Natural Resources of course and when nations don't play by the US/Israeli/Saudi Arabian rules they are attacked.

Why Syria? An Examination of the Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Followthemoney.com

Actually, the REAL truth is this, Israel not only wants control of the Golan Heights, it wants to annex it. If they can depose Assad, during the transition, they can more easily make that annexation happen, and the Trump administration can recognize that possession.

Several Americans are on the board of the company that will be drilling in that sizeable petroleum discovery. The Americans and Israelis are, in essence, stealing oil from Syrians.

Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump | New Eastern Outlook


Genie Energy - Wikipedia
Genie previously announced a strategic advisory board whose members provide strategic direction and council. Its members include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch,[3] R. James Woolsey, Jr., Lawrence Summers and Bill Richardson.[2]

Israel's oil drilling in Golan criticised

Folks that have been paying attention already know that Israel has bombed Syria and lost a plane, and Syria and Russia have threatened further action.

This shit is getting insane.
Golan Hts is already annexed.
Shit happens when you lose Wars you start.
I can't recall Syria ever doing anything to us. :confused-84::confused-84:
You want to know WHY Syria was targeted? Natural Resources of course and when nations don't play by the US/Israeli/Saudi Arabian rules they are attacked.

Why Syria? An Examination of the Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Followthemoney.com

Actually, the REAL truth is this, Israel not only wants control of the Golan Heights, it wants to annex it. If they can depose Assad, during the transition, they can more easily make that annexation happen, and the Trump administration can recognize that possession.

Several Americans are on the board of the company that will be drilling in that sizeable petroleum discovery. The Americans and Israelis are, in essence, stealing oil from Syrians.

Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump | New Eastern Outlook


Genie Energy - Wikipedia
Genie previously announced a strategic advisory board whose members provide strategic direction and council. Its members include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch,[3] R. James Woolsey, Jr., Lawrence Summers and Bill Richardson.[2]

Israel's oil drilling in Golan criticised

Folks that have been paying attention already know that Israel has bombed Syria and lost a plane, and Syria and Russia have threatened further action.

This shit is getting insane.
Golan Hts is already annexed.
Shit happens when you lose Wars you start.
It's occupied, not annexed. None of the world recognizes it as annexed.

Internationally recognized as Syrian territory, the Golan Heights has been occupied and administered by Israel since 1967.[1] It was captured during the 1967 Six-Day War, establishing the Purple Line.[11]
Golan Heights - Wikipedia
It will be however, once the U.S. and Israel get done with their dirty deeds and their ISIS mercenaries. IOW, that is what this is all about, stealing oil.
I can't recall Syria ever doing anything to us. :confused-84::confused-84:
You want to know WHY Syria was targeted? Natural Resources of course and when nations don't play by the US/Israeli/Saudi Arabian rules they are attacked.

Why Syria? An Examination of the Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Followthemoney.com

Actually, the REAL truth is this, Israel not only wants control of the Golan Heights, it wants to annex it. If they can depose Assad, during the transition, they can more easily make that annexation happen, and the Trump administration can recognize that possession.

Several Americans are on the board of the company that will be drilling in that sizeable petroleum discovery. The Americans and Israelis are, in essence, stealing oil from Syrians.

Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump | New Eastern Outlook


Genie Energy - Wikipedia
Genie previously announced a strategic advisory board whose members provide strategic direction and council. Its members include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch,[3] R. James Woolsey, Jr., Lawrence Summers and Bill Richardson.[2]

Israel's oil drilling in Golan criticised

Folks that have been paying attention already know that Israel has bombed Syria and lost a plane, and Syria and Russia have threatened further action.

This shit is getting insane.
Golan Hts is already annexed.
Shit happens when you lose Wars you start.
It's occupied, not annexed. None of the world recognizes it as annexed.

Internationally recognized as Syrian territory, the Golan Heights has been occupied and administered by Israel since 1967.[1] It was captured during the 1967 Six-Day War, establishing the Purple Line.[11]
Golan Heights - Wikipedia
It will be however, once the U.S. and Israel get done with their dirty deeds and their ISIS mercenaries. IOW, that is what this is all about, stealing oil.
Ah, you think "the world opinion" is important.
Think Assad cares? Pol Pot? Putin?
I can't recall Syria ever doing anything to us. :confused-84::confused-84:
You want to know WHY Syria was targeted? Natural Resources of course and when nations don't play by the US/Israeli/Saudi Arabian rules they are attacked.

Why Syria? An Examination of the Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Followthemoney.com

Actually, the REAL truth is this, Israel not only wants control of the Golan Heights, it wants to annex it. If they can depose Assad, during the transition, they can more easily make that annexation happen, and the Trump administration can recognize that possession.

Several Americans are on the board of the company that will be drilling in that sizeable petroleum discovery. The Americans and Israelis are, in essence, stealing oil from Syrians.

Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump | New Eastern Outlook


Genie Energy - Wikipedia
Genie previously announced a strategic advisory board whose members provide strategic direction and council. Its members include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch,[3] R. James Woolsey, Jr., Lawrence Summers and Bill Richardson.[2]

Israel's oil drilling in Golan criticised

Folks that have been paying attention already know that Israel has bombed Syria and lost a plane, and Syria and Russia have threatened further action.

This shit is getting insane.
Golan Hts is already annexed.
Shit happens when you lose Wars you start.
It's occupied, not annexed. None of the world recognizes it as annexed.

Internationally recognized as Syrian territory, the Golan Heights has been occupied and administered by Israel since 1967.[1] It was captured during the 1967 Six-Day War, establishing the Purple Line.[11]
Golan Heights - Wikipedia
It will be however, once the U.S. and Israel get done with their dirty deeds and their ISIS mercenaries. IOW, that is what this is all about, stealing oil.

. . . and you are wrong, Israel started the shooting.

In April 1967, Syria shot at an Israeli tractor ploughing in the demilitarized zone, which escalated to a prewar aerial clash. In May 1967, following misinformation about Israeli intentions provided by the Soviet Union, Egypt expelled UN peacekeepers who had been stationed in the Sinai Peninsula since the Suez conflict,[1] and announced a blockade of Israel's access to the Red Sea (international waters) via the Straits of Tiran, which Israel considered an act of war. Tension escalated, with both sides' armies mobilising. Less than a month later, Israel launched a surprise strike which began the Six-Day War.
Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Lindsay Graham sounded absolutely insane on Tucker's show tonight.

He literally said that we should deploy thousands of troops with the primary goal of toppling Assad and not destroying ISIS.

I hope Trump doesn't listen to McCain and Graham.
I can't recall Syria ever doing anything to us. :confused-84::confused-84:
You want to know WHY Syria was targeted? Natural Resources of course and when nations don't play by the US/Israeli/Saudi Arabian rules they are attacked.

Why Syria? An Examination of the Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline Followthemoney.com

Actually, the REAL truth is this, Israel not only wants control of the Golan Heights, it wants to annex it. If they can depose Assad, during the transition, they can more easily make that annexation happen, and the Trump administration can recognize that possession.

Several Americans are on the board of the company that will be drilling in that sizeable petroleum discovery. The Americans and Israelis are, in essence, stealing oil from Syrians.

Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump | New Eastern Outlook


Genie Energy - Wikipedia
Genie previously announced a strategic advisory board whose members provide strategic direction and council. Its members include former Vice President Dick Cheney, Michael Steinhardt, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch,[3] R. James Woolsey, Jr., Lawrence Summers and Bill Richardson.[2]

Israel's oil drilling in Golan criticised

Folks that have been paying attention already know that Israel has bombed Syria and lost a plane, and Syria and Russia have threatened further action.

This shit is getting insane.
Golan Hts is already annexed.
Shit happens when you lose Wars you start.
It's occupied, not annexed. None of the world recognizes it as annexed.

Internationally recognized as Syrian territory, the Golan Heights has been occupied and administered by Israel since 1967.[1] It was captured during the 1967 Six-Day War, establishing the Purple Line.[11]
Golan Heights - Wikipedia
It will be however, once the U.S. and Israel get done with their dirty deeds and their ISIS mercenaries. IOW, that is what this is all about, stealing oil.

. . . and you are wrong, Israel started the shooting.

In April 1967, Syria shot at an Israeli tractor ploughing in the demilitarized zone, which escalated to a prewar aerial clash. In May 1967, following misinformation about Israeli intentions provided by the Soviet Union, Egypt expelled UN peacekeepers who had been stationed in the Sinai Peninsula since the Suez conflict,[1] and announced a blockade of Israel's access to the Red Sea (international waters) via the Straits of Tiran, which Israel considered an act of war. Tension escalated, with both sides' armies mobilising. Less than a month later, Israel launched a surprise strike which began the Six-Day War.
Origins of the Six-Day War - Wikipedia
Oh , so the armies of 6 nations amassed on the borders of Iraq for peace!
You nutjobs know no boundaries.
Lindsay Graham sounded absolutely insane on Tucker's show tonight.

He literally said that we should deploy thousands of troops with the primary goal of toppling Assad and not destroying ISIS.

I hope Trump doesn't listen to McCain and Graham.
Lindsay Graham sounded absolutely insane on Tucker's show tonight.

He literally said that we should deploy thousands of troops with the primary goal of toppling Assad and not destroying ISIS.

I hope Trump doesn't listen to McCain and Graham.
I am not sure about the poll number angle. It is more likely to avoid being JFK-ed or just a political maneuver to shut some people up for the time being until he establishes himself better.
Lindsay Graham sounded absolutely insane on Tucker's show tonight.

He literally said that we should deploy thousands of troops with the primary goal of toppling Assad and not destroying ISIS.

I hope Trump doesn't listen to McCain and Graham.
I look forward to Trumps nuclear launch tonight.

For some time I used to support bombing Mecca and also Medina, I have even previously made comments about nuking Mecca and nuking Media....but after careful thought and reading more, I am now of the opinion that doing these things would make the problems the Western world faces 1,000 times worse.

I think what should happen, is that everyone should concentrate on a full-on targeting of ISIS, they are the fundamental danger and ISIS are The West's problem now unfortunately because they're NOT just keeping their operations within the Middle East, their surrogates are now in The West and have already committed atrocities in The West.

So I would FULLY support a broad-based International Coalition to specifically destroy ISIS wherever they are found and ONLY ISIS, well also the other Jihadist groups such as the Al-Nusra Front.

I do NOT support The West having a war with Syria a la Iraq, I'm not bothered about Assad, I am bothered that people instead concentrate like lasers on the Radical Islamist Terrorists.
  • Thanks
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While what happened to those people in Syria is tragic, it is not our fight and never has been. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say our military is to be used as the guardian of the planet and a lot of people in this country are getting sick of it. Aside from Afghanistan, we haven't fought one war in the defense of our nation since WWII. Every other war we have entered into has been a choice to fight someone else's and countless lives have been lost over the years.

Furthermore, we have been interfering in the affairs of the Middle East for over 70 years and all we've done is make things worse. We are responsible for the rise of Khomeini in Iran. We are responsible for the existence of ISIS in Iraq and we will be responsible for which ever radical Muslim extremist takes over Syria if we depose Assad. These people have been slaughtering each other for 5,000 years and we aren't going to change it. All we have had done is made ourselves a terrorist target and watched our civil liberties and Constitutional rights erode as a result.
A lot of people were saying the same thing about Europe in 1940.
Guess what. Evil eventually goes after you when it feels ready.

Yes, but you need to gain perspective on who is using the violence, for what ends.

Indeed, we have become the evil. We are responsible for ISIS and the instability in the middle east for a reason.


Can't argue with that....
He hasn't really attacked Assad yet.

That was just a warning shot.
Thanks. I honestly don't have a TV, and I haven't gone to read the MSM reports. All I know was that a missile strike was issued. I don't know any details. I have been busy all spring break.

I have just had an interesting discussions this evening with Dr. Holmes about China. He's an old University pal I haven't seen since University days. He tells me things have gotten pretty bad in Beijing, and that the Chinese are now all over the planet in a big way. lol :ack-1:

(He married a Chinese national whose family were aristocrats before the revolution. Interesting stories.)

We were discussing Trump's ties to Kissinger. . . .

Is it possible that Trump is using Kissinger type politics to pivot toward Russia in an attempt to thwart the rising Dragon?

. . . only time will tell. Only if the Jews are willing to play ball.

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