What Carly Fiorina can do that Donald Trump CAN'T ? answer questions


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Carly Fiorina hits home run---while Donald Trump--well--while Donald Trump--really can't answer questions. And when he can't answer questions, he goes BALLISTIC & attacks the journalist asking the question.--LOL

"DONALD J TRUMP revealed gaps in his mastery of international affairs during a radio interview on Thursday, appearing to mistake the Quds Force, an Iranian military group, for the Kurds, a Middle Eastern people, and growing testy over questions about foreign leaders.

“You’re asking me names that — I think it’s somewhat ridiculous,” Mr. Trump told Hugh Hewitt, a popular conservative radio show host. “As far as the individual players, of course I don’t know them. I’ve never met them. I haven’t been, you know, in a position to meet them.”

At one point, according to the interview’s transcript, Mr. Hewitt asked Mr. Trump if he was familiar with Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the shadowy commander of Iran’s paramilitary Quds Force.

“Yes, but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me,” Mr. Trump replied.

“He runs the Quds Forces,” Mr. Hewitt said.

“Yes, O.K., right,” Mr. Trump said.

But Mr. Trump seemed to think Mr. Hewitt was referring to the Kurds, a group with its own language and culture.

Mr. Trump asserted that “the Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated.”

Mr. Hewitt interrupted. “No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces.”

Mr. Trump tried to recover from the live, on-air tutorial. “Yes, yes,” he said.

He added, “Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds.”

Mr. Trump, a real estate developer and brand manager who has never worked in government, has relatively little experience dealing with foreign governments. But he has boasted of his global reach and international experience as a businessman.

Mr. Hewitt said he was not interested in “gotcha” questions but wanted to be sure Mr. Trump had a baseline of knowledge about foreign leaders.

“On the front of Islamist terrorism, I’m looking for the next commander in chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi. Do you know the players without a scorecard, yet, Donald Trump?” Mr. Hewitt asked.

Mr. Trump’s answer was strikingly dismissive. “No, you know, I’ll tell you honestly, I think by the time we get to office, they’ll all be changed. They’ll be all gone.”

Making matters worse, Mr. Hewitt asked similar questions on Thursday to CARLY FIORINA a fellow Republican presidential candidate who, like Mr. Trump, has never served in elected office.

But Mrs. Fiorina sounded confident, patient and informed as she discussed the Quds Force, among other subjects.

Asked if she knew the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah, she explained that “Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories. Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places, but the truth is, both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel.”

Mr. Hewitt signaled his approval. “That’s exactly right,” he said.

On Friday morning, Mr. Trump went on the attack, calling Mr. Hewitt a “third-rate radio announcer” during an interview on MSNBC.

Mr. Hewitt, who will help moderate the next Republican presidential debate on Sept. 16, said the insult would not influence his approach to that event.

“His critique won’t change my debate questions or prep,” Hewitt told The Huffington Post.

On the topic of international leaders, Mr. Trump concluded his interview with a touch of his trademark bravado, promising to become an authority on their names as president.

“If they’re still there, which is unlikely in many cases, but if they’re still there, I will know them better than I know you.”

He added, “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.

Well, my head is already spinning-LOL

Fiorina is my favorite right now. She is sharp as a tack and quick on her feet.

Yes I think everyone is looking for someone OUT of the political class, and she's definitely the smartest, most articulate out of the bunch, including the political class. She can answer any question. She handles the left wing media like play dough in her hands. And she's got class.

We haven't had a candidate like her come along in a long--long time. Charles Kraugthammer referred to her as Reaganisk. She gets it. Fiorina wins Conservatives, Independents, Cross over democrats, she wins it all if she is the nominee.

She nails it every time
A CBS interview
Election 2016: Carly Fiorina: "No excuse" for Hillary Clinton's private email server
Fiorina , fired from her big job plus a lover of 'muslims ' as is mrobama . Be at Trumps big rally on September 14 in Dallas Texas to see an American in action .
Fiorina , fired from her big job plus a lover of 'muslims ' as is mrobama . Be at Trumps big rally on September 14 in Dallas Texas to see an American in action .

I know that this will be your left wing talking points from here until November, 2016. But Ted Peterson who actually voted to fire Fiorina is endorsing her for President.
Ex-HP board member who voted to fire Fiorina endorses her

And of course her explanation of what happened at HP

Then we'll probably have to repeat the Muslim deal from here to eternity also.--LOL A little reading never hurt anyone.
Let's Address Carly Fiorina's Comments About Islam Right After 9/11 - Chicks on the Right

Is this all ya got? Because I can go after Donald Trump and it would take me several days to dig up all the shit on him. And it would take you 2 months to get through it all--LOL if you're a Hillary Clinton fan--don't even go there--LOL
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Carly has been on my radar for a while now...
She handles herself very well in interviews...
My original pick Scott Walker has disappointed as well as John Kasich!
Marco Rubio has moved up slightly.....
But I am liking this lady as a candidate.

Carly deserves to be prime time for the next debate and happy CNN got their shit together....

Let's see how Carly fares the next few months.
We've got a bunch of people here that are bouncing all over the place from Donald Trump---back to Ben Carson now.

Donald Trump is going to go down hard. Ben Carson is a brilliant surgeon, and a very nice man--but it's clear he not prime time ready to be POTUS.

So if you want a political outsider--the obvious choice is Carly Fiorina--or you will get stuck with Jeb Bush--if more people don't start supporting her.

It's not rocket science.
Carly Fiorina hits home run---while Donald Trump--well--while Donald Trump--really can't answer questions. And when he can't answer questions, he goes BALLISTIC & attacks the journalist asking the question.--LOL

"DONALD J TRUMP revealed gaps in his mastery of international affairs during a radio interview on Thursday, appearing to mistake the Quds Force, an Iranian military group, for the Kurds, a Middle Eastern people, and growing testy over questions about foreign leaders.

“You’re asking me names that — I think it’s somewhat ridiculous,” Mr. Trump told Hugh Hewitt, a popular conservative radio show host. “As far as the individual players, of course I don’t know them. I’ve never met them. I haven’t been, you know, in a position to meet them.”

At one point, according to the interview’s transcript, Mr. Hewitt asked Mr. Trump if he was familiar with Gen. Qassim Suleimani, the shadowy commander of Iran’s paramilitary Quds Force.

“Yes, but go ahead, give me a little, go ahead, tell me,” Mr. Trump replied.

“He runs the Quds Forces,” Mr. Hewitt said.

“Yes, O.K., right,” Mr. Trump said.

But Mr. Trump seemed to think Mr. Hewitt was referring to the Kurds, a group with its own language and culture.

Mr. Trump asserted that “the Kurds, by the way, have been horribly mistreated.”

Mr. Hewitt interrupted. “No, not the Kurds, the Quds Forces, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Forces.”

Mr. Trump tried to recover from the live, on-air tutorial. “Yes, yes,” he said.

He added, “Oh, I thought you said Kurds, Kurds.”

Mr. Trump, a real estate developer and brand manager who has never worked in government, has relatively little experience dealing with foreign governments. But he has boasted of his global reach and international experience as a businessman.

Mr. Hewitt said he was not interested in “gotcha” questions but wanted to be sure Mr. Trump had a baseline of knowledge about foreign leaders.

“On the front of Islamist terrorism, I’m looking for the next commander in chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi. Do you know the players without a scorecard, yet, Donald Trump?” Mr. Hewitt asked.

Mr. Trump’s answer was strikingly dismissive. “No, you know, I’ll tell you honestly, I think by the time we get to office, they’ll all be changed. They’ll be all gone.”

Making matters worse, Mr. Hewitt asked similar questions on Thursday to CARLY FIORINA a fellow Republican presidential candidate who, like Mr. Trump, has never served in elected office.

But Mrs. Fiorina sounded confident, patient and informed as she discussed the Quds Force, among other subjects.

Asked if she knew the difference between Hamas and Hezbollah, she explained that “Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories. Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places, but the truth is, both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel.”

Mr. Hewitt signaled his approval. “That’s exactly right,” he said.

On Friday morning, Mr. Trump went on the attack, calling Mr. Hewitt a “third-rate radio announcer” during an interview on MSNBC.

Mr. Hewitt, who will help moderate the next Republican presidential debate on Sept. 16, said the insult would not influence his approach to that event.

“His critique won’t change my debate questions or prep,” Hewitt told The Huffington Post.

On the topic of international leaders, Mr. Trump concluded his interview with a touch of his trademark bravado, promising to become an authority on their names as president.

“If they’re still there, which is unlikely in many cases, but if they’re still there, I will know them better than I know you.”

He added, “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.

Well, my head is already spinning-LOL


I like Hugh Hewitt and listen to him all the time....he is wrong....Trump is not my guy but I understand that Trump actually knows how to get things done...his ability to gather information and lead people to complete an objective is seen in his buildings and businesses that you find all over the world....as I posted elsewhere...

Do you think Trump knows how to do soil analysis.....? That is what a caller mentioned on another radio show.....

Odds are no...but he knows the guy to call to do that when he is getting the permit for his buildings and golf courses....

Does he know every detail in the building codes, for the structures he creates, probably not...but he gets them built to code.....

Dittos everything he does...he knows how to get the people he needs and the information he needs to actually get things done. What Hugh Hewitt doesn't realize.....the politicians we elected to fight obama....don't know how to get things done. We gave them majorities in both houses, which comes with the power to get things done, even if they don't have super majorities, and they will not do anything with that power to stop obama.

Also....Hugh Hewitt is a friend of Chief Justice John Roberts, and assured us, his audience that Roberts would get the obamacare decision right......and then when he got it wrong he insisted that Roberts was playing a long game and would finish off obamacare at the next opportunity and in a way that would really do the job...

Wrong on both counts.

Also....Hugh supported Mitt Romney and said he would be a great candidate....how did that work out for us......
We've got a bunch of people here that are bouncing all over the place from Donald Trump---back to Ben Carson now.

Donald Trump is going to go down hard. Ben Carson is a brilliant surgeon, and a very nice man--but it's clear he not prime time ready to be POTUS.

So if you want a political outsider--the obvious choice is Carly Fiorina--or you will get stuck with Jeb Bush--if more people don't start supporting her.

It's not rocket science.

I am likely going to vote for Carly because she is not only competent...but she is a woman. Too many women are going to vote for hilary just because she is a woman....you can't always fight stupid...so we need to put our own woman up there. I am not saying that is her only qualification, because it isn't. She knows what she is doing and I would have no problem voting for her anyway....strategically speaking...we need her at the top of the ticket to get the women to vote.

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