What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

This is about Traditional Americans who are tried of being sidelined.

Cry me a river. Loser!

I am sad about it. But, the context of this thread is you people pretending that my side tried to overthrow the government.

So, for you to minimize our anger, is actually undermining your own position.

Did you forget that your position was that my side was a violent movement that has been and/or is committed to ruling over you and... well, I'm not sure what you pretend fears were, but,

YOu seem to have lost the thread of your own argument, if you are minimizing our anger.

Mmm, was that an accidental flash of honesty, where you revealed that you know that your position is complete bullshit?
This is about Traditional Americans who are tried of being sidelined.

White Christian Americans are sidelining themselves. They quit procreating and reproducing themselves and their religion isn’t that attractive anymore because they don’t practice what the founder taught.

Instead they worship things like Trump. So you see it is about Trump

Except that is none of that is true.

Religious white Americans are doing ok with maintain population size. It is you libs that are not having kids or interbreeding.

And we are doing fine with living up to our beliefs.

That you are projection the way you look onto your political leaders onto us, is just you being stupid.
This is not about Trump.

I am encouraged because your diversion could mean that Trump does not have enough white supremacists, Militant anti-government types and just plain stupid cult followers to assault the Capitol Bldg hundreds of times over and over again?

The idiot traditional Americans, at least some of them, I woke up.

ws are an insignificant fringe and only an asshole would pretend otherwise.
You need to seriously think about what you want to have happen moving forward.

I just don’t want 60 million ignorant Americans believing everything an asshole tells them such as that he won the election by a landslide when he lost it by 7 million votes. That’s all I want for now.

We are not ignorant, you arrogant ass.

We count. We have a right to have our voices heard and our interests represented.

You deny us that, and there will be trouble.
1. Nice standard of proof you have there. We have seen hundreds of antifa and blm riots over the last 5 years. Your denial is silly.

You are a liar. We have seen zero BLM riots.ENTIFA is an anti-fascist movement. They do not claim to be a peaceful protest movement. Therefore I do not agree with their use of violence. Know if you were going to everyone of these antifa versus right wing militia melees that ever occur and you know and you can tell me who threw the first punch, or rock and then we can talk about it. But for now you need to focus on BLM because you are flat out lying every time you call them a violentCriminal organization and that they are responsible for rioting and looting that takes place. You’re a liar. You’re a racist liar. And you cannot talk about BLM separately because you are a liar.

If I was wacist, as you claim like a retard. Why would that mean that I could not talk about how a group of blacks are violent and criminal?

Your claim, as always, is retarded.
Nice standard of proof you have there.

I realize that people who lie about a black organization dedicated to peaceful protest Would have major difficulties with a standard of proof. It’s a good standard why don’t you try to live up to a decent moral standard for once in your life.

We have been watching antifa and blm mobs rioting for years, killing dozens, and hurting thousands and destroying hundreds of millions of dollars of property.

That you would ask for proof of this, is you being a stonewalling, gas lighting, dishonest partisan hack.
2. The blm movement is a far left violent and criminal organization.

Sorry. White supremacy does not allow white folks to say things about a black organization dedicated to peaceful protest that are not true. Not even vaguely close to being true. You are a liar.

ws is a insignificant fringe. They don't set any rules in our society.

You are a wace baiting asshole for pretending that they do.

My point stands. BLM is a far left, violent and criminal organization.
I honestly know without a shadow of a doubt that your consideration that both blm and antifa are violent far left organizations without a shared of evidence to support it means you are a racist and a liar.

If I honestly believe it, then I am telling the truth as I see it, when I say that.

Are you pretending to be too stupid to know that meaning of the word lie, or are you just being a standard lib monkey throwing shit at the wall and hoping something sticks?

ALSO, if I believe that both antifa and blm are far left organizations and are violent, "without a shred of evidence", even if true, that does not mean that I am a wacist, as you claim like a retard. It would more likely mean that I am deeply biased against leftist organizations.

Of course, we have seen years of riots from both antifa and blm, so your claim of no evidence is retarded.
Connecting facts to recognize a reality is opposed by Correll 26596567
Because you are stating "facts" in conjunction as though they are connected or as though they mean what you want them to mean, generally with little cause other than your deep hatred of President Trump and teh GOP.

What does it mean when it is a fact that Trump responded to a request for help by tweeting nothing for fifteen minutes as the rioters continued ransacking the Capitol snd then tweeted that Pence was too cowardly to stop the steal? What does it mean? Was it right it was it wrong for Trump to ignore a call for help by someone under attack by people flying Trump flags yelling “fight for Trump”

It could mean a lot of things.

You are assuming the worst [possible motive of a man you hate and pretending your assumption is the only possible explanation.

Or you really believe it. In which case you are just a blindly partisan hack.
Jesus saves! god, guns & guts made america, let’s keep all three. 26680911
Traditional Americans who are tried of being sidelined.

Is this them? And are these warriors in your impending civil war?

A Christian Insurrection
Many of those who mobbed the Capitol on Wednesday claimed to be enacting God’s will.....​

An odd question. Do you really not know if Christian Americans are part of Traditional America?

Oh, wait, that wasn't a real question was it? That was just an excuse to post some lib talking shit about them.

My point stands. YOu keep up shit like that, and you are actively walking a path toward increasing violence and civil war.
An odd question.

I know all the questions you don’t want to answer. Were the Christians that stormed the Capitol traditional Christian?

That’s what I asked.

And now I am responsible for their violence? Jesus H. Christ!
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It could mean a lot of things.

Beside you saying that Trump is not in the chain of command and McCarthy needed to call the chief of police or somebody, what does it mean?

If it is virtuous or normal decent human behavior to react to learning about people, some of his friends and their families, being in harms way and there was something he could try to do to help them, what does it mean when he doesn’t do anything except further incite violence?

I can’t find a way for it to mean that Trump wanted the violence to stop. Tell me why that is wrong.

We learn from the Senate hearing that Trump knew about the violence going on for about an hour his big concern was to call Senator Tommy Tubberville wanting him to delay further the certification of the votes. WTF dude? Why are you defending the abominable behavior from the president of United States during a violent riot in the US Capitol building?
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I can’t find a way for it to mean that Trump wanted the violence to stop. Tell me why that is wrong.

It could mean that Trump was confident that the capitol police were doing all that they could and that any attempt from him to interfere would just distract them at a critical time.

BOOM. Right there your pretense that your self serving assumption is the only possible answer, is revealed to be wrong.
If I honestly believe it, then I am telling the truth as I see it, when I say that.

I understand we all use mental shortcuts to honestly believe things such as the earth is a sphere that orbits around the sun without researching the science and physics of the entire phenomenon.

The mental shortcut leading to a belief that the earth is flat and the sun sinks into the ocean every night has no place in society.

But when you bring your unfounded belief that BLM is a violent organization that calls for mayhem and looting to further their cause for social justice, you need to leave your mental shortcuts (not to be bothered with the facts) at the door when you show up in a discussion forum to establish truth and facts about things.

It’s just common courtesy to leave your mental shortcuts behind.
I'm happy to answer the question.

But you still didn’t answer the question happy or not? Were the Christians den in that photo and as described in my post the “traditional” Christians that you were talking about.
Why would that mean that I could not talk about how a group of blacks are violent and criminal?

Talk about individuals and groups of blacks that are violent and criminals all you want.

Just don’t talk about a peaceful protest organization that is not violent and criminal.

Specifically when you can’t even name names or identify cases where the organizers have called for looting or called for initiating violence against police during a peaceful demonstration.

And more specifically when the peaceful protest organization has held over 8000 protest nationwide and only had about 3% of them did violence break out. And you don’t know what was the cause or who initiated the violence when it broke out at 3% of those peaceful protests.
If I honestly believe it, then I am telling the truth as I see it, when I say that.

I understand we all use mental shortcuts to honestly believe things such as the earth is a sphere that orbits around the sun without researching the science and physics of the entire phenomenon.

The mental shortcut leading to a belief that the earth is flat and the sun sinks into the ocean every night has no place in society.

But when you bring your unfounded belief that BLM is a violent organization that calls for mayhem and looting to further their cause for social justice, you need to leave your mental shortcuts (not to be bothered with the facts) at the door when you show up in a discussion forum to establish truth and facts about things.

It’s just common courtesy to leave your mental shortcuts behind.

If someone says something you disagree with, you disagree with them.

The next obvious step in a place like this, ie a discussion forum is to discuss why you think that they are wrong or why you are right.

Just calling them a "liar" based on saying something that you disagree with, is you being unreasonable.

BLM is a violent and criminal organization who's members and supporters have been rioting and looting and killing for years.

You have been very vocal and strong in your defense of them.

Your excuse for calling me a "liar" when you know I believe it, is interesting in that it reveals how dysfunctional your thought processes are.

Thank you for sharing.
But, the context of this thread is you people pretending that my side tried to overthrow the government.

WE are not pretending anything. I saw people carrying Trump flags as they stormed the capital, beat up cops, ransacked the building, hunted down lawmakers, hunted down the vice president to hang him, stopped the certification of the vote as it was in progress. The sum total of all that is an insurrection.

Of course they didn’t succeed and they probably never could have succeeded but the reality is they tried. And had they succeeded they would’ve overturned an election by throwing out the votes where a high number of the voters are black who live in cities like Detroit Philadelphia Atlanta Milwaukee Phoenix and Las Vegas.

I am not saying that your entire side one of that mob of 1000 of trump flag flying violent losers, I am saying that that mob did actually stop the machinery of government for about eight hours with the intent to overthrow the election. And overthrowing on election is overthrowing the government. I’m sorry that you just think it was just a little riot.

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