What compels you to embrace Conservative / Republican ideology?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
It’s no secret that we all gravitate toward the Party that best fits our own belief / value systems.
What is it about the Republican Party that has you captured?
It’s no secret that we all gravitate toward the Party that best fits our own belief / value systems.
What is it about the Republican Party that has you captured?

The continual adaption of old Democratic Party values has to be fueling the R's.

Tariff's which for a decade I heard were the tool of socialists who wanted to shut down capitalism.

Legalized pot, pot use is rampant with the local young Republicans. Fox News Poll: Support for legalizing marijuana hits record high https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ization/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d17fee7544e8
I remember when pot was a hippie leftest thing

Then there is this kingship executive order thing, wanting a king is apparently reason to be Republican now.

Group Think is nice and comfortable, vote against anything the King does and you get uninvited from your local Republican meetings: Senator Roy Blunt Banned From Missouri GOP Dinner After Backstabbing Trump With Anti-Wall Vote - Big League Politics

Racial purity? Plenty of nuts on here talk about not letting the browns in, I remember when the D's were the party of the old south.

Big government birth control, there is a movement of nuts on here who want the government to decide who can have kids.

Why else.....
Independents such as I look at things differently. We pick and choose knowing neither party can universally represent our views. As far as Republicans go, I like your picks of federal judges.
It’s no secret that we all gravitate toward the Party that best fits our own belief / value systems.
What is it about the Republican Party that has you captured?

What I embrace is Strict constructional federalism, with a dash of "small l" libertarianism.

Right now Republicans are not as bad as dems, so that's why they usually get my vote.

The parties are amalgams of ideologies, not a complete one on their own.
Fiscal Responsibility, Preservation of the right to pursue prosperity, Religious freedom, Open Border Opposition, Treating the American Voter as an individual, not as a vote part of a block.
It’s no secret that we all gravitate toward the Party that best fits our own belief / value systems.
What is it about the Republican Party that has you captured?

The continual adaption of old Democratic Party values has to be fueling the R's.

Tariff's which for a decade I heard were the tool of socialists who wanted to shut down capitalism.

Legalized pot, pot use is rampant with the local young Republicans. Fox News Poll: Support for legalizing marijuana hits record high https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ization/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d17fee7544e8
I remember when pot was a hippie leftest thing

Then there is this kingship executive order thing, wanting a king is apparently reason to be Republican now.

Group Think is nice and comfortable, vote against anything the King does and you get uninvited from your local Republican meetings: Senator Roy Blunt Banned From Missouri GOP Dinner After Backstabbing Trump With Anti-Wall Vote - Big League Politics

Racial purity? Plenty of nuts on here talk about not letting the browns in, I remember when the D's were the party of the old south.

Big government birth control, there is a movement of nuts on here who want the government to decide who can have kids.

Why else.....

"The continual adaption of old Democratic Party values has to be fueling the R's."
You mean like the anti illegal alien stuff?

"Tariff's which for a decade I heard were the tool of socialists who wanted to shut down capitalism."
You're confused...tariffs are intended to protect American businesses...you know, those terrible capitalists

Legalized pot, pot use is rampant with the local young Republicans. Fox News Poll: Support for legalizing marijuana hits record highhttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ization/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.d17fee7544e8
I remember when pot was a hippie leftest thing
No, no, no...the majority of weed is consumed by Liberal degenerate lowlifes.

Then there is this kingship executive order thing, wanting a king is apparently reason to be Republican now.
Is he acting outside of executive scope? Is he writing his own immigration law?

Group Think is nice and comfortable, vote against anything the King does and you get uninvited from your local Republican meetings: Senator Roy Blunt Banned From Missouri GOP Dinner After Backstabbing Trump With Anti-Wall Vote - Big League Politics
The establishment RINO's have fucked the GOP long enough...Trump has exposed the filthy fucks.

Racial purity? Plenty of nuts on here talk about not letting the browns in, I remember when the D's were the party of the old south.
We are a sovereign nation funded and run by our best citizens...Our best citizens are done paying illegals to fuck the place up. They get to decide when they've had enough.
the republicans seem a little more apt to confront the harsh realities of life whereas the democrats take more of a paint a rainbow on it approach
I believe in the rights of the individual and we the people having the power to choose what is best for us it seems like the left feels the government should have more and more power and a say in our lives.

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