We May Be Witness To A Modern Miracle


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Those of us who honored the America of the Founders sensed....whether we verbalized it or not.....the end of the civilization of faith, and of the individual, of the city on the hill.
The corrupt and iniquitous seem to be in the majority with no possible change in the offing....

October 25, 2016...NYTimes gave Hillary 93% chance of winning the election.
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President?

Since the election......

1. "The entire febrile effort to delegitimize President Donald Trump continues to be based on the ability of the Trump-hating press to confect or unveil a Trumpocidal deus ex machina every two weeks.

2. The optimism about defeating [Kavanaugh] is fading, and the sobering passage of a few days is melting the ardent hope that the fragile and completely uncorroborated account of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford would sink that candidacy. The last-trench defense on that subject is already filled with the retreating forces of the anti-Trump press. The smooth-faced talking heads are earnestly wagging in unison across the channels as they find the judge’s lack of a “judicial temperament” to be “concerning.”

3. ...this cause célèbre evaporates like so many others, from Warsaw to Charlottesville to Pyongyang to Helsinki, the Trump presidency will be brought down by the New York Times’ disclosure of a supposed tax fraud by Mr. Trump involving hundreds of millions of dollars. The president has been constantly subjected to tax audits for nearly 40 years. This is another clunker, after so many.

4. ...the Republican majority in the Senate is holding and that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed by Saturday.

5. ...it will be a cliffhanger in the midterms in both houses.
It won’t in the Senate, where there is minimal chance of avoiding some Republican gains, but the fact that the learned anti-Trump clarion call has become so faint is a persuasive barometer of the pre-electoral weather.

6. With less than five weeks to go before the midterm elections, and the president running the most strenuous midterm-election campaign in history, his enemies are desperately grasping at anything that might avert the confirmation of the Trump ascendancy.

7. Just as he calculated that by speaking for all those who despised the entire incumbent political system he could win the Republican nomination, ... he is now exploiting the fact that there is no leader of the opposition in the American system, and between presidential elections he has no rival.

8. The likely outcome is the most favorable midterm result since Franklin D. Roosevelt won nine additional congressional districts and gained nine senators in 1934. Even now, though the bunk about impeachment has subsided, Mr. Trump’s enemies have little idea of how profoundly hated the OBushinton era, 1989 to 2017, had become, as a time of sleaze and incompetence and stagnation.

9. Now, in what is practically a full-employment economy, wages for the least well-paid are rising. ....it is the first time people in that economic bracket have had real increases of purchasing power and the lack of fear of joblessness in more than 20 years.

10. If Judge Kavanaugh is confirmed and the Republicans hold both houses of the Congress, it will be the greatest and swiftest accession to comprehensive power in all branches of American government in history. A measurement of how the tide has shifted is the disappearance from public consciousness of the Mueller inquiry. The number of Trump-haters who are still clinging to that waterlogged life-vest is statistically trivial.

11. It was just six weeks ago, ...that Mr. Trump’s enemies ululated their triumph and proclaimed, in the words of one often-published Trump-hater, that “The fat lady is singing; it’s almost over.”
She wasn’t, and it isn’t.
It has only just begun, and it will get better.

12. President Trump isn’t an aberrant interlude; he is a sea change. He has a mandate to clean up Washington and he plans to fulfill it."
Trump Is Set To Advance After K-Vote

Can I get an 'Amen'!!!!!!
Not much to debate there, facts are facts. After the Kavanaugh debacle the dems are actually losing women voters that object to their sons being exposed to unfair charges of sexual misconduct with the dems policy being "guilty until proven innocent". The dems want to lynch Kavanaugh when no crime has been proven. The dems overplayed their weak hand and will hopefully lose seats in November.

p.s. even if the dems take the House and impeach Kav or Trump, the Senate would never convict, so it would be a gigantic waste of time and resources.
Our awesome Pres. Trump is on the verge of yet another "Win" with the Kavanaugh vote!! ..... :thup:
The real miracle is that conservatives have not seen the truth of their crimes yet.
It's cute watching the pseudocons trying to stand on their prosthetic moral legs. :lol:
The real miracle is that conservatives have not seen the truth of their crimes yet.

Let's remind all of what you stand for.

individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Now....what 'crimes' do you reference?
The real miracle is that conservatives have not seen the truth of their crimes yet
Have you attempted to give to the Clinton foundation lately?.....can't.... they shut it down to avoid an FBI and IRS investigation.....
It's cute watching the pseudocons trying to stand on their prosthetic moral legs. :lol:

Yeah, my personal favorite has been the outrage at delaying the seating of a supreme court justice.......and their imagined 'assault' on the concept of 'innocent until proven guilty'.

The latter of which I assume required a break in their chants of 'LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP'.
Innocent till Proven Guilty is the way it is and you oughta hope that it stays that way if you have any brains Skylar . Plus let me remind YOU of 'merrick garland' the wusse if the Kavanaugh a supposed Gun Lover is confirmed . merrick garland , merrick garland , merrick garland --- Skylar .
The latter of which I assume required a break in their chants of 'LOCK HER UP, LOCK HER UP'.

Ummmmmmmmm wrong.......

Donald Trump said Friday he doesn't care about prosecuting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, after attendees at his rally chanted "lock her up."

After the chants started at the President-elect's post-election "thank you" rally in Michigan, he responded, "That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?"

However, once Trump became President-elect, he said he wouldn't recommend prosecution of Clinton, whom he told New York Times reporters has "suffered greatly."
He also said the idea of prosecuting Clinton is "just not something I feel very strongly about."

Donald Trump on 'lock her up' chant: 'Now we don't care' - CNNPolitics
1. Trump is shit.

2. Trump is corrupt.

3. Trump gets laughed at when speaking at U.N.

4. American is in distress.
1. Trump is shit.

2. Trump is corrupt.

3. Trump gets laughed at when speaking at U.N.

4. American is in distress.

I believe the vulgarity illustrates your fear.

You can feel it all slipping away, huh?

Thank Heaven....I mean that literally.....that you fascists are facing the same fate as the dinosaurs.

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