Well, I guess we can do without an Airforce anyway

No they do not.
Lot of people in the military do not get vaccinations, for reasons like allergies, immune system irregularities, religious beliefs, etc.
The military has never before mandated vaccinations.

The fact they make exceptions does not mean they are not mandatory , in fact they would not need to make exceptions if they were not mandatory .
Show where half the country supports Communism or admit you are just making shit up

If you support today's control freak Dimm's under a socialist 'Build Back Better' U.N. mantra, then you are asking for a western brand of Neo-Marxism that we already see that supports open- borders, Huge Gov't. Interventions, and a Dimm politicized National Security apparatus designed to keep Dimm's in perpetual power. It's here, and more is on the way, everyday.
And like I've always said, they are moving fast and just when you think it won't get any worse, IT DOES!!
The military subjected my father to mustard gas, this is a cakewalk. That is why my father told me not to enter the military because they don’t give a damn about those who serve.
You people have no idea the peril the Vegetable voters are putting the country in

I just pray we make it to 2024 when we mop the floor with you morons
But then, you intend to run Cry Baby Loser Trump

Will he attack the Capitol when he loses again?
Well, it looks like Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot would have loved you soldiering for them.
In the Military, you are required to get vaccines. Every soldier knows this. You sign up expecting to get jabbed in the ass. Take a look at the vaccines required to serve in the European Theater.:

Chicken Pox

Hepatitis A & B









and Yellow Fever.

As a member of the military, you are REQUIRED to have these. You don't get to opt out because you don't want to take them, and you don't resign from the military just because you don't want to take them. So why this vaccine? Why the hysteria over this one? You are a soldier serving the United States Government and the Nation, you take orders from the government, plain and simple. One more vax shouldn't end your fucking military career because some "truther" on the internet says its bad.

Follow your orders, or get out. But in MY OPINION this is what you agreed to when you signed up. Get over it.
In the Military, you are required to get vaccines. Every soldier knows this. You sign up expecting to get jabbed in the ass. Take a look at the vaccines required to serve in the European Theater.:

Chicken Pox

Hepatitis A & B









and Yellow Fever.

As a member of the military, you are REQUIRED to have these. You don't get to opt out because you don't want to take them, and you don't resign from the military just because you don't want to take them. So why this vaccine? Why the hysteria over this one? You are a soldier serving the United States Government and the Nation, you take orders from the government, plain and simple. One more vax shouldn't end your fucking military career because some "truther" on the internet says its bad.

Follow your orders, or get out. But in MY OPINION this is what you agreed to when you signed up. Get over it.
Check the time periods out for the research, development, testing and approval for each of those vaccines that you listed. Now compare it to the experimental one then think "Tuskegee syphilis experiment"
I have to agree with the leftists here. This is purely political, especially since the vaccines are now fully FDA approved, whatever that means.

When you show up to boot camp, or basic training, whichever service you enlist in, early on in the process, they take you to a medical facility where you are essentially put into a line and you go through the medical bay where there are nurses on both sides, and you have your sleeves rolled up and as you pass through, they jab you with about 8 or 9 different needles for various inoculations and vaccinations, you have no idea what is in them, and yes, when you sign up for the military, they ARE the boss of you, hence the line in Full Metal Jacket "your soul may belong to God, but your ass belongs to the Marines".

However! If the government is going to MANDATE! anything, they need to drop the "no fault clause" and take responsibility for any adverse reaction to the vaccine, which has the potential to kill someone who may have never gotten covid, or may not have had any serious effects of it. In other words, the vaccine COULD kill someone who may not have otherwise died. The government can't just walk away from that saying "nope, see here, we are not responsible!"

That shouldn't happen.
Check the time periods out for the research, development, testing and approval for each of those vaccines that you listed. Now compare it to the experimental one then think "Tuskegee syphilis experiment"

Does that give you the right to disobey orders? If everyone had a conciseness in the military, recruiting would suck ass because no one would want to do anything they wouldn't want to do.

It's one vaccine out of the many required, you still have to take it if you are serving, end of story.
Isn't it really a liberals wet dream anyway? They are always bitching that our military budget is too big.

Or do they just wish to demonize more people who would prefer to stay in the control group?
You are right; they even want to get rid of the control group and force them to get vaxed like everyone else, as there are now more vaxed people getting COVID than unvaccinated.

But it's even worse. Over half have probably already had COVID, and have better immunity than the vaccines alone provide. The CDC stopped counting in May because they don't want people to know that over half of Americans have already had COVID....

120M Americans as of May...

Natural immunity is free. Can't have that.


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