What do liberals want the US to be?

this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

We have a political party and *news* channel that caters to people who live in Black-n-White World. Even though nearly all societies have some socialist aspects to them, Faux News and Republicans like to spotlight individual things and label them and anyone who supports them as "socialist."

Most of Faux News viewers are non-1%er retirees, which means they are lapping up most of the socialism the US offers its citizens: social security and Medicare.

The "black and white" of it is that the stupid combined governments take over 40% of the GNP and we use that money to fund interventionism, the welfare state, entitlements and every pork project a member of the government can come up with.

In return we get a lot of shitheads on welfare, terrible education, crumbling infrastructure, fat union bosses and families burdened with the cost of government being their highest expenditures.

CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak - POLITICO.com

Federal, state and local income taxes consumed 9.2% of all personal income in 2009, the lowest rate since 1950

"The idea that taxes are high right now is pretty much nuts,"

Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 - USATODAY.com

Libertarians are frauds and parasites but unfortunately have been successful in hiding their dangerous disease under war hating, and freedom loving. Sadly their freedom isn't freedom, it is chaos and opens the door to a real loss of democracy.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

I think they were pretty clear in their founding documents.


Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?

1%er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead to Violent Class Revolution

Though Charles and David Koch may be grabbing the headlines promoting a 1% neo-feudal agenda, not everyone in the upper echelons of the American plutocracy is on board. Nick Hanauer, a super rich venture capitalist, recently wrote a piece condemning neoliberalism – often called “trickle-down economics” – saying the current economic system is not only unfair and causing resentment but counter-productive to a thriving middle class saying “These idiotic trickle-down policies are destroying my customer base.”

1 er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead To Violent Class Revolution FDL News Desk
The Founding Fathers on regulating corporations.

1. “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
— Thomas Jefferson, 1802 letter to Secretary of State Albert Gallatin.

2. “I hope that we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country.”
— Thomas Jefferson.

3. “The power of all corporations ought to be limited, […] the growing wealth acquired by them never fails to be a source of abuses.”
— James Madison

The Founding Fathers on war:

4. “He who is the author of a war, lets loose the whole contagion of hell, and opens a vein that bleeds a nation to death.”
— Thomas Paine: The Crisis No. V, 1797

5. “War is an instrument entirely inefficient toward redressing wrong; and multiplies, instead of indemnifying losses.” -Thomas Jefferson

The Founding Fathers on liberalism:

6. “As Mankind becomes more liberal, they will be more apt to allow that all those who conduct themselves as worthy members of the community are equally entitled to the protections of civil government. I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality.” — George Washington

The Founding Fathers on religion:

7. “The Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion.”
~1797 Treaty of Tripoli signed by Founding Father John Adams

8. “We have abundant reason to rejoice that in this Land the light of truth and reason has triumphed over the power of bigotry and superstition… In this enlightened Age and in this Land of equal liberty it is our boast, that a man’s religious tenets will not forfeit the protection of the Laws, nor deprive him of the right of attaining and holding the highest Offices that are known in the United States.”
~Founding Father George Washington, letter to the members of the New Church in Baltimore, January 27, 1793

9. “In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814

The Founding Fathers on taxes.

10. “As to Taxes, they are evidently inseparable from Government. It is impossible without them to pay the debts of the nation, to protect it from foreign danger, or to secure individuals from lawless violence and rapine.” –= Alexander Hamilton: Address to the Electors of the State of New York, March, 1801
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

Define "level playing field."

And do liberals "want to help those who need helping," or do they want government to "help those who need helping?"

There is a delicate balance between capitalists and labor. In recent years we have valued money earned through capitalism more than that earned through labor. Our economic policies are crafted by the capitalists and designed to minimize the collective power of labor
Money earned through labor is highly valued.

We have placed a higher value on money earned through living off of other people's money.

That is the problem.
We can't do that until we actually start to not only develop more low skilled jobs but reinstate a path to work you way out of those jobs

Used to be you could work hard at low skilled jobs and still support a family. Those days are gone
everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?

1%er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead to Violent Class Revolution

Though Charles and David Koch may be grabbing the headlines promoting a 1% neo-feudal agenda, not everyone in the upper echelons of the American plutocracy is on board. Nick Hanauer, a super rich venture capitalist, recently wrote a piece condemning neoliberalism – often called “trickle-down economics” – saying the current economic system is not only unfair and causing resentment but counter-productive to a thriving middle class saying “These idiotic trickle-down policies are destroying my customer base.”

1 er Warns Fellow Plutocrats Neoliberalism Will Lead To Violent Class Revolution FDL News Desk

I have no problem with violent class revolution.
I am old enough not to give a flying fuck, and well armed to boot.
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Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

I never meant to say that the conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.

John Stuart Mill, in a letter to the Conservative MP, John Pakington

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?

To start, I would look at our infrastructure that has been ignored for a generation as well as developing modern power, communications and Internet infrastructure
We have historically low bond rates that we have not taken advantage of
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

Define "level playing field."

And do liberals "want to help those who need helping," or do they want government to "help those who need helping?"

There is a delicate balance between capitalists and labor. In recent years we have valued money earned through capitalism more than that earned through labor. Our economic policies are crafted by the capitalists and designed to minimize the collective power of labor
Money earned through labor is highly valued.

We have placed a higher value on money earned through living off of other people's money.

That is the problem.
We can't do that until we actually start to not only develop more low skilled jobs but reinstate a path to work you way out of those jobs

Used to be you could work hard at low skilled jobs and still support a family. Those days are gone
In other words, you have no ideas, only bullshit.

We have million of low skilled jobs, BTW; Americans are too good to do them, and it is a myth that all illegals are working for very low wages.

A path to work would be called slavery by people like you.

FDR set up CCC and WPA camps to teach work and organizational skills while earning a check; you would call them concentration camps.

BTW, the collective power of labor was minimized by racketeers like Hoffa et al.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact, since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Huh... so Canada didn't buy into 'fairness' as a reasonable substitute for sound actuarial lending principle? Which Bawney Fwank, John Conyers, Maxine Waters and the whole of the Corporatists of the Congressional Caucus which just happens to be black coerced upon the US Financial Markets, in the name of 'Urban Renewal'?

Huh... I wonder why that is.
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

True. 'That' is a perversion of human reasoning and what they "don't want to be burdened with" is responsibility, and the ever burdensome accountability. The Left is comprised exclusively of children and fools.

And Social-Justice is merely a phrase which 'sounds like':"Justice", but which in reality, thus in truth, is the pure antithesis of Justice.

Left-think is a lie... it is the means by which evil advances itself, politically.
everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

I never meant to say that the conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.

John Stuart Mill, in a letter to the Conservative MP, John Pakington

If these people are giving you their money for nothing, they really are stupid.
kaz said:
Gotcha FooledByO, wanting to keep that which you earned is "selfishness" and taking what you didn't by force is generosity. Actually, it's armed robbery.

Yeah, you didn't 'earn' the money because of the system WE set up right? No, it was just working harder. NOT like the US system helped at all. Read BF quote again dumbass, then go to China or Russia and do it!!!

Bull, you did nothing to "set up" the system. I created my company, I funded "the system." You are just a parasite.

Right, you didn't BENEFIT from our roads, schools, military, etc.

Fukkking dumbass, go do it in a 3rd world nation then!!

That isn't what I said, Einstein. You had nothing to do with roads, schools and the military. I funded those. Businesses drive our economy. You had nothing to do with providing them. Illiteracy sucks. If you went to college, you should sue them to get your money back.
Trickle down

Fool me once....

Trickle down?

You're speaking of the 'economic theory', which confiscates property from those who created it, thus who rightfully own it, keeps most of it to sustain their power and trickles down a small percentage of it to those who could have created their own, but who CHOSE NOT TO... .

It's a Deceitful theory which uses FRAUDULENT reasoning as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of Socialism.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact, since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Huh... so Canada didn't buy into 'fairness' as a reasonable substitute for sound actuarial lending principle? Which Bawney Fwank, John Conyers, Maxine Waters and the whole of the Corporatists of the Congressional Caucus which just happens to be black coerced upon the US Financial Markets, in the name of 'Urban Renewal'?

Huh... I wonder why that is.
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

True. 'That' is a perversion of human reasoning and what they "don't want to be burdened with" is responsibility, and the ever burdensome accountability. The Left is comprised exclusively of children and fools.

And Social-Justice is merely a phrase which 'sounds like':"Justice", but which in reality, thus in truth, is the pure antithesis of Justice.

Left-think is a lie... it is the means by which evil advances itself, politically.

Gawd you morons are STILL blaming the poor foir the banksters ripping off the world? As Dubya cheered them on?

It is clear to anyone who has studied the financial crisis of 2008 that the private sector’s drive for short-term profit was behind it. More than 84 percent of the sub-prime mortgages in 2006 were issued by private lending. These private firms made nearly 83 percent of the subprime loans to low- and moderate-income borrowers that year. Out of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006, only one was subject to the usual mortgage laws and regulations. The nonbank underwriters made more than 12 million subprime mortgages with a value of nearly $2 trillion. The lenders who made these were exempt from federal regulations.

Lest We Forget Why We Had A Financial Crisis - Forbes

Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”

Q Did the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter/Clinton caused it?

A "Since 1995 there has been essentially no change in the basic CRA rules or enforcement process that can be reasonably linked to the subprime lending activity. This fact weakens the link between the CRA and the current crisis since the crisis is rooted in poor performance of mortgage loans made between 2004 and 2007. "


FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
We have a political party and *news* channel that caters to people who live in Black-n-White World

LOL, of the three areas of politics, fiscal, social and military, I agree with Republicans on one of them. At least in theory, I am different in fiscal in that I am actually fiscally conservative. And you keep calling me a Republican. And Republicans are black and white? LOL, take your head out of the kool-aid bowl, you're not getting enough oxygen.

True, your a guy who believes in myths and fairy tales, a system that has NEVER worked ANYWHERE, EVER. But you keep hoping...

I don't care if you don't call yourself a Repug, ALL you vote is Repug

The US Constitution.

As for voting, for President I voted for:

Reagan, HW, (then left the party), Perot, Browne, Browne, Nader, Romney. Nope, once again you're clueless, but then you are FooledByO. I wasn't, not after for years of Obama delivering on his Marxist promises, which is why I did vote Republican for the first time since I left the party. Not a pattern I plan to continue. Democrats would help if you'd stop nominating Marxists. Obviously you aren't in favor of doing that.
Canada does not allow any corporate campaign contributions. As a result they have universal healthcare, gay marriage, sensible gun laws, and a well regulated banking system. In fact, since 1790 the United States has had 16 banking system failures, Canada has had 0.

Now Republicans on the Supreme Court have voted to allow unlimited secret campaign contributions. This basically means legalized secret bribes.

Are the Canadians smarter than us? Yes.

Huh... so Canada didn't buy into 'fairness' as a reasonable substitute for sound actuarial lending principle? Which Bawney Fwank, John Conyers, Maxine Waters and the whole of the Corporatists of the Congressional Caucus which just happens to be black coerced upon the US Financial Markets, in the name of 'Urban Renewal'?

Huh... I wonder why that is.
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

True. 'That' is a perversion of human reasoning and what they "don't want to be burdened with" is responsibility, and the ever burdensome accountability. The Left is comprised exclusively of children and fools.

And Social-Justice is merely a phrase which 'sounds like':"Justice", but which in reality, thus in truth, is the pure antithesis of Justice.

Left-think is a lie... it is the means by which evil advances itself, politically.

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

Bushs documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Invesntment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.
FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
How would you create jobs that people need to begin to accumulate wealth?

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.

These people can't go demand new money just because I have all of their money.

They go broke, I get rich, and income inequality is a thing.

I never meant to say that the conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative. I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it.

John Stuart Mill, in a letter to the Conservative MP, John Pakington

If these people are giving you their money for nothing, they really are stupid.

Got it. You're a moron
We have a political party and *news* channel that caters to people who live in Black-n-White World

LOL, of the three areas of politics, fiscal, social and military, I agree with Republicans on one of them. At least in theory, I am different in fiscal in that I am actually fiscally conservative. And you keep calling me a Republican. And Republicans are black and white? LOL, take your head out of the kool-aid bowl, you're not getting enough oxygen.

True, your a guy who believes in myths and fairy tales, a system that has NEVER worked ANYWHERE, EVER. But you keep hoping...

I don't care if you don't call yourself a Repug, ALL you vote is Repug

The US Constitution.

As for voting, for President I voted for:

Reagan, HW, (then left the party), Perot, Browne, Browne, Nader, Romney. Nope, once again you're clueless, but then you are FooledByO. I wasn't, not after for years of Obama delivering on his Marxist promises, which is why I did vote Republican for the first time since I left the party. Not a pattern I plan to continue. Democrats would help if you'd stop nominating Marxists. Obviously you aren't in favor of doing that.

Sure Bubba, sure

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