What do liberals want the US to be?

To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

YOUR posit of 'liberals'

"are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".-"

Just more right wing noise void of honesty or logic.

It must be nice to live in such a black and white world as the one inhabited by conservative polemists like Rush Limbaugh...
Confiscation of one's property is confiscation. Contributions are those things given without penalty...

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.


They haven't lost anything... they exchanged a million dollars for the million dollars worth of service or products. Therefore both parties have profited.

We call this capitalism... OKA: Freely exchanging goods and services to the mutual profit of all parties.

A principle which has never once failed since the first sub-human exchanged a stick he broke which made a particularly good spear or lever for something he wanted, like a female or a thatch of wheat... .

Warren Buffet said it perfectly when he said "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."

And when he said "there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won."

And when he said "if this is a war – I wouldn’t call it a war, I’d call it a struggle – but, if this is a war, my side has had the nuclear bomb. We’ve got K-Street, we’ve got lobbyists, we’ve got money on our side".

Warren Buffet is very smart and observant.

And thanks to the freedoms and opportunities provided by America's capitalist system, very rich. Your jealousy is palpable. If all this freedom upsets you also are free to move to a country where it doesn't exist.
How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.

lol, So NO, ALL the DETAILED points he made about the BULLSHIT PREMISE of regulations killing jobs, should be tossed out the window because he SHOWED Obama governing right of Reagan on MANY items!!!
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.
How do tax cuts create jobs???

They kill jobs by incentivizing OFF SHORRING jobs AND profits dumbass!

And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

It also has an arrogance associated with it that assumes the elite know what's best for everyone. Like all 310,000,000 people in the U.S. are cut from the same cloth.
Confiscation of one's property is confiscation. Contributions are those things given without penalty...

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.


They haven't lost anything... they exchanged a million dollars for the million dollars worth of service or products. Therefore both parties have profited.

We call this capitalism... OKA: Freely exchanging goods and services to the mutual profit of all parties.

A principle which has never once failed since the first sub-human exchanged a stick he broke which made a particularly good spear or lever for something he wanted, like a female or a thatch of wheat... .

Warren Buffet said it perfectly when he said "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."

And when he said "there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won."

And when he said "if this is a war – I wouldn’t call it a war, I’d call it a struggle – but, if this is a war, my side has had the nuclear bomb. We’ve got K-Street, we’ve got lobbyists, we’ve got money on our side".

Warren Buffet is very smart and observant.

And thanks to the freedoms and opportunities provided by America's capitalist system, very rich. Your jealousy is palpable. If all this freedom upsets you also are free to move to a country where it doesn't exist.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation


People are capable of determine how they can or should contribute to society without the filthy government forcing them to do it.

One of the main problems with democracy being used to determine who "contributes to society" is that opens the door for the legalized stealing of money and redistributing it to the people that made the determination. You know, two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for supper.

I am not poorer because somebody else is wealthier but I am poorer when the shitheads in this country elects assholes like Obama that raises my taxes.

So being so damn greedy. Earn your own way and stop being envious of what other people do. You are not entitled to other people's money simply because you are alive.
Damn...you suck as a poster

Still haven't posted anything worthy of a reply. You need to step up your game

If you don't want to listen to what I have say then don't read it. I promise not to be upset. However, when you are going to make stupid statements like "contributing to the society from which you benefit is not a confiscation of property" then I will educate other people on what was idiotic about your post.

If you ever drove on an Interstate, you've benefited from tax monies that were collected by the government for the common good. Even if the common good includes those with no common sense.

That argument is obvious yet the bottom 50% of America's earners don't pay any federal income tax, meaning they get a free ride on that interstate. The question is: what gov't provided "common good" do we want and who is to pay for it?

Bottom 50% who made 12% of ALL US income? lol

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes, according to the study.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

The less wealthy have access to the same local and state facilities and services as the rich (and make use of them far more often). Thanks to our progressive tax system, they pay far less for them than do the rich.
Confiscation of one's property is confiscation. Contributions are those things given without penalty...

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.


They haven't lost anything... they exchanged a million dollars for the million dollars worth of service or products. Therefore both parties have profited.

We call this capitalism... OKA: Freely exchanging goods and services to the mutual profit of all parties.

A principle which has never once failed since the first sub-human exchanged a stick he broke which made a particularly good spear or lever for something he wanted, like a female or a thatch of wheat... .

Warren Buffet said it perfectly when he said "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."

And when he said "there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won."

And when he said "if this is a war – I wouldn’t call it a war, I’d call it a struggle – but, if this is a war, my side has had the nuclear bomb. We’ve got K-Street, we’ve got lobbyists, we’ve got money on our side".

Warren Buffet is very smart and observant.

And thanks to the freedoms and opportunities provided by America's capitalist system, very rich. Your jealousy is palpable. If all this freedom upsets you also are free to move to a country where it doesn't exist.

Well said...
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.
And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

It also has an arrogance associated with it that assumes the elite know what's best for everyone. Like all 310,000,000 people in the U.S. are cut from the same cloth.

LOL! But that's just the same old crap the Left has been pushing since the heady days of the overt Progressive Eugenicists.

The Left is a lie... from soup to Liberals. There's not an iota of truth represented in so much as a single facet of Left-think.
Last edited:
Damn...you suck as a poster

Still haven't posted anything worthy of a reply. You need to step up your game

If you don't want to listen to what I have say then don't read it. I promise not to be upset. However, when you are going to make stupid statements like "contributing to the society from which you benefit is not a confiscation of property" then I will educate other people on what was idiotic about your post.

If you ever drove on an Interstate, you've benefited from tax monies that were collected by the government for the common good. Even if the common good includes those with no common sense.

That argument is obvious yet the bottom 50% of America's earners don't pay any federal income tax, meaning they get a free ride on that interstate. The question is: what gov't provided "common good" do we want and who is to pay for it?

Bottom 50% who made 12% of ALL US income? lol

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes, according to the study.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

The less wealthy have access to the same local and state facilities and services as the rich (and make use of them far more often). Thanks to our progressive tax system, they pay far less for them than do the rich.

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated

Total U.S. taxes are barely progressive, as shown in this table and chart from Citizens for Tax Justice. The bottom 99 percent pays a 27.5 percent total tax rate on average, while the top 1 percent pays an average 29 percent tax rate, according to 2011 data from Citizens for Tax Justice.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent
Confiscation of one's property is confiscation. Contributions are those things given without penalty...

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.


They haven't lost anything... they exchanged a million dollars for the million dollars worth of service or products. Therefore both parties have profited.

We call this capitalism... OKA: Freely exchanging goods and services to the mutual profit of all parties.

A principle which has never once failed since the first sub-human exchanged a stick he broke which made a particularly good spear or lever for something he wanted, like a female or a thatch of wheat... .

Warren Buffet said it perfectly when he said "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."

And when he said "there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won."

And when he said "if this is a war – I wouldn’t call it a war, I’d call it a struggle – but, if this is a war, my side has had the nuclear bomb. We’ve got K-Street, we’ve got lobbyists, we’ve got money on our side".

Warren Buffet is very smart and observant.

And thanks to the freedoms and opportunities provided by America's capitalist system, very rich. Your jealousy is palpable. If all this freedom upsets you also are free to move to a country where it doesn't exist.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.
In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.
Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation


The point remains untouched ... the bottom 50% of earners pay no federal income tax and therefore get a free ride. If the freedoms and opportunities offered by our capitalist system upset you, take advantage of the freedom to move to a country where you'll be less miserable. There are millions worldwide who would gladly take your place here (and be less miserable).
If you don't want to listen to what I have say then don't read it. I promise not to be upset. However, when you are going to make stupid statements like "contributing to the society from which you benefit is not a confiscation of property" then I will educate other people on what was idiotic about your post.

If you ever drove on an Interstate, you've benefited from tax monies that were collected by the government for the common good. Even if the common good includes those with no common sense.

That argument is obvious yet the bottom 50% of America's earners don't pay any federal income tax, meaning they get a free ride on that interstate. The question is: what gov't provided "common good" do we want and who is to pay for it?

Bottom 50% who made 12% of ALL US income? lol

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes, according to the study.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

The less wealthy have access to the same local and state facilities and services as the rich (and make use of them far more often). Thanks to our progressive tax system, they pay far less for them than do the rich.

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated

Total U.S. taxes are barely progressive, as shown in this table and chart from Citizens for Tax Justice. The bottom 99 percent pays a 27.5 percent total tax rate on average, while the top 1 percent pays an average 29 percent tax rate, according to 2011 data from Citizens for Tax Justice.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

I know the pain intimately ... my real estate holdings (I'm a developer) took a hit in 2006/2007 (about $2mil) from which I will never recover. Nevertheless I am not willing to kill the goose which laid the golden egg - something you seem eager to do - just to assuage my pain.
Already failing under it's own weight.

That's what you clowns said about social security and medicare, and guess what, they are both still here.

Social Security will eventually go to a hand to mouth set up when the surplus goes away.

It won't go bankrupt. But all the seniors you've duped into living on 1000/month will be living on 759/month.

That's a raging success.

Sure, the US will not fix it, like we have dozens of times *shaking head*

SS keeps 50% of seniors out of poverty. Conservatives want to go back to NO safety nets, lol
If Democrats care about entitlements, why did they support raiding Social Security to pay for the quagmire they voted for in Iraq, or support raiding Medicare to fund Obamacare?

They may talk like they care about preserving the social safety net, but they just use it as a third rail for votes.

ANOTHER lie. Shocking. WHEN and how did Dems 'raid' SS to pay for Dubya's war of choice which 60% of Dems in Congress voted against? Raid Medicare? lol

Obamacare 'raids' Medicare? Not exactly

The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act slows the growth in Medicare spending in several ways, including smaller automatic increases in payment rates for treatment providers and lower subsidies for private insurers. These two changes account for the largest savings -- $571 billion over 10 years, by the Congressional Budget Office's estimate. Both of them operate on the theory that the recipients of Medicare dollars can and should deliver better value of the money.

Obamacare raids Medicare Not exactly - Los Angeles Times
To be clear, 58% of Democratic Senators voted for it, and 39% of Democrats in the House. Kerry voted for the resolution, Obama voted for its continued funding, and the current front runner Hilary Clinton supported the resolution. I don't deny the grasroots democrats opposed Iraq(though they were curiously silent on intervention in Yugoslavia, Somalia, Libya, Syria etc), but the leadership is hawkish and pro-intervention.

So, it isn't a "lol" matter. The fact that you overlook it just shows your narrow minded attitude and partisanship.

And now you are just playing word games with Obamacare. The bill takes money that was to go towards automatic increases in Medicare spending and put it towards Obamacare. That is raiding Medicare. They are redirecting future medicare spending. You just don't mind what they are redirecting towards.
And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.

lol, So NO, ALL the DETAILED points he made about the BULLSHIT PREMISE of regulations killing jobs, should be tossed out the window because he SHOWED Obama governing right of Reagan on MANY items!!!

No, but he's a blogger because anyone can cherry-pick facts to make any point one chooses to.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.
And the near 6,000 new government regulations Obama has slammed businesses with? Is this sending jobs off shore? OH SNAP!

Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

It also has an arrogance associated with it that assumes the elite know what's best for everyone. Like all 310,000,000 people in the U.S. are cut from the same cloth.

It's also arrogant for leftists to assume they know what is best for everyone to the point of force-feeding it to them using OPM.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

YOUR posit of 'liberals'

"are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".-"

Just more right wing noise void of honesty or logic.

It must be nice to live in such a black and white world as the one inhabited by conservative polemists like Rush Limbaugh...
It must be nice to live in a world where you just classify everyone you disagree with as a Limbaugh listener and ignore what they say so you can keep your world view in tact. It must be sad to have an identity based on an ignorant world view.

Besides, Limbaugh is a neo-conservative, I don't agree with him on many issues. At least be more accurate in your insults.
Confiscation of one's property is confiscation. Contributions are those things given without penalty...

If I 'make' a million dollars, I accumulated money from other people. I'm not actually producing cash, I'm acquiring theirs. Therefore, others have collectively lost a million dollars of purchasing power to me.


They haven't lost anything... they exchanged a million dollars for the million dollars worth of service or products. Therefore both parties have profited.

We call this capitalism... OKA: Freely exchanging goods and services to the mutual profit of all parties.

A principle which has never once failed since the first sub-human exchanged a stick he broke which made a particularly good spear or lever for something he wanted, like a female or a thatch of wheat... .

Warren Buffet said it perfectly when he said "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."

And when he said "there’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won."

And when he said "if this is a war – I wouldn’t call it a war, I’d call it a struggle – but, if this is a war, my side has had the nuclear bomb. We’ve got K-Street, we’ve got lobbyists, we’ve got money on our side".

Warren Buffet is very smart and observant.

And thanks to the freedoms and opportunities provided by America's capitalist system, very rich. Your jealousy is palpable. If all this freedom upsets you also are free to move to a country where it doesn't exist.
Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.

lol, So NO, ALL the DETAILED points he made about the BULLSHIT PREMISE of regulations killing jobs, should be tossed out the window because he SHOWED Obama governing right of Reagan on MANY items!!!

No, but he's a blogger because anyone can cherry-pick facts to make any point one chooses to.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

YOUR posit of 'liberals'

"are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".-"

Just more right wing noise void of honesty or logic.

It must be nice to live in such a black and white world as the one inhabited by conservative polemists like Rush Limbaugh...
It must be nice to live in a world where you just classify everyone you disagree with as a Limbaugh listener and ignore what they say so you can keep your world view in tact. It must be sad to have an identity based on an ignorant world view.

Besides, Limbaugh is a neo-conservative, I don't agree with him on many issues. At least be more accurate in your insults.

I see you've locked up with Sir Spamelot. I've got him on ignore just to avoid wading through the pages of crap.

I'll bypass his posts and say that you represent a rarity on the board. You are someone who calls it as you see it without regard to ideology.

I appreciate that.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.
Oh snap, more right wing bullshit (SNIP)
LOL riiiight the liberal jobs killing regulations are not pushing jobs off-shore. I suppose even those Democrats in congress who are fighting these regulations because its costing their districts jobs are in on your big conspiracy? :laugh:

8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies and they lot 1+ million jobs inn 8 years (NOT including the 4+ million lost in 2009)

Obama has NET 7+ million PRIVATE sector jobs since 2009

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Good snip, ONCE AGAIN:

Misrepresentations, Regulations and Jobs

No hard evidence is offered for this claim; it is simply asserted as self-evident and repeated endlessly throughout the conservative echo chamber.


Posting a blogger's thoughts in large font does not add any cred to them. Bartlett is a disgruntled Repub who just this October tried to make the case that Obama is a Republican. Yeah ... OK.
To clarify, liberals are materialist in that they advance the agenda of transnational capital(the economic "elite"). They are nihilistic in regards to their promotion of moral and cultural relativism under their banner of promoting "equality".

The GOP are more or less big business liberals. They have no moral principles and are not patriotic in any sense, but are more blatant in their support of our current kleptocracy.

Your confusing liberal with Democratic party!
No I am not.

Liberalism is a destructive utopian ideology that fails to recognize the social aspect of mankind, reducing man to a purely material being(economics uber alles) and supporting a blind drive towards "liberty" and "equality" regardless of the consequences.

It also has an arrogance associated with it that assumes the elite know what's best for everyone. Like all 310,000,000 people in the U.S. are cut from the same cloth.

LOL! But that's just the same old crap the Left has been pushing from the Progressive days of the Eugenicists.

The Left is a lie... from soup to Liberals. There's not an iota of truth represented in so much as a single facet of Left-think.

To be fair, the right has it's fair share of disingenuous losers who hide behind ideology to achieve their goals.

I believe in the fundamentals of conservatism as I define it (not the morons like dudpeepee or rightwanker).

Within the scope of limited government is the human experience. When people are doing what they "should" as dictated by their conciences.....things go pretty well.
If you don't want to listen to what I have say then don't read it. I promise not to be upset. However, when you are going to make stupid statements like "contributing to the society from which you benefit is not a confiscation of property" then I will educate other people on what was idiotic about your post.

If you ever drove on an Interstate, you've benefited from tax monies that were collected by the government for the common good. Even if the common good includes those with no common sense.

That argument is obvious yet the bottom 50% of America's earners don't pay any federal income tax, meaning they get a free ride on that interstate. The question is: what gov't provided "common good" do we want and who is to pay for it?

Bottom 50% who made 12% of ALL US income? lol

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes, according to the study.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

The less wealthy have access to the same local and state facilities and services as the rich (and make use of them far more often). Thanks to our progressive tax system, they pay far less for them than do the rich.

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated

Total U.S. taxes are barely progressive, as shown in this table and chart from Citizens for Tax Justice. The bottom 99 percent pays a 27.5 percent total tax rate on average, while the top 1 percent pays an average 29 percent tax rate, according to 2011 data from Citizens for Tax Justice.

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

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