Well, I guess we can do without an Airforce anyway

Kind of speaks for itself doesn't it? Is it still Trump's fault or Reagan's?

Nothing to see here. The most important thing to ensure the safety of American citizens right now is reparations for illegals aliens. This MUST be given top priority!
Only "lawful" orders.
Good luck telling your superior officers what orders are and aren’t lawful. When you’re in the military, you go where you’re told, and you do what you’re told. If a shot is mandated, you get it. When I was in boot camp, we had corpsmen on either side of us giving us various vaccinations. This is just another shot.
Well Americans have a history of doing some unlawful things, like killing of unarmed POWs, and civilians in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, destruction of private property, rape and other murders. Some of these were even ordered by officers.

So my case stands, you do what you're told in the military, right or wrong. It's what you signed the dotted line for.

Well, it looks like Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot would have loved you soldiering for them.
Respectfully sir, most other countries have a far worse history of unlawful acts committed by their militaries. Granted some atrocites were commited throughout the past, but we've mostly done what was necessary at the time. It was probably the Vietnam War that was a turning point. Up until then, we fought wars to win. We seem to have forgotten the that in order to emerge victorious from any war, the enemy must be hurt so badly that they don't want to fight any more.
I think Korea was the turning point. When you set a line that you cannot cross on a battlefield, you set yourself up for defeat. In Korea, it was the Yalu River, Vietnam was the 17th parallel. In Korea, I think MacArthur was right and Truman was wrong.
I think Korea was the turning point. When you set a line that you cannot cross on a battlefield, you set yourself up for defeat. In Korea, it was the Yalu River, Vietnam was the 17th parallel. In Korea, I think MacArthur was right and Truman was wrong.

Our fault in the Korean War was letting those globalist fuckheads at the United Nations get involved. If we had fought that silly "police action" like we had WW2, and with the same military leadership, there would be no North Korea today. We were the main nuclear power during that time and if the Chinese were so determined that Korea was a hill worth dying on, we could have easily accommodated them.
Good luck telling your superior officers what orders are and aren’t lawful. When you’re in the military, you go where you’re told, and you do what you’re told. If a shot is mandated, you get it. When I was in boot camp, we had corpsmen on either side of us giving us various vaccinations. This is just another shot.
Vetted shots that were approved by you when you signed up. Not experimental--unless you volunteered for LSD trials.
I think Korea was the turning point. When you set a line that you cannot cross on a battlefield, you set yourself up for defeat. In Korea, it was the Yalu River, Vietnam was the 17th parallel. In Korea, I think MacArthur was right and Truman was wrong.

Korea should be a case in point.
Consider the contrast in the 2 Korea's since the war.
The South went for Democracy and flourished! The North went Commie and stagnated!
Yet, our University's and College's started indoctrinating the viability of Communism, under the guise of Socialism, in American student's up to today since the 70's.
And almost half of our country is now convinced that communism is a realistic paradigm for our future.
We've been totally scammed!!
You joined the Military, you follow the rules

If you would rather believe the internet rumors you read than keep your position in the military…..Good riddance

It is not a question of internet rumors.
Read the CDC description of how they think the mRNA injections work.

  1. First, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. The mRNA will enter the muscle cells and instruct the cells’ machinery to produce a harmless piece of what is called the spike protein. The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. After the protein piece is made, our cells break down the mRNA and remove it.
  2. Next, our cells display the spike protein piece on their surface. Our immune system recognizes that the protein doesn’t belong there. This triggers our immune system to produce antibodies and activate other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. This is what your body might do to fight off the infection if you got sick with COVID-19.
  3. At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect against future infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. The benefit of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, like all vaccines, is that those vaccinated gain this protection without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19. Any temporary discomfort experienced after getting the vaccine is a natural part of the process and an indication that the vaccine is working.

That is horrendously risky.
First of all, for the nRNA injections to get into our own cells, they have to have the same spike proteins as covid.
If our own ribosomes in the cell then read the mRNA instructions and use them to start our cells growing spike proteins, then there is no quantity control. With some people, no spike proteins will be produced, but with others there will be a lethal overdose.
Sure the body will then attack the spike proteins, but if the mRNA injection has migrated to the heart or brain, then you die.
If the mRNA injection has migrated to the extremities, then they might have to be amputated.
And finally, without any virus present in the mRNA injection, there is nothing for the immune system to remember.
It can't remember to trigger on spike proteins because our own exosomes also use the same spike proteins.
That means your immunity will only be boosted for 3 months from these mRNA injections, and there will be no long term immunity memory.
Korea should be a case in point.
Consider the contrast in the 2 Korea's since the war.
The South went for Democracy and flourished! The North went Commie and stagnated!
Yet, our University's and College's started indoctrinating the viability of Communism, under the guise of Socialism, in American student's up to today.
And almost half of our country is now convinced that communism is a realistic paradigm for our future.
We've been totally scammed!!
Show where half the country supports Communism or admit you are just making shit up
The Military routinely requires vaccinations

No they do not.
Lot of people in the military do not get vaccinations, for reasons like allergies, immune system irregularities, religious beliefs, etc.
The military has never before mandated vaccinations.

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