Zone1 What are the reasons Jesus (and saints) say / imply that most people end up in Hell? poll

What are the reasons Jesus (and saints) say / imply that most people end up in Hell?

  • 2 People love their sins more than they love Jesus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 People don't believe they have to give up all their sins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 Human nature is ugly and hard to fight against

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What are the reasons Jesus (and saints) say / imply that most people end up in Hell?
Jesus never said that. Religious people say that because I as an atheist can say, "That religious stuff is kooky. Im not following that religion or making donations to it. Maybe I will be surprised one day after i die and find myself in Heaven and wont i feel silly."

Religious people hate the idea of an atheist getting a free ride into Heaven. They want to fear you into joining so you cant skip all the lame stuff, like going to church every Sunday.
What are the reasons Jesus (and saints) say / imply that most people end up in Hell?
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
Jesus never said that.

Yes, Jesus did. ALL versions of the Bible have these quotes of His...

Douay-Rheims Bible
Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Douay-Rheims Bible
How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!

Matthew 7:14

Douay-Rheims Bible
Who said: No man, Lord. And Jesus said: Neither will I condemn thee. Go, and now sin no more.

John 8:11

I quote this one because Jesus said to SIN NO MORE. Do you see many people stopping their sins completely?
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. MAtt 7:14
Yes, Jesus did. ALL versions of the Bible have these quotes of His...

Douay-Rheims Bible
Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Looks to me like it says that if you are doing gods will (i.e. being peaceful, not murdering people, etc.) then you get into Heaven. Nothing in that quote says anything about belief in god.
What are the reasons Jesus (and saints) say / imply that most people end up in Hell?
I imagine it is/are the same reasons that everyone who says "No one is above the law" want(s) to put most people in jail...the believers of both see it/them as guidance through wisdom and everyone else sees it for what it is...not at all meant/intended to offend the faithful.
Religious people hate the idea of an atheist getting a free ride into Heaven. They want to fear you into joining so you cant skip all the lame stuff, like going to church every Sunday.
A different perspective: I am a person of faith. All who want to spend their afterlife loving and serving God and all those around them, why not wish them the gift of heaven? I (and many like me) certainly do. All people of faith believe heaven is a gift, so why shouldn't it be a gift to all. People of the Jewish faith believe heaven is open to all good people.

It seems, sometimes (based on the very good atheists in my own life) that what atheists may be missing is not a heavenly afterlife, but an easier time in this life.

Why call going to church every Sunday "the lame stuff"? That can be compared to coming together as a family for dinner and complain about vegetables: "Do I have to eat this lame stuff?" Investigate what vegetables can do for physical health. Investigate what Church can do for spiritual health.
Looks to me like it says that if you are doing gods will (i.e. being peaceful, not murdering people, etc.) then you get into Heaven. Nothing in that quote says anything about belief in god.
Many Christians try to go by the entire Bible AND Church teaching

so there's that
I imagine it is/are the same reasons that everyone who says "No one is above the law" want(s) to put most people in jail...the believers of both see it/them as guidance through wisdom and everyone else sees it for what it is...not at all meant/intended to offend the faithful.

Religious people hate the idea of an atheist getting a free ride into Heaven. They want to fear you into joining so you cant skip all the lame stuff, like going to church every Sunday.
Why do u speak for all "religious people"? That's very presumptuous. Have you interviewed all religious people on the planet?

I somehow doubt it.

I never once in my life --and some people find me "too religious"-- ever found myself wanting an atheist or anyone else to go to Hell. I pray for people of all walks of life to end up in Heaven.. Thatdoesn't mean they will because again Jesus said few make it.

I used to have the same kind of aversion to "religion" that you have. I used to look @ Christians in much the same way you do, though not quite that extreme. But then I discovered the True Faith and scales fell off my eyes

long story................
Why do u speak for all "religious people"?
Saying "Religious people hate..." doesnt mean im speaking for every single religious person on Earth. Im speaking in generalities and im speaking specifically about the ones who thinks you have to go to church and believe in order to get into heaven.
OK my bad
What are the reasons Jesus (and saints) say / imply that most people end up in Hell?
I imagine they say it for the same reason mortals [politicians] say / imply most of us could/will end up in jail with phrases like "no one is above the law", so they can lord over us with fear...again, not at all intended to offend the faithful.
Saying "Religious people hate..." doesnt mean im speaking for every single religious person on Earth. Im speaking in generalities and im speaking specifically about the ones who thinks you have to go to church and believe in order to get into heaven.
How do you know they don't?

Jesus didn't set up a Church for nothing

Mt 16:18
Im skeptical of the accuracy of the bible. I dont make assumptions that its all false, but i dont think its all true either.
who said anything about the Bible?

Yes, Catholics use the Bible (contrary to the myths abounding re the CC)

but I mentioned the CHURCH (which produced the New Testament/preserved the Old)

I guess you think God isn't big enough to protect what is vital for our salvation?

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