Weekend Highlight - Bawling 7 Year Old

i think they learn manners when adults use their manners in front of them...i spanked my son when needed....lucky for us both we didnt need it that often
i like the non beating attitude....i was shocked when one of the parents i sit for said i could spank the child....i dont spank other people's kids

I come from a family where the expectation was you obeyed ALL adults and they were authorized to discipline as necessary.
all kids are little pricks....you are still expected to be the adult.....that is how you pay for your raising
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have kids but they are 40 years old . I raised them the old fashioned way and neither one was a little Pwick as they knew what the deal was SBones !!
i like the non beating attitude....i was shocked when one of the parents i sit for said i could spank the child....i dont spank other people's kids

I come from a family where the expectation was you obeyed ALL adults and they were authorized to discipline as necessary.
No, you come from a family of psychotic sadists who got their jollies torturing children.
When I heard all 3 of my wife's nephews were visiting my In-laws next door this weekend, I was fairly certain the entire weekend was a lost cause.

Much to my surprise the 7 year old little shit who is the middle (age-wise) of the three, and the biggest trouble maker of the group has spent the better part of the last we hours crying and upset at the world - which makes me happier than I could have ever expected.....

He's been in trouble twice last night, at least two or three times today, been denied the opportunity to go shopping with Abuela (grandma) today, and forced to stay dressed all day.

^most hateful poser
most hateful poser

Hey. I won't deny I'm probably the most hateful PERSON here. I'm not a poser.

So far as I'm concerned children under an age where they can be expected to know Right from Wrong and accept the consequences are nothing more than venereal diseases.
Another sweet VICTORY this morning...... He got taken home to momma this morning (24 hours early) because he wouldn't stay in bed this morning and then was caught in the kitchen opening food that he wasn't supposed to have.

For the first time in five years I actually saw the grandparents enforcing discipline on this little shit. Oh the joy to my eyes and ears as his reddened ass got dragged to the car with his backpack to be driven home while his two brothers got to stay.

The perfect way to end this weekend.
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If not a reason, a damn good reason, give he/she/it one.

With a leather strap about two feet long.

Next he/she/it starts just calmly ask them:



Rinse washcloth in very cold water. Fold it around several ice cubes.
Wash, vigorously, the little shit's face.
Repeat until squalling gives way to gasping for air.
If squalling returns repeat the wash.
If that doesn't do it substitute one of the below for the washcloth:


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