WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama

Who says Republicans cannot be elected in Black Districts?

no one, but the fact you're running away from the issue that white democrats rarely elect black representatives.

Tell it to the Kenyan

one person...wow...just wow...ignore the fact that most black reps come from black majority districts....white dems by and large do not vote for black candidates. deal with it hypcrite.

and if you think i'm a birther, you're dumber than i thought
no one, but the fact you're running away from the issue that white democrats rarely elect black representatives.

Tell it to the Kenyan

one person...wow...just wow...ignore the fact that most black reps come from black majority districts....white dems by and large do not vote for black candidates. deal with it hypcrite.

and if you think i'm a birther, you're dumber than i thought

Tell it to Corey Booker
Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

Cain was destroyed by the left wing media when he was getting some traction. The RNC was fully backing him.

once again, your view of history is tainted by your ignorance and blind faith in anything said by the MSM or some dem/lib talking head.

Why would the left destroy him? If they had dirt on the guy, they would have waited until after he got the nomination

Cain was destroyed from the right when his "Look...we got a black guy too" movement looked like it might take off

Republicans will not vote for a black candidate

BS RW Repubs and cons would vote for Condi, a double whammy, Black and a Women
Tell it to the Kenyan

one person...wow...just wow...ignore the fact that most black reps come from black majority districts....white dems by and large do not vote for black candidates. deal with it hypcrite.

and if you think i'm a birther, you're dumber than i thought

Tell it to Corey Booker

LOL...one person, how proud you must be and you have the temerity to bitch about republicans? what a hypocrite.
You wouldn't think someone who constantly criticizes Republicans and calls border security supporters 'enemies' would be easily offended. Carson didn't attack Obama personally or level insults directly at him. Carson disagreed with Obama and doesn't support his politics. In liberal land, that is the same as offending someone, which is considered a sin that requires an apology.

Carson says that the President was cordial after he finished his remarks, and even approached to shake his hand and thank the Dr. for his participation. We suppose it's possible that this was some kind of overreaction from a staffer. To be honest, though, it doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like Obama was furious that Carson had the audacity to show him up. He probably held it together until he was away from the cameras and then he unleashed "President stampy feet" on his aides. They, in turn, set about securing an apology to appease their tetchy leader.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either the President was furious and demanded an apology, or his staffers just assumed he needed one to feel better about himself. Both scenarios paint a picture of a little man who's incapable of taking the heat he loves to dish out on a daily basis.

WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama
Politics: The White House wanted Dr. Ben Carson to call Obama and 'apologize for offending him' | Best of Cain

Well, I am offended that Obama has lied to us so many times. I am offended that there are new taxes on those of us making less than $250,000. I am offended that my health care choices were taken away. I am offended that there is no border security in our southern states and that states will get sued if they try to pick up the slack from the federal government. I am offended that no effort was made to help the people in Benghazi. I am offended that the IRS targeted people and turned the Dallas office into an Obama campaign headquarters. I am offended that billions are sent overseas or loaned to shady solar companies. I am offended that Reid is abusing his power to seize land for his cronies. I am offended by Pelosi and the list there is too long to put here. I am offended that Holder lies to investigators and acts as if he and the administration are above the law. Obama unilaterally changed the health care law. Congress is exempt from the crap they impose on us and that is most offensive of all.

Where is our apology for everything they've done to us?
. I'm offended too, Ben. Most Americans are. We wish you were our President instead. We'd have a president we could be proud of.
Cain was destroyed by the left wing media when he was getting some traction. The RNC was fully backing him.

once again, your view of history is tainted by your ignorance and blind faith in anything said by the MSM or some dem/lib talking head.

Why would the left destroy him? If they had dirt on the guy, they would have waited until after he got the nomination

Cain was destroyed from the right when his "Look...we got a black guy too" movement looked like it might take off

Republicans will not vote for a black candidate

BS RW Repubs and cons would vote for Condi, a double whammy, Black and a Women

I will believe it when I see it....same with Carson

Elect some black folks Republicans.......then I will believe that you actually do it
:eusa_hand: FUCK Obama. When is he and the Statists going to apologize for what they've done to this Nation and it's people? When are the IDIOTS who voted for this piece of dog squeeze going to apologize for putting him there?

You Statist shitheads make me sick, every God Damned one of you tickturds.
Why would the left destroy him? If they had dirt on the guy, they would have waited until after he got the nomination

Cain was destroyed from the right when his "Look...we got a black guy too" movement looked like it might take off

Republicans will not vote for a black candidate

Horseshit, the left had to bring down the successful conservative black guy.

you are totally wrong about republicans not voting for a black candidate, unlike you dems, republicans vote ideas, not skin color.

Yea....as long as that skin color is white

In the last 100 years, Republicans have voted for a total of SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President.....vs thousands of white males

Yea...it must be ideas
. The first black senator since reconstruction was a republican. Civil right history smiles down upon the Republican Party.
one person...wow...just wow...ignore the fact that most black reps come from black majority districts....white dems by and large do not vote for black candidates. deal with it hypcrite.

and if you think i'm a birther, you're dumber than i thought

Tell it to Corey Booker

LOL...one person, how proud you must be and you have the temerity to bitch about republicans? what a hypocrite.

Tell it to Deval Patrick

That is three current Democratic candidates at high level, President, Governor, Senator

Republicans have elected one Senator and that was 50 years ago

What is the matter with Republicans?
You wouldn't think someone who constantly criticizes Republicans and calls border security supporters 'enemies' would be easily offended. Carson didn't attack Obama personally or level insults directly at him. Carson disagreed with Obama and doesn't support his politics. In liberal land, that is the same as offending someone, which is considered a sin that requires an apology.

Carson says that the President was cordial after he finished his remarks, and even approached to shake his hand and thank the Dr. for his participation. We suppose it's possible that this was some kind of overreaction from a staffer. To be honest, though, it doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like Obama was furious that Carson had the audacity to show him up. He probably held it together until he was away from the cameras and then he unleashed "President stampy feet" on his aides. They, in turn, set about securing an apology to appease their tetchy leader.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either the President was furious and demanded an apology, or his staffers just assumed he needed one to feel better about himself. Both scenarios paint a picture of a little man who's incapable of taking the heat he loves to dish out on a daily basis.

WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama
Politics: The White House wanted Dr. Ben Carson to call Obama and 'apologize for offending him' | Best of Cain

Well, I am offended that Obama has lied to us so many times. I am offended that there are new taxes on those of us making less than $250,000. I am offended that my health care choices were taken away. I am offended that there is no border security in our southern states and that states will get sued if they try to pick up the slack from the federal government. I am offended that no effort was made to help the people in Benghazi. I am offended that the IRS targeted people and turned the Dallas office into an Obama campaign headquarters. I am offended that billions are sent overseas or loaned to shady solar companies. I am offended that Reid is abusing his power to seize land for his cronies. I am offended by Pelosi and the list there is too long to put here. I am offended that Holder lies to investigators and acts as if he and the administration are above the law. Obama unilaterally changed the health care law. Congress is exempt from the crap they impose on us and that is most offensive of all.

Where is our apology for everything they've done to us?

No doubt Dr Carson, a very classy individual found a way to issue a polite rebuff of the demand and then moved on his way.
He owes Obama nothing.
Of course the libs on this board are going to have a shit fit over this.
They will let the insults fly. The slurs of "uncle Tom" and the accusations of Dr Carson being a token black puppet of some perceived racist conservative conspiracy against the Chosen One"...and other vile nonsense.
Since I have beaten the hysterical libs to the punch, they have no reason to post a comment in this thread.
Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

Cain was destroyed by the left wing media when he was getting some traction. The RNC was fully backing him.

once again, your view of history is tainted by your ignorance and blind faith in anything said by the MSM or some dem/lib talking head.

Cain is a nutcase and he was destroyed because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
I suspect you're the one who can't.
Horseshit, the left had to bring down the successful conservative black guy.

you are totally wrong about republicans not voting for a black candidate, unlike you dems, republicans vote ideas, not skin color.

Yea....as long as that skin color is white

In the last 100 years, Republicans have voted for a total of SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President.....vs thousands of white males

Yea...it must be ideas
. The first black senator since reconstruction was a republican. Civil right history smiles down upon the Republican Party.

February 25, 1870
First African American Senator

On February 25, 1870, visitors in the Senate galleries burst into applause as Mississippi senator-elect Hiram Revels of Mississippi entered the chamber to take his oath of office. Those present knew that they were witnessing an event of great historical significance. Revels was about to become the first African American to serve in the Senate.
Born 42 years earlier to free black parents in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Revels became an educator and minister of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. During the Civil War, he helped form regiments of African American soldiers and established schools for freed slaves. After the war, Revels moved to Mississippi, where he won election to the state senate. In recognition of his hard work and leadership skills, his legislative colleagues elected him to one of Mississippi's vacant U.S. Senate seats as that state prepared to rejoin the Union.

Revels' credentials arrived in the Senate on February 23, 1870, and were immediately blocked by a few members who had no desire to see a black man serve in Congress. Masking their racist views, they argued that Revels had not been a U.S. citizen for the nine years required of all senators. In their distorted interpretation, black Americans had only become citizens with the passage of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, just four years earlier.

Revels' supporters dismissed that statement, pointing out that he had been a voter many years earlier in Ohio and was therefore certainly a citizen.

U.S. Senate: Art & History Home > Senate Stories > 1851-1877 > First African American Senator
Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

Cain was destroyed by the left wing media when he was getting some traction. The RNC was fully backing him.

once again, your view of history is tainted by your ignorance and blind faith in anything said by the MSM or some dem/lib talking head.

Cain is a nutcase and he was destroyed because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
It was all a concocted LIE. YOU are the one that can't keep them out of your mouth.:eusa_hand:
Tell it to Corey Booker

LOL...one person, how proud you must be and you have the temerity to bitch about republicans? what a hypocrite.

Tell it to Deval Patrick

That is three current Democratic candidates at high level, President, Governor, Senator

Republicans have elected one Senator and that was 50 years ago

What is the matter with Republicans?

tell it to tim scott

2 pub senators bub....oooops
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