What crime did Trump commit? I need a citation to a federal or state statute

ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
He was not in the GRU, dumbass. Nobody claims he was. According to the man himself:

In reports this week, Akhmetshin has been identified as a former officer in Russia's military intelligence service known as the GRU. He has denied that, saying he served in the Soviet Army from 1986 to 1988 after he was drafted but was not trained in spy tradecraft. He said his unit operated in the Baltics and was "loosely part of counterintelligence."
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.
You really don't know what you are talking about. You just shoot from the hip and play like you know about stuff, but your comments usually confirm you as an ordinary internet bullshyter.
I just quoted the AP article, you fucking dumbass.
You quoted a guy being exposed as a possible criminal and foreign espionage agent pleading that he was no longer involved with any Russian intelligence agencies.
You should waste your time with someone else. I already have you pegged as an insult posters whose expertise is scamming and bullshyting. Your worth as a person of any kind of intellectual value is 0. Brainwashed cult follower. Lies and misinformation. Crude, rude and just plain ignorant. That b u.
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.


Definition of counterintelligence
  1. : organized activity of an intelligence service designed to block an enemy's sources of information, to deceive the enemy, to prevent sabotage, and to gather political and military information
Recent Examples of counterintelligence from the Web

Andrew Rice, Daily Intelligencer, "Is Trump Inc. the President’s Greatest Vulnerability?", 12 June 2017
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
Has trump been charged with any crimes yet?
Not yet, and it's already July. That's seven months.
That is correct. And we have gone from no contacts with the Russians, to all the contacts really don't matter. That you support treason is quite revealing. All the Trump's have repeatedly lied about their contacts with the Russians for those seven months.
During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the prospect of communist subversion at home and abroad seemed frighteningly real to many people in the United States. These fears came to define–and, in some cases, corrode–the era’s political culture. For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government. In the hyper-suspicious atmosphere of the Cold War, insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their government was packed with traitors and spies. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating that few people dared to speak out against him. It was not until he attacked the Army in 1954 that his actions earned him the censure of the U.S. Senate.

Joseph R. McCarthy - Cold War - HISTORY.com
Fucking McCarthy was a lying demagogue, just like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. He destroyed people that had nothing to do with the communists, simply for his political agenda. Today, we have a President that has worked hand in glove with Russia. A President that has repeatedly shown himself to be a pathological liar. A President that has assembled the slimiest cabinet ever seen in our capital.
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.


Definition of counterintelligence
  1. : organized activity of an intelligence service designed to block an enemy's sources of information, to deceive the enemy, to prevent sabotage, and to gather political and military information
Recent Examples of counterintelligence from the Web

Andrew Rice, Daily Intelligencer, "Is Trump Inc. the President’s Greatest Vulnerability?", 12 June 2017
You didn't contradict what I posted, moron.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
Has trump been charged with any crimes yet?
Not yet, and it's already July. That's seven months.
That is correct. And we have gone from no contacts with the Russians, to all the contacts really don't matter. That you support treason is quite revealing. All the Trump's have repeatedly lied about their contacts with the Russians for those seven months.
I haven't seen any video of Trump saying his campaign had "no contacts with Russians," so that meme belongs in the fake news category.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.
We now do know that there was a crime. Jr. flat out stated it. And lied about it even as he stated it. That you support treason is completely evident from your posts.
During the late 1940s and early 1950s, the prospect of communist subversion at home and abroad seemed frighteningly real to many people in the United States. These fears came to define–and, in some cases, corrode–the era’s political culture. For many Americans, the most enduring symbol of this “Red Scare” was Republican Senator Joseph P. McCarthy of Wisconsin. Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying in vain to expose communists and other left-wing “loyalty risks” in the U.S. government. In the hyper-suspicious atmosphere of the Cold War, insinuations of disloyalty were enough to convince many Americans that their government was packed with traitors and spies. McCarthy’s accusations were so intimidating that few people dared to speak out against him. It was not until he attacked the Army in 1954 that his actions earned him the censure of the U.S. Senate.

Joseph R. McCarthy - Cold War - HISTORY.com
Fucking McCarthy was a lying demagogue, just like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. He destroyed people that had nothing to do with the communists, simply for his political agenda. Today, we have a President that has worked hand in glove with Russia. A President that has repeatedly shown himself to be a pathological liar. A President that has assembled the slimiest cabinet ever seen in our capital.
Your post is a total fucking lie, especially in regards to McCarthy. The venona tapes proved that everything McCarthy said was true and that all the commies who took the 5th at his Senate hearings were guilty as sin.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
Has trump been charged with any crimes yet?
Not yet, and it's already July. That's seven months.
That is correct. And we have gone from no contacts with the Russians, to all the contacts really don't matter. That you support treason is quite revealing. All the Trump's have repeatedly lied about their contacts with the Russians for those seven months.
You realize, of course, that you're a McCarthyite scum, according to your own definition of the term.
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
Has trump been charged with any crimes yet?
Not yet, and it's already July. That's seven months.
That is correct. And we have gone from no contacts with the Russians, to all the contacts really don't matter. That you support treason is quite revealing. All the Trump's have repeatedly lied about their contacts with the Russians for those seven months.
I haven't seen any video of Trump saying his campaign had "no contacts with Russians," so that meme belongs in the fake news category.
And you are a fucking little lying cocksuck. A treasonous bastard just like the people in the Trump admin. Here is the treasonous fat senile old orange clown saying exactly what you deny he ever said. And now we find out that he actually knew about the meeting before it ever took place.

Trump says his advisers were not in contact with Russia during election campaign. Moscow says otherwise
Here it is, tell me what crime Trump committed.

Otherwise, all this talk is complete bullshit, a McCarthyite witch hunt.
Has trump been charged with any crimes yet?
Not yet, and it's already July. That's seven months.
That is correct. And we have gone from no contacts with the Russians, to all the contacts really don't matter. That you support treason is quite revealing. All the Trump's have repeatedly lied about their contacts with the Russians for those seven months.
I haven't seen any video of Trump saying his campaign had "no contacts with Russians," so that meme belongs in the fake news category.
And you are a fucking little lying cocksuck. A treasonous bastard just like the people in the Trump admin. Here is the treasonous fat senile old orange clown saying exactly what you deny he ever said. And now we find out that he actually knew about the meeting before it ever took place.

Trump says his advisers were not in contact with Russia during election campaign. Moscow says otherwise
One Russian lawyer is not Russia, and Trump didn't personally meet her. The hair splitting here is beyond ridiculous. No one cares about whether Trump Jr met a Russian lawyer who was trying to get something from the campaign. No one. It's a huge nothing burger.

Learn the difference between being in the KGB and formerly being in the KGB.

The word ex: had meaning. Learn english. It's too hard having to explain everything to you.
The word "was" means in the past, moron. Learn English, and stay off the streets before someone runs you over.

Actually it's 3 top trump campaign people + 3 russians including ex KGB. Meeting to share russian intel. That IS collusion. And Trump Jr. released the email to prove it.
Why would receiving information from a foreign government be illegal?
Learn the difference between being in the KGB and formerly being in the KGB.

The word ex: had meaning. Learn english. It's too hard having to explain everything to you.
The word "was" means in the past, moron. Learn English, and stay off the streets before someone runs you over.

Actually it's 3 top trump campaign people + 3 russians including ex KGB. Meeting to share russian intel. That IS collusion. And Trump Jr. released the email to prove it.
Why would receiving information from a foreign government be illegal?
It's not, but the petulant snowflakes it should be illegal purely because they hate Trump.
Would it have been illegal had a tape of Hillary making out with a lesbian hooker while visiting Russia been given to Trump Jr. During the meeting?
I haven't seen any video of Trump saying his campaign had "no contacts with Russians," so that meme belongs in the fake news category.

How about Jarred Kushners SF-86 saying he had no contacts with russians for the previous 7 years.
I haven't seen any video of Trump saying his campaign had "no contacts with Russians," so that meme belongs in the fake news category.

How about Jarred Kushners SF-86 saying he had no contacts with russians for the previous 7 years.
The forms don't require you to report any contact with any Russians for the previous seven years, so your claim is obvious horseshit.
If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.


Are you saying that in your professional capacity as an attorney?

If so, could you explain why you believe that?

I mean, is there a time limit on investigations? Is that something you learned in law school? Or, watching Law and Order?

Sorry, but, unlike you, I'm not an attorney so I'm very grateful for your willingness to share your expertise.


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If there was a crime, we would know what it is by now.

How long did the Bill Clinton investigations last - before he was finally nailed on blowjobs?

I remember that the Nixon investigation went on for two years. But, at the time of his election, we didn't know he was a crook. Same with Reagan.

At the time of the election, we knew trump was a criminal his entire life.

And, giving credit where it's due, the trump klan have Benin extremely helpful by stupidly admitting to some of their crimes.

The next question us whether trump can issue a blanket pardon for the whole fam-damily? Or will that be left up to Sharia Law Pence or LyinRyan?

Blackrook With your extensive knowledge, perhaps you could shine a nice big bright light on these cockroaches? TIA

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