What crime did Trump commit? I need a citation to a federal or state statute

It's time you stop defending the now proven lies and liars. Trump said there was no collusion. Not only was there collusion, the number of russians attending the meetings has just tripled.
there was no collusion, if there was any, so what? it isn't a crime. already stated in my previous post. so I'm still waiting on what crime there was. got one? nope!
Collusion itself is not a crime and that is what you are stuck on. Collusion can lead to conspiracy and other crimes. When people collude to commit an unlawful act it is called conspiracy. Conspiracy is a crime.
What crime did the "collude" on?
Trump and his staff have colluded to mislead the public, national intelligence agencies, the Congress, and law enforcement to believe the administration and its members did not have contact with Russian officials and or Russians connected to the Russian government and particularly Russian spy agencies. That collusion can be interpreted as a conspiracy to commit crimes such as obstruction of justice, fraudulently applying for security clearances, failing to register as a foreign agent or lobbyist, accepting gratitudes or payments from a foreign source, bribery and more.
they didn't, and where the wheels fall of your wagon son.
Are you that brainwashed? You are actually denying that trump and his administration did not deny meeting with Russians? There are over twenty instances on video being played on the news for the last two days and you are denying the lying ever occurred? You are one of the guy's trump bragged about when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and his followers wouldn't care. Brainwashed cult follower.
There isn't a shred of evidence for collusion, shit for brains, and 8 is not 3 X 6.

Actually it's 3 top trump campaign people + 3 russians including ex KGB. Meeting to share russian intel. That IS collusion. And Trump Jr. released the email to prove it.
ROFL! there you go making stuff up again. When has anyone claimed the guy was in the KGB?

Stop lying
Actually it's 3 top trump campaign people + 3 russians including ex KGB. Meeting to share russian intel. That IS collusion. And Trump Jr. released the email to prove it.

Now you're being stupid.
You didn't answer the question: When has anyone claimed the guy was in the KGB? You highlighted your claim that I questioned, and you think that's some kind of brilliant retort?

I hate to keep saying this, but you're even dumber than I thought. Please check yourself into a facility for the severely retarded. It's dangerous for you to be wandering the streets without supervision.
You didn't answer the question: When has anyone claimed the guy was in the KGB? .

Stupid head. there is no KGB. Nobody is in the KGB.

Correction, the guy wasn't ex KGB, he was ex: Soviet military counterintelligence officer.
Learn the difference between being in the KGB and formerly being in the KGB.

The word ex: had meaning. Learn english. It's too hard having to explain everything to you.
The word "was" means in the past, moron. Learn English, and stay off the streets before someone runs you over.

Actually it's 3 top trump campaign people + 3 russians including ex KGB. Meeting to share russian intel. That IS collusion. And Trump Jr. released the email to prove it.
ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
Learn the difference between being in the KGB and formerly being in the KGB.

The word ex: had meaning. Learn english. It's too hard having to explain everything to you.
The word "was" means in the past, moron. Learn English, and stay off the streets before someone runs you over.

Actually it's 3 top trump campaign people + 3 russians including ex KGB. Meeting to share russian intel. That IS collusion. And Trump Jr. released the email to prove it.
So, if only two people in the room are Russians, it's not collusion, but if three of them are Russians, then it's no collusion?

I'm not sure I follow your "logic" here, dumbass.
ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
He was not in the GRU, dumbass. Nobody claims he was. According to the man himself:

In reports this week, Akhmetshin has been identified as a former officer in Russia's military intelligence service known as the GRU. He has denied that, saying he served in the Soviet Army from 1986 to 1988 after he was drafted but was not trained in spy tradecraft. He said his unit operated in the Baltics and was "loosely part of counterintelligence."
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.
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ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
He was not in the GRU, dumbass. Nobody claims he was. According to the man himself:

In reports this week, Akhmetshin has been identified as a former officer in Russia's military intelligence service known as the GRU. He has denied that, saying he served in the Soviet Army from 1986 to 1988 after he was drafted but was not trained in spy tradecraft. He said his unit operated in the Baltics and was "loosely part of counterintelligence."
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.
You really don't know what you are talking about. You just shoot from the hip and play like you know about stuff, but your comments usually confirm you as an ordinary internet bullshyter.
I remember Nixon making the same complaints back in '72, '73 and '74 while he was being investigated with all of his obstruction of the Watergate investigation.
If one goes all the way back to the "plumbers" break-in of Daniel Ellsberg's office re: the 'Pentagon Papers in Sept 1971 beginning the investigations of Nixon's cabal, it should be clear that it took three years for the charges to eventually be drafted that were his Articles of Impeachment (see link below).

In comparison, the Purple Assed Orange Baboon in the WH hasn't even been in office 180 days yet and his fat & pendulous tit is 3/4's of the way through the ringer with a FULL BLOWN investigation that should be shoving out Grand Jury indictments sometime between Labor Day to the New Year and continuing for maybe 6-12 months afterward. You'll be informed of the crimes being charged and the Who in good time. Why are you so nervous for the Idiot-in-Chief? Sit back and enjoy the show!

Watergate Articles Of Impeachment
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
well sure there has to be a high crime. sorry to burst your bubble. even the house rep that submitted the article says it ain't going anywhere, he just wants trump to stop tweeting. LOL

Maybe you can define what a high crime is.

The House is responsible for drawing up the impeachment charges. Impeachment is a political process trial not a legal court trial. The Court has said, however, that it must be conducted as per the Constitution.

In other words, you can't list any actual laws that the Trump administration has broke.

We already knew that.

Here's another muppet who doesn't realize that the criminal investigations haven't been completed.

That's another way of you admitting that there isn't a shred of evidence.

Prove that you have full access to the criminal investigations.
ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
He was not in the GRU, dumbass. Nobody claims he was. According to the man himself:

In reports this week, Akhmetshin has been identified as a former officer in Russia's military intelligence service known as the GRU. He has denied that, saying he served in the Soviet Army from 1986 to 1988 after he was drafted but was not trained in spy tradecraft. He said his unit operated in the Baltics and was "loosely part of counterintelligence."
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.

When did you decide to side with the Russians?
ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
He was not in the GRU, dumbass. Nobody claims he was. According to the man himself:

In reports this week, Akhmetshin has been identified as a former officer in Russia's military intelligence service known as the GRU. He has denied that, saying he served in the Soviet Army from 1986 to 1988 after he was drafted but was not trained in spy tradecraft. He said his unit operated in the Baltics and was "loosely part of counterintelligence."
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.
You really don't know what you are talking about. You just shoot from the hip and play like you know about stuff, but your comments usually confirm you as an ordinary internet bullshyter.
I just quoted the AP article, you fucking dumbass.
Your Watergate fantasies aren't going to be replayed, nitwit. Just get accustomed to that fact right now and you'll be a lot happier when it doesn't happen.
Maybe you can define what a high crime is.
The House is responsible for drawing up the impeachment charges. Impeachment is a political process trial not a legal court trial. The Court has said, however, that it must be conducted as per the Constitution.
In other words, you can't list any actual laws that the Trump administration has broke.

We already knew that.

Here's another muppet who doesn't realize that the criminal investigations haven't been completed.
That's another way of you admitting that there isn't a shred of evidence.

Prove that you have full access to the criminal investigations.
I don't need such access to prove you have no evidence.
ROFL! So now you realize how fucking stupid your post was. Unfortunately for you, that claim is also largely false.
I never claimed anybody in that meeting was in the KGB.

That's a delusion from your head.
He was most likely in the GRU. That is the lead organization for military intelligence, but it has not been made clear which section or Department he was formally assigned. His expertise appears to have been sophisticated computer hacking as indicated in a 2015 court case here in the USA.
He was not in the GRU, dumbass. Nobody claims he was. According to the man himself:

In reports this week, Akhmetshin has been identified as a former officer in Russia's military intelligence service known as the GRU. He has denied that, saying he served in the Soviet Army from 1986 to 1988 after he was drafted but was not trained in spy tradecraft. He said his unit operated in the Baltics and was "loosely part of counterintelligence."
Counter intelligence is not spying. It identifies spies. It's what the FBI does.

When did you decide to side with the Russians?

When did you become an admirer of Joseph McCarthy?

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