We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

Because we don't want psychopaths to be able to do as much damage as possible to innocent people. Why don't you give a shit about doing anything to address that?
You know what the best solutions to that is ? Quit equipping their mind's with the weapon's they desire or need that makes them seek out that knife, that gun, that vehicle, that bomb in order to become their ammo to do what their mind's are being conditioned to do ???? Stopping the conditioners would be a great action for the nation to take also (see my previous comment above).
Maybe conservatives would care enough to do something if they were a bunch of fetuses that got slaughtered?
Idk, it seems like the Republicans wanted to do something, only to have Schumer block it.

Days after the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) on Wednesday blocked a Republican-sponsored bill that would create a national clearinghouse for school safety, claiming without evidence the bill would bring "more guns in schools."
You know what the best solutions to that is ? Quit equipping their mind's with the weapon's they desire or need that makes them seek out that knife, that gun, that vehicle, that bomb in order to become their ammo to do what their mind's are being conditioned to do ???? Stopping the conditioners would be a great action for the nation to take also (see my previous comment above).
And how exactly would that be done? Sounds incredibly vague.
Idk, it seems like the Republicans wanted to do something, only to have Schumer block it.

I wish they would just pass whatever Republicans want to do so they would stop giving excuses for their failure to stop these incidents.
I wish they would just pass whatever Republicans want to do so they would stop giving excuses for their failure to stop these incidents.
I don't understand how reasonable it is to go to a negotiating table with the attitude of "My way or the highway." Here was a bill presented by the Republicans moving in the right direction and Schumer wasn't having it.
You’re right. That kid should have never been allowed to buy an assault rifle to kill those people in Buffalo.

Unfortunately there no law against it
Ideal word "kid".... In reality though, if a kid today wanted to do terrible things as a result of his conditioning in life, then he can choose many ways of doing damage without going anywhere near to a gun. Fact.

If you think the kids of today aren't smart (i.e. smart in a bad way-some of them are), then you definitely got your head inside of a box.
I wish they would just pass whatever Republicans want to do so they would stop giving excuses for their failure to stop these incidents.
Won't work, because as soon as they put anything in action, then the set up crowd will be throwing the race card, homophobic card, misogynistic card, and any other card that would stop republican's from attempting to get some kind of balance back in things.
How does one fight a tyranical US government 200 years from now, when they only have tiny magazines specifically designed to limit the guns effectiveness?
The same way we do it today. We vote to get rid of the tyrants like we did when we kicked trump's ass out of office. Rifles will never be a match for our military, dumb ass.
I don't understand how reasonable it is to go to a negotiating table with the attitude of "My way or the highway." Here was a bill presented by the Republicans moving in the right direction and Schumer wasn't having it.
His argument is that it's not effective, and I agree. I just want them to pass it anyway so that when it inevitably fails, Republicans don't have any more excuses.

Or who knows? Maybe I'm wrong and it works. Win-win.
Won't work, because as soon as they put anything in action, then the set up crowd will be throwing the race card, homophobic card, misogynistic card, and any other card that would stop republican's from attempting to get some kind of balance back in things.
I haven't seen them play the race card, homophobic card, or misogynistic card about anything related to guns.
He used a Bushmaster XM 15

An assault rifle
Where did he get it from ?? If he purchased it, then where did he purchase it ? That's called doing a thorough investigation, and then submitting all of the findings for review. Think all the findings will be submitted, and that includes politics and such if involved ? The protection of agenda's at the cost of American lives needs to be accounted for fully.
His argument is that it's not effective, and I agree. I just want them to pass it anyway so that when it inevitably fails, Republicans don't have any more excuses.

Or who knows? Maybe I'm wrong and it works. Win-win.
His argument had no supportive data that I saw. He simply dismissed the bill "claiming without evidence the bill would bring 'more guns in schools'." when the bill doesn't even mention guns. It basically would ". . . require the Department of Homeland Security to form a subagency that cooperates with education and law enforcement . . . ." What would be the harm of DHS working with education and le?

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