what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

It's amusing how many people are denying the existence of heaven who are think they are qualified to judge who goes there.

Not nearly as amusing as those who believe there is a heaven and that they are "qualified to judge who goes there".

Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.
It's amusing how many people are denying the existence of heaven who are think they are qualified to judge who goes there.

Not nearly as amusing as those who believe there is a heaven and that they are "qualified to judge who goes there".

Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.


A God that would authorize KG to take care of any responsibility greater than polishing the pearly gates has seriously bad judgement in my opinion.
Well then you will be happy in hell, I'm sure.

You know, some people die so suddenly they actually have no awareness that they are dead and have descended into the netherworld.

Since even you admit that you are not in heaven, where did you think that you were?

If you need a clue I will be happy to assist you.
It's amusing how many people are denying the existence of heaven who are think they are qualified to judge who goes there.

Not nearly as amusing as those who believe there is a heaven and that they are "qualified to judge who goes there".

Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.

It seems that power and authority from God himself to judge people who are not taken in by such specious falsehoods worthy of heaven and hell was the lure.

She sure likes to wield it like a sword, even if imaginary.

I guess its too late for her to think a little more deeply about things..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."
Maybe we're a little more advanced. We know who created physics. Those are His laws, not Einsteins.......
Speaking of which, now that we are smart enough to recognize the possibility of more than 4 dimensions, our next achievement will be finding out what God said He could do to them. They can stretched, be rolled up, burnt up, torn up........ so, catch up. ;)
It's amusing how many people are denying the existence of heaven who are think they are qualified to judge who goes there.

Not nearly as amusing as those who believe there is a heaven and that they are "qualified to judge who goes there".

Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.

I thought the Bible said "judge not lest ye be judged".

Most of your posts are pretty judgmental KG.
Not nearly as amusing as those who believe there is a heaven and that they are "qualified to judge who goes there".

Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.

I thought the Bible said "judge not lest ye be judged".

Most of your posts are pretty judgmental KG.

Actually, I thought it was a warning that AS you judge, so shall ye BE judged.

In other words, if you judge with bias and unfairly, then that's your lot when it's your time to be judged.

Or, if you judge fairly, you will get judged fairly.

But, you WILL get judged, according to those who believe such things.
So KG, since you're such a scholar of the Bible, you should have already known that Jesus was Jewish.

You do realize that among the disciples, there was talk of having people convert to Judaism before they came up with the idea of Christianity, right?

Besides...................the whole reason Jesus was in Jerusalem just before He was crucified was because (like any good Jewish man), He was there to celebrate Passover (a distinctly Jewish holiday).

But........................if you disagree with any of the 3 statements I've made, can you provide any links to back up your ignorant world view?
KG reminds me of the ignorant farmer's wife who was told that her pastor had studied the New Testament in Greek.

She exclaimed indignantly,

"If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me!!"

· · · · :D
You ain't nothing but a hound dog, numoan.

Koshergrl has more lovingkindness in her fingernail clippings than you have in your entire body. :eusa_snooty:
Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.

I thought the Bible said "judge not lest ye be judged".

Most of your posts are pretty judgmental KG.

Actually, I thought it was a warning that AS you judge, so shall ye BE judged.

In other words, if you judge with bias and unfairly, then that's your lot when it's your time to be judged.

Or, if you judge fairly, you will get judged fairly.

But, you WILL get judged, according to those who believe such things.

Not nearly as amusing as those who believe there is a heaven and that they are "qualified to judge who goes there".

Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.

It seems that power and authority from God himself to judge people who are not taken in by such specious falsehoods worthy of heaven and hell was the lure.

She sure likes to wield it like a sword, even if imaginary.

I guess its too late for her to think a little more deeply about things..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."

What sword am I wielding? I have no sword, as you dont' believe in a righteous God. I believe you'll go to hell if you are unsaved upon your death...but that necessarily means exactly zero to you now, and I don't expect it to.

So what is my sword? You think the fact that I believe I wear the armor of God poses a threat to you?
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Lol...we're qualified by the authority of God.

You can imagine how we pity people who don't recognize that authority while they still can opt to share it.

Because you will acknowledge it in the end. And if that is the first time for you, it will be a tragic day indeed.

It seems that power and authority from God himself to judge people who are not taken in by such specious falsehoods worthy of heaven and hell was the lure.

She sure likes to wield it like a sword, even if imaginary.

I guess its too late for her to think a little more deeply about things..

"He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who lifts the sword to kill is bound by the sword to be killed."

What sword am I wielding? I have no sword, as you dont' believe in a righteous God. I believe you'll go to hell if you are unsaved upon your death...but that necessarily means exactly zero to you now, and I don't expect it to.

So what is my sword? You think the fact that I believe I wear the armor of God poses a threat to you?

LOL... Yeah right. You are about as threatening as a scaramouche.

What sword?

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them." Jeremiah 25:15
I thought the Bible said "judge not lest ye be judged".

Most of your posts are pretty judgmental KG.

Does it say, "Don't judge"? No.
Does it say when you pull the log out of your eye that you can't judge? No.
What happens when we pull the log out of our eye?

Matthew 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Hypocritical judgment is spoken against here. Righteous judgment is not spoken against here. If we can see clearly to cast the mote out of our brother's eye then we should cast it out.

What you should do is google this topic from Christian sites because there are a whole bunch of Christian sites that say you can judge if you are a Christian and doing it righteously like this one.

John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

I actually wrote pages on judgment.

Isaiah 59:15 Yea, truth faileth; and he [that] departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw [it], and it displeased him that [there was] no judgment.

1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

It took me a couple of years to figure it out without the internet but that is called Christian "literacy" which many people fail to find because the word of God is taught in few Churches because the people don't want it and they teach biblical principals instead.
I thought the Bible said "judge not lest ye be judged".

Most of your posts are pretty judgmental KG.

Does it say, "Don't judge"? No.
Does it say when you pull the log out of your eye that you can't judge? No.
What happens when we pull the log out of our eye?

Matthew 7:5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Hypocritical judgment is spoken against here. Righteous judgment is not spoken against here. If we can see clearly to cast the mote out of our brother's eye then we should cast it out.

What you should do is google this topic from Christian sites because there are a whole bunch of Christian sites that say you can judge if you are a Christian and doing it righteously like this one.

John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

I actually wrote pages on judgment.

Isaiah 59:15 Yea, truth faileth; and he [that] departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw [it], and it displeased him that [there was] no judgment.

1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.

It took me a couple of years to figure it out without the internet but that is called Christian "literacy" which many people fail to find because the word of God is taught in few Churches because the people don't want it and they teach biblical principals instead.

Actually, I thought it was only God Himself who was capable of judging people, because how can one man know what is in another man's heart?

If a person is judgmental about another person without knowing their whole story, who's to say that their judgment is fair and just?

Especially when you only see people through the filters of your own beliefs and morals, while reading their words on a computer screen.

I'm wondering what qualifies KG to be able to judge anyone other than herself? Does she know what's in the hearts of those she vilifies and says are going to hell?

If not, she should keep here judgment to herself.

Me? I don't have the right to judge anyone other than myself, nor does anyone have the right to judge me other than God, because only I and He know the reasons I did something.

Just sayin...........................:eusa_whistle:
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What determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

My observation is that those who claim to be the most 'religious,' who claim to adhere most strongly and strictly to religious principles, who live most doggedly by their religious principles are the most cruel, vicious, angry, violent, and intolerent people in the world. This goes for most religious people and pretty much every religion. And one of the most prevalent things about them is their hypocrisy.

If there is a heaven, those people won't go. If there is a hell: that's where they belong.

So people who live their faith, IE those who are honest, humble, charitable, etc, are the most cruel, vicious, angry, violent, intolerant people in the world? Forgive me if I find that to be total nonsense.

I am so greatful that the Lord is our Judge. Because He knows the hearts of men alot better than you.

I am always very surprised to find someone who claims to be Christian, or one of the other major religions, and who claims to and pretends to be serious about it, and devote, who actually is. Someone who claims to be living by their religious principles, and who actually does. Almost never happens. Some of the meanest, most vindictive, selfish, unprincipled people I've ever dealt with were people who claimed to be religions, who went to church regularly, who regularly repeated religious idealogy, etc.

Most people who are 'religious' are very, very hypocritical. They are not 'honest' by a long shot; they are not 'humble' or 'charitable;' in fact, they are so self righteous as to prevent them from being humble, and they are far too judgmental of others to allow them to be charitable. Most people who are 'religious' do it for self serving reasons: it makes them feel good about themselves, it fools them into believing they are somethiing they are not, it makes them feel superior to others, etc. Rarely do any of them actually adhere to the principles they say they so strongly believe in.

If there is a "Lord" who will judge everyone, there are great many religious folks who are in a lot of trouble.
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what determines whether a person goes to heaven or not?

Everyone is going to the same place, whatever it is, because no one has EVER shown any real evidence of separate places like heaven and hell. Pretty simple really.

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