What do liberals want the US to be?

Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.

We have a political party and *news* channel that caters to people who live in Black-n-White World. Even though nearly all societies have some socialist aspects to them, Faux News and Republicans like to spotlight individual things and label them and anyone who supports them as "socialist."

Most of Faux News viewers are non-1%er retirees, which means they are lapping up most of the socialism the US offers its citizens: social security and Medicare.

The "black and white" of it is that the stupid combined governments take over 40% of the GNP and we use that money to fund interventionism, the welfare state, entitlements and every pork project a member of the government can come up with.

In return we get a lot of shitheads on welfare, terrible education, crumbling infrastructure, fat union bosses and families burdened with the cost of government being their highest expenditures.
Trickle down
Fool me once....

Isn't that what Chris Matthews said about the Obama tingle down his leg?

I always found it a rather descriptive term, because if you dam up a river and all that you allow downstream is a little trickle, all the fish die.

To be so brazen as to announce your intent to concentrate wealth into the fewest hands possible and allow just a tiny bit to trickle down is one thing. Having all the little fishies thinking it is quite the wonderful plan is the real coup.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
France. Spend little. Arm much. Mind our own business...but if necessary crush adversaries quickly and with no remorse.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping
Like in these liberal states?

Is this what liberals want America to look like?

The 5 Worst States for Black Americans

I'm willing to push for jobs programs in those states
Are you?
The question is, will the Senate once Reid is gone and Congress goes back to work.

BTW, how do you intend to "push for job programs in those states"?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
France. Spend little. Arm much. Mind our own business...but if necessary crush adversaries quickly and with no remorse.
When is the last time France crushed anything?
How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

Maybe we should go back to the good old days when tax rates were high and the corporations save their tax money by reinvesting into their company instead of just pulling everything out.

That is one of the most ignorant answers I have seen.

Business go offshore simply because the cost of production is cheaper that way. That happens in a country with high taxation and burdensome regulations like we have in the US. You can't impose some burdensome shit like Obmacare and having the highest corporate tax rate in the world and then expect everybody to just roll over and accept it. There are consequences to bad government and one of them is having the businesses go elsewhere.

It is always funny when stupid Libtards create a hostile place to do business and then complain when the businesses vote with their feet. Of course Libtards are't exactly known for ever getting it right, are they?

The filthy federal government takes almost a trillion dollars a year in corporate taxes and the state and local governments take almost as much and then the stupid Libtards wonders why nobody wants to do business here any more. Dumbasses!

Gawd you're a moron. Get off hate talk radio. Get informed of REAL facts.

US is 3rd lowest Corp taxed nation, only Chile and Mexico have a lower tax burden on Corps. You use the usual right wing myth of STATUARY rate of 35% which Corp don't pay. It's about 13% this year.

Dubya gave a 'tax holiday' in 2004 at 5% and brought back about $800 billion Corps stashed offshore, NOW they have over $2+ trillion stashed off shore to try to bring back at ANOTHER amnesty low rate! Don't do it!!!

EVERYONE does Biz in the US dummy. Of course they shift MANY profits off shore, to hide them, and of course right wingers cheer thew on!!!

How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

Maybe we should go back to the good old days when tax rates were high and the corporations save their tax money by reinvesting into their company instead of just pulling everything out.

That is one of the most ignorant answers I have seen.

Business go offshore simply because the cost of production is cheaper that way. That happens in a country with high taxation and burdensome regulations like we have in the US. You can't impose some burdensome shit like Obmacare and having the highest corporate tax rate in the world and then expect everybody to just roll over and accept it. There are consequences to bad government and one of them is having the businesses go elsewhere.

It is always funny when stupid Libtards create a hostile place to do business and then complain when the businesses vote with their feet. Of course Libtards are't exactly known for ever getting it right, are they?

The filthy federal government takes almost a trillion dollars a year in corporate taxes and the state and local governments take almost as much and then the stupid Libtards wonders why nobody wants to do business here any more. Dumbasses!


As the rich get richer and store more of their loot off shore and out of the nation's economy

We have to decide which kind of capitalism we want- plutocratic capitalism where all the money is concentrated in the hands of 1% of the population, leaving the rest in debt or poverty, or democratic capitalism, where economic growth is created by as much of the population as possible

The conservatives have favored plutocratic capitalism, the belief in supply side economics, that the rich are the job creators but those jobs have to pay the smallest wages possible with no benefits in order to increase profits at the top end, that they should receive favorable treatment like low taxation and little oversight and regulation

Liberals favor democratic capitalism, where the profits are created by a consumer middle class who are paid wages that are sufficient, that the wealth of capitalism is spread and passed from hand to hand, that a welfare state is created for the working force so when there is an economic downturn or a personal disaster or emergency that member of the workforce is not expendable and their families will survive, and in their elder years they will have a pension and healthcare, aliviating that burden on their younger family members in the work force

In the last thirty years the conservative view came back into vogue and the results have been a huge jump in the wealth of a few with the deterioration of the middle class

now the conservatives are going for the middle class jugular with their agenda of cutting the social safety net
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

Define "level playing field."

And do liberals "want to help those who need helping," or do they want government to "help those who need helping?"
Fool me once....

Actually, you get fooled all the time and about the same things. Here's the inside scoop, big guy. Lawyers didn't get economics degrees, they went to law school. When they tell you they know more about economics than economists, they are ... wait for it ... lying to you. Shocking, I know. Who would have seen that coming? Lawyers lying to you? WTF?

BTW, Reagan's "trickle down" triggered a historic 25 year economic and stock market explosion. You really have to stop listening to lawyers. And they don't respect you in the morning, they lied again.
Reagan's trickle down started 30 years of unconstrained debt and the destruction of the middle class

So now stock market rises are bad again? You keep pumping how great it is the rich are getting richer under Obama. Do you want to take a few minutes and decide what your position is and get back to me?
Reagan also reduced capital gains on those stock market profits

I have no problem with he rich getting richer....that is what they do

But I question continuing policies that help them do it.
Fool me once....

Actually, you get fooled all the time and about the same things. Here's the inside scoop, big guy. Lawyers didn't get economics degrees, they went to law school. When they tell you they know more about economics than economists, they are ... wait for it ... lying to you. Shocking, I know. Who would have seen that coming? Lawyers lying to you? WTF?

BTW, Reagan's "trickle down" triggered a historic 25 year economic and stock market explosion. You really have to stop listening to lawyers. And they don't respect you in the morning, they lied again.

Reaganomics triggered a 25 year boom? lol

Weird that socialist Ronnie had a top rate of 50% for 6 years, had did the US economy do again?


Good Times on Wall Street
It was that explosive growth in the stock market that drove the overall prosperity of the Reagan years. The great bull market of the 1980s came fast on the heels of one of the bleakest periods in the history of Wall Street; between 1967 and 1982, the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined by some 23%. Factoring in the high inflation of the period, that represented a real decline in value of nearly 70%

Not-Quite-So-Good Times Off Wall Street
But the expansion of stockownership to nearly 30% of American households still left more than two-thirds of the country shut out of direct benefits from the great bull market of the Age of Reagan. For the 70% of American households that still lacked any stake at all in the stock market, the Reagan economy was not quite so lustrous as it seemed to those enjoying the fruits of rising equity values. Real wages, which had increased steadily from 1945 to 1972 but then stalled through the stagflation era, remained flat through the 1980s as well.

Economy in The Reagan Era
Fool me once....

Actually, you get fooled all the time and about the same things. Here's the inside scoop, big guy. Lawyers didn't get economics degrees, they went to law school. When they tell you they know more about economics than economists, they are ... wait for it ... lying to you. Shocking, I know. Who would have seen that coming? Lawyers lying to you? WTF?

BTW, Reagan's "trickle down" triggered a historic 25 year economic and stock market explosion. You really have to stop listening to lawyers. And they don't respect you in the morning, they lied again.
Reagan's trickle down started 30 years of unconstrained debt and the destruction of the middle class

So now stock market rises are bad again? You keep pumping how great it is the rich are getting richer under Obama. Do you want to take a few minutes and decide what your position is and get back to me?
Reagan also reduced capital gains on those stock market profits

I have no problem with he rich getting richer....that is what they do

But I question continuing policies that help them do it.

All our policies do the reverse. Progressive taxes, oppressive regulation, the minimum wage, allowing low end workers free immigration, they all harm lower end workers. We do nothing to help the rich get richer. You're just consumed with greed and wealth envy.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

Define "level playing field."

And do liberals "want to help those who need helping," or do they want government to "help those who need helping?"

There is a delicate balance between capitalists and labor. In recent years we have valued money earned through capitalism more than that earned through labor. Our economic policies are crafted by the capitalists and designed to minimize the collective power of labor
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
France. Spend little. Arm much. Mind our own business...but if necessary crush adversaries quickly and with no remorse.
When is the last time France crushed anything?
I was saying that Libs want us to be France. I then went on to describe what we need to be......instead of being like France.
kaz said:
Gotcha FooledByO, wanting to keep that which you earned is "selfishness" and taking what you didn't by force is generosity. Actually, it's armed robbery.

Yeah, you didn't 'earn' the money because of the system WE set up right? No, it was just working harder. NOT like the US system helped at all. Read BF quote again dumbass, then go to China or Russia and do it!!!

Bull, you did nothing to "set up" the system. I created my company, I funded "the system." You are just a parasite.

Right, you didn't BENEFIT from our roads, schools, military, etc.

Fukkking dumbass, go do it in a 3rd world nation then!!
A place where even people without exceptional skills can still achieve the "American Dream".

Should they have the same dream that those who work and compete for the dream ?

Contrary to "Entitlement Society" Rhetoric, Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly, Disabled, or Working Households

Moreover, the vast bulk of that 9 percent goes for medical care, unemployment insurance benefits (which individuals must have a significant work history to receive), Social Security survivor benefits for the children and spouses of deceased workers, and Social Security benefits for retirees between ages 62 and 64. Seven out of the 9 percentage points go for one of these four purposes.

Contrary to Entitlement Society Rhetoric Over Nine-Tenths of Entitlement Benefits Go to Elderly Disabled or Working Households mdash Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
We have a political party and *news* channel that caters to people who live in Black-n-White World

LOL, of the three areas of politics, fiscal, social and military, I agree with Republicans on one of them. At least in theory, I am different in fiscal in that I am actually fiscally conservative. And you keep calling me a Republican. And Republicans are black and white? LOL, take your head out of the kool-aid bowl, you're not getting enough oxygen.

True, your a guy who believes in myths and fairy tales, a system that has NEVER worked ANYWHERE, EVER. But you keep hoping...

I don't care if you don't call yourself a Repug, ALL you vote is Repug
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

everyone wants to help those who need help. Where in the USA today is the playing field not level? Do you want more affrimative action that penalizes the majorities?

I asked for specifics, you provided generalizations. What exactly do you want?
OK...let's look at where the playing field is not level
We have a wealthy class who get a disproportional say in how legislation is crafted and who it helps. Specific legislation includes tax structure, deductions, labor laws
Affirmative action was an immensely successful liberal program that helped all people. Yes, it did level the playing field

Does that mean you want to eliminate all wealth?

Or do you want to eliminate legislation?

Or something else?
Why do you guys always come back with such stupid responses?

How does advocating policies that don't directly make the rich wealthier equate to "eliminate all wealth"?
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.

Liberals want a country that provides a level playing field for all people regardless of race, sex, sexuality or social class
Liberals want to help those who need helping

Define "level playing field."

And do liberals "want to help those who need helping," or do they want government to "help those who need helping?"

There is a delicate balance between capitalists and labor. In recent years we have valued money earned through capitalism more than that earned through labor. Our economic policies are crafted by the capitalists and designed to minimize the collective power of labor
Money earned through labor is highly valued.

We have placed a higher value on money earned through living off of other people's money.

That is the problem.
this is a serious question, please only reply with serious comments.

what specifically do liberals want the US to become?
Tell us exactly what you want changed, and why.
France. Spend little. Arm much. Mind our own business...but if necessary crush adversaries quickly and with no remorse.
When is the last time France crushed anything?
I was saying that Libs want us to be France. I then went on to describe what we need to be......instead of being like France.
That was not clear, but, I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention either.

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