what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

I've read your posts under both screen names

When it comes to getting into heaven.......

You got some splain'n to do


Don't we all, though.

The difference is..I will do my explaining, then be given a job judging the unsaved, and then trip on up to Heaven.

You'll do your explaining, then you'll start begging, then you'll be tossed in a pit.

Thats not what I hear

God invented the internet for a reason....so he could keep track of our thoughts
I reading the hate filled posts coming from you, God is not too happy

I would be worried if I were you

Id be worried about yourself more than her.

Unfortunately, you aren't worried about either you or her.
I've never heard god say ANYTHING, to me or otherwise. You're talking about a man-written book. That's total gibberish.

if it was total gibberish, there wouldnt be millions of people who can read and comprehend it through thousands of years of human history.

Perhaps you might want to consider reading the book and following the instructions it gives to hear God. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be given unto you.

Translation: Do exactly as you are told or burn in hell for all eternity. ;)

Your translator is broken. You couldn't be farther off.
God has been pissed off for 2,000 years, which is why he hasn't spoken to us since Jesus was baptised. Personally, I think he went on a vacation to a parellel universe, and has not been back since....

Of course he's pissed. He's had 2,000 years of being badgered by angry, whiny, self-hating Christians.
Naw, rejection of God is the one way to guarantee the gates of heaven are locked against you.

Personally, I don't reject god, I'm an agnostic: I don't see any real proof either way for or against a god. But if I ever do see some real proof either way, I'm open to changing my mind. Can't be any fairer than that.

You don't really have the right to dictate the terms of a covenant relationship. Our Father has the power, you don't. You don't like that, well, tough.

You will never find what you never seek to know.

A covenant means a contract with obligations on both sides. Your God promised that there would be no more floods but they still happen. If your God cannot keep his side of the covenant then there is no basis for mankind to do so either.
Meh. You're wrong about that, as you're wrong about everything else.

The only way to be right is to accept Christ. Judging the unsaved is easy. We look in a book and if it says you're unsaved, bye bye. No personal bias involved.

Anti-Christians cannot conceive of things like righteousness, right, wrong, or judgement. Their lives consist of dishonesty, depravity, hatred and the promotion of fascism and a culture of death and misery. So naturally, it's difficult for them to understand, accept or even desire the goodness that is God.

Another rhetorical question. Is it even possible to build a pedestal high enough for KG to rest her opinion of herself on?

You're confusing my high regard of God with regard for myself.

I'm nothing without God. Without God, I would be just like you...doomed to a lifetime and then an afterlife of misery, and a creator of misery as well.

Kindly refrain from projecting your own shortcomings on others.
Don't we all, though.

The difference is..I will do my explaining, then be given a job judging the unsaved, and then trip on up to Heaven.

You'll do your explaining, then you'll start begging, then you'll be tossed in a pit.

Thats not what I hear

God invented the internet for a reason....so he could keep track of our thoughts
I reading the hate filled posts coming from you, God is not too happy

I would be worried if I were you

Id be worried about yourself more than her.

Unfortunately, you aren't worried about either you or her.

Actually, God enjoys my posts

He finds them humorous
It's not following the law that saves a person because everyone violates the law. That's why we have an Atonement.


Sin is disobedience to the law.

The only way to atone for sin is to stop sinning by conforming to the commands of God according to the teaching and example of Jesus..

There is no other way to the eternal life promised for obedience to the law.

"A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner, because he is Gods child." 1 John 3:4-10

We can't atone for our own sins. if we could, Christ would be unnecessary.

That is a non sequitur.

By the time Jesus first appeared the figurative way that Moses taught to follow the law had been set aside and lost to time for over 1000 years.

Christ was necessary to make straight 'the way of the Lord' that had been perverted by foreign influences through countless pogroms persecutions occupations and exiles.

If you do not accept his teaching and follow his example even the sacrifice of Christ in making the way to eternal life known can't help you or atone for your own guilt for persisting in sin.

If conforming to the law did not purify and cleanse and atone for all sin, then God giving the law in the first place was unnecessary and the revelation of Jesus makes absolutely no sense..
God gave the law to prepare the way for Christ. Man had to be shown that law alone would not suffice.
I've never heard god say ANYTHING, to me or otherwise. You're talking about a man-written book. That's total gibberish.

if it was total gibberish, there wouldnt be millions of people who can read and comprehend it through thousands of years of human history.

Perhaps you might want to consider reading the book and following the instructions it gives to hear God. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be given unto you.

Translation: Do exactly as you are told or burn in hell for all eternity. ;)
Real Translation: My Son took your place so you don't burn in hell for eternity.
Say thank you, and come join us. :eusa_angel:
if it was total gibberish, there wouldnt be millions of people who can read and comprehend it through thousands of years of human history.

Perhaps you might want to consider reading the book and following the instructions it gives to hear God. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be given unto you.

Translation: Do exactly as you are told or burn in hell for all eternity. ;)

Your translator is broken. You couldn't be farther off.

That is exactly what you have been told to say and believe.
You don't get into heaven unless you know the secret handshake

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I've never heard god say ANYTHING, to me or otherwise. You're talking about a man-written book. That's total gibberish.

if it was total gibberish, there wouldnt be millions of people who can read and comprehend it through thousands of years of human history.

Perhaps you might want to consider reading the book and following the instructions it gives to hear God. Ask and ye shall recieve. Seek and ye shall find. knock and it shall be given unto you.

Millions of people are on heroin also, just I do that too, since there are "millions"?

God needs a book of instructions for me to hear him? LOL! That's probably THE dumbest thing I've heard in a while.:lol:
Do the people on heroin collectively maintain that their lives are improved by their addiction? No? Can you witness their joy, brought about by their addiction? How many heroin addicts have died at the hands of others, rather than publicly state that heroin is bad? How many can show a discernable and drastic, positive change wrought in their lives as a direct result of their addiction?

How many people the world over have been saved and supported by heroin addicts, as a group? Ministered to? Treated of their diseases? Educated?


I guess it's a false analogy then.
Do the people on heroin collectively maintain that their lives are improved by their addiction? No? Can you witness their joy, brought about by their addiction? How many heroin addicts have died at the hands of others, rather than publicly state that heroin is bad? How many can show a discernable and drastic, positive change wrought in their lives as a direct result of their addiction?

How many people the world over have been saved and supported by heroin addicts, as a group? Ministered to? Treated of their diseases? Educated?


I guess it's a false analogy then.

How many people has Christianity tortured and/or killed? At least more than heroin, that's for sure. You can witness their joy when they shoot up heroin, just like you can see the joy of people who inject dumb fairy tales from your invisible friend into their brains. I also don't see much positive change from getting religion, it's mainly people who have given up on life and decided to become sheep.
Christianity hasn't tortured or killed any. Christianity isn't a person, or even a discernible entity.

The fact that you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means you're willfully ignorant. Which is true of all those who have been offered, and who have rejected, salvation. You choose your unhappiness, and you choose your eternal damnation. Enjoy.
Christianity hasn't tortured or killed any. Christianity isn't a person, or even a discernible entity.

The fact that you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It just means you're willfully ignorant. Which is true of all those who have been offered, and who have rejected, salvation. You choose your unhappiness, and you choose your eternal damnation. Enjoy.

If KG wants to be pedantic then how many people have been tortured and died in the name of her Christian God? Speaking of whom how many billions of fetuses has he spontaneously aborted over the centuries? Oh wait, KG calls them babies so the question must be how many billions of babies has he murdered in utero?
God has been pissed off for 2,000 years, which is why he hasn't spoken to us since Jesus was baptised. Personally, I think he went on a vacation to a parellel universe, and has not been back since....
Of course he's pissed. He's had 2,000 years of being badgered by angry, whiny, self-hating Christians.
Not to mention being revolted and disgusted by their sado-masochistic thinking and behavior.


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