We need to stop the habit of calling Democrats liberals, here is why!!

I think someone in the democrats should try to bring back the old school progressive movement that great men like Teddy Roosevelt promoted.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.

Regressives, commiecrats and sodomites are all better fits.

Actually even you refuse to admit that he clearly stated his war was to reunite the union and he stipulated he never would go to war over blacks.
Damn you are so full of shit as usual. At least you're consistent. I clearly stated that Lincolns goal was to preserve the Union.
The South did not wage war at all until Abe invaded them in VA.
It was self defense. Abe defended him starting the war by saying it was to push the union back to their former state. So he claimed it was to rehabilitate the union with him as the sole dictator it seems. I say Dictator since he sent an army into VA and was repelled there, and he kept invading them for 4 years.

The South had to defend itself. Same as Washington claimed he defended the colony. It was of course not how England saw this. To them Washington was a pure Traitor.
More absurd bullshit. Apparently you want to turn this thread into a debate about the civil war in order to gloss over all of your other bizarre and incredulous claims about ‘liberals” and what ever. I will not let that happen. However I will use your revisionist history about the civil war to call attention to the fact that you have no credibility what so ever regarding anything. This right here-your claim that the north started the civil war by invading Virginia proves that point. The north invaded Va. AFTER the attack on Ft. Sumpter and AFTER Jefferson Davis was named President of the Confederacy and AFTER Richmond was named the capital

So much for the claim that you made in your OP that you want to teach "real history" You have bought into the racist lost cause revisionist history promoted by neo confederates
I think someone in the democrats should try to bring back the old school progressive movement that great men like Teddy Roosevelt promoted.
Thank you for mentioning the progressive movement but there is no need to bring it back. It never left. It has shaped our political, economic and cultural landscape ever since. FDR's new deal embodied it and it lives on today through the ideals of Social Democrats . If anything, we need to emphasis that history when conservatives bleat about the horrors of socialism and though it is a plague that has recently been unleashed onus and that will turn us into Venezuela
We see that when the name Ashli Babbitt comes up,
... Democrats take pleasure knowing that she's freezing in Hell.

And we take pleasure in knowing the rest of the Jan 6 traitors will eventually end up joining her.

American democracy is one of God's greatest creations, and Trump cult hellspawn devote their lives to defiling it. They will suffer eternal consequences for such behavior. I suppose I shouldn't take such joy in their upcoming eternal agony, but what can I say, I'm an imperfect person.
I don't even understand what you're trying to get t.

You seem to not have understood my comment at all, or you just want to twist things so you can attack Democrats (I'm not a Democrat, but I am liberal) because... that seems to be about the extent of many people's attempts at politics.
Social Liberalism infects both Parties Conservatism only exists with one party
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.

Names mean ZERO. You vote dem...you vote to destroy America.

confucius dem base.jpg
Pretty sure 'Frank Zappa' will be my choice again this year. You? :113:

See above.
I do not vote normally to send messages. They can be heard but others shout them down. My R choice left the race. The remaining choice who can win the race is Trump.
Bernie Sanders is one of the most conservative and best politicians we have.
There are vote getters and there are those who don't cut the mustard. My assessment of Sanders is he is still a flaming democrat. He does not fit the title of Liberal at all.
I liked Reagan. Him and JFK were last two decent presidents. You're just an angry, bitter, hollowed out lib.

Reagan sold weapons to Iran, caused the US hostages release to be delayed until after the election, nearly bankrupt the US, tried to weaponize space, caused the USSR bankruptcy and risked WWIII, etc.

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