We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

His argument had no supportive data that I saw. He simply dismissed the bill "claiming without evidence the bill would bring 'more guns in schools'." when the bill doesn't even mention guns. It basically would ". . . require the Department of Homeland Security to form a subagency that cooperates with education and law enforcement . . . ." What would be the harm of DHS working with education and le?
There's no data either way.

But I agree with you, I wish he would have passed it.
As you know, it's not an assault rifle, it's an 'assault weapon'.
'Assault weapons' are banned in NY.
Thus, there -is- a law against it.
Only under certain conditions.

He bought one that supposedly could not accept magazines and drilled out the lock.

Stupid rule and easily gotten around
Only under certain conditions.
Correct. 'Assault weapons' possessed before the ban are still legal. That's irrelevant here.
He bought one that supposedly could not accept magazines and drilled out the lock.
What's that? He -illegally- modified the weapon?
Well shit. We need a law to make it illegal to illegally modify a weapon.
Tell us:
How do you prevent someone from illegally modifying a legal firearm?
Stupid rule and easily gotten around
And thus, demonstrating the unnecessary and ineffective nature of the ban.
Correct. 'Assault weapons' possessed before the ban are still legal. That's irrelevant here.

What's that? He -illegally- modified the weapon?
Well shit. We need a law to make it illegal to illegally modify a weapon.
Tell us:
How do you prevent someone from illegally modifying a legal firearm?

And thus, demonstrating the unnecessary and ineffective nature of the ban.
No just make it harder to modify. You can do it.
Which is what these cons want.
The NY 'assault weapon' ban was passed by a Dem-controlled legislature and signed into law by a Dem governor.
That is, they exacted exactly what they wanted to enact.
How do conservatives play into this?
This is what the bill targets. . .
". . . collect data on school safety and provide recommendations."
. . .we'll never know what data since Schumer isn't interested in finding out.
Meh. Seems like we have plenty of data. I don’t think it would be effective but I do agree that he should have passed it.
Meh. Seems like we have plenty of data. I don’t think it would be effective but I do agree that he should have passed it.
If you consider this just more bureaucratic waste then you should probably welcome Schumer blocking it. In the end, though, the charge that Republicans aren't interested in doing anything is a shallow argument that doesn't negate the actual evidence to the contrary.

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