We’re witnessing REAL Americans taking their country back

Democrats are just bitch hurt clowns, because the hag lost.
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The nonstop pissing and moaning from the Left can only mean one thing...they know they’ve lost control....Hussein Obeaner had them in the driver seat with America’s best shut down and riding bitch....that’s all changed under this administration....the tail no longer wags the dog and good Americans are calling all shots again.
I have confidence in the people of this nation, the majority are still good, legitimate human beings...talk to your neighbors, get vocal, stay vocal, get people motivated to vote down the filth.

We are fed up wit the left and their BS, now we are going to destroy them once and for all and they are totally clueless what's coming.
Sure you are, sweetums....sure you are. :71:

Tho....how are you going to destroy us while being afraid of us and victims at the same time?

Lib please we mopped the floor with you fools in 2016. Get this through your thick skulls, Americans don't like you people. :eusa_hand:
3 million more who voted dem say you're fos and this next election day you'll get a clue

You gonna get all those Mexifornia based anchor babies back to the polls again? What are you gonna do about those 30 states and 2,623 counties that told you to fuck yourself?

Nice foul mouth.
How many anchor babies are there again?
Just from your pathetic mouth?
A typical uneducated whiteboy trumpie.
"All we have left is that we may be poor and uneducated but at least we are white"
Any idea why don the cons crack immigrant team disbanded?
5 cases?
White repub gals from fla?
The nonstop pissing and moaning from the Left can only mean one thing...they know they’ve lost control....Hussein Obeaner had them in the driver seat with America’s best shut down and riding bitch....that’s all changed under this administration....the tail no longer wags the dog and good Americans are calling all shots again.
I have confidence in the people of this nation, the majority are still good, legitimate human beings...talk to your neighbors, get vocal, stay vocal, get people motivated to vote down the filth.
I presume you are sucking off your dem SS Medicare Va benefits?
Why don't you have a few balls and call him an uppity nigxxer?
...Any proof that illegals vote?
A ward-map of the City of Los Angeles should suffice.

That's all you got? Why not go after Trump for breaking his promise that Mexico would pay for the wall instead?

No promise broken until Trump leaves office without Mexico paying for the wall.
Now the garbage says he'll shut government down if WE don't give him 25 billion for his bs wall
Do you have a fucking clue what an actual functioning media looks like?

When are you Derpocrats going to receive a brain from the wizard of Oz?

It's functioning just fine. Don't believe everything Russia tells you.
Raise your IQ 20 points before you attempt to talk to me again, bimbo.
Sure Cletus.

In the meantime, I'll keep reading the media and using critical thinking to parse the BS you guys keep throwing against the wall :)

Inbred reactionaries like you don't possess the ability to use critical thinking.

Just a fucking mindless chick inhaling the regurgitated bile from her mama "media".
"Inbred".....now there's some delicious Irony for us to chew on. :71:
Considering my parents were born in 2 different states that don't border each other, I doubt your genes are as diverse as mine.
The nonstop pissing and moaning from the Left can only mean one thing...they know they’ve lost control....Hussein Obeaner had them in the driver seat with America’s best shut down and riding bitch....that’s all changed under this administration....the tail no longer wags the dog and good Americans are calling all shots again.
I have confidence in the people of this nation, the majority are still good, legitimate human beings...talk to your neighbors, get vocal, stay vocal, get people motivated to vote down the filth.
How's that Mueller investigation coming along?

That’s all, same old twisted shit from LefTards
So....how IS that Mueller investigation coming along?
It is sinking pretty fast.
Are Dems call the media the FAKE FAKE DISGUSTING news,,,are they pissing and moaning OR is it that lying pos trump in our WH?
They, the libs, are trying to save America from the reich.

Well if the Reich indeed is rising, bad news. The libs can't even save themselves from their mom's basement. When the welfare bucks run out, they are done.
INCEL....there's a reason INCEL is RW....can't get a girl, can't even leave their parental units' basement. :71:
There were women in that march, idiot.

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