What Do Centrists Stand For?

Great, Trump was acquitted, the latest Jack Smith investigations is Double Jeopardy. Nice to know the Democrats are illegally indicting Trump
Trump was acquitted because the Republican lickspittles were too afraid to convict him.

And this is not double jeopardy. He is not being indicted for the high crimes and misdemeanors listed in the article of impeachment.

Stop bloviating on matters of which you are so clearly ignorant. You are making a fool of yourself.
Yeah there is. Every damned day now.

You see, with Trumptards it becomes necessary to constantly increase the demonization of the Left in order to excuse and accept the ever increasing utter depravity and criminality of dictator-wannabe Donald Trump.

Making the election about Mexicans and Muslims, as was the case in 2016, just doesn't cut it any more. Now it has to be about trannies and Comet Pizza and Jewish space lasers.

Cult over country.
Sorry... I forgot at times you are completely nuts. And apparently this is one of those times.
You are a difficult one to pin down. You make very reasonable post numerous times.
Then you post something like this... odd.
Al Gore was the candidate, idiot! Gore than attempted a coup, trying to throw out votes, and succeeding in throwing out many votes of the people. An attempted coup
Al Gore used the legal process to challenge the election.

And he accepted the court's decision and then certified the election, even though he won the popular vote unlike Trump.

He did not refuse to accept the court's decision, or try to decertify the election in his role as Vice President, or create fake electors, or call secretaries of state and arm twist them into "finding" more votes for him, or try to replace his Attorney General with a totally unqualified lawyer who would do his bidding, or call a mob to DC and incite an insurrection.

HUGE MASSIVE difference.

All caught up now?
Trump attempted to weaponize the federal government to get Zelensky to create a fake scandal in Ukraine against Biden, Trump's political opponent. He deserved to be impeached.
Bullshit, Biden got his drug addicted, kicked out of the navy son, the job in the Ukraine. Biden then threatened to stop billions of military aid to the Ukraine if they did not stop the investigation into his son. All this long before Trump.

Crimes that should of been investigated. Now we find out Biden did not pay tax on those million dollar bribes.

Weaponized? Yep, by Obama/Biden, used against everyone who threatens them with the truth
Bullshit, Biden got his drug addicted, kicked out of the navy son, the job in the Ukraine. Biden then threatened to stop billions of military aid to the Ukraine if they did not stop the investigation into his son. All this long before Trump.

Crimes that should of been investigated. Now we find out Biden did not pay tax on those million dollar bribes.

Weaponized? Yep, by Obama/Biden, used against everyone who threatens them with the truth
That horseshit WAS investigated years ago by Trump's DOJ, and they found it to be a nothing burger.

Now it is a recycled stale moldy nothing burger.
That horseshit WAS investigated years ago by Trump's DOJ, and they found it to be a nothing burger.

Now it is a recycled stale moldy nothing burger.
it was not a nothing burger, nor stale or moldy, now that we found out biden did not pay taxes on the millions in bribes

Trump did not have a DOJ, the establishment, the swamp, biden/obama had and have the DOJ.

Trump screwed up when he did not fire everyone in the DOJ and the FBI and start with new employees. Trump and the people of America are learning the hard way.
There is no "hysteria" over gays and trans.
The left will say a conservative is transphobic or homophobic if they don't join in on the glorification of them and join in the transmadness.
There is climate change denial and there is the acknowledgement that not all climate change is a part of man made changes. Also - the left frequently accuse people of being climate deniers if they say the first inkling of not following the narrative.
Covid vaccine denial - is nonsense. Everything they said about the vaccine was a lie. Pure and simple.
It was never going to stop people from getting it, and they knew it all along as documents showed. It was never going to stop the transmission of the virus and they knew it all along. Yet they lied to us and said both were true - and anyone disagreeing is "anti-vax" - again - that is on you guys not us.
Stolen elections. Yes that is a fringe belief. I only personally know of one person in my real life that believes the election was literally stolen. Most conservatives do not believe that. And once AGAIN - this is on your side. Because the left media will label anyone who says there was ONE SINGLE false vote is a "stolen election believer". That is what you guys do. Anyone not 100% following the narrative is 100% the other side.
Like I said about the RW fringe
Out of touch with science, reality and most of the world

Alternate reality
I'll give you one thing BL, at least you own it. You're one despicable son of a bitch, and you're proud of it!

Most of the rest of us, however, are just ashamed that there are people like you living in our country.
Oh don’t fret, one day you will become a decent human being with standards and expectations, one day you will be affected by shithole people from shithole countries all around you… It is then that your nuts will drop and you will understand it just the way I do.
Shit, I could be wrong, you may remain a substandard piece of shit with no expectations for the rest of your eternity.
Which doesn't reflect anything I wrote
Yes it does

Man made climate change is happening
Trump lost the election
Vaccines saved lives
Homosexuals and trans have a right to exist in our society

The RW Crazy Train exists in an alternate reality
which is now described as a coup

By the democrats use, definition of the word coup, Gore attempted a coup, refused to accept the loss.

THIS is a coup:





Yes, the mueller investigation, two impeachments, endless hate propaganda on television.

Then there is Al Gore and his refusal to accept the election, going to court to try and have them execute a coup.

I can keep going
Don't bother. Yes, the GOP are totally innocent of any infractions. Democrats are always witch hunting over nothing. Magaturds are always the true victims here. :rolleyes:

Unbiased my tuckus.
I have many books by liberals. They are not all 100% false. What they can be is completely misleading even if they are a 100% factual.

If someone sites Zinn, I can read his own words, and I can certainly tell if Zinn is being quoted or paraphrased. I can tell if someone unknowingly was influenced by Zinn. I can read Zinn's work and then on any subject Zinn wrote about, I can and did get a dozen or more books that let me figure out what is true, what is the true context. What is the big picture.

I would be ignorant if I only read books that confirmed by opinions and beliefs. I would also not be very effective in a discussion.

Addressing what Zinn wrote about Indians, led me to discovering the greatest books on Indian history, authorized by congress, wrote by schoolcraft, in the 1800's. Very difficult books to find, under $500 each. There are 7 of them, I have 6. If I find one for around 50 I will finish that collection. I have a copy of Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee, and a bunch of other great books about indians.

Zinn opened to my eyes, to his hate, to Zinn's marxism. I learned that Zinn taught Communism to communists, although there is no proof Zinn was a member, there is proof that Zinn was surrounded by communist friends.

Zinn is everywhere, anyone who states the USA was evil for doing such and such, even if they dont know it, it came from Zinn.
I agree the Zinn is very liberal. I do not agree with Marxism, I do not agree with all of his negative thinking about US history. But his book provides a narative from individuals of the time. It provides food for thought. It provides a historical perspective of the US that is worth the read.
Don't bother. Yes, the GOP are totally innocent of any infractions. Democrats are always witch hunting over nothing. Magaturds are always the true victims here. :rolleyes:

Unbiased my tuckus.
Yeah. Coups are nothing.

Stealing the donations of Trump's supporters: Nothing.

That is probably going to be one of the charges in the next indictment, by the way. Trump stole hundreds of millions of his donors' money for personal use.

Of course that's nothing to history's most submissive cucks who sent him their money!

In your eyes, Trump can literally do no wrong, and that's what makes you all so despicable and pathetic at the same time.

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