WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama

Yea....as long as that skin color is white

In the last 100 years, Republicans have voted for a total of SIX blacks to the office of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President.....vs thousands of white males

Yea...it must be ideas

What a dumbass statement. Did you ever stop to think that there just aren't to many blacks who have seen the light as of yet?
Dont worry though....African Americans are wising up to the dem game and you can expect more of them to switch sides.

In one hundred years only six blacks have "seen the light"?

Are republicans really that lame?
It kills you that Obozo will go down in history as the most hated president ever. And that's not because of his race, although you and your ilk will try to make it so.
Sure we will,for us it substance,not style, like it is for people like yourself.

Yea, I know how it is Republicans

You just can't find any black candidates with "substance"

actually there are quite a few, and many of them will win in november.

face it--------your dream of a socialist utopia in the USA is over, obama killed it.

I'm getting the impression that it's RightWing's job to come in here and shit all over threads when it show black men in a positive light.
Cain was destroyed by the left wing media when he was getting some traction. The RNC was fully backing him.

once again, your view of history is tainted by your ignorance and blind faith in anything said by the MSM or some dem/lib talking head.

Cain is a nutcase and he was destroyed because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants.
It was all a concocted LIE. YOU are the one that can't keep them out of your mouth.:eusa_hand:

Many did vote for him, Cain did quite well in the primaries. Then he withdrew because the dem slander machine engaged in full against him. I have to admit that slander and lies work against candidates--------------except the great kenyan messiah, the all-knowing savior of the USA and the entire world, the one, the only, obama the great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Many did" but many more did not.

Why if he is so awesome is the right refusing to vote for such awesomeness? C'mon...Is it a secret?
Not a single Republican voted for Cain in the primaries

Herman Cain was my first choice. My preferred ticket for 2016 is a Condoleeza Rice- Ben Carson Ticket. The Liberals would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday.
Edward William Brooke III (born October 26, 1919) is an American Republican politician, in 1966 being the first African American popularly elected to the United States Senate. He was the only person of African heritage sent to the Senate in the 20th century until Democrat Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois in 1993, and the only African-American Senator to serve multiple terms. He was elected to the Senate as a Republican from Massachusetts, defeating his Democratic opponent, former Massachusetts governor Endicott Peabody in a landslide. He served for two terms, and was defeated by Paul Tsongas in the 1978 senate election.

Edward Brooke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Well, we know why Brooke wasn't the elected senator by democrats. He was black!
"Many did" but many more did not.

Why if he is so awesome is the right refusing to vote for such awesomeness? C'mon...Is it a secret?
Not a single Republican voted for Cain in the primaries

Herman Cain was my first choice. My preferred ticket for 2016 is a Condoleeza Rice- Ben Carson Ticket. The Liberals would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday.

I actually like them better than any of the other candidates you are considering. But it will never happen. Republicans don't vote for blacks.
Not a single Republican voted for Cain in the primaries

Herman Cain was my first choice. My preferred ticket for 2016 is a Condoleeza Rice- Ben Carson Ticket. The Liberals would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday.

I actually like them better than any of the other candidates you are considering. But it will never happen. Republicans don't vote for blacks.

tell that to tim scott you fucking liar
"Many did" but many more did not.

Why if he is so awesome is the right refusing to vote for such awesomeness? C'mon...Is it a secret?
Not a single Republican voted for Cain in the primaries

Herman Cain was my first choice. My preferred ticket for 2016 is a Condoleeza Rice- Ben Carson Ticket. The Liberals would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday.

No we wouldn't.

You think that we will dislike conservative ideology any less if it is regurgitated by black people?

Silly nutter.
Herman Cain was my first choice. My preferred ticket for 2016 is a Condoleeza Rice- Ben Carson Ticket. The Liberals would shit themselves 10 ways to Sunday.

I actually like them better than any of the other candidates you are considering. But it will never happen. Republicans don't vote for blacks.

tell that to tim scott you fucking liar

He is one of your six in the last hundred years. An accomplishment Republicans can be proud of

Such a big tent
Why would the left destroy him? If they had dirt on the guy, they would have waited until after he got the nomination

Cain was destroyed from the right when his "Look...we got a black guy too" movement looked like it might take off

Republicans will not vote for a black candidate

BS RW Repubs and cons would vote for Condi, a double whammy, Black and a Women

I will believe it when I see it....same with Carson

Elect some black folks Republicans.......then I will believe that you actually do it

The only blacks serving in the Senate today are Republicans. So looks like you're the ones with some race issues.
guys like Carson and Cain scare the crap out of libtards. "a conservative black man? Impossible, he must be an uncle tom"

the truth is that the black community is waking up to the reality that liberals and democrats have failed them miserably.

You know as much about the black community as you know about Astrophysics

As do you.
From All in the Family episode "Edith Writes a Song"
Cleavon Little as "Coke".....
"What we got here, is a gen u ine lib er allllllllll"..
I love it when you self hating Caucasian libs start spouting off about how you are in touch with the black community...
BS RW Repubs and cons would vote for Condi, a double whammy, Black and a Women

I will believe it when I see it....same with Carson

Elect some black folks Republicans.......then I will believe that you actually do it

The only blacks serving in the Senate today are Republicans. So looks like you're the ones with some race issues.

Explain that to Corey Booker, the only elected black Senator

There are currently no black Republican Congressmen. Pretty embarrassing don't ya think?
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Google "Reconstruction" and you will see why

I said that Republicans will not vote for a black candidate. You give me a list of blacks who were appointed

The number stands at six blacks that Republicans have elected in the last 100 years. A disgrace, don't ya think?

they won't vote for a black candidate, yet have six black candidates elected

you're such a dishonest schmuck, you two faced coward

dems don't fare much different

I know....imagine that

Republicans are so inclined to vote for black candidates that they have managed to elect six in the last 100 years

Democrats have elected almost 20 times that number

Yeah ... Losers like Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Charles Rangel,
And let's not forget that moron concerned Guam would tip over, Hank Johnson.

Oh...why do democrat black congressmen only come from black majority districts? There are more white democrat congressman than black ones representing their white districts. 100% of our black congressmen come from white majority districts.
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You wouldn't think someone who constantly criticizes Republicans and calls border security supporters 'enemies' would be easily offended. Carson didn't attack Obama personally or level insults directly at him. Carson disagreed with Obama and doesn't support his politics. In liberal land, that is the same as offending someone, which is considered a sin that requires an apology.

Carson says that the President was cordial after he finished his remarks, and even approached to shake his hand and thank the Dr. for his participation. We suppose it's possible that this was some kind of overreaction from a staffer. To be honest, though, it doesn't sound like it.

It sounds like Obama was furious that Carson had the audacity to show him up. He probably held it together until he was away from the cameras and then he unleashed "President stampy feet" on his aides. They, in turn, set about securing an apology to appease their tetchy leader.

In the end, it doesn't really matter. Either the President was furious and demanded an apology, or his staffers just assumed he needed one to feel better about himself. Both scenarios paint a picture of a little man who's incapable of taking the heat he loves to dish out on a daily basis.

WH wanted Ben Carson to apologize for "offending" Obama
Politics: The White House wanted Dr. Ben Carson to call Obama and 'apologize for offending him' | Best of Cain

Well, I am offended that Obama has lied to us so many times. I am offended that there are new taxes on those of us making less than $250,000. I am offended that my health care choices were taken away. I am offended that there is no border security in our southern states and that states will get sued if they try to pick up the slack from the federal government.

lol...an Uncle Ben and Uncle Herman tag team!

Coincidentally this story is from Uncle Ben's upcoming book. Soon available in the Fiction aisle for your reading pleasure!:D

This time around it's going to be 8-8-8 instead of 9-9-9.
Cain scared the crap out of conservatives when they thought he could win

Couldn't get rid of the guy fast enough

Cain was destroyed by the left wing media when he was getting some traction. The RNC was fully backing him.

once again, your view of history is tainted by your ignorance and blind faith in anything said by the MSM or some dem/lib talking head.

Why would the left destroy him? If they had dirt on the guy, they would have waited until after he got the nomination

Cain was destroyed from the right when his "Look...we got a black guy too" movement looked like it might take off

Republicans will not vote for a black candidate
"Republicans will not vote for a black candidate"...
Ok, then how did one of the least black states in the Union elect JC Watts for US House?
That's just one example.
Digging up dirt....Yeah, one of two ways dems win elections. The other is having protected gerrymandered districts or postage stamp urban districts.
Your side is about to lose the US Senate. I see the pressure building.
Starting in 2015 the dems are gonna wonder why they chose the nuclear option and decided to heavily restrict the filibuster...LOL...
You guys are fucked.

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