What Collusion? Pick a Trump associate and see for yourself...

Thanks for proving what I predicted you would say:

'All of these links are 'Fake News', not credible sources, nothing to see here, blah, blah, blah...'

Snowflakes are SO predictable... :p

All of them talk about legal activity. People who were registered lobbyists, or who weren't in any way prohibited from doing what they did. Compa red to the Trumpers, who broke the law by f ailing to register or report their activities.
Can you imagine if you had an actual job and weren't mooching off those of us who worked? You might actually have a clue about how the real world worked.

TRANSLATION: "Oh yeah...well, you're a big stupid-head!'

RDD's 4th Grade version of 'Triggered' continues...all because he demanded links and got them. Be careful what you wish for, snowflake...and for God's sake STOP already. You're making a complete fool out of yourself.

Your links proved my point. I knew I could goad you into posting the horseshit that you guzzle down as news and you went right for it. The funny part is you're too dumb to realize that.
'Your links are not real because they are offensive to snowflakes'. :p
How many degrees of separation between the clintons and Putin....

Putin controlled energy companies.....140 million dollars......clinton foundation....hilary clinton.....

Wow...that was quick...

Since Hillary released 30 years of taxes, you can look for yourself.

Donnie Small Hands, on the other hand, has not released his so we don't know...
Trump supporters will not care. As long as he has a (R) next to his name, he could literally rape and kill a child and they would blame the child.
Trump even ate a live black child. I was ok with it.

I don't get why RWs are okay with Russia interfering with our election. That's just beyond comprehension but they're even making jokes about the pussy grabber's connection.

What happened to the right that they feel no loyalty or patriotism?

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Prove it or shut up about it. You idiots have been blubbering about this for months, and no proof.
Patience. LOL
Trump supporters will not care. As long as he has a (R) next to his name, he could literally rape and kill a child and they would blame the child.
Trump even ate a live black child. I was ok with it.

I don't get why RWs are okay with Russia interfering with our election. That's just beyond comprehension but they're even making jokes about the pussy grabber's connection.

What happened to the right that they feel no loyalty or patriotism?

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Prove it or shut up about it. You idiots have been blubbering about this for months, and no proof.
Patience. LOL


Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …
This is like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon except I don't even think you can get these sort of results

The many paths from Trump to Russia
Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI have testified under oath there is no 'Russian-Trump Collusion' and never has been.

The FBI has declared 3 times not - 'No evidence to support the false claim about Trump-Russian Collusion'

Obama's Ex-CIA Director: 'NO Evidence'

Intel Committee Chairman - 'No Evidence'

' Intel Committee Member D-Feinstein - 'NO Evidence'


- Caught on video/audio when he thought his mic was off telling Putin monkey-Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that once he is re-elected he will have a lot more leverage to F* over NATO allies regarding missile defense

- His administration and Loyalists, according to the NSA and FBI Directors, perpetrated Felony Espionage by illegally releasing/ leaking Protected Classified Personal Trump Team info in an attempt to seditiously undermine the newly elected govt

- Clinton Foundation received millions from a prominent Russian businessman who was part of the deal where Russia bought US uranium, a deal in which Hillary provided her influential assistance

- Her husband, Bill, was working for Putin Pals, Ex-KGB, giving 'speeches' for $50k a pop (and the potential promise of 'access once Hillary won? *The FBI's investigation of the Clinton Foundation for Influence Peddling is still on-going)

- Her Campaign manager received thousands of un-reported Russian stock, and 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominent Russians with ties to the Kremlin and Putin

- Her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB Bank and, coincidently, the Russian Spy Agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

...talk about your Russian Connections. :p

The investigation is not complete.
Trump supporters will not care. As long as he has a (R) next to his name, he could literally rape and kill a child and they would blame the child.
Trump even ate a live black child. I was ok with it.

I don't get why RWs are okay with Russia interfering with our election. That's just beyond comprehension but they're even making jokes about the pussy grabber's connection.

What happened to the right that they feel no loyalty or patriotism?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Prove it or shut up about it. You idiots have been blubbering about this for months, and no proof.
Patience. LOL


Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …

Trump's lying, and as Woodward said at the correspondent's dinner "follow the lies." But what Nixon was ultimately guilty of was covering up the crime. Something like 35-45% of voters will stick with Trump even after its shown he's in bed with them with hundreds of millions. We already know one oligarch with ties to Deutchbank paid him 95million for property that no one else really wanted for that price. And we know that Trump hasn't gotten loans from US banks for two-three decades.
Trump even ate a live black child. I was ok with it.

I don't get why RWs are okay with Russia interfering with our election. That's just beyond comprehension but they're even making jokes about the pussy grabber's connection.

What happened to the right that they feel no loyalty or patriotism?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Prove it or shut up about it. You idiots have been blubbering about this for months, and no proof.
Patience. LOL


Russia, U.S. Elections, and the Fake News Cycle

To do a real and legitimate investigation is going to take a long time and that’s been frustrating to a lot of people. We’re going to have to be concerned about this for a while, and things are going to drip drop out. A lot of us [who are experts in the field] know or think we know this is going to pan out to be a major, major scandal that rivals Watergate and probably will raise questions about impeachment of the president.

We have a lot of sources and people we talk to who know more than what’s published in the media. For me it feels like a slow motion revelation that we can see three or four steps down the line. But I understand that people experience every little twist and turn along the way — people don’t quite want to believe it or know what to believe. I would just advise people that we are living in a rather fantastical reality and it’s going to come crashing down on somebody at some point. …

Trump's lying, and as Woodward said at the correspondent's dinner "follow the lies." But what Nixon was ultimately guilty of was covering up the crime. Something like 35-45% of voters will stick with Trump even after its shown he's in bed with them with hundreds of millions. We already know one oligarch with ties to Deutchbank paid him 95million for property that no one else really wanted for that price. And we know that Trump hasn't gotten loans from US banks for two-three decades.
You know so much that isn't so.
How many degrees of separation between the clintons and Putin....

Putin controlled energy companies.....140 million dollars......clinton foundation....hilary clinton.....

Wow...that was quick...

Since Hillary released 30 years of taxes, you can look for yourself.

Donnie Small Hands, on the other hand, has not released his so we don't know...

We know he paid 38 million dollars....far more than you...
How many degrees of separation between the clintons and Putin....

Putin controlled energy companies.....140 million dollars......clinton foundation....hilary clinton.....

Wow...that was quick...

Since Hillary released 30 years of taxes, you can look for yourself.

Donnie Small Hands, on the other hand, has not released his so we don't know...

We know he paid 38 million dollars....far more than you...
How many degrees of separation between the clintons and Putin....

Putin controlled energy companies.....140 million dollars......clinton foundation....hilary clinton.....

Wow...that was quick...

Since Hillary released 30 years of taxes, you can look for yourself.

Donnie Small Hands, on the other hand, has not released his so we don't know...

We know he paid 38 million dollars....far more than you...
That was the one year he released that he did pay And when you get to the hell you deserve you can say hi to him and all the other republicans there
How many degrees of separation between the clintons and Putin....

Putin controlled energy companies.....140 million dollars......clinton foundation....hilary clinton.....

Wow...that was quick...

Since Hillary released 30 years of taxes, you can look for yourself.

Donnie Small Hands, on the other hand, has not released his so we don't know...

We know he paid 38 million dollars....far more than you...

Yes, that one year that "John Miller" accidentally released.

The one year he didn't owe Russia and China...
Yeah but Flynn worked for Obama.
One of the many perfect examples of why ALL Obama holdovers need to be expunged from their positions in govt.

Except he wasnt a holdover he was fired by Obama, Obama told Trump not to hire him and the Donald "Great Brains" Trump hired him anyway.

Then he was told he was compromised and what did Trump do? Fired the person who told him. Then kept the rat around our secrets for 18 more days only firing him after the WaPo exposed his ass.

Then he said "Me? Hire Flynn? That was Obama's fault!"

Yeah but Flynn worked for Obama.
One of the many perfect examples of why ALL Obama holdovers need to be expunged from their positions in govt.

Except he wasnt a holdover he was fired by Obama, Obama told Trump not to hire him and the Donald "Great Brains" Trump hired him anyway.

Then he was told he was compromised and what did Trump do? Fired the person who told him. Then kept the rat around our secrets for 18 more days only firing him after the WaPo exposed his ass.

Then he said "Me? Hire Flynn? That was Obama's fault!"


And, even if he had not been fired by Obama and even if Obama had not told trump not to hire him, trump was required to vet him all over again.

easyt65 This is a perfect example of trump's "extreme vetting" .

Face facts- trump blew it. OR, he knew (colluded) all along and gambled he wouldn't get caught.

Since Flynn was not fired for two more weeks and was even in top secret meetings, it's pretty obvious trump knew exactly what he was doing and did it anyway because, you know, he's the prez so rules and laws don't apply to him.

Oh yeah and he's a celebrity so he can grab all the push he wants, play Peeping Tom, lie, cheat and steal and never have to pay a price like the little people.

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This Russian shit still going on?


Podesta brothers were both directly working for the Russians. One during the election. Tony was working directly for the Russian governments bank to help lift the sanctions.
Yeah but Flynn worked for Obama.
One of the many perfect examples of why ALL Obama holdovers need to be expunged from their positions in govt.

Except he wasnt a holdover he was fired by Obama, Obama told Trump not to hire him and the Donald "Great Brains" Trump hired him anyway.

Then he was told he was compromised and what did Trump do? Fired the person who told him. Then kept the rat around our secrets for 18 more days only firing him after the WaPo exposed his ass.

Then he said "Me? Hire Flynn? That was Obama's fault!"


How was Flynn compromised?

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