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What Abe would have done if he had total power...

Do you agree with good old Abe?

  • Yes, send them back to Africa.

  • No, they've been preyed upon by the white man. Whitey should get thrown in the ocean.

  • IDK... I'm too stupid to think

  • Pineapple

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Why did Lincoln want to resettle the slaves in Africa? Explain...
I think it had to do with the fact that he thought black people and white people would never get a long. I think he just knew how hard of a road it would be and he thought it would be easier to avoid it all together. Maybe he was just racist. If you can find info on this, post it.
You got most of it...His main motivation was that the blacks would harbor a resentment to being enslaved and they would not be able to socially interact.......Now, had the white guys would have exercised more self reliance and not allowed slavery to flourish, things could be a lot different...
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.
The white race has poverty, in fact, you'd be hard to find any race without poverty.... what's their excuse?
They were perfectly capable of doing it. They just wanted free labor.
Slaves werent free. They had to pay for them. For example in south carolina they paid for the enslaved that had skills as rice growers. Whites didnt know how to grow rice.
Such skills. They showed someone how to grow the cheapest crop.
Actually it was a big cash crop. You must be illiterate not to know rice and sugar cane were the first crops raised here in the US.
You call me illiterate when you think slaves built this country.
Yes I call you illiterate because you think whites built this country. :laugh:
You have such a logical mind that you think white men don't like fat girls because their penis is too small. Why would I expect anymore from you? Get an education and stop sapping off the government.
Why did Lincoln want to resettle the slaves in Africa? Explain...
I think it had to do with the fact that he thought black people and white people would never get a long. I think he just knew how hard of a road it would be and he thought it would be easier to avoid it all together. Maybe he was just racist. If you can find info on this, post it.
You got most of it...His main motivation was that the blacks would harbor a resentment to being enslaved and they would not be able to socially interact.......Now, had the white guys would have exercised more self reliance and not allowed slavery to flourish, things could be a lot different...
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.
The white race has poverty, in fact, you'd be hard to find any race without poverty.... what's their excuse?
They're lazy/white trash.
from Lincoln's First Inaugural Address....


Apprehension seems to exist among the people of the Southern States that by the accession of a Republican Administration their property and their peace and personal security are to be endangered. There has never been any reasonable cause for such apprehension. Indeed, the most ample evidence to the contrary has all the while existed and been open to their inspection. It is found in nearly all the published speeches of him who now addresses you. I do but quote from one of those speeches when I declare that—

I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.

Those who nominated and elected me did so with full knowledge that I had made this and many similar declarations and had never recanted them; and more than this, they placed in the platform for my acceptance, and as a law to themselves and to me, the clear and emphatic resolution which I now read:

Resolved, That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depend; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes.

Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world.Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln

Jan 12, 1848

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union."

-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Letter to Horace Greeley
August 22, 1862

"Negro equality! Fudge!! How long, in the government of a God great enough to make and maintain this Universe, shall there continue knave to vend, and fools to gulp, so low a piece of demagoguism as this?"
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Fragments: Notes for Speeches
Sept. 1859 (Vol. III)

"But what shall we do with the Negroes after they are free? I believe that it would be better to export them all to some fertile country with a good climate, which they could have to themselves."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Letter to General Benjamin F. Butler
March 1865 (Vol. VII)

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, (applause from audience) that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, 4th Debate with Stephan A. Douglas in Illinois
Sept. 1858 (Vol. III)

"Judge Douglas has said to you that he has not been able to get an answer out of me to the question whether I am in favor of Negro citizenship. So far as I know, the Judge never asked me the question before. (applause from audience) He shall have no occasion to ever ask it again, for I tell him very frankly that I am not in favor of Negro citizenship. (renewed applause) If the state of Illinois has the power to grant Negroes citizenship, I shall be opposed to it. (cries of "here, here" and "good, good" from audience) That is all I have to say."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Speech at Sringfield, Illinois
June 1857 (Vol. II)

"In the course of his reply, the Senator remarked that he had always considered this a government made for the white people and not for the Negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so, too."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Speech at Peoria, Illinois
Oct. 1854 (Vol. II)

"I think your race suffers very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffers from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason why we should at least be separated."
-- Abraham Lincoln
-From, Address on Colonization to a Deputation of
Africans in Washington D.C.
August 1862 (Vol. V)

"I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the Negro into our social and political life as our equal... We can never attain the ideal union our fathers dreamed, with millions of an alien, inferior race among us, whose assimilation is neither possible nor desirable."
- Abraham Lincoln
Slaves werent free. They had to pay for them. For example in south carolina they paid for the enslaved that had skills as rice growers. Whites didnt know how to grow rice.
Such skills. They showed someone how to grow the cheapest crop.
Actually it was a big cash crop. You must be illiterate not to know rice and sugar cane were the first crops raised here in the US.
You call me illiterate when you think slaves built this country.
Yes I call you illiterate because you think whites built this country. :laugh:
You have such a logical mind that you think white men don't like fat girls because their penis is too small. Why would I expect anymore from you? Get an education and stop sapping off the government.
Dont be mad your dick is little.
Why did Lincoln want to resettle the slaves in Africa? Explain...
I think it had to do with the fact that he thought black people and white people would never get a long. I think he just knew how hard of a road it would be and he thought it would be easier to avoid it all together. Maybe he was just racist. If you can find info on this, post it.
You got most of it...His main motivation was that the blacks would harbor a resentment to being enslaved and they would not be able to socially interact.......Now, had the white guys would have exercised more self reliance and not allowed slavery to flourish, things could be a lot different...
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.
The white race has poverty, in fact, you'd be hard to find any race without poverty.... what's their excuse?
They're lazy/white trash.
You shouldnt talk about yourself like that. Youre just uneducated.
You forgot the option that they be paid for building this nations economy and infrastructure and sent back to Africa.
I would be willing to pay them for all the years they worked. Give them what minimum wage was at the time and then send them on their way. Hell leave them on welfare for a while after they get there. They would still be sapping off the gov but at least they couldn't burn cities down.

Also research how they "built" this nations economy. You are confused if you think slavery helped the economy at all. In fact if hurt it. The north was far more wealthy and making way more progress in industry than the south was.

I'd rather keep them and wipe you kkk slime off the face of the planet.

Believe me, you would not be missed. Seriuosly, you're just another failure who needs to blame others for your own impotence. Grow up, grow a pair and pretend to be a man.

You have no knowledge and no right to speak for President Lincoln who, btw, is DEAD, you stupid idiot.
You forgot the option that they be paid for building this nations economy and infrastructure and sent back to Africa.
I would be willing to pay them for all the years they worked. Give them what minimum wage was at the time and then send them on their way. Hell leave them on welfare for a while after they get there. They would still be sapping off the gov but at least they couldn't burn cities down.

Also research how they "built" this nations economy. You are confused if you think slavery helped the economy at all. In fact if hurt it. The north was far more wealthy and making way more progress in industry than the south was.

I'd rather keep them and wipe you kkk slime off the face of the planet.

Believe me, you would not be missed. Seriuosly, you're just another failure who needs to blame others for your own impotence. Grow up, grow a pair and pretend to be a man.

You have no knowledge and no right to speak for President Lincoln who, btw, is DEAD, you stupid idiot.
I don't know how I spoke for him. I used things he said in a speech. Nothing else was claimed to be his own words. So suddenly being racist makes you a failure? How can you say that when these people actively destroy their own city?
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.

Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.

Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.

Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?

I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.

Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?

I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
When have I ever made posts suggesting anything against equal rights? I said they should be shot. If there was a bunch of white people doing the same things I would suggest they be shot. I actually might be harder on the white men because they aren't as commonly born into poverty.

The idea of this thread is more of would the country have been better off if we listened to Abe and I say yes from purely the aspect of having a more cohesive group of people in our country and less discrimination/racism.
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.

Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?

I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
When have I ever made posts suggesting anything against equal rights? I said they should be shot. If there was a bunch of white people doing the same things I would suggest they be shot. I actually might be harder on the white men because they aren't as commonly born into poverty.

The idea of this thread is more of would the country have been better off if we listened to Abe and I say yes from purely the aspect of having a more cohesive group of people in our country and less discrimination/racism.
This country would be a penal colony without Black people.
I think he was correct to this day. It has been like a boil on America's ass. It would have been a good deal for all parties. No race feeling victimized in our country and no race being so linked to poverty.

Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?

I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
When have I ever made posts suggesting anything against equal rights? I said they should be shot. If there was a bunch of white people doing the same things I would suggest they be shot. I actually might be harder on the white men because they aren't as commonly born into poverty.

The idea of this thread is more of would the country have been better off if we listened to Abe and I say yes from purely the aspect of having a more cohesive group of people in our country and less discrimination/racism.
This country would be a penal colony without Black people.
I'll let others call you ignorant. I doubt your even black because an intelligent black person wouldn't post nonsense.
Yeah, all the the far right conservative white racists like you who are currently a boil on America's ass.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?

I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
When have I ever made posts suggesting anything against equal rights? I said they should be shot. If there was a bunch of white people doing the same things I would suggest they be shot. I actually might be harder on the white men because they aren't as commonly born into poverty.

The idea of this thread is more of would the country have been better off if we listened to Abe and I say yes from purely the aspect of having a more cohesive group of people in our country and less discrimination/racism.
This country would be a penal colony without Black people.
I'll let others call you ignorant. I doubt your even black because an intelligent black person wouldn't post nonsense.
No one would call me ignorant to my face. Doubting I'm Black is actually sort of a compliment to me. It means you have been flummoxed and you cant deal with the fact its by a Black person. Therefore you have to rationalize I am white. Cognitive dissonance is easy to trigger in white people.
What have they done recently? How many cities looted and burned down?

I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
When have I ever made posts suggesting anything against equal rights? I said they should be shot. If there was a bunch of white people doing the same things I would suggest they be shot. I actually might be harder on the white men because they aren't as commonly born into poverty.

The idea of this thread is more of would the country have been better off if we listened to Abe and I say yes from purely the aspect of having a more cohesive group of people in our country and less discrimination/racism.
This country would be a penal colony without Black people.
I'll let others call you ignorant. I doubt your even black because an intelligent black person wouldn't post nonsense.
No one would call me ignorant to my face. Doubting I'm Black is actually sort of a compliment to me. It means you have been flummoxed and you cant deal with the fact its by a Black person. Therefore you have to rationalize I am white. Cognitive dissonance is easy to trigger in white people.
Yeah they would. There probably wouldn't be a reason to because it would be like saying the sky is blue.
I just posted a new thread about you white supremacist traitors.

Don't like equal rights for all?


Our country would be a lot better off if you did.
When have I ever made posts suggesting anything against equal rights? I said they should be shot. If there was a bunch of white people doing the same things I would suggest they be shot. I actually might be harder on the white men because they aren't as commonly born into poverty.

The idea of this thread is more of would the country have been better off if we listened to Abe and I say yes from purely the aspect of having a more cohesive group of people in our country and less discrimination/racism.
This country would be a penal colony without Black people.
I'll let others call you ignorant. I doubt your even black because an intelligent black person wouldn't post nonsense.
No one would call me ignorant to my face. Doubting I'm Black is actually sort of a compliment to me. It means you have been flummoxed and you cant deal with the fact its by a Black person. Therefore you have to rationalize I am white. Cognitive dissonance is easy to trigger in white people.
Yeah they would. There probably wouldn't be a reason to because it would be like saying the sky is blue.
If you say so. In the meantime you should read up on history so you dont sound so illiterate.
The far right have tried to destroy America by returning it to the 1950s as you well know. Hint: not gonna happen.
Ok so Abraham Lincoln said in a speech that if he had total power he would ship all the African Americans to Liberia. How many people agree with this? After all these riots I'm starting to see how he would realize that they wouldn't fit into a city environment for the most part. Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite people in history.

The Great Emancipator and the Issue of Race

Habeas Corpus was suspended. Abe did have total power.

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