what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

One way to ensure you will get to heaven is to donate money to your church

The more money you give, the better Christian you are and the better your chance of getting in heaven

That is the way it has always worked
I'm pretty sure that God would prefer that everyone just chill. I feel certain that Jesus would not want anything to do with any of the Churches. He probably would stick with the synagogues though, seeing as how he was a Jew...and they have not changed much is 2,000 years.
Which shows how little you know about Christ, or the church(es).

Seriously, KG?

Jesus is going to just abandon the faith he lived and died for and come and sit in some mega house of worship on the wrong day of the week amongst total strangers who don't even speak the same language? VH is correct that Jesus would be far more at home listening to the Torah scrolls read aloud in Hebrew on the Sabbath.
What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

The Gate Keeper. See, deer hunters will be surprised when they realize upon approaching the gate that a very large deer is sitting by the down elevator holding each newly deceased persons life story.

Racist will discover this truth a bit earlier, for from some distance even before they can see the gate, they hear Ella Fitzgerald singing Summertime; upon reaching the gate see a large black women holding their life story with a tear in her eye seated by the down elevator.
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I also suspect that he would be wondering, when he saw all those pictures of an anglo guy with blue eyes and red hair, "Who is that dude?"

Yup, but that will be nothing compared to what he will think when he reads what he is supposed to have said and done written by people who weren't even born when he died.
Which shows how little you know about Christ, or the church(es).

Seriously, KG?

Jesus is going to just abandon the faith he lived and died for and come and sit in some mega house of worship on the wrong day of the week amongst total strangers who don't even speak the same language? VH is correct that Jesus would be far more at home listening to the Torah scrolls read aloud in Hebrew on the Sabbath.

Lol....again, your ignorance of the subject matter is noted.
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Which shows how little you know about Christ, or the church(es).

Seriously, KG?

Jesus is going to just abandon the faith he lived and died for and come and sit in some mega house of worship on the wrong day of the week amongst total strangers who don't even speak the same language? VH is correct that Jesus would be far more at home listening to the Torah scrolls read aloud in Hebrew on the Sabbath.

Lol....again, your ignorance of the subject matter is noted.

Christianity hasn't tortured or killed any. Christianity isn't a person, or even a discernible entity.

The fact that you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means you're willfully ignorant. Which is true of all those who have been offered, and who have rejected, salvation. You choose your unhappiness, and you choose your eternal damnation. Enjoy.

If KG wants to be pedantic then how many people have been tortured and died in the name of her Christian God? Speaking of whom how many billions of fetuses has he spontaneously aborted over the centuries? Oh wait, KG calls them babies so the question must be how many billions of babies has he murdered in utero?

How many did Jesus kill, and how many would die if we behaved like Him?
Which shows how little you know about Christ, or the church(es).

Seriously, KG?

Jesus is going to just abandon the faith he lived and died for and come and sit in some mega house of worship on the wrong day of the week amongst total strangers who don't even speak the same language? VH is correct that Jesus would be far more at home listening to the Torah scrolls read aloud in Hebrew on the Sabbath.

Lol....again, your ignorance of the subject matter is noted.

So KG, since you're such a scholar of the Bible, you should have already known that Jesus was Jewish.

You do realize that among the disciples, there was talk of having people convert to Judaism before they came up with the idea of Christianity, right?

Besides...................the whole reason Jesus was in Jerusalem just before He was crucified was because (like any good Jewish man), He was there to celebrate Passover (a distinctly Jewish holiday).

But........................if you disagree with any of the 3 statements I've made, can you provide any links to back up your ignorant world view?
What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

My observation is that those who claim to be the most 'religious,' who claim to adhere most strongly and strictly to religious principles, who live most doggedly by their religious principles are the most cruel, vicious, angry, violent, and intolerent people in the world. This goes for most religious people and pretty much every religion. And one of the most prevalent things about them is their hypocrisy.

If there is a heaven, those people won't go. If there is a hell: that's where they belong.
What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

My observation is that those who claim to be the most 'religious,' who claim to adhere most strongly and strictly to religious principles, who live most doggedly by their religious principles are the most cruel, vicious, angry, violent, and intolerent people in the world. This goes for most religious people and pretty much every religion. And one of the most prevalent things about them is their hypocrisy.

If there is a heaven, those people won't go. If there is a hell: that's where they belong.

That's because the stronger they adhere to their religious principles, the more "right" they think they are and will force you by any means at their disposal (cajoling, arguing, coercion, etc.) to get you to believe as they do.

My opinion? It's usually because that is the only faith they've ever known, and they tend to be nervous about speaking to others about how their faith is different from the one they grew up with. Why? Most of them are afraid of having their faith shaken.

Me? I think that religion is a spiritual kindergarten to introduce to the concept of God to a person, but if that person is smart, they will look for other aspects of God in other religions, to try to gain a better understanding of Him. If you look for the similarities rather than the differences, you'll get a lot farther.

I think of each religion as being only 1 facet of the large, many faceted gem that is God. If you only look at Him from only one way, you only see a very small portion of who He really is.

Me? I don't really know what God may or may not have said to you personally, I don't live in your head. But, if you have a faith that helps you along a spiritual path so that you start actually caring about your fellow humans, meaning the poor, the weak, the orphans, the widows, etc., more power to you, and I hope your afterlife is a heaven for you.

If you use your religion as a way to split yourself off from others and using it to give yourself a false sense of superiority, well..................you might have things to learn about what you might have done better in this life, and I hope the lessons aren't too painful.

The people that piss me off the worst? The ones that say it's okay if I sin, because Jesus paid the price for me to get into heaven.

Got news for you....................repentance is a large part of being able to be forgiven. If you make a mistake and learn from it after only a couple of tries, and learn to never do it again, then you are able to be forgiven.

However....................If you use religion as a convenient "get out of hell free" card, and continue to do aberrant behavior and treat your fellow humans like crap, you're nothing more than a hypocrite.
What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

The validity of the stamp on the Visa.

Good point, Ilyar. Of course that raises the question of which place has the bigger problem with illegal immigrants, heaven or hell? ;)

Heaven has the WALL with the Gates. Nobody gets in without permission. Immigration is STRICTLY controlled and perfectly enforced.

Hell has a wall, too. But it is used entirely to prevent folks from leaving. Not exactly an "immigration" concern. Nobody is trying all that hard to go there.
What is heaven's rating? Oh ya..that's right...nobody has ever reported back. WTTW! Don't ever book a trip without checking the local reports of crime and FRAUD! against travelers.
Christianity hasn't tortured or killed any. Christianity isn't a person, or even a discernible entity.

The fact that you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means you're willfully ignorant. Which is true of all those who have been offered, and who have rejected, salvation. You choose your unhappiness, and you choose your eternal damnation. Enjoy.

Just because YOU think something invisible exists, doesn't mean it does either. You're willfully delusional. And I NEVER said that I rejected salvation, I'm agnostic, so if you ever prove your god with REAL facts and can prove your salvation theory, I'll be on board no problem.
Christianity hasn't tortured or killed any. Christianity isn't a person, or even a discernible entity.

The fact that you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means you're willfully ignorant. Which is true of all those who have been offered, and who have rejected, salvation. You choose your unhappiness, and you choose your eternal damnation. Enjoy.

Just because YOU think something invisible exists, doesn't mean it does either. You're willfully delusional. And I NEVER said that I rejected salvation, I'm agnostic, so if you ever prove your god with REAL facts and can prove your salvation theory, I'll be on board no problem.

Don't worry about it

Koshergrl is not getting into heaven anyway

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