We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

You guys havent come up with any ideas that would work, short of taking away our constitutional rights, which is obviously a non starter.
So you don't care about dead 4th graders as long as you can keep your high capacity clips and don't have to do a background check for individual sales.
At least you’re an honest – and reprehensible – conservative willing to admit you don’t want anything done about gun crime and violence.
Clay. You are so fulla shat your ears are like a Playdoh machine

This is all political for you. You enjoy when this happens because you fruitcakes are nuts
So you don't care about dead 4th graders as long as you can keep your high capacity clips and don't have to do a background check for individual sales.
4th graders are a political tools for you ass wipes

You've numbed and brainwashed these kids to fucking insanity. Lock the little shits up for 2 yrs for political purposes.

Look in a GD mirror and see sewage dripping.
This isn't ever going to end, so the best thing we can do is stop panicking about it.

I don't think many actually panic honestly.

I think most use it as an excuse for attention. They glom onto a shooting as a way to get some views, likes, thumbs up and comments. Our digital age has given everyone a voice and everyone competes to get a sliver of attention and recognition. They want to feel validation from internet strangers and want to feel like their opinion which is 1 out of 7.5 billion actually is important.

The media overexposed shootings because with a sea of news sources out there they all clamour for any attention they can because more clicks and views means they can charge more for advertising dollars.

Politicians overexposed them so they can get attention to push their agenda forward and are given a chance to grandstand Infront of people to seem like they care and are doing something.

And what's the best way to get people's attention? With fear and or anger.
So you don't care about dead 4th graders as long as you can keep your high capacity clips and don't have to do a background check for individual sales.
I dont give a fuck if a thousand kids are gunned down every single day. You arent taking away my right to protect myself and my loved ones.
Site right wingers show the accuracy of the OP again and again
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Nothing you can imagine much less pass is going to prevent kids from getting harmed or killed.

The best we can possibly do is to reduce the number of such shootings and the numbers of killed and wounded.
Yeah, and how do we do that? By ignoring the fact that kids are being killed, it will just go away by itself?
Taking away all guns from absolutely everyone
Lets us know when you fucktards come up with a viable way to stop that from happening. You morons cant even figure out what a woman is. :cuckoo:
We should come up with a solution? In other words, you don't care if kids are being killed? Thanks for sharing that with us.
This isn't ever going to end, so the best thing we can do is stop panicking about it.
Democrats need these shootings to push their mindless antu-gun agenda.
Thus, the reason they react to said shootings by demanding unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the rights of the law abiding.
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Yeah, and how do we do that? By ignoring the fact that kids are being killed, it will just go away by itself?
If you spent more time reading what's already been said instead of running off at the mouth blindly you'd already have a clue.

We know of two things that work and are easy to implement, secure school buildings and an immediate armed response.
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