What crime did Eric Garner commit, that made the NYPD go after him?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Eric Garner was selling cigarettes.

And not even packs of them. Individual cigarettes. ("Loosies")

WTF? Why was he even doing that? And why was it a crime?

Answer: Because New York City had hugely increased TAXES on cigarettes. So much that the city had nearly tripled the price on them.

In a low-tax state like North Carolina, cigarettes can be bought for $5 a pack.

In New York City, the same cigarettes are anywhere from $11 to $15 a pack.

Garner's "crime"? He hadn't paid those extra taxes.

Unsurprisingly, NYC's crushing taxes created a huge black market. People like Eric Garner regularly drive down to North Carolina, load up on $5/pack cigarettes, come back to NYC, and sell them for "only" $8 or $9.

NYC's government had driven prices so artificially high, that Eric Garner even sold individual cigarettes. Because many people couldn't afford even a single, whole pack. Or he did, until NYC's police killed him.

Used to be, that government only made laws to protect people's rights. That was their whole job.

But more recently, big-government liberals have decided that government's job was to save people from their own mistakes, whether they were violating anybody else's rights or not. Places like New York City have gone so far off the rails, they even made laws against selling soft drinks that were "too large".

And they have a law that you are forbidden to sell a pack of cigarettes for under $10.50.

NYC Mayor DiBlasio issued an edict not long ago, telling NYPD cops to crack down on those terrifying hardened criminals who were selling individual cigarettes. The memo didn't mention exactly how those sellers were violating people's rights, or which rights were being violated. But the local government was missing out on some tax revenue (the taxes that tripled the price of cigarettes). And that could not be tolerated.

Garner had been busted for doing this, a number of times before. Of course, if the govt hadn't hiked taxes to such ridiculous levels, he probably would have never been busted for it at all. Nobody would have bothered to buy North Carolina cigarettes from him, so he never would have gone into business selling them in the first place.

An Obama official once remarked, "If you want to make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs." The "eggs" that got "cracked" in that case were U.S. Border Patrol agents who were killed by Mexican drug cartels with gun illegally sold to them by the Obama administration.

Looks like another egg got cracked, this time in response to New York City government raising taxes on cigarettes, creating a whole new group of criminals who tried to evade those taxes. This "egg" was named Eric Garner.

Oops. Oh, well.

The NYC govt wanted to make an omelet, protecting people from their own faults (smoking cigarettes). Hope they enjoy it.
Those bastions of nanny state liberalism, Texas and Arizona, have raised cigarette taxes so high that cigarette smuggling has exploded in both states.
What a load of crap.

If he hadn't been illegally selling cigarettes,he would have been engaged in some other criminal enterprise.
This idiotic "progressive cigarette tax" meme was created by hacks at the right wing piss rag Washington Times. But they were too retarded to first check and see if any red states had hiked taxes to the point of causing a giant spike in smuggling, and the rubes have been blindly parroting the meme.

McQUILLAN Lessons from Eric Garner s death and cigarette taxes - Washington Times - Linkis.com

The liberals are slowing down today.

It took five posts before one of them said, "But... but... but... well, if he hadn't commited the crime of evading our ridiculous taxes, I'm SURE he would have committed some other crime, eventually!"

May as well just bust him now, regardless, eh libbies?
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What a load of crap. If he hadn't been illegally selling cigarettes,he would have been engaged in some other criminal enterprise.
Cigarettes are a gateway crime? Many people do it to supplement whatever income they have. There's no correlation with committing other crimes. That's just prejudicial thinking that allows some people look down on others and feel better about someone getting killed for no good reason.
What a load of crap.

If he hadn't been illegally selling cigarettes,he would have been engaged in some other criminal enterprise.
The liberals are slowing down today.

It took five posts before one of them said, "But... but... but... well, if he hadn't commited the crime of evading our ridiculous taxes, I'm SURE he would have committed some other crime, eventually!"

Completely missing the point that the liberals are making so many laws, regulations, and restrictions on so many subjects, that's its' nearly impossible to live without violating at least one of them.

The fault is government's subjects, not government, right?
Here's the deal:

He was breaking the law. The police exist to protect and serve the law-abiding public and they WILL arrest you if you are breaking the law. They will use force if they deem it necessary. By far the majority of arrests are made with no injuries. He resisted arrest (I saw it myself, after many viewings of the controversial video), and was forcefully arrested. His poor health was the determining factor in his death.
Garner wasn't supporting big government which was doubtlessly supporting his family with welfare and food stamps. Even though he was thoroughly a leech, he was trying to profit by evading the taxes others had to pay to support him, his wife and six children.
Completely missing the point that the liberals are making so many laws, regulations, and restrictions on so many subjects, that's its' nearly impossible to live without violating at least one of them.

Liberals like Rick Perry and Jan Brewer.
The police exist to protect and serve the law-abiding public
Exactly what were they protecting the law-abiding public from in this case, Gyal?

BTW, you have it slightly backward.

Laws exist to protect and serve the public.

Police exist to enforce the laws.

So, what was this particular law protecting us from?
Completely missing the point that the liberals are making so many laws

That's right, folks. You heard him right. Liberals love laws. The Right hates laws.

Those damned liberals keep making laws. Three strike laws. Harsher punishments. Longer sentences. Campaigning as "law and order" candidates. Geez, they are unstoppable!
What a load of crap. If he hadn't been illegally selling cigarettes,he would have been engaged in some other criminal enterprise.
Cigarettes are a gateway crime? Many people do it to supplement whatever income they have. There's no correlation with committing other crimes. That's just prejudicial thinking that allows some people look down on others and feel better about someone getting killed for no good reason.
Garner had a long criminal history, he wasn't just some innocent guy.
The police exist to protect and serve the law-abiding public
Exactly what were they protecting the law-abiding public from in this case, Gyal?
BTW, you have it slightly backward.
Laws exist to protect and serve the public.
Police exist to enforce the laws.
So, what was this particular law protecting us from?
From not having enough money to go deeper into debt in the next quarter, I suppose. Not that it will prevent government from going over it's own budget.

Regardless, Garner was breaking the law and was subject to arrest for doing so.
The police exist to protect and serve the law-abiding public
Exactly what were they protecting the law-abiding public from in this case, Gyal?

BTW, you have it slightly backward.

Laws exist to protect and serve the public.

Police exist to enforce the laws.

So, what was this particular law protecting us from?
From someone breaking the law
So, nobody's right were being violated. Nobody was being harmed. Nobody was even being threatened.

The police did what they did, to protect government.
They are the enforcers of the laws the government enacts, yes.

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