WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama

Do you know what the phrase "in the last hundred years" means?

Do you know what Reconstruction was?

Go back and redo your list.....SIX blacks in the last 100 years

Why just 100 years? Oh that's right it doesn't fit with your racist view.

How many blacks are in Obama's cabinet?

President George W. Bush assembles the most diverse administration in history, appointing

Colin L. Powell as Secretary of State;

Condeleezza Rice as National Security Advisor;

Roderick R. Paige as Secretary of Education;

Alphonso Jackson as Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;

Claude Allen as Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services;

Leo S. MacKay, Jr. as the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs;

Larry D. Thompson as Deputy Attorney General;

Stephen A. Perry as Administrator of the United States General Services Administration;

In addition, Norman Mineta and Elaine Chao become the first Asian cabinet members as they are appointed Secretary of Transportation and Labor, respectively

Google "Reconstruction" and you will see why

I said that Republicans will not vote for a black candidate. You give me a list of blacks who were appointed

The number stands at six blacks that Republicans have elected in the last 100 years. A disgrace, don't ya think?

Thanks for admitting you lied.

As for how many blacks were elected in what time frame doesn't matter. My only objective was to shed light on your lies.

I succeeded with help from you.
Do you know what the phrase "in the last hundred years" means?

Do you know what Reconstruction was?

Go back and redo your list.....SIX blacks in the last 100 years

Why just 100 years? Oh that's right it doesn't fit with your racist view.

How many blacks are in Obama's cabinet?

President George W. Bush assembles the most diverse administration in history, appointing

Colin L. Powell as Secretary of State;

Condeleezza Rice as National Security Advisor;

Roderick R. Paige as Secretary of Education;

Alphonso Jackson as Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;

Claude Allen as Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services;

Leo S. MacKay, Jr. as the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs;

Larry D. Thompson as Deputy Attorney General;

Stephen A. Perry as Administrator of the United States General Services Administration;

In addition, Norman Mineta and Elaine Chao become the first Asian cabinet members as they are appointed Secretary of Transportation and Labor, respectively

Google "Reconstruction" and you will see why

I said that Republicans will not vote for a black candidate. You give me a list of blacks who were appointed

The number stands at six blacks that Republicans have elected in the last 100 years. A disgrace, don't ya think?

Orly? So no Republicans voted for obama?

Republicans for Obama


9% of Rs voted for obama in 2008
Local Exit Polls - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Here's a blog by a registered Republican who voted for obama:

"I’m 27 and I’ve been a registered Republican voter since I was first eligible to vote. (Should I admit that on a blog for a Democratic president? Oh well.) But come November, I’m voting Obama"

Organizing for Action ? Why a Registered Republican is Voting Obama.

I call bullshit on your 'no R would vote for a black candidate'. Why, even our very own JakeStarkey, self-proclaimed Republican, voted for obama.

i'm sure allen west and tim scott agree with dumbwinger that republicans will not vote for a black candidate


So far you have managed to name three of the six blacks that Republicans have elected

Why not just name the other three and be done with it?

wait, you claim republicans will not vote for a black candidate....which is it? they will or they won't?

why don't you actually list the black congress people from white majority districts....

Reading comprehension problems

I have claimed that the disgraceful FACT that Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks in a hundred years is evidence that they will not elect blacks

Are you actually hanging your hat on those meager six as evidence of GOP inclusiveness?
So far you have managed to name three of the six blacks that Republicans have elected

Why not just name the other three and be done with it?

wait, you claim republicans will not vote for a black candidate....which is it? they will or they won't?

why don't you actually list the black congress people from white majority districts....

Reading comprehension problems

I have claimed that the disgraceful FACT that Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks in a hundred years is evidence that they will not elect blacks

Are you actually hanging your hat on those meager six as evidence of GOP inclusiveness?

Goalpost moved! You said 'Republicans will not vote for a black candidate'.
Winner of a thread, whining about a 3rd-hand account from Ben Carson's attempt to make money on a book of victimhood stories. We see multiple victimhood threads posted by the righties here every day. Yeah, we get it, the liberals were meeeeeeeaaaaaaan to you again, you poor babies.

We on the left get a bit nauseous watching the right behave like that. We feel a bit of shame that our fellow countrymen refuse to act like grownups.

You should feel more than a bit of shame. You are who you associate with, and it appears that you associate with left wingers. Maybe some education would help?
wait, you claim republicans will not vote for a black candidate....which is it? they will or they won't?

why don't you actually list the black congress people from white majority districts....

Reading comprehension problems

I have claimed that the disgraceful FACT that Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks in a hundred years is evidence that they will not elect blacks

Are you actually hanging your hat on those meager six as evidence of GOP inclusiveness?

Goalpost moved! You said 'Republicans will not vote for a black candidate'.

Ahahaha when you have nothing the little things matter most :lol: Congratulations!??! :eusa_shifty:
Reading comprehension problems

I have claimed that the disgraceful FACT that Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks in a hundred years is evidence that they will not elect blacks

Are you actually hanging your hat on those meager six as evidence of GOP inclusiveness?

Goalpost moved! You said 'Republicans will not vote for a black candidate'.

Ahahaha when you have nothing the little things matter most :lol: Congratulations!??! :eusa_shifty:

Yes, in fairness, we should actually congratulate Republicans on their fine interracial voting record

After all....Six is greater than zero
So far you have managed to name three of the six blacks that Republicans have elected

Why not just name the other three and be done with it?

wait, you claim republicans will not vote for a black candidate....which is it? they will or they won't?

why don't you actually list the black congress people from white majority districts....

Reading comprehension problems

I have claimed that the disgraceful FACT that Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks in a hundred years is evidence that they will not elect blacks

Are you actually hanging your hat on those meager six as evidence of GOP inclusiveness?

so they will not vote for blacks, but yes that have in fact voted for blacks, even in the last few years....this means they will not vote for a black candidate?


list the black dems from white majority districts....you will find white dems have hardly put blacks in office as well. unfortunately most of the black dems in office come from black majority districts. hopefully one day partisan hacks like you will cease to exist and stop using black people as political pawns.

may we all one day not be judged by the color of our skin.
Yea....as long as that skin color is white

In the last 100 years, Republicans have voted for a total of SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President.....vs thousands of white males

Yea...it must be ideas

What a dumbass statement. Did you ever stop to think that there just aren't to many blacks who have seen the light as of yet?
Dont worry though....African Americans are wising up to the dem game and you can expect more of them to switch sides.

In one hundred years only six blacks have "seen the light"?

Are republicans really that lame?

Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.
Why just 100 years? Oh that's right it doesn't fit with your racist view.

How many blacks are in Obama's cabinet?

President George W. Bush assembles the most diverse administration in history, appointing

Colin L. Powell as Secretary of State;

Condeleezza Rice as National Security Advisor;

Roderick R. Paige as Secretary of Education;

Alphonso Jackson as Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;

Claude Allen as Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services;

Leo S. MacKay, Jr. as the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs;

Larry D. Thompson as Deputy Attorney General;

Stephen A. Perry as Administrator of the United States General Services Administration;

In addition, Norman Mineta and Elaine Chao become the first Asian cabinet members as they are appointed Secretary of Transportation and Labor, respectively

Google "Reconstruction" and you will see why

I said that Republicans will not vote for a black candidate. You give me a list of blacks who were appointed

The number stands at six blacks that Republicans have elected in the last 100 years. A disgrace, don't ya think?

Orly? So no Republicans voted for obama?

Republicans for Obama


9% of Rs voted for obama in 2008
Local Exit Polls - Election Center 2008 - Elections & Politics from CNN.com

Here's a blog by a registered Republican who voted for obama:

"I’m 27 and I’ve been a registered Republican voter since I was first eligible to vote. (Should I admit that on a blog for a Democratic president? Oh well.) But come November, I’m voting Obama"

Organizing for Action ? Why a Registered Republican is Voting Obama.

I call bullshit on your 'no R would vote for a black candidate'. Why, even our very own JakeStarkey, self-proclaimed Republican, voted for obama.


What a dumbass statement. Did you ever stop to think that there just aren't to many blacks who have seen the light as of yet?
Dont worry though....African Americans are wising up to the dem game and you can expect more of them to switch sides.

In one hundred years only six blacks have "seen the light"?

Are republicans really that lame?

Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.

I'd hate to see what that makes the republicans then
What a dumbass statement. Did you ever stop to think that there just aren't to many blacks who have seen the light as of yet?
Dont worry though....African Americans are wising up to the dem game and you can expect more of them to switch sides.

In one hundred years only six blacks have "seen the light"?

Are republicans really that lame?

Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.

Who says Republicans cannot be elected in Black Districts?
Winner of a thread, whining about a 3rd-hand account from Ben Carson's attempt to make money on a book of victimhood stories. We see multiple victimhood threads posted by the righties here every day. Yeah, we get it, the liberals were meeeeeeeaaaaaaan to you again, you poor babies.

We on the left get a bit nauseous watching the right behave like that. We feel a bit of shame that our fellow countrymen refuse to act like grownups.

I think it was Herman Cain discussing that this morning......or was it Kilmeade?

Echo chamber bullshit.
In one hundred years only six blacks have "seen the light"?

Are republicans really that lame?

Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.

Who says Republicans cannot be elected in Black Districts?

you really are full of shit. do you ever think before posting, or do you just post what your far left handlers tell you to?
You wouldn't think someone who constantly criticizes Republicans and calls border security supporters 'enemies' would be easily offended. Carson didn't attack Obama personally or level insults directly at him. Carson disagreed with Obama and doesn't support his politics. In liberal land, that is the same as offending someone, which is considered a sin that requires an apology.

Carson says that the President was cordial after he finished his remarks, and even approached to shake his hand and thank the Dr. for his participation. We suppose it's possible that this was some kind of overreaction from a staffer. To be honest, though, it doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like Obama was furious that Carson had the audacity to show him up. He probably held it together until he was away from the cameras and then he unleashed "President stampy feet" on his aides. They, in turn, set about securing an apology to appease their tetchy leader.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either the President was furious and demanded an apology, or his staffers just assumed he needed one to feel better about himself. Both scenarios paint a picture of a little man who's incapable of taking the heat he loves to dish out on a daily basis.

WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama
Politics: The White House wanted Dr. Ben Carson to call Obama and 'apologize for offending him' | Best of Cain

Well, I am offended that Obama has lied to us so many times. I am offended that there are new taxes on those of us making less than $250,000. I am offended that my health care choices were taken away. I am offended that there is no border security in our southern states and that states will get sued if they try to pick up the slack from the federal government.

lol...an Uncle Ben and Uncle Herman tag team!

Coincidentally this story is from Uncle Ben's upcoming book. Soon available in the Fiction aisle for your reading pleasure!:D

Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.

Who says Republicans cannot be elected in Black Districts?

you really are full of shit. do you ever think before posting, or do you just post what your far left handlers tell you to?

That was your chance and you blew it
In one hundred years only six blacks have "seen the light"?

Are republicans really that lame?

Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.

Who says Republicans cannot be elected in Black Districts?

no one, but the fact you're running away from the issue that white democrats rarely elect black representatives.
Apparently you are, if that is what you got from the conversation.

Not to mention that almost all Black Democrats are elected from majority Black districts. Few, if any, are elected by White Democrats. Why? Because Democrats are racist to the core.

Who says Republicans cannot be elected in Black Districts?

no one, but the fact you're running away from the issue that white democrats rarely elect black representatives.

Tell it to the Kenyan

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