what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

Your perception of "fair" doesn't matter. If you reject Christ, you're doomed. Hopefully you accept him, and attain heaven. Your 'proof" requirement is a challenge that won't be accepted, and is a sign of arrogance and willfulness that God does not tolerate well. Your proof will probably come on the day you're throw into the pit, and of course by then it will be too late for you to come to Christ. On that day, everyone will believe...but those who rejected him, denied his son, and jeered at Christians will not get yet another chance.

Three quarters of the worlds population do not qualify for heaven?
When we want to hear what you have to say, liewinger, you troll, we will hire someone to shove their hand up your ass and move your jaws with their hand.

Go back to doing what you do best...picking your nose and surfing free porn.
When we want to hear what you have to say, liewinger, you troll, we will hire someone to shove their hand up your ass and move your jaws with their hand.

Go back to doing what you do best...picking your nose and surfing free porn.

God reads your posts......

I doubt if you are getting in
You really don't need to continue proving your limitless ignorance, liewinger. We get it.
You really don't need to continue proving your limitless ignorance, liewinger. We get it.

I've read your posts under both screen names

When it comes to getting into heaven.......

You got some splain'n to do

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God has been pissed off for 2,000 years, which is why he hasn't spoken to us since Jesus was baptised. Personally, I think he went on a vacation to a parellel universe, and has not been back since....
God has been pissed off for 2,000 years, which is why he hasn't spoken to us since Jesus was baptised. Personally, I think he went on a vacation to a parellel universe, and has not been back since....

When you have 3,500,000,000 people constantly praying to you 24*7 begging for blessings it must become annoying after a couple of millennia or so. God probably uses caller id these days.
You really don't need to continue proving your limitless ignorance, liewinger. We get it.

I've read your posts under both screen names

When it comes to getting into heaven.......

You got some splain'n to do


Don't we all, though.

The difference is..I will do my explaining, then be given a job judging the unsaved, and then trip on up to Heaven.

You'll do your explaining, then you'll start begging, then you'll be tossed in a pit.
You really don't need to continue proving your limitless ignorance, liewinger. We get it.

I've read your posts under both screen names

When it comes to getting into heaven.......

You got some splain'n to do


Don't we all, though.

The difference is..I will do my explaining, then be given a job judging the unsaved, and then trip on up to Heaven.

You'll do your explaining, then you'll start begging, then you'll be tossed in a pit.

If KG is going to be one of the "judges" then that proves that no one can expect any justice.

Meh. You're wrong about that, as you're wrong about everything else.

The only way to be right is to accept Christ. Judging the unsaved is easy. We look in a book and if it says you're unsaved, bye bye. No personal bias involved.

Anti-Christians cannot conceive of things like righteousness, right, wrong, or judgement. Their lives consist of dishonesty, depravity, hatred and the promotion of fascism and a culture of death and misery. So naturally, it's difficult for them to understand, accept or even desire the goodness that is God.
Meh. You're wrong about that, as you're wrong about everything else.

The only way to be right is to accept Christ. Judging the unsaved is easy. We look in a book and if it says you're unsaved, bye bye. No personal bias involved.

Anti-Christians cannot conceive of things like righteousness, right, wrong, or judgement. Their lives consist of dishonesty, depravity, hatred and the promotion of fascism and a culture of death and misery. So naturally, it's difficult for them to understand, accept or even desire the goodness that is God.

Another rhetorical question. Is it even possible to build a pedestal high enough for KG to rest her opinion of herself on?
If a god did exist, then even a pea brain like me could tell. Or are you saying that the mentally retarded can't get into heaven because they can't understand the concept of god?.

The innocent who are incapable of understanding the law are not punished by the law. The Atonement covers those who are innocent. Just not those who are willfully ignorant unless they repent.

There was a Hell's Angels guy who got shot a few year ago and was buried in a church. So the reporter asked the priest: how come he's allowed to be buried in a church? He led a life of crime, murder and drugs? The priest replied: who knows, maybe he repented a split second before he died.
So I'm thinking, that's what I'll do just to be sure, as you folks would say.

Repentence is much easier on this side of death. Don't procrastinate the day of your repentence. You don't know when God will call you home. And the same Spirit that is in you now will be with you in the world to come. You aren't going to have a desire to change then because you don't have it now.

Do you honestly think God will let you mock His atonement and not know your heart? He knows when we are sincere in our repentence. Those who have sincerely repented of their sins confess them and forsake them.

This is the time to prepare to meet God. This is the day we have to put our lives in order. Because our death can come at any moment. You could die this evening and you would be unprepared because you think you can sin without consequence and then repent on your death bed.

Seek the Lord now. When He touches you by the power of the Spirit you will can and will be born again and you will no longer have the desire to sin.

Your method lacks prudence. You will not only miss out on the blessings of the next life, but also the blessings He is willing to pour upon you in this life. I strongly encourage you to rethink your position and humble call upon our Father in the name of Christ. If you do so with faith, He will reveal Himself to you.
But since god made everything, he's going to allow me to burn in hell because I didn't follow his laws that he never told me about? That's stupid.
Btw, if that IS the case, then there must be no one in heaven.

It's not following the law that saves a person because everyone violates the law. That's why we have an Atonement.


Sin is disobedience to the law.

The only way to atone for sin is to stop sinning by conforming to the commands of God according to the teaching and example of Jesus..

There is no other way to the eternal life promised for obedience to the law.

"A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner, because he is Gods child." 1 John 3:4-10

We can't atone for our own sins. if we could, Christ would be unnecessary.
I've never heard god say ANYTHING, to me or otherwise. You're talking about a man-written book. That's total gibberish.

if it was total gibberish, there wouldnt be millions of people who can read and comprehend it through thousands of years of human history.

Perhaps you might want to consider reading the book and following the instructions it gives to hear God. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be given unto you.
Meh. You're wrong about that, as you're wrong about everything else.

The only way to be right is to accept Christ. Judging the unsaved is easy. We look in a book and if it says you're unsaved, bye bye. No personal bias involved.

Anti-Christians cannot conceive of things like righteousness, right, wrong, or judgement. Their lives consist of dishonesty, depravity, hatred and the promotion of fascism and a culture of death and misery. So naturally, it's difficult for them to understand, accept or even desire the goodness that is God.

Another rhetorical question. Is it even possible to build a pedestal high enough for KG to rest her opinion of herself on?

You're confusing my high regard of God with regard for myself.

I'm nothing without God. Without God, I would be just like you...doomed to a lifetime and then an afterlife of misery, and a creator of misery as well.
There was a Hell's Angels guy who got shot a few year ago and was buried in a church. So the reporter asked the priest: how come he's allowed to be buried in a church? He led a life of crime, murder and drugs? The priest replied: who knows, maybe he repented a split second before he died.
So I'm thinking, that's what I'll do just to be sure, as you folks would say.

In that case, here's hoping you see the bullet coming......... :eusa_angel:

Your god knows what I mean and when I mean to say it. That should be enough, otherwise, your god is a douchesack.

He also knows when you are full of crap and when you are sincerely doing something. I advise against mocking Him. Especially when He has given fairly clear instructions and you want to completely disregard them.
You really don't need to continue proving your limitless ignorance, liewinger. We get it.

I've read your posts under both screen names

When it comes to getting into heaven.......

You got some splain'n to do


Don't we all, though.

The difference is..I will do my explaining, then be given a job judging the unsaved, and then trip on up to Heaven.

You'll do your explaining, then you'll start begging, then you'll be tossed in a pit.

Thats not what I hear

God invented the internet for a reason....so he could keep track of our thoughts
I reading the hate filled posts coming from you, God is not too happy

I would be worried if I were you
I've never heard god say ANYTHING, to me or otherwise. You're talking about a man-written book. That's total gibberish.

if it was total gibberish, there wouldnt be millions of people who can read and comprehend it through thousands of years of human history.

Perhaps you might want to consider reading the book and following the instructions it gives to hear God. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be given unto you.

Translation: Do exactly as you are told or burn in hell for all eternity. ;)
Naw, rejection of God is the one way to guarantee the gates of heaven are locked against you.

Personally, I don't reject god, I'm an agnostic: I don't see any real proof either way for or against a god. But if I ever do see some real proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.

You don't really have the right to dictate the terms of a covenant relationship. Our Father has the power, you don't. You don't like that, well, tough.

You will never find what you never seek to know.
God has been pissed off for 2,000 years, which is why he hasn't spoken to us since Jesus was baptised. Personally, I think he went on a vacation to a parellel universe, and has not been back since....

So we don't have a New Testament now?

You do realize God speaks quite frequently to people. The problem is people not listening.

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