What Do Centrists Stand For?

Yes it does

Man made climate change is happening
Trump lost the election
Vaccines saved lives
Homosexuals and trans have a right to exist in our society

The RW Crazy Train exists in an alternate reality
Man made climate change is not proven to be THE cause of a slightly warming globe that has went through NUMEROUS warming/cooling periods. But nothing and I mean nothing matters without getting India/China signed on. The rest is white noise.

Yes Trump lost, maybe - at best - 10% of republicans believe Trump won and the election was stolen. That is, by definition - fringe, not mainstream Republican.

Vaccines did not save that many lives. Countries that had low vaccine counts faired about the same.
So that is simply an unproven statement. You still haven't, nor will you ever, admit that the Biden admin and Fauci knowingly lied to the American public about the vaccines.

Maybe - at best - 5% of Republicans think trans or gays don't have a right to exist. Probbaly more like 2-3%. In fact, black people have the lowest gay/trans acceptance so it is more likely that more Democrats think that then Republicans.

So... sorry.. you are wrong on every single account.
Man made climate change is not proven to be THE cause of a slightly warming globe that has went through NUMEROUS warming/cooling periods. But nothing and I mean nothing matters without getting India/China signed on. The rest is white noise.

Yes Trump lost, maybe - at best - 10% of republicans believe Trump won and the election was stolen. That is, by definition - fringe, not mainstream Republican.

Vaccines did not save that many lives. Countries that had low vaccine counts faired about the same.
So that is simply an unproven statement. You still haven't, nor will you ever, admit that the Biden admin and Fauci knowingly lied to the American public about the vaccines.

Maybe - at best - 5% of Republicans think trans or gays don't have a right to exist. Probbaly more like 2-3%. In fact, black people have the lowest gay/trans acceptance so it is more likely that more Democrats think that then Republicans.

So... sorry.. you are wrong on every single account.
You need to spend more time reading the posts on this board

Circle Jerk

The problem is that it is the same road to serfdom ridden by both the Left and the Right. So independent minds shouldn't be stuck in the middle of that.

It's the same as the "outside the box" fallacy. Just as in the puzzle it's named after, the fake independents start from inside the box, go slightly outside it, and then quickly go back into the box to make a false connection. All they're connecting themselves with is a hotwire, which electrocutes them. So don't trust any of these Influencer terms.

Hightower supported Jesse Jackson for the Democratic nomination in 1988, so he's on the blacktop.
What coup, how were they going to take over the government? Hold the Power?

Is that all it takes, interrupt the certifying of electors than Trump would of been president?

Asking for you dumbasses to explain how, certainly shows the stupidity in your belief.

How exactly was this going to work if they succeeded?
They tell us that Trump was supposed to use the riot as an excuse to impose martial law. This, however, fails on two crucial points. First, Trump, the mastermind who planned the whole thing, didn't declare martial law. Second, even if Trump had declared martial law that doesn't make him a dictator who can do anything he wants. He couldn't order a new election or overturn the one that he lost. It just means that he can use the military to suppress the riot.
I dont think it does provide a narrative of individuals of the time. Zinn does not give sources for one. The perspective is of focusing on only bad parts of our history and putting them in one book, as if that is the history.
Even though I do not agree with all aspects of Zinn's book it does have truths of challenges of the time.
I agree, you can be too negative but you can be too positive and not provide the true history.
The whitewashing of how American history, is being taught, by the far right, is not providing an accurate history of our country.
Even though I do not agree with all aspects of Zinn's book it does have truths of challenges of the time.
I agree, you can be too negative but you can be too positive and not provide the true history.
The whitewashing of how American history, is being taught, by the far right, is not providing an accurate history of our country.
which book is the whitewashing?
Even though I do not agree with all aspects of Zinn's book it does have truths of challenges of the time.
I agree, you can be too negative but you can be too positive and not provide the true history.
The whitewashing of how American history, is being taught, by the far right, is not providing an accurate history of our country.
it is the purpose as to why zinn wrote the book that is troubling and makes it a diatribe

I am not arguing that the events were not true, just that the portrayal of our country is not true because of the one sidedness of the book
really? and come night time, where would the go? Where were they going to take the congress members? Is that it? Afterword, the police, the fbi, national guard would all listen?

That is pretty vague and shows that besides a talking point, this was anything but a coup attempt.
I think of it like dogs chasing cars.
The school history books used in Florida school districts. Several.

School books? I will concede there are problems. George Floyd has no business in any book outside of college.

All this school "standards", certainly got screwed up with common core. I imagine that whoever prints these books makes millions with these changes. 3 or 4 books per student for each student in the USA is a fortune.

We need a revolution in our schools. There should be one history book that is identical for each school everywhere in the USA. All schools, should be on the same page, on the same day, so that students could move from anywhere in the USA to another place, and not lose their page.

History, through High School, should teach a history that leaves the student in love with the USA, patriotic, not hateful. Schools really suck right now. Ask a teacher for a lesson plan, to see a textbook, and they in so many words tell me the parent to go to hell.

We do not need to white wash our history, there is too much to be proud of. That is the message our history should teach us. Not this Howard Zinn bullshit.

Do you think the Zinn project will teach how a frail old 78 year old got beat up and robbed in her home by a black youth for $17 dollars! Hell no.

The Detroit riots, do you think the Zinn Project will mention that Detroit was the murder capital of the world, perpetrated by African Americans. Hell no. So there is no proper context or all the facts when we speak of Howard Zinn and his lasting work.
Other crimes are

You have no proof of those either
The Justice department has proof that Biden; Extorted; Tax evasion, Money Laundering. If they do it like it was done to Trump, they will pile on many more charges, such as mishandling Federal property with documents at his home and other locations.
The Justice department has proof that Biden; Extorted; Tax evasion, Money Laundering. If they do it like it was done to Trump, they will pile on many more charges, such as mishandling Federal property with documents at his home and other locations.
The so-called Justice Department isn't going to touch Joe. And we know from Trump's previous stint as President that he won't go after Joe either. Not one ounce of water was drained from the swamp during his tenure. Trump supporters need to dump Trump and support DeSantis instead.
The Justice department has proof that Biden; Extorted; Tax evasion, Money Laundering. If they do it like it was done to Trump, they will pile on many more charges, such as mishandling Federal property with documents at his home and other locations.

They do? :ack-1:
Why can’t you show us?
School books? I will concede there are problems. George Floyd has no business in any book outside of college.

All this school "standards", certainly got screwed up with common core. I imagine that whoever prints these books makes millions with these changes. 3 or 4 books per student for each student in the USA is a fortune.

We need a revolution in our schools. There should be one history book that is identical for each school everywhere in the USA. All schools, should be on the same page, on the same day, so that students could move from anywhere in the USA to another place, and not lose their page.

History, through High School, should teach a history that leaves the student in love with the USA, patriotic, not hateful. Schools really suck right now. Ask a teacher for a lesson plan, to see a textbook, and they in so many words tell me the parent to go to hell.

We do not need to white wash our history, there is too much to be proud of. That is the message our history should teach us. Not this Howard Zinn bullshit.

Do you think the Zinn project will teach how a frail old 78 year old got beat up and robbed in her home by a black youth for $17 dollars! Hell no.

The Detroit riots, do you think the Zinn Project will mention that Detroit was the murder capital of the world, perpetrated by African Americans. Hell no. So there is no proper context or all the facts when we speak of Howard Zinn and his lasting work.
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In country of 330 million people, you cannot standarized all public education in a democratic country. If you want to do that you need a dictator and/or socialism. I bet there are standarized history books in North Korea.
Our teachings of history must be truthful and balanced, Any history book or class mus not focus only on the negative or only on the positive.
A country must be proud of the positive and not forget the negatives, You get better by dealing with challenges of the past.
In country of 330 million people, you cannot standarized all public education in a democratic country. If you want to do that you need a dictator and/or socialism. I bet there are standarized history books in North Korea.
Our teachings of history must be truthful and balanced, Any history book or class mus not focus only on the negative or only on the positive.
A country must be proud of the positive and not forget the negatives, You get better by dealing with challenges of the past.
certainly you are right, but there is no reason the basic education, of all americans, should not be the same. Math, Science, English, certainly there should be no argument that those subjects should not all be the same.

Standardized education, in a nation is mandatory. Otherwise the nation is divided. When it comes to college, then that is much different.

Truthful yes, balanced, yes and no. No need to white wash, but we are raising citizens, and patriotism and love of the country should be the standard.

If you read Howard Zinn's book, the first chapter on the indians, is not at all balanced to the point that it is not the truth. Further, for one to learn the truth it takes a search that takes hours. It takes money to buy the books. The best books on the history of the indians is by Schoolcraft and cost no less than $700 for the 6 volume set. That is just one author, so it takes more searching and spending of money.

I am semi lucky, I have 5 out of 6, I need volume 1. I found a deal on the books. To find the first volume alone, is very difficult, it is a search I will have to do weekly. Can I get it at a local library? Good question, but being 895 pages, to borrow it is not practical.

A positive history must be taught, it must be standardized. The only real deviation should be each state should teach that state's history. Balance sure, I agree. I learned about slavery, indian massacres, war. Those subjects must be taught.

Centrists? Seems like they may not be paying attention, or somehow got taught wrong, or did not have life experiences that taught them anything. Maybe that is a bit harsh and only fiction based on fact.
The facts should be taught. No need for spin. Let each student decide if it good or bad. Many different texts are necessary.

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