We swore we would not forget 911.




Clinton ,but he didn't put boots on the ground
big dif


The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building

We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

The paradigm shifted with official policy in how to deal with threats from nations that sponsored terrorism. To you and the rest of the truthers, terrorism is not real. You pathetic waste of time. So the official policy started by clinton, enforced by bush was your problem? Democrats, including your pathetic crooked kuunt in a pants suit. Ahhhh, but terrorism was a myth and still is a myth. You fat ignorant bloated gasbag.
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building

We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........
We should have gone after terrorists and their funding rather than engaging in empire building

We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........

Iran did not attack us on 9-11
I remember Bush giving up the war on terror in order to invade Iraq
Iraq was contained even though Saddam was an evil SOB...........should have whooped Irans ass instead drove the armies through it and killed as many in Afghanistan as possible and LEFT...................

War would have been over very quickly.............But WE DON'T FIGHT WARS ANYMORE..............

WE FIGHT POLICE ACTIONS.............then wonder why we lose them.
I agree with most of what you have to say. The one major exception is "should have whooped Irans ass" ! Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Both you and Bush would still be attacking the wrong country.
We should have publicly beheaded and stuck those Saudi heads on stakes out on the WH lawn THAT would have sent a message to the muslim world they'd understand

Instead we let 'em go.....

9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........

Iran did not attack us on 9-11
Iran is a major player in funding Terrorist groups in the region.......................

And I will not forget that they tried to kill people like me when I served there.............

I will not forget that Radicalism turned the place into Gov't ruled by Religion.............after keeping our people Hostage there for over a year under Carter....

I will not forget that they chant DEATH TO AMERICA......................Come and get you some bitches.....

Clear it up for you.
9-11 was about Islamic extremism
Saudi Arabia was the center of that extremism
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........

Iran did not attack us on 9-11
Iran is a major player in funding Terrorist groups in the region.......................

And I will not forget that they tried to kill people like me when I served there.............

I will not forget that Radicalism turned the place into Gov't ruled by Religion.............after keeping our people Hostage there for over a year under Carter....

I will not forget that they chant DEATH TO AMERICA......................Come and get you some bitches.....

Clear it up for you.
They chant Death to America

Saudi Arabia brought it to our shores and we thanked them for it
I remember Bush giving up the war on terror in order to invade Iraq
Iraq was contained even though Saddam was an evil SOB...........should have whooped Irans ass instead drove the armies through it and killed as many in Afghanistan as possible and LEFT...................

War would have been over very quickly.............But WE DON'T FIGHT WARS ANYMORE..............

WE FIGHT POLICE ACTIONS.............then wonder why we lose them.
I agree with most of what you have to say. The one major exception is "should have whooped Irans ass" ! Iran had nothing to do with 9/11. Both you and Bush would still be attacking the wrong country.
I respectfully disagree...................I believe until a Nation pays a price for supporting Terrorist, which Iran does, things will NEVER CHANGE..............Busting their asses would have gone a long way to that issue.............

I would remind you that Iran helped our enemies to kill our soldiers there for over a decade and a half...............Through funding..........through weapons...........and through recruitment.........

More of our men came home in body bags because of the Advanced IED's than actual bullets............provided to the enemy by Iran..........

So............I disagree...........But I wouldn't have nation built in any.............
So you would have bombed Saudi Arabia to dust..............and allowed Iran to become the Dominate Power in the region.........which they are trying to obtain right now................LOL

Keep your day job.
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........

Iran did not attack us on 9-11
Iran is a major player in funding Terrorist groups in the region.......................

And I will not forget that they tried to kill people like me when I served there.............

I will not forget that Radicalism turned the place into Gov't ruled by Religion.............after keeping our people Hostage there for over a year under Carter....

I will not forget that they chant DEATH TO AMERICA......................Come and get you some bitches.....

Clear it up for you.
They chant Death to America

Saudi Arabia brought it to our shores and we thanked them for it
Their gov't disavowed those responsible................doesn't mean funding came from there as it did in many places........

As I said............the Middle East is quick sand..........and maintaining a balance of power is the only way to maintain any position of control whatsoever........

Bush underestimated the region.................thought if we kicked Saddam out they'd love us in time.............didn't understand theology........
I didn’t say that
We should have removed their economic protection, imposed crippling sanctions, cashed in our global 9-11 support to isolate Saudi Arabia until they did something to curtail religious extremism

Instead of invading Iraq

That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........

Iran did not attack us on 9-11
Iran is a major player in funding Terrorist groups in the region.......................

And I will not forget that they tried to kill people like me when I served there.............

I will not forget that Radicalism turned the place into Gov't ruled by Religion.............after keeping our people Hostage there for over a year under Carter....

I will not forget that they chant DEATH TO AMERICA......................Come and get you some bitches.....

Clear it up for you.
They chant Death to America

Saudi Arabia brought it to our shores and we thanked them for it
Their gov't disavowed those responsible................doesn't mean funding came from there as it did in many places........

As I said............the Middle East is quick sand..........and maintaining a balance of power is the only way to maintain any position of control whatsoever........

Bush underestimated the region.................thought if we kicked Saddam out they'd love us in time.............didn't understand theology........
Their government looked the other way as the Extremists built anti western hatred. As long as they stayed in power and got their checks they did not care
Analyses - Wahhabism | PBS - Saudi Time Bomb? | FRONTLINE | PBS

For more than two centuries, Wahhabism has been Saudi Arabia's dominant faith. It is an austere form of Islam that insists on a literal interpretation of the Koran. Strict Wahhabis believe that all those who don't practice their form of Islam are heathens and enemies. Critics say that Wahhabism's rigidity has led it to misinterpret and distort Islam, pointing to extremists such as Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. Wahhabism's explosive growth began in the 1970s when Saudi charities started funding Wahhabi schools (madrassas) and mosques from Islamabad to Culver City, California
But the Saudi government has condemned what happened on September 11....

... Yes, Prince Nayif condemned bin Laden, and other princes... Prince Turki condemned bin Laden. They did not condemn that message. They condemned bin Laden. ... Bin Laden learned this in Saudi Arabia. He didn't learn it in the moon. That message that Bin Laden received, it still is taught in Saudi Arabia. And if bin Laden dies, and this policy or curriculum stays, we will have other bin Ladens. ...
That would have still given a possible shift in power towards Iran...............I understand the entire region funds terrorism in one way or another.........That would even include Turkey.............

We should fence in the region and turn it into a Zoo........

Iran did not attack us on 9-11
Iran is a major player in funding Terrorist groups in the region.......................

And I will not forget that they tried to kill people like me when I served there.............

I will not forget that Radicalism turned the place into Gov't ruled by Religion.............after keeping our people Hostage there for over a year under Carter....

I will not forget that they chant DEATH TO AMERICA......................Come and get you some bitches.....

Clear it up for you.
They chant Death to America

Saudi Arabia brought it to our shores and we thanked them for it
Their gov't disavowed those responsible................doesn't mean funding came from there as it did in many places........

As I said............the Middle East is quick sand..........and maintaining a balance of power is the only way to maintain any position of control whatsoever........

Bush underestimated the region.................thought if we kicked Saddam out they'd love us in time.............didn't understand theology........
Their government looked the other way as the Extremists built anti western hatred. As long as they stayed in power and got their checks they did not care
The entire middle east is part of Terrorism...........every one of them...............

Such is the quick sand of the Middle East..............

We should have just kicked ass then left...............No Nation Building...........let the chips fall where they may.....

Instead we have taken the path of Britain and France after WWI...........who stayed the course until they said FUCK IT AND LEFT..............

Which will eventually come;.......

But thanks to the scumbags on the left, and the PC demented identity politics used by the world globalists to push their agenda, we have completely forgotten.

Blathering retardation posted for the sole purpose to try and reinforce your retarded agenda. The only thing missing is you saying 'Derp, derp' before and after.

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