We swore we would not forget 911.

I remember 9/11

I remember the military completely letting us down , despite all the heads up

I remember the FBI letting us down, allowing all the saudi flights out during flight lockdown

I remember Congress letting us down, keeping 28 pages from us

I remember Bush & Cheney letting us down, the bait /switch to some tinpot dictator , who's sh*thole country turned their backs on us the after we liberated them

I remember all our 'letter departments' letting us down, obsessed with terrorism , disregarding the source that spawns them

I remember our legislature letting us down, subscribing to the PA fascist document like scared rabbits

I remember a trail of completely idiotic foreign policy bullsh*t letting us down for the last 16 years , most of which has fueled vs. mitigated the ME conflict , because it's most likely collusive if not corrupt foisted on the American people

But i'm old and forgetful , did i miss any?

You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit voted for it. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
I remember Bush giving up the war on terror in order to invade Iraq
Iraq was contained even though Saddam was an evil SOB...........should have whooped Irans ass instead drove the armies through it and killed as many in Afghanistan as possible and LEFT...................

War would have been over very quickly.............But WE DON'T FIGHT WARS ANYMORE..............

WE FIGHT POLICE ACTIONS.............then wonder why we lose them.
Saudi Arabia should have been first on the list
I remember 9/11

I remember the military completely letting us down , despite all the heads up

I remember the FBI letting us down, allowing all the saudi flights out during flight lockdown

I remember Congress letting us down, keeping 28 pages from us

I remember Bush & Cheney letting us down, the bait /switch to some tinpot dictator , who's sh*thole country turned their backs on us the after we liberated them

I remember all our 'letter departments' letting us down, obsessed with terrorism , disregarding the source that spawns them

I remember our legislature letting us down, subscribing to the PA fascist document like scared rabbits

I remember a trail of completely idiotic foreign policy bullsh*t letting us down for the last 16 years , most of which has fueled vs. mitigated the ME conflict , because it's most likely collusive if not corrupt foisted on the American people

But i'm old and forgetful , did i miss any?

You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building
I remember 9/11

I remember the military completely letting us down , despite all the heads up

I remember the FBI letting us down, allowing all the saudi flights out during flight lockdown

I remember Congress letting us down, keeping 28 pages from us

I remember Bush & Cheney letting us down, the bait /switch to some tinpot dictator , who's sh*thole country turned their backs on us the after we liberated them

I remember all our 'letter departments' letting us down, obsessed with terrorism , disregarding the source that spawns them

I remember our legislature letting us down, subscribing to the PA fascist document like scared rabbits

I remember a trail of completely idiotic foreign policy bullsh*t letting us down for the last 16 years , most of which has fueled vs. mitigated the ME conflict , because it's most likely collusive if not corrupt foisted on the American people

But i'm old and forgetful , did i miss any?

You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.

Terrorism is a real threat

Refusing to focus on the source is treason

I remember 9/11 I went to work like every day..
I had to leave work and didn't come back for 3 days.................as new security measures were put in place............

But I wasn't working at an office job.
I remember 9/11

I remember the military completely letting us down , despite all the heads up

I remember the FBI letting us down, allowing all the saudi flights out during flight lockdown

I remember Congress letting us down, keeping 28 pages from us

I remember Bush & Cheney letting us down, the bait /switch to some tinpot dictator , who's sh*thole country turned their backs on us the after we liberated them

I remember all our 'letter departments' letting us down, obsessed with terrorism , disregarding the source that spawns them

I remember our legislature letting us down, subscribing to the PA fascist document like scared rabbits

I remember a trail of completely idiotic foreign policy bullsh*t letting us down for the last 16 years , most of which has fueled vs. mitigated the ME conflict , because it's most likely collusive if not corrupt foisted on the American people

But i'm old and forgetful , did i miss any?

You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building

We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

I remember 9/11

I remember the military completely letting us down , despite all the heads up

I remember the FBI letting us down, allowing all the saudi flights out during flight lockdown

I remember Congress letting us down, keeping 28 pages from us

I remember Bush & Cheney letting us down, the bait /switch to some tinpot dictator , who's sh*thole country turned their backs on us the after we liberated them

I remember all our 'letter departments' letting us down, obsessed with terrorism , disregarding the source that spawns them

I remember our legislature letting us down, subscribing to the PA fascist document like scared rabbits

I remember a trail of completely idiotic foreign policy bullsh*t letting us down for the last 16 years , most of which has fueled vs. mitigated the ME conflict , because it's most likely collusive if not corrupt foisted on the American people

But i'm old and forgetful , did i miss any?

You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building

We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
I remember 9/11

I remember the military completely letting us down , despite all the heads up

I remember the FBI letting us down, allowing all the saudi flights out during flight lockdown

I remember Congress letting us down, keeping 28 pages from us

I remember Bush & Cheney letting us down, the bait /switch to some tinpot dictator , who's sh*thole country turned their backs on us the after we liberated them

I remember all our 'letter departments' letting us down, obsessed with terrorism , disregarding the source that spawns them

I remember our legislature letting us down, subscribing to the PA fascist document like scared rabbits

I remember a trail of completely idiotic foreign policy bullsh*t letting us down for the last 16 years , most of which has fueled vs. mitigated the ME conflict , because it's most likely collusive if not corrupt foisted on the American people

But i'm old and forgetful , did i miss any?

You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.

Terrorism is a real threat

Refusing to focus on the source is treason

When I served over there never had Saudi Arabia aiming weapons at us............quite the opposite...............Radical Islam recruits from all countries there...........and while I could care less about the Saudi's........attacking them for those they have disavowed would be plain stupidity..............

The balance of power has shifted..............towards shiites...........instead of Sunni's..........and that is why the Civil War there has gone postal.......
You are a fucking old loser. Who was it that signed the Iraq Liberation Act for wmds?

Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building

We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.

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