Zone1 What are you focused on when you go to Church or attempt to follow God?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2022
A lady went to the Pastor and said, "I won't be attending Church anymore."
He said. "May I ask why?"
She said, "I see people on their cell phones during the service, some are gossiping, some just aren't living right, they are all just hypocrites."
The Pastor got silent and he said, "Okay...but can I ask you to do something for me before you make your final decision?"
She said, "What's that?"
He said, "Take a glass of water and walk around the Church 2 times and don't let any water fall out of the glass."
She said, "Yes, I can do that."
She came back and said, "It's done."
He asked her 3 questions:
1. Did you see anybody on their phones?
2. Did you see or hear anybody gossiping?
3. Was anybody living wrong?
She said, "I didn't see anything because I was so focused on this glass, so the water wouldn't fall."
He said, "When you come to Church, you should be just as focused on God so that you don't fall. That's why Jesus said, "Follow Me." He did not say follow Christians. Don't let your relationship with God be determined by how others relate with God. Let it be determined by how focused you are on God."

How many times I see this happen. There are 2 types of judgment. Righteous Judgment and Unrighteous Judgment. When we judge righteously, it should not take us away from the truth. Leaving any church means apostasy comes shortly afterwards because we focus on things that steer us away from God and the truth. At that point, we judge unrighteously and the spiral continues until we denounce God completely.
Order and community. Do these people have their heads on straight? Do I want to be friends among them and consider them my equal???
Order and community. Do these people have their heads on straight? Do I want to be friends among them and consider them my equal???
Are you judging your friends to be equal to you or just to love them and be there when they need a friend. Doesn't mean you have to do and act like they do. But, since when do they have to measure up to your perceived perfection?
I focus on finding the truth and learning a deeper understanding of God's will in all things. However, I haven't walked into a modern Church in many years.
I focus on finding the truth and learning a deeper understanding of God's will in all things. However, I haven't walked into a modern Church in many years.
What covenants did you make with the Lord when you were baptized?
How do you receive the ordinance of the Sacrament or Eucharist?
How is eating the body of Christ and drinking the blood of Christ not cannibalism?
Good point. I often bring that up. In the KJV, we eat the emblems and drink the fluid in remembrance of His atonement sacrifice. In the Catholic teaching, the Eucharists become the flesh and blood inside the body. yuk! Not only that, but hundreds or thousands of times a day around the world, priests are pulling the Son of God down off his throne to die and suffer again and again...Makes no sense. But, it's like the concept that God is so big that he fills the universe but so small he can dwell in your heart. I don't know everything of God, but there are somethings just don't add up with the scriptures.
How is eating the body of Christ and drinking the blood of Christ not cannibalism?
First of all, Christ was speaking in a spiritual sense. Nobody literally ate His flesh or drank His literal blood. Secondly, the fact that you don't know that proves that you're just here to troll.
It's more than what you see. Inside the body the sacraments change to actual flesh and blood according to the Catholic Church. Even the one that broke off in 1958 :auiqs.jpg:

I think the idiot troll Hillbilly is probably a vegan.


I believe that it was the prophet Ezekial that God told to write a scroll and eat it. No man can speak the Word except he first eat it. A covenant requires blood sacrifice. Praise Christ Jesus for the sacrifice he made for us.

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