Welfare discourages marriage


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Kids raised by married parents do better. They do better in school, are less likely to get into trouble, drop out and they are more likely to go to college when raised in a home with two parents. So, it would seem logical to encourage marriage for the children's sake. Yet, our welfare system punishes marriage. It also punishes parents who do find work. We should do what we can to ease them into a better life, as the individuals do their part. Instead, they are encouraged to stay single and do nothing. You'd think some want to keep them right where they are, in poverty and totally dependent.

"According to a recently released study from the American Enterprise Institute, 82 percent of lower-middle-class families with young children face "marriage penalties" in the welfare system.

Couples who marry would lose all or some of their welfare benefits because their combined income is often greater than each of their independent incomes.

The study found that couples with young children are less likely to marry if they face a significant marriage penalty. Furthermore, nearly a third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 60 reported that they personally know someone who has chosen not to marry because of the marriage penalty.

And this study only examines welfare marriage penalties for a few means-tested welfare programs: food stamps, Medicaid, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. There are over 80 means-tested welfare programs that provide other food, medical, and cash assistance, as well as housing assistance and social services to poor and lower-income Americans. Marriage penalties exist throughout the welfare system.

Marriage is one of the greatest protectors against child poverty. It is counterintuitive to have a welfare system that penalizes this institution.

Children in married-parent homes are more than 80 percent less likely to be poor, compared to their peers in single-parent families. Tragically, far too many American children live in single-parent homes. One in four children is born to an unwed mother, and more than half of U.S. teenagers aged 15 to 17 live without married parents.

Not only are these children at greater risk of poverty, but they are at greater risk of social conditions that would hinder their ability to thrive.

Children who grow up with their married parents have better life outcomes compared to children who grow up in single-parent homes. For example, children raised by their married mothers and fathers generally obtain more education and have better emotional health. They also have lower rates of delinquency and teen pregnancy.

How can we reform our welfare system so that it does not penalize marriage?

First, policymakers must avoid policy changes that would increase marriage penalties. This would include preventing increases in the earned income tax credit for childless adults. Such an increase would only further incentivize parents to remain single.

Second, we should implement stronger work requirements to decrease the appeal of welfare as a long-term substitution for both work and marriage. Fostering a sense of self-reliance and pride in one’s work encourages parents to move away from welfare and toward the kind of financial independence found in marriage. This, in turn, results in greater economic opportunities for both parent and child.

Marriage is a strong tool against poverty and also provides the best setting for children to thrive. Policymakers have an opportunity to improve conditions for the American family. They must work toward reducing and eliminating the anti-marriage policies of the current welfare system."

Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
The story is not true . A unmarried couple living together is treated the same as a married couple .

Now it is true that a couple gets less long term help than a single parent . Because they have no excuse to not have one parent working . A solo parent cant watch the kid and work at the same time .
Less and less young people are getting married. A new trend. Focus on career. No time for marriage. Can we blame them? I surely dont.
The story is not true . A unmarried couple living together is treated the same as a married couple .

Now it is true that a couple gets less long term help than a single parent . Because they have no excuse to not have one parent working . A solo parent cant watch the kid and work at the same time .

Government doesn't check into people living in a household. One of the long-time welfare scams was for a woman to apply for welfare claiming her husband left her with the kids. He didn't go anywhere, he still lived in the house and there was no breakup. It's just that a woman was applicable for welfare because of her claim he left her.

A couple of years ago, I had to evict a family from one of my apartments. It was an unmarried couple. He worked, but she stayed at home "supposedly" home schooling her two kids even though she was a dumb as an ox. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, so I addressed them of the problem.

I suggested that she get a part-time job on weekends to catch up on the rent and maybe get ahead in life. She didn't even entertain my suggestion because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps for her and her kids.

If they were married, she probably wouldn't be getting that benefit and probably would have went to work to save their home. Long story short, I had to evict them.
The story is not true . A unmarried couple living together is treated the same as a married couple .

Now it is true that a couple gets less long term help than a single parent . Because they have no excuse to not have one parent working . A solo parent cant watch the kid and work at the same time .

Government doesn't check into people living in a household. One of the long-time welfare scams was for a woman to apply for welfare claiming her husband left her with the kids. He didn't go anywhere, he still lived in the house and there was no breakup. It's just that a woman was applicable for welfare because of her claim he left her.

A couple of years ago, I had to evict a family from one of my apartments. It was an unmarried couple. He worked, but she stayed at home "supposedly" home schooling her two kids even though she was a dumb as an ox. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, so I addressed them of the problem.

I suggested that she get a part-time job on weekends to catch up on the rent and maybe get ahead in life. She didn't even entertain my suggestion because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps for her and her kids.

If they were married, she probably wouldn't be getting that benefit and probably would have went to work to save their home. Long story short, I had to evict them.

Not true . You are ignorant of the law and how shit works.
Not true . You are ignorant of the law and how shit works.

Right. I had to see and pay my lawyer. I had to appear in court three times. I received wage garnishments from my former tenant for a year. I'm just imagining the whole thing.
Not true . You are ignorant of the law and how shit works.

Right. I had to see and pay my lawyer. I had to appear in court three times. I received wage garnishments from my former tenant for a year. I'm just imagining the whole thing.

I would have waited a few months, declared bankruptcy, and made you give me all my money back to pay my other bills with :ack-1:
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
I was a latch key kid with one parent..I turned out okay along with my sister.....
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Uh 2 parent homes are faaar better even if both parents work for a whole host of reasons.
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
I was a latch key kid with one parent..I turned out okay along with my sister.....

Some heroin addicts turn out to be OK, still not the best way to go
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
I was a latch key kid with one parent..I turned out okay along with my sister.....

I knew kids like that. The thing was, when I was a kid, that was a thing the neighbors were aware of and kept a watchful eye and kept their judgments to themselves generally. My mom would invite some of the kids like that over periodically for meals or whatever and let them know of they ever needed anything they could come to our house. Now, it is one of those things people hide or will get social services called in a heartbeat.
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
I was a latch key kid with one parent..I turned out okay along with my sister.....

Some heroin addicts turn out to be OK, still not the best way to go

Some people don't have a meaningful choice
The story is not true . A unmarried couple living together is treated the same as a married couple .

Now it is true that a couple gets less long term help than a single parent . Because they have no excuse to not have one parent working . A solo parent cant watch the kid and work at the same time .

Government doesn't check into people living in a household. One of the long-time welfare scams was for a woman to apply for welfare claiming her husband left her with the kids. He didn't go anywhere, he still lived in the house and there was no breakup. It's just that a woman was applicable for welfare because of her claim he left her.

A couple of years ago, I had to evict a family from one of my apartments. It was an unmarried couple. He worked, but she stayed at home "supposedly" home schooling her two kids even though she was a dumb as an ox. They kept getting further and further behind on rent, so I addressed them of the problem.

I suggested that she get a part-time job on weekends to catch up on the rent and maybe get ahead in life. She didn't even entertain my suggestion because she was getting $250.00 a month in food stamps for her and her kids.

If they were married, she probably wouldn't be getting that benefit and probably would have went to work to save their home. Long story short, I had to evict them.

No, she was lying to welfare telling them daddy was gone .

Marriage doenst mean shit . A scumbag husband can abandon his family just as easy as a baby daddy boyfriend .
Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
I was a latch key kid with one parent..I turned out okay along with my sister.....

Some heroin addicts turn out to be OK, still not the best way to go

Some people don't have a meaningful choice
Another Conservative Think Tank coming to the typical biased conclusion about Welfare, Marriage and any other social issue they want to ram down Americans throats.

Yeah because stable homes is just a right wing construct....single parent homes are much much better
Not much difference if both parents work..

Depends on when and how often they work. My dad worked nights and my mom worked during the day. There was seldom not a parent at our house. If there couldn't be, off to the creepy aunt and uncle's we went.
I was a latch key kid with one parent..I turned out okay along with my sister.....

I knew kids like that. The thing was, when I was a kid, that was a thing the neighbors were aware of and kept a watchful eye and kept their judgments to themselves generally. My mom would invite some of the kids like that over periodically for meals or whatever and let them know of they ever needed anything they could come to our house. Now, it is one of those things people hide or will get social services called in a heartbeat.
Not where I live, a child can be home alone as long as they feel safe...My last one started at 10,, 4 years ago...

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