What choices left?

Yeah, but you crave one party rule. You've been quite clear. Your goal is to eliminate liberals.
As they have been causing all the damage to this country since, oh I don't know, Woodrow Wilson or should I go back further. Your "progressive" heroes, FDR and LBJ, are especially notorious for the exponential expansion of government and destructive social welfare policies.
As they have been causing all the damage to this country since, oh I don't know, Woodrow Wilson or should I go back further. Your "progressive" heroes, FDR and LBJ, are especially notorious for the exponential expansion of government and destructive social welfare policies.
I see. It's different when you do it.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
I'll play your silly game. I want "who is Nikki Haley" for $200 Bob.
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
Ain't gonna happen...
A jury found him guilty of sexual assault in a civil trial. He paid fines for stealing money from a charity and setting up a fraudulent real estate school. He also schtoinked a porn star during an adulterous affair while wifey was pregers.

In small town America you couldn't get elected to be mayor, or even dog catcher, with that resume.
In a small town, the townspeople would likely stone him to death.
Alrighty then. But you want single party rule, just like that do. You suck, just like they do.
What is so wrong with a 100% Conservative government? I live in a reliably Republican suburb outside of the urban war zone called Buffalo, NY and we are doing just fine, thank you. And let's not forget all urban shitholes across the US are run EXCLUSIVELY by the Democrat party, so you can picture what shape they are in.
An election does require at least two candidates.

That is why the republican have a convention to select one. If trump is not chosen then they will select someone else.

Who will run on the republican ticket

I know its hard to believe but their are republicans running for president other than Trump

I am sure republicans will vote for whomever is on the ticket

OF course they are free to stay at home and Biden will get a 2nd term
Let's play a little "what if". What if the DNC get their dreams come true and Trump is taken off every ballot across the country? Well, there would be NO Republican candidate this year. This is exactly what they have been pining for, a permanent far Left one party state.
What about Nikki Haley?

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