What do liberals want the US to be?

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Do you spend 80% of your day fuming about this? lol

he probably does. He dreams of being Robin Hood.

I honestly never think about it, I'm too busy 'earning' my own wealth to worry about what somebody else is earning. FACT this country is the very definition of opportunity, its overflowing with opportunities. Too bad the left try to convince their base its hopeless.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom

How do lower taxes kill jobs? I can't wait to see your explanation for that.
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Projection from a righty. Shocking

Keynes wrote "The End of Laissez Faire" in 1926. He was correct then, and his insight remains more valid than any economics that conservative Libertarians propound ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Laissez Faire is nothing more than a childish Christmas wish of no substance; just hope and myth, and smoke and mirrors. Fails every time we try even the tiniest bit.

So says you. Keynes' theories have been debunked by history.

lol, THAT'S why almost every nation uses it, lol
horseshit. when obama took office the national debt was 10T , it is now over 17T and will be over 20T by the time he leaves office. Obama will have added more to the national debt than all previous presidents COMBINED

Do you understand the difference between annual deficit and national debt?

You understand that most of the things that caused the trillion dollar deficits at the begining of Obama's term were put in their by Bush- Tax cuts for the rich, wars that no one was paying for, etc.

Yes, it's all BOOOOOOOOOOSH's fault. We've heard this whine about 10,000 times already.

Yes, policies like GUTTING revenues from 20%+ of GDP to below 15% (25%+ drop) don't matter, OR UNFUNDED wars or UNFUNDED Medicare expansions right? Or 'job creator' policies that failed? Or 'home ownership society' programs that Dubya cheered on, WITHOUT regulators on the beat?

What have Democrats ever passed that is "funded?"
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Do you spend 80% of your day fuming about this? lol

he probably does. He dreams of being Robin Hood.

I honestly never think about it, I'm too busy 'earning' my own wealth to worry about what somebody else is earning. FACT this country is the very definition of opportunity, its overflowing with opportunities. Too bad the left try to convince their base its hopeless.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom
Supply side/trickle down promised a rising economic tide for all

What they didn't tell us is that the tide would only lift the yachts
Show me the post where anyone on this thread said everyone should have the same material things? Now you claim we are saying everyone should have the same income

You are not lying to us are you?

I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Projection from a righty. Shocking

Keynes wrote "The End of Laissez Faire" in 1926. He was correct then, and his insight remains more valid than any economics that conservative Libertarians propound ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Laissez Faire is nothing more than a childish Christmas wish of no substance; just hope and myth, and smoke and mirrors. Fails every time we try even the tiniest bit.

So says you. Keynes' theories have been debunked by history.

lol, THAT'S why almost every nation uses it, lol

Yes, in a way. Keynes' theories justify their tax and spend like there's no tomorrow policies. If they had to use correct economic theories, they would all have to cut their spending by 90%.
All I figure what liberals want is The garden of Eden but time and time again when there way it is tried , it always ends up like Detroit or Cuba

False premises, distortions and LIES. The ONLY thing right wingers EVER have

Hint had did Detroit get where they are?

Conservatives 'De-industrialization' through 'free trade'

The last 40 years of conservative think tank legislation has killed the economy

Couldn't possibly be the wage stagnation for 30+ years of Reaganomics tilting the playing field toward plutocracy as all the profits of increased productivity go upward to executives and insiders.
It would help if people could learn at least enough of the basics of political science to realize liberalism is an ideology with certain tenets rather than just describing a person. This Manichaean insistence that people are divided into just two political groups is part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

People can call themselves "liberal" all they want, but unless they are operating from the standpoint of advancing liberal values, they are just left wing fundamentalists.

The shortest answer I can give here , though, is that liberalism places greater value on social justice than social order. The "conserve" in conservatism refers to the preservation of social order over social justice.


Next, when they're asked to define "Social Justice" will come the obscurant rant which inevitably results in our learning that 'social justice' can't really be defined... that such means different things to different people, and how big a mistake it is to try and pigeon hole people and their respective tenets into narrow definitions... blah blah blah.

First, "Liberalism' is not an Ideology. Collectivism is an Ideology, within which Liberalism is mired... Left-think is an unprincipled, wholly unsustainable series of rationalizations, which serve no purpose beyond isolating the individual from all responsibility for their actions. The purpose of this is to separate those individuals from the rights which those responsibilities sustain. As the purpose of collectivism is to use the collective as a means to set people who are otherwise incapable of achieving material wealth, with material wealth.

Left-think rests entirely upon Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

The Fundamental "Tenets" of Left-think are: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... and that is why the Left seeks to serve 'social justice', because social justice SOUNDS like 'Justice'.

But it not only does not SERVE JUSTICE, "Social Justice" serves INJUSTICE. It is the anti-thesis of justice... thus it is a LIE.

The Left are, in every sense of the word: The Enemy of America. They are the advocates of Foreign Ideas which are Hostile to American Principle... and they are determined to separate Americans from any sense of recognition of those principles.

They are not reasonable people. They cannot be reasoned with... and there is no compromise that can be achieved which will ever render them anything less than a virus within our culture which must be destroyed, to the last adherent of such, if we're to survive as a culture.

And in terms of understand 'social justice' and its advocacy, that is all there is to it.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

The problem with the conservative movement in America is that it is based on bigotry, hatred, and, greed. Above all, greed. Money is their god. They worship money and the holders of it and despise those who don't have it.

Liberal Dictionary:
Greed - the desire to keep the money you have earned
compassion - coveting the money earned by others and taking it by force

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."

Franklin wasn't right about everything. Your quote doesn't prove that libturds aren't greedy hypocrites.

Got it. It's liberals who call for tax cuts for the most well off and gutting social safety nets

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Do you spend 80% of your day fuming about this? lol

he probably does. He dreams of being Robin Hood.

I honestly never think about it, I'm too busy 'earning' my own wealth to worry about what somebody else is earning. FACT this country is the very definition of opportunity, its overflowing with opportunities. Too bad the left try to convince their base its hopeless.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom

Riiiiight what we need are higher taxes and more regulations...AHAHAHAHAHA! You libs crack me up. :laugh:
It would help if people could learn at least enough of the basics of political science to realize liberalism is an ideology with certain tenets rather than just describing a person. This Manichaean insistence that people are divided into just two political groups is part of the problem instead of part of the solution.

People can call themselves "liberal" all they want, but unless they are operating from the standpoint of advancing liberal values, they are just left wing fundamentalists.

The shortest answer I can give here , though, is that liberalism places greater value on social justice than social order. The "conserve" in conservatism refers to the preservation of social order over social justice.

Give me a couple examples of Democrats who are "liberal" and who are "left wing fundamentalists." What issues do they disagree on that make them that?

Next, when they're asked to define "Social Justice" will come the obscurant rant which inevitably results in our learning that 'social justice' can't really be defined... that such means different things to different people, and how big a mistake it is to try and pigeon hole people and their respective tenets into narrow definitions... blah blah blah.

First, "Liberalism' is not an Ideology. Collectivism is an Ideology, within which Liberalism is mired... Left-think is an unprincipled, wholly unsustainable series of rationalizations, which serve no purpose beyond isolating the individual from all responsibility for their actions. The purpose of this is to separate those individuals from the rights which those responsibilities sustain. As the purpose of collectivism is to use the collective as a means to set people who are otherwise incapable of achieving material wealth, with material wealth.

Left-think rests entirely upon Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

The Fundamental "Tenets" of Left-think are: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... and that is why the Left seeks to serve 'social justice', because social justice SOUNDS like 'Justice'.

But it not only does not SERVE JUSTICE, "Social Justice" serves INJUSTICE. It is the anti-thesis of justice... thus it is a LIE.

The Left are, in every sense of the word: The Enemy of America. They are the advocates of Foreign Ideas which are Hostile to American Principle... and they are determined to separate Americans from any sense of recognition of those principles.

They are not reasonable people. They cannot be reasoned with... and there is no compromise that can be achieved which will ever render them anything less than a virus within our culture which must be destroyed, to the last adherent of such, if we're to survive as a culture.

And in terms of understand 'social justice' and its advocacy, that is all there is to it.

"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it."

Thomas Jefferson

The problem with the conservative movement in America is that it is based on bigotry, hatred, and, greed. Above all, greed. Money is their god. They worship money and the holders of it and despise those who don't have it.

Liberal Dictionary:
Greed - the desire to keep the money you have earned
compassion - coveting the money earned by others and taking it by force

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."

Franklin wasn't right about everything. Your quote doesn't prove that libturds aren't greedy hypocrites.

Got it. It's liberals who call for tax cuts for the most well off and gutting social safety nets

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Gotcha FooledByO, wanting to keep that which you earned is "selfishness" and taking what you didn't by force is generosity. Actually, it's armed robbery.
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Do you spend 80% of your day fuming about this? lol

he probably does. He dreams of being Robin Hood.

I honestly never think about it, I'm too busy 'earning' my own wealth to worry about what somebody else is earning. FACT this country is the very definition of opportunity, its overflowing with opportunities. Too bad the left try to convince their base its hopeless.

The Republican sham of lower taxes and less regulation doesn't help anyone but the richest Americans and Big Business and kill jobs and opportunity for almost everyone, especially in the middle class and poor.

As Bill Maher has observed, the GOPers are good at pushing a falsehood until it's accepted as conventional wisdom

How do lower taxes kill jobs? I can't wait to see your explanation for that.

How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

Maybe we should go back to the good old days when tax rates were high and the corporations save their tax money by reinvesting into their company instead of just pulling everything out.
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
horseshit. when obama took office the national debt was 10T , it is now over 17T and will be over 20T by the time he leaves office. Obama will have added more to the national debt than all previous presidents COMBINED

Do you understand the difference between annual deficit and national debt?

You understand that most of the things that caused the trillion dollar deficits at the begining of Obama's term were put in their by Bush- Tax cuts for the rich, wars that no one was paying for, etc.

Yes, it's all BOOOOOOOOOOSH's fault. We've heard this whine about 10,000 times already.

Yes, policies like GUTTING revenues from 20%+ of GDP to below 15% (25%+ drop) don't matter, OR UNFUNDED wars or UNFUNDED Medicare expansions right? Or 'job creator' policies that failed? Or 'home ownership society' programs that Dubya cheered on, WITHOUT regulators on the beat?

What have Democrats ever passed that is "funded?"


You gonna compare Dubya/GOP to the Dems? SERIOUSLY? lol

"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives in order to limit government spending by cutting taxes in order to deprive the government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force the federal government to reduce spending.

Before his election as President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."

Starve the beast - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I love these posts where extreme partisans ask insincere questions, ignore the responses that actually address their questions, and then proceed to tell you what you believe, instead.

Having been conditioned to see the world in black and white, they see anything that is not in 100% lockstep as representing the polar opposite.

Nope, the OP was a serious question and I wanted serious responses. I had my suspicions as to how you libs would respond and you confirmed them.

You libs have no idea what you really want. You deal in theory, emotion, and feeeeeeeeeeelings, not reality.

thanks for the confirmation.

Projection from a righty. Shocking

Keynes wrote "The End of Laissez Faire" in 1926. He was correct then, and his insight remains more valid than any economics that conservative Libertarians propound ad infinitum and ad nauseum. Laissez Faire is nothing more than a childish Christmas wish of no substance; just hope and myth, and smoke and mirrors. Fails every time we try even the tiniest bit.

So says you. Keynes' theories have been debunked by history.

lol, THAT'S why almost every nation uses it, lol

Yes, in a way. Keynes' theories justify their tax and spend like there's no tomorrow policies. If they had to use correct economic theories, they would all have to cut their spending by 90%.

Oh wait, you are trying to use PART of Keynes policies? PAYING OFF DEBT IN GOOD TIMES WAS THE OTHER PART!!!!
How do lower taxes kill jobs? I can't wait to see your explanation for that.

How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

Maybe we should go back to the good old days when tax rates were high and the corporations save their tax money by reinvesting into their company instead of just pulling everything out.

Lower taxes make US companies more profitable which means they have more money to invest in other projects. It also leaves more money in the hands of consumers, who then buy other things and create jobs.

That explanation was simple, reasonable, intuitive and unequivocally supported by the field of economics. You didn't follow it at all, did you? Be honest.
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
You need to do a better job at posting
Why do Republicans always accuse the intelligent, accomplished people of promoting a left wing agenda? You can't expect them to promote the agenda purported by the"Stupid Party"!

As to the way (some) make these accusations, all you have to do is listen to A.M. radio. The themes hammered home by the radio demagogues are as obvious as they are constant. An "Elite" in characterized, not in terms of the actual elites that hire them to promote the agenda, but rather, anybody who is intellectual. This plays upon the listener's natural insecurity in regards to their own intelligence, and redirects the resentment to a different source than the one actually manipulating them. This theme is accompanied by a sort of rhetorical reward that tells the listeners that THEY are the intelligent ones as evidenced by their ability to parrot everything they have been told.

It's just demagoguery 101. Stir up resentment towards a convenient target, redirect the anger in such a way as to utilize it for your own ends, and create your own, little populist army.
Liberals want the US to be a socialist paradise just like North Korea or Cuba. They would think things are peachy keen if we were the old East Germany or Soviet Union. That is how those idiots think.

They don't want to be burdened with having to earn their own way so in their greed they want everything given to them in the name of social justice or some bullshit like that.

Then they wonder why we call them Moon Bats.
You need to do a better job at posting

Yes, you want him to quote from the marketing literature, not the user guide.
How do lower taxes kill jobs? I can't wait to see your explanation for that.

How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

Maybe we should go back to the good old days when tax rates were high and the corporations save their tax money by reinvesting into their company instead of just pulling everything out.

Lower taxes make US companies more profitable which means they have more money to invest in other projects. It also leaves more money in the hands of consumers, who then buy other things and create jobs.

That explanation was simple, reasonable, intuitive and unequivocally supported by the field of economics. You didn't follow it at all, did you? Be honest.
Trickle down

Fool me once....

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