What crime did Trump commit? I need a citation to a federal or state statute

It's time you stop defending the now proven lies and liars. Trump said there was no collusion. Not only was there collusion, the number of russians attending the meetings has just tripled.
there was no collusion, if there was any, so what? it isn't a crime. already stated in my previous post. so I'm still waiting on what crime there was. got one? nope!
Collusion itself is not a crime and that is what you are stuck on. Collusion can lead to conspiracy and other crimes. When people collude to commit an unlawful act it is called conspiracy. Conspiracy is a crime.
What crime did the "collude" on?
Trump and his staff have colluded to mislead the public, national intelligence agencies, the Congress, and law enforcement to believe the administration and its members did not have contact with Russian officials and or Russians connected to the Russian government and particularly Russian spy agencies. That collusion can be interpreted as a conspiracy to commit crimes such as obstruction of justice, fraudulently applying for security clearances, failing to register as a foreign agent or lobbyist, accepting gratitudes or payments from a foreign source, bribery and more.
Again dumb fk it isn't a crime to talk to a Russian is it?
It depends on who is talking and what is being talked about dumb fk.
We already know that Trump committed the crime of "obstruction of justice". Now, we're waiting on the big stuff.
Explain how Trump committed this crime. Provide links.

The most obvious one was firing Comey because of the "Rusher" investigation. He also publicly asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails.
He never said he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

But you know what? The FBI isn't independent. It's under the executive branch, and he has the legal right to fire the FBI director at any time, for anything.
Yes, he did state that he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation.

Trump's statements linking Russia investigation to Comey firing could lead to legal problems

But Trump in a TV interview on Thursday said he made the decision to fire Comey prior to consulting the Justice Department, because the FBI chief was a “showboat” and was mishandling the department.

He acknowledged that the Russia investigation was one of the things he considered. “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story. It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.”

Yes, the President can fire the head of the FBI at any time, and for any reason. But actions have consequences, and we are seeing them now. It was a stupid move by a very stupid President.

That's was a headline that was wrong.

Quote trump not a left wing media headline where Trump said he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.

That the media media lies we know and this proves it.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Bill Clinton was nailed on lying under oath about his sexual relations and for inducing Monica Lewinsky to lie. He was properly charged with perjury and obstruction of justice, and he should have been convicted by the Senate. The Supreme Court of the United States disbarred Clinton, and the Arkansas Supreme Court suspended his law license for five years. Clinton is a disgraced, disbarred attorney who was guilty of everything he was charged with. It was a miscarriage of justice that he did not serve time in prison.

Well said.
The crime he committed is winning
The crime he continues to perpetrate is Making America Great
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
So, there's no evidence that Trump committed treason.

At least you turds are willing to admit that much.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Woodward and Bernstein says you're wrong. But what do they know about Watergate.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Woodward and Bernstein says you're wrong. But what do they know about Watergate.
Why should anyone care what they have to say about it?
The crime he committed is winning
The crime he continues to perpetrate is Making America Great
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
So, there's no evidence that Trump committed treason.

At least you turds are willing to admit that much.
Nice standards you have there.
How low can you go.
Your fat man committed obstruction of justice ( which is an impeachable offense) and he ADMITTED IT, which you may or may not know. Can never be sure with you because you know so little.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Woodward and Bernstein says you're wrong. But what do they know about Watergate.
Why should anyone care what they have to say about it?
Yeah why would anyone care what the two guys who brought down Nixon have to say about bringing down Trump.
The crime he committed is winning
The crime he continues to perpetrate is Making America Great
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
So, there's no evidence that Trump committed treason.

At least you turds are willing to admit that much.
Nice standards you have there.
How low can you go.
Your fat man committed obstruction of justice ( which is an impeachable offense) and he ADMITTED IT, which you may or may not know. Can never be sure with you because you know so little.
He did no such thing. Snowflakes like you mistake your delusions for reality.
The crime he committed is winning
The crime he continues to perpetrate is Making America Great
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
Certainly, he gave money to foreign government without going to congress.

He comprised the incoming administration with a deep state the coward.

He signed the Paris accord without congress. He was caught on a hot mic doing a deal with the Russians.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Woodward and Bernstein says you're wrong. But what do they know about Watergate.
Why should anyone care what they have to say about it?
Yeah why would anyone care what the two guys who brought down Nixon have to say about bringing down Trump.

That's right, dingle berry. There's no resemblance between the two situations, and thanks for admitting that the fake media is trying to bring down Trump.
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
So, there's no evidence that Trump committed treason.

At least you turds are willing to admit that much.
Nice standards you have there.
How low can you go.
Your fat man committed obstruction of justice ( which is an impeachable offense) and he ADMITTED IT, which you may or may not know. Can never be sure with you because you know so little.
He did no such thing. Snowflakes like you mistake your delusions for reality.
Delusion and illusion all they got. Sore fking losers bwaaaaass
The crime he committed is winning
The crime he continues to perpetrate is Making America Great
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
So, there's no evidence that Trump committed treason.

At least you turds are willing to admit that much.
Nice standards you have there.
How low can you go.
Your fat man committed obstruction of justice ( which is an impeachable offense) and he ADMITTED IT, which you may or may not know. Can never be sure with you because you know so little.
Our guy isn't Jackie Gleason
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Woodward and Bernstein says you're wrong. But what do they know about Watergate.
Why should anyone care what they have to say about it?
Yeah why would anyone care what the two guys who brought down Nixon have to say about bringing down Trump.
I don't care! Means squat juice. I see you enjoy squat juice
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Woodward and Bernstein says you're wrong. But what do they know about Watergate.

I'll stick to the law for my info you can stick to your left wing propagandists.
What law did he break?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The crime he committed is winning
The crime he continues to perpetrate is Making America Great
But...enough of Former President Obama.
Definitely enough with that traitor
Ah...and the indictment for treason? Note that if you have evidence of treason and don't report it to the authorities, you are an assessory to treason.
Certainly, he gave money to foreign government without going to congress.

He comprised the incoming administration with a deep state the coward.

He signed the Paris accord without congress. He was caught on a hot mic doing a deal with the Russians.
Ok, so you've presented those charges to the appropriate authorities and they told you what?
Impeachment and removal from office is up to the Congress, not the Courts
Trump is a crime against nature. Also, he should be investigated and probably charged with incest.
The impeachers should just go ahead and impeach trump for being such a prolific liar and all around horrible human being.

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