What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

What are the Largest Problems Preventing Black Advancement?

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Does that mean you have nothing?

You just won't answer ... And that is answer enough.
I have plenty ... But I am going to wait for you to discover the truth on your own.
You are one of the poor souls that are going to have to learn the hard way ... And I don't feel like beating you up any more.

But just to let you know I am not bluffing ... The first quote in the initial post referring to "bad stock" was in regards to the "severely mentally retarded".
You need to do a better examination of your own analysis ... And quit trying to mislead people while thinking you have a clue or honest interpretation of what you are talking about ... Or that we cannot see right through it.

I dont answer to orders. I am an adult. You either have proof or not. I was hoping to see an opposite point of view instead of insults but thats typically what people do when confronted with things that shock them.

Yes you are bluffing because "severely mentally retarded" was often applied to Blacks as reason to have them committed or locked up.

If you insult yourself ... That is your own fault, not mine.
The context had nothing to do with Blacks and you are being dishonest again ... As usual.
You can keep denying the truth all you want ... And you will remain in the hopeless quagmire you have produced for yourself ... As is most often the case with deceit and ill intentions.

You are also not worth the effort of helping ... And I will be pleased when you finally become the adult you think you are ... And accept your responsibilities in life.

The fact you feel the need to argue with anyone about something someone who died in 1966 said ... Is precisely why I selected The Legacy of Slavery and Jim Crow ... You continually support my assertions.
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You just won't answer ... And that is answer enough.
I have plenty ... But I am going to wait for you to discover the truth on your own.
You are one of the poor souls that are going to have to learn the hard way ... And I don't feel like beating you up any more.

But just to let you know I am not bluffing ... The first quote in the initial post referring to "bad stock" was in regards to the "severely mentally retarded".
You need to do a better examination of your own analysis ... And quit trying to mislead people while thinking you have a clue or honest interpretation of what you are talking about ... Or that we cannot see right through it.

I dont answer to orders. I am an adult. You either have proof or not. I was hoping to see an opposite point of view instead of insults but thats typically what people do when confronted with things that shock them.

Yes you are bluffing because "severely mentally retarded" was often applied to Blacks as reason to have them committed or locked up.

If you insult yourself ... That is your own fault, not mine.
The context had nothing to do with Blacks and you are being dishonest again ... As usual.
You can keep denying the truth all you want ... And you will remain in the hopeless quagmire you have produced for yourself ... As is most often the case with deceit and ill intentions.

You are also not worth the effort of helping ... And I will be pleased when you finally become the adult you think you are ... And accept your responsibilities in life.

The fact you feel the need to argue with anyone about something someone who died in 1966 said ... Is precisely why I selected The Legacy of Slavery and Jim Crow ... You continually support my assertions.

I quite clearly recall you insulting me. The context has everything to do with Black people since that label was frequently used to imprison Blacks. I know my history but it appears you have no clue about that fact. Do some research on it. I have.

Its a good thing you feel i am not worth the effort after all your bluffing. I pretty much knew you had nothing of value when you begin stalling. Next time make sure you have something before offering a bluff that can be called. Remember in order to help someone you have to help yourself first. Get educated and dont be so naive and easily led. I wasn't arguing about anything. i was presenting facts about a known eugenicist that founded a very relevant institution that exists to this day. They are predominantly located in Hispanic and Black areas. To date you have offered nothing but vague rebuttal based on your assertions. That is simply not good enough.
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Obama's not a black president, he's a mulatto president.

The POTUS told the world he was Black. He didn't claim white, mixed, mulatto, or bi racial. He put an end to any speculation by checking African American on the census. End of discussion.

Obama Census Choice: African-American

He may be the world's foremost mixed-race leader, but when it came to the official government head count, President Barack Obama gave only one answer to the question about his ethnic background: African-American.

The White House confirmed on Friday that Obama did not check multiple boxes on his U.S. Census form, or choose the option that allows him to elaborate on his racial heritage. He ticked the box that says "Black, African Am., or Negro."

I could check that I'm Asian. Doesn't make me one.

If you had been born in China that would make you Chinese regardless of your phenotype.
BTW Asians could be Chinese, Japanese or Indians. The latter looks nothing like the first two. Also, technically, Russians are Asians too! The white man's invention of race has failed...
I like this recording because it shows not all employees of Planned Parenthood are eugenicists but its very obvious directions from the top force her hand.

LiveLeak.com - Audio of Taped Call to Planned Parenthood Accepting Racist Motivated Donation

It seems as Margaret Sanger and W.E.B. Dubois were singing to the same tune. Taking the "talented tenth" thing a little too far?
BlackGenocide.org | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Five
The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger and the African American Community
I can tell you this: Rush Limbaugh stated publically over his hot air broadcasting system that he wanted a black man to fail...he did not want him to succeed. Can you deny that?

Obama laid out his goals and policies when seeking election. Limbaugh said he hoped he failed to achieve them. I concur.
Obama is a raging fucking Socialist.

Actually, your MessiahRushie said he hoped ALL hard working average Americans would lose their jobs for crime of electing Obama and he would enjoy watching Americans learn the hard way.

October 31, 2008
RUSH:* Joe the Plumber.* Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others

ill say it again Ed.....you quote Rush more than anyone in this forum....by far....im beginning to think you have posters of the fucker on your walls......
I like this recording because it shows not all employees of Planned Parenthood are eugenicists but its very obvious directions from the top force her hand.

LiveLeak.com - Audio of Taped Call to Planned Parenthood Accepting Racist Motivated Donation

It seems as Margaret Sanger and W.E.B. Dubois were singing to the same tune. Taking the "talented tenth" thing a little too far?
BlackGenocide.org | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Five
The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger
Margaret Sanger and the African American Community

No Pubis. Actually you are confused as usual. No plans to kill off Black people. I highly doubt you find something credible that points to WEB Dubois supporting eugenics on black people.

Talented Tenth, (1903), concept espoused by black educator and author W.E.B. Du Bois, emphasizing the necessity for higher education to develop the leadership capacity among the most able 10 percent of black Americans. Du Bois was one of a number of black intellectuals who feared that what they saw as the overemphasis on industrial training (as evidenced, for example, by the plan proposed by Booker T. Washington in the 1895 Atlanta Compromise) would confine blacks permanently to the ranks of second-class citizenship. In order to achieve political and civil equality, Du Bois stressed the importance of educating African American teachers, professional men, ministers, and spokesmen, who would earn their special privileges by dedicating themselves to “leavening the lump” and “inspiring the masses.” The phrase Talented Tenth first appeared in Du Bois’ The Negro Problem (New York, 1903).
The term black is used too loosely but I understand what is meant. The thing preventing "black" advancement is biology. They simply don't have the tools to compete with modern humans in today's world. Of course they didn't have the tools hundreds and thousands of years ago either.

I have a fan. :lol:

You know youre a fuck up when people hate you so much that they make fake accounts for you. Youre just a terrible person. You think hes bad for having an avatar with MLKs face on a monkey? You are worse.

he is a terrible person?........i have seen some of your fucked up posts.....your kind of an ass yourself.....
We have already established that you lied about Limbaugh. Your link about the business community faring better under democrat presidents is a book review. Not really much to respond to.

We? Who the hell is WE? All I see is your weak rebuttal. Stop trying to manipulate semantics, you aren't very good at it.

Moving on! You do not respond to my link because you can't. Its over your head. you had best stick with your weak little one-liners while pretending you have the support of all who post here. Until you are elected as the sole arbiter of what is true or untrue, I will regard you as a comedian with a biased opinion!
Good church going folks don't have 70% of all children born to single parents!!! Duh!!!

you mean like those good church going folks who look the other way and make excuses for their Priests molesting little boys?.....
Thank you for the transcript. The fact that JQPublic1 simply lied through his teeth when he pretended that Limbaugh said he wanted a black man to fail leads me to question his other assertions. However, Limbaugh certainly sounded pissy by wishing Obama voters to lose their jobs. I mean, they did anyway but Limbaugh was still pissy.
Well we don't know that, we only know that those who said that he wanted Obama's "policies" to fail were lying through their teeth. He wanted Obama to fail and he calls Obama "the black guy." He wanted Americans to learn a very PAINFUL lesson and watching then learn the hard way was "EUPHORIC" to him. So he wanted Americans to suffer for electing "the black guy."

January 14, 2008
RUSH: I don't know if we've had our Fort Sumter yet, but Mrs. Clinton has already declared that she is the victim of the black guy!* The black guy is attacking Mrs. Clinton!* That would be Obama

I love it that Rush rents space in your head.

Hell you probably listen to him more than his adoring fans do.

I guess you could be called a "dittohead".

yep....told him that before.....he is in denial....
Your list of choices is bad. You left out the big reason for black failure. Their mental inferiority. With an average IQ of 75, blacks are doomed to failure.

so what is your excuse?.....how come i did not see you start another thread here saying how Obama just raised the Postal rates?....only low IQ idiots like you think the President does that....
We have already established that you lied about Limbaugh. Your link about the business community faring better under democrat presidents is a book review. Not really much to respond to.

We? Who the hell is WE? All I see is your weak rebuttal. Stop trying to manipulate semantics, you aren't very good at it.

Moving on! You do not respond to my link because you can't. Its over your head. you had best stick with your weak little one-liners while pretending you have the support of all who post here. Until you are elected as the sole arbiter of what is true or untrue, I will regard you as a comedian with a biased opinion!

I'm the one manipulating semantics when you said Limbaugh wanted to see the "black man" fail? LOL!
I do agree with you on one point though. I didn't respond to your link originally. That's because your link was a book review. I guess I could have rebutted with a book review of Harry Potter but I really didn't see the point.
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yet another example of black culture in decline


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