Well it didn't take the screamer long to get his lawyers lined up

I guess there's more to the story than meets the eye. Was Dr. Dao escorted off the plane earlier? Only to return to his seat, and resist authoritie's SECOND request to leave permanently? I admirer guy that sticks to his guns, airline overbooking has to end. I would have just left the first time. But, he was being disruptive...and so it goes.

According to the liberals here, you are a "coward".
Who said that?
It's always instructive when some jackboot authoritarian citizen-abuse event happens ---- who comes out on which side.

Always instructive, rarely surprising. :rolleyes:
To a conservative the worst possible crime is not accepting, without question, instructions from 'authority'.
Complete nonsense of course but whatever....
One of the most regular barbs thrown at liberals is that they act disruptively or unlawfully...or if they question or criticise authority they are anti-cop or don't support the troops or want to destroy America.
Essentially, by not accepting authority they're anti-American.
It's a point of difference that Conservatives draw between themselves and Liberals

Problem is with your comments, this wasn't about any of that.

If you're having dinner in a restaurant, and suddenly waiters come to your table and tell you you must leave because they have a large party coming in that needs all the tables. Do you leave, or do you refuse because you believe it's cowardly to give in, and believe it's too authoritarian of the restaurant to tell you what to do?
Do you hold on to the table and refuse to leave and scream your bloody head off even when security comes in and demands that you leave?

After reading all of you fucking liberals posts here, apparently this is how you fuckers behave.

More and more I see why so many people believe liberalism is a mental disorder.
In your scenario would you simply get up and leave?

If the owners of the establishment, or owners of the plane demanded I leave. I would demand a refund, give them lots of bad publicity, but in the end I wouldn't explode like a three year old, or liberal.
I guess there's more to the story than meets the eye. Was Dr. Dao escorted off the plane earlier? Only to return to his seat, and resist authoritie's SECOND request to leave permanently? I admirer guy that sticks to his guns, airline overbooking has to end. I would have just left the first time. But, he was being disruptive...and so it goes.
Uniteds attempts to evict paying customers from their seat was disruptive

Yes, and it completely sucked.
Contemplate complaints and lawsuits later, but for now comply with their demands, since for one thing it's not your fucking plane, and allow everyone else at least to get home on time instead of scaring the fuck out of other passengers with your three year old-like wailing.
United scared the hell out so everyone when they said if nobody volunteered they would pick someone
United scared the hell out of when they called in the Brute squad
United scared the hell out of everyone when their goons knocked a paying passenger unconscious and dragged him bloody off the plane

United scared the hell out of every potential customer who asks...what if that was me?

Nope Nope Nope.

They asked for volunteers, then when no takers came forward they drew names. This is a fucked system, they should have kept upping the money they were willing to pay, eventually they would get all the "volunteers" they needed.

United used a fucked system that normally works, this time they ran into a buzzsaw temper throwing narcicistic little prick whose time was more important than everyone elses. He had to get to work the next morning, apparently he was the only one with that situation, so the passengers needed to bow down and give in to the hissing baby in the kids seats.

He was the one solely who brought the house down and made everyone late with his behavior.

How come since overbooking and getting tossed off planes happens all the time, this story hasn't been repeated over and over?

Answer: Because in the past, like the other three passengers on this flight. passengers act like adults and make the best out of a fucked situation, instead of making a titanic spectacle of yourself.

But I know, I know, in the past, all of these thousands of other people have all been "cowards" for giving in to the airlines. This time, they ran into a liberal, and don't folks know that liberals refuse to do as instructed, because that would be too cowardly, and giving in to authority.
The reason it didn't work was usually they offer a flight within a couple of hours. They were offering a flight for 3 PM the next day. Why would they be surprised nobody would take it

I bet everyone on that flight had a reason they didn't want to get bumped on a Sunday night

What if you have a doctor appointment the next day?
What if you have an important business meeting
What if it was your grandkids birthday you were flying in for?

United didn't care......their needs were more important
To a conservative the worst possible crime is not accepting, without question, instructions from 'authority'.
Complete nonsense of course but whatever....
One of the most regular barbs thrown at liberals is that they act disruptively or unlawfully...or if they question or criticise authority they are anti-cop or don't support the troops or want to destroy America.
Essentially, by not accepting authority they're anti-American.
It's a point of difference that Conservatives draw between themselves and Liberals

Problem is with your comments, this wasn't about any of that.

If you're having dinner in a restaurant, and suddenly waiters come to your table and tell you you must leave because they have a large party coming in that needs all the tables. Do you leave, or do you refuse because you believe it's cowardly to give in, and believe it's too authoritarian of the restaurant to tell you what to do?
Do you hold on to the table and refuse to leave and scream your bloody head off even when security comes in and demands that you leave?

After reading all of you fucking liberals posts here, apparently this is how you fuckers behave.

More and more I see why so many people believe liberalism is a mental disorder.
In your scenario would you simply get up and leave?

If the owners of the establishment, or owners of the plane demanded I leave. I would demand a refund, give them lots of bad publicity, but in the end I wouldn't explode like a three year old, or liberal.

When did Dr Dao explode?
He was quiet and respectful

It was the Brute Squad that exploded
The guy saw his chance for a fortune and he took it......he knew that refusing to leave would lead the cops to extract him, and he made sure that he made a spectacle for youtube...now he is going to cash in...the guy is a genius....except for that whole, selling drugs for sex with his patients and losing his medical license thing....


He could have been Kermit Gosnell and it wouldn't excuse that treatment.
To a conservative the worst possible crime is not accepting, without question, instructions from 'authority'.
Complete nonsense of course but whatever....
One of the most regular barbs thrown at liberals is that they act disruptively or unlawfully...or if they question or criticise authority they are anti-cop or don't support the troops or want to destroy America.
Essentially, by not accepting authority they're anti-American.
It's a point of difference that Conservatives draw between themselves and Liberals

Problem is with your comments, this wasn't about any of that.

If you're having dinner in a restaurant, and suddenly waiters come to your table and tell you you must leave because they have a large party coming in that needs all the tables. Do you leave, or do you refuse because you believe it's cowardly to give in, and believe it's too authoritarian of the restaurant to tell you what to do?
Do you hold on to the table and refuse to leave and scream your bloody head off even when security comes in and demands that you leave?

After reading all of you fucking liberals posts here, apparently this is how you fuckers behave.

More and more I see why so many people believe liberalism is a mental disorder.
What if United told you once you were seated that they were bumping you because you paid $200 for your seat and someone at the gate is willing to pay $800?
It is a business decision.....bump you so they can give your seat to someone more profitable

That is what they did to Dr Dao.......we have someone we will make more money off of to take your seat

It's a fucked system, comply when the officers come, then line up your lawyers later.
What lawyers ?
Read your contract. United can bump you for any reason

Why can't they bump you if someone wants to pay more for your seat?

Profit is profit
Resistance to unfair laws or business practices, civil disobedience? I would have submitted if I was asked to to leave. I guess I would have to draw the line at a far more substantial issue. But Dao's stand was either a temper tantrum or a individual act of self expression. Either way it took guts.

No guts, he had patients to treat. Could also be that since his run in with the law, he was trying to get back on his feet again and reestablish his practice. It really doesn't matter. All United had to do was offer $1,000. since the $800. didn't work, then $1,200 until four walked off.

The good doctor now seems to be the least of United problems. Now Jessie Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition are trying to turn it into a race issue. What else. Next United will make a huge contribution to the Coalition and Jesse Jackson will be on the United Airlines board of directors.
In your scenario would you simply get up and leave?

If I was offered $800.00 per seat for my party of four, we're outta' there!
Resistance to unfair laws or business practices, civil disobedience? I would have submitted if I was asked to to leave. I guess I would have to draw the line at a far more substantial issue. But Dao's stand was either a temper tantrum or a individual act of self expression. Either way it took guts.

No guts, he had patients to treat. Could also be that since his run in with the law, he was trying to get back on his feet again and reestablish his practice. It really doesn't matter. All United had to do was offer $1,000. since the $800. didn't work, then $1,200 until four walked off.

The good doctor now seems to be the least of United problems. Now Jessie Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition are trying to turn it into a race issue. What else. Next United will make a huge contribution to the Coalition and Jesse Jackson will be on the United Airlines board of directors.
OK, he was a Doctor, and he had a sense of obligation to his patients . But why did he buy a stand by ticket? He risked his patients' well being at the risk of assured seating? My doctor dosen't have to buy a plane ticket to see me, he lives in the same area code. Something smell a little fishy here.
In your scenario would you simply get up and leave?

If I was offered $800.00 per seat for my party of four, we're outta' there!
Resistance to unfair laws or business practices, civil disobedience? I would have submitted if I was asked to to leave. I guess I would have to draw the line at a far more substantial issue. But Dao's stand was either a temper tantrum or a individual act of self expression. Either way it took guts.

No guts, he had patients to treat. Could also be that since his run in with the law, he was trying to get back on his feet again and reestablish his practice. It really doesn't matter. All United had to do was offer $1,000. since the $800. didn't work, then $1,200 until four walked off.

The good doctor now seems to be the least of United problems. Now Jessie Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition are trying to turn it into a race issue. What else. Next United will make a huge contribution to the Coalition and Jesse Jackson will be on the United Airlines board of directors.
OK, he was a Doctor, and he had a sense of obligation to his patients . But why did he buy a stand by ticket? He risked his patients' well being at the risk of assured seating? My doctor dosen't have to buy a plane ticket to see me, he lives in the same area code. Something smell a little fishy here.
Do you think he set up the whole scenario?
In your scenario would you simply get up and leave?

If I was offered $800.00 per seat for my party of four, we're outta' there!
Resistance to unfair laws or business practices, civil disobedience? I would have submitted if I was asked to to leave. I guess I would have to draw the line at a far more substantial issue. But Dao's stand was either a temper tantrum or a individual act of self expression. Either way it took guts.

No guts, he had patients to treat. Could also be that since his run in with the law, he was trying to get back on his feet again and reestablish his practice. It really doesn't matter. All United had to do was offer $1,000. since the $800. didn't work, then $1,200 until four walked off.

The good doctor now seems to be the least of United problems. Now Jessie Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition are trying to turn it into a race issue. What else. Next United will make a huge contribution to the Coalition and Jesse Jackson will be on the United Airlines board of directors.
OK, he was a Doctor, and he had a sense of obligation to his patients . But why did he buy a stand by ticket? He risked his patients' well being at the risk of assured seating? My doctor dosen't have to buy a plane ticket to see me, he lives in the same area code. Something smell a little fishy here.
He didn't have a standby ticket

He flew in from California with a stopover in Chicago
But why did he buy a stand by ticket?

Simple, the fight was full so he bought a stand-by ticket. As Hillary Clinton would say, "what difference does it make"?
I am not sure. Overbooking has got to stop. But My doctor lives in the same state same zip code. , Why is Dr. Dao flying to see his clients? Was it a life and death thing? If I need My doctor, I just drive a couple of miles away. Something isn't adding up here. If I am on death's bed, my doctor dosen't NEED to fly in... Something sounds a little fishy.
But why did he buy a stand by ticket?

Simple, the fight was full so he bought a stand-by ticket. As Hillary Clinton would say, "what difference does it make"?
I am not sure. Overbooking has got to stop. But My doctor lives in the same state same zip code. , Why is Dr. Dao flying to see his clients? Was it a life and death thing? If I need My doctor, I just drive a couple of miles away. Something isn't adding up here. If I am on death's bead, my doctor dosen't NEED to fly in. Something sounds a little fishy.
Maybe he was coming back home from a holiday?
But why did he buy a stand by ticket?

Simple, the fight was full so he bought a stand-by ticket. As Hillary Clinton would say, "what difference does it make"?
I am not sure. Overbooking has got to stop. But My doctor lives in the same state same zip code. , Why is Dr. Dao flying to see his clients? Was it a life and death thing? If I need My doctor, I just drive a couple of miles away. Something isn't adding up here. If I am on death's bead, my doctor dosen't NEED to fly in. Something sounds a little fishy.
Maybe he was coming back home from a holiday?
Well, maybe. My health care providers always have stand by physicians if the primary physician is away. I doubt any of my doctors would go on a cheap stand by ticket and then resist the rules of the airline, regardless of how stupid those rules, either for my health or to make a social point. Something sounds fishy here.
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But why did he buy a stand by ticket?

Simple, the fight was full so he bought a stand-by ticket. As Hillary Clinton would say, "what difference does it make"?
I am not sure. Overbooking has got to stop. But My doctor lives in the same state same zip code. , Why is Dr. Dao flying to see his clients? Was it a life and death thing? If I need My doctor, I just drive a couple of miles away. Something isn't adding up here. If I am on death's bead, my doctor dosen't NEED to fly in. Something sounds a little fishy.
Maybe he was coming back home from a holiday?
Well, maybe. My health care providers always had stand by physicians. I doubt any of my doctors would go on a cheap stand by ticket and then resist the rules of the airline, regardless of how stupid those rules, either for my health or to make a social point. Something sounds fishy here.
He set the whole thing up to make some money?
I am looking for an early dismissal by the judge in this frivolous lawsuit.

The refusal by the doc was a trespass. That qualifies as a crime.
But why did he buy a stand by ticket?

Simple, the fight was full so he bought a stand-by ticket. As Hillary Clinton would say, "what difference does it make"?
I am not sure. Overbooking has got to stop. But My doctor lives in the same state same zip code. , Why is Dr. Dao flying to see his clients? Was it a life and death thing? If I need My doctor, I just drive a couple of miles away. Something isn't adding up here. If I am on death's bed, my doctor dosen't NEED to fly in... Something sounds a little fishy.
Only in this case it was not "overbooking" per se, it was "bumping".

UA had to get 4 of their people someplace else so they bumped 4 off this flight.

The doc just refused to get off.

That is a trespass.
I am looking for an early dismissal by the judge in this frivolous lawsuit.

The refusal by the doc was a trespass. That qualifies as a crime.
It will never get that far

United will settle. They want it to go away
But why did he buy a stand by ticket?

Simple, the fight was full so he bought a stand-by ticket. As Hillary Clinton would say, "what difference does it make"?
I am not sure. Overbooking has got to stop. But My doctor lives in the same state same zip code. , Why is Dr. Dao flying to see his clients? Was it a life and death thing? If I need My doctor, I just drive a couple of miles away. Something isn't adding up here. If I am on death's bead, my doctor dosen't NEED to fly in. Something sounds a little fishy.
Maybe he was coming back home from a holiday?
Well, maybe. My health care providers always had stand by physicians. I doubt any of my doctors would go on a cheap stand by ticket and then resist the rules of the airline, regardless of how stupid those rules, either for my health or to make a social point. Something sounds fishy here.
He set the whole thing up to make some money?
I think we need to find out what all the facts are, that's all.

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